Many people know about the magical properties of St. John's wort, and they have heard that in some cases it may be contraindicated. But not everyone knows why this happens, and even fewer people have heard the legend of how the magic herb appeared.
- Description
- What is rich in St. John's wort?
- How to use the herb correctly?
- Decoctions and infusions without alcohol
- Alcohol infusions
- St. John's wort oil is incredibly useful!
- Folk recipes for herbalists
- Contraindications
- The magical properties of the light yawn - golden St. John's wort.
- St. John's wort collection.

In ancient times, when people did not yet have a single God, and they worshiped many different gods, the magical Golden Bird flew from heaven, bringing thunder and lightning, giving fertile rain to the parched earth. One greedy and evil man wanted to own this bird himself, so that she would live in his cage, and he would let her fly over the fields for big money that people would pay him. He somehow tracked down a magical bird and wounded it with a sharp arrow, hoping that it would not be able to fly away from him.
The wounded bird screamed plaintively, waved its broken wing and, with the last of its strength, soared into the blue sky, never to return to earth again.
At the same moment, a fiery rain fell from the sky and struck an evil person who dared to raise his hand on the Golden Bird, and from the drops of blood that fell to the ground from her wound, a year later golden flowers rose, bestowed on good people as a token of forgiveness for the inflicted insult to the divine bird.
People realized that they were forgiven when they discovered how many truly magical properties are hidden in a nondescript grass 70-100 cm high with golden small flowers - St. John's wort.

St. John's wort bloom
What names does this herb bear! This:
- hare blood
- red herbalist
- bloody (blood, bloody)
- crow
- zinovka (zinovet)
- broom
- toad
- zviriba
- tree (dryuvina)
- youth (youth)
- shakurai
- suchkovets
- herb
- volkhovitsa
- zlatnik
- shipager
- hvorogon
- ringing
- luminous
- and other plural local names
But the correct name "St. Having greatly changed, "chebu-sing" turned into "St. John's wort".
The Latin name of St. John's wort (common) is Hyperigum perforatum. And it has been used for medical purposes for a very, very long time.

St. John's wort (Hyperigum perforatum)
Even Abu Ali Ibn Sina, known to us under the name of Avicenna, recommended St. Abu Ali especially noted the effect of St. John's wort on the sciatic nerve, arguing that taking this remedy for 40 days relieves "soreness and immobility of the butt" for a long time, if not forever. And he was right!
Modern herbalists use 2 types of St. John's wort:
- already known to us Hyperigum perforatum (ordinary or perforated).
- Hypericum quadrangulum - St. John's wort tetrahedral.
In fact, there are more than 10 types of Hyperigum, they are all medicinal to one degree or another, but these two are the usual representatives of wild herbs throughout the post-Soviet space, except for the Far North.
Perennials are no different from each other in the quality of medicinal properties., only in a tetrahedral species the stem has four ribs - faces.
The luminous plant grows in North Africa and Western Asia.Introduced and doing great in Australia and New Zealand.
Used by the Indians of South America as a seasoning for dishes, it now grows in the "pharmacy beds" of both American continents.
In Europe, it is found in light forests, along roadsides, along the banks of reservoirs and on rocky spurs everywhere.
We also increasingly see "plantations" of St. John's wort in private gardens, where it unpretentiously grows with small shrubs between garden crops and right under fruit trees.
These are ordinary types of "wild" St. John's wort, only it was sown here on purpose, by the troublesome hands of summer residents and gardeners.

Growing St. John's wort in the yard
Why is a wild-wild bush planted in cultivated land? - To maintain health, of course! No wonder they say about St. John's wort: “Zlatnik relieves 99 ailments, and drives away a hundredth!”
There are also those who plant twigs for magical purposes, but more on that later.

What is rich in St. John's wort?

Any drug, as is well known, becomes a poison if the concentration recommended for it is exceeded.
I must say that knowledgeable herbalists use all parts of the plant, while traditional phyto-medicine recommends only ground, herbal - stems, leaves and flowers. And the point is not at all that the root does not contain any useful medicinal substances. Vice versa! Their concentration is so high that if consumed improperly, a person can easily damage his health!

Any drug, as is well known, becomes a poison if the concentration recommended for it is exceeded.
Any drug, as is well known, becomes a poison if the concentration recommended for it is exceeded. The concentration of useful and medicinal substances - the natural composition, the crow is rich without exaggeration!
Judge for yourself:
- essential oils – not less than 0.1% per 100 g of fresh grass
- essential oils - at least 13%
- tannic and resinous substances
- carotene - provitamin A, promotes the growth and regeneration of bone and muscle tissues, protects cellular structures, reduces the risk of infectious diseases, strengthens the immune system
- routine - bioflavonoid, vitamin P, improves capillary permeability, slows down the aging process of the body
- other flavonoids - anthocyanins, used as a mild diuretic, as well as for cardiovascular diseases, varicose veins and (in combination with other substances) help to cope with dystrophy and degeneration of the retina
- hyperforin - the most powerful antidepressant that increases the adaptive capacity of the body
- choline - the most important building material for the brain;
- phytoncides - plant biological substances that suppress and kill a number of protozoa, as well as bacteria and microscopic fungi
- a nicotinic acid – stimulation of brain activity, blood circulation, metabolism of amino acids, fats, proteins and carbohydrates
- vitamin C - a stimulator of the launch of immune processes, necessary for the growth and restoration of mucous membrane tissues, promotes the absorption of iron, strengthens blood vessels, bones and joint tissues
- a range of different vitamins.

St. John's wort and its root
They have an antispasmodic effect on the smooth muscles of the bile ducts, blood vessels, ureters and intestinal walls, improve the outflow of bile, relieve gastrointestinal spasms, and increase daily diuresis.
- Bitter substances in the composition of the herb excite gastric secretion.
- Red pigment - hypericin (hypericin lat.) - Anthracene derivative normalizes intracellular reactions and enhances skin absorption of ultraviolet rays.
- Liquid decoctions and infusions are necessary in the treatment of gastroenteritis, cholecystitis, stomatitis, gingivitis and periodontal disease.
- These same infusions reliably help with tonsillitis and rhinitis.
- Compresses and lotions from fresh or dried herbs relieve pain and accelerate healing with deep burns of I and II degrees, extensive skin lesions, as well as with ulcers and abscesses, boils and mastitis, abrasions and bruises.
- And all this because the volkhovitsa has pronounced antiseptic, sedative, antibacterial, regenerating, antidepressant, analgesic, and including anthelmintic properties! Truly - the magic herb of the healer!

Traditional healers recommend using weed more widely
It helps with:
- lung diseases (bronchitis, asthma, tuberculosis)
- bedwetting in both children and adults
- sciatica (remember Avicenna!)
- gout (deposition of salts in joint tissues)
- migraines (neurological headaches)
- diathesis (hypersthenic, asthenic and allergic)
- eczema
- psoriasis
- prostatitis
- to treat the scalp and strengthen hair follicles
Decoctions and infusions of "hare's blood" are especially recommended for women with:
- treatment of thrush
- gynecological inflammations (vulvitis, cervicitis, colpitis, endometritis, metritis, erosion, etc.)
- dyshormonal diseases (PMS, the onset of menopause, menstrual disorders of various origins)

How to use the herb correctly?

blooming St. John's wort
There is one rule to remember: pouring broom with cold water, we give it bactericidal properties, boiling water makes the infusion an astringent.

Decoctions and infusions without alcohol

St. John's wort decoction
- 1 tablespoon of dry herb with flowers + a glass of boiling water.
- We insist 15-20 minutes, filter.
- To soften the bitter taste, add honey.
- Take a quarter cup 3 times a day before meals.
- 10 g of grass + 1 cup of boiling water.
- Tomim in a water bath for 30 minutes.
- Cool for 10-15 minutes, filter and take according to the upper scheme.
- 40 g of flowers and herbs + 2 liters of water.
- Boil for 15-20 minutes, wrap for 3 hours, filter.
- Add honey for taste.
- You can not be limited in doses during the day, at night - ¼ cup is required!
- 4 tablespoons of goldfish + 2 liters of boiling water.
- Boil for 15-20 minutes, strain.
- We douche for the night.
- A handful of hvorogon + 2 cups boiling water.
- We wrap, we insist 2-3 hours.
- We make a warm compress from linen or cotton fabric.
- From above - a woolen scarf or a scarf.

Alcohol infusions

Hypericum tincture
- Finely chop the dried shakurai, grind it and pour it with alcohol (vodka) in a ratio of 1 to 5.
- We insist 2 weeks under a tightly fitting lid in a dark place.
- For rinsing, dilute 40 drops of infusion in half a glass of water.
- Such a tincture is also useful for ingestion - 45-50 drops per glass.
- We store the finished infusion in a dark place!
- For a glass of pure medical alcohol - 3 tablespoons of zviriba.
- Insist 14-17 days in the dark at room temperature.
- The resulting infusion is rubbed into sore spots 2-3 times a day.
- The same alcohol infusion is diluted in a glass of warm water (50 ml) and gargled.
- By adding 1 salt spoon of alcohol infusion to a glass of green tea. Tea ceremony - 2 times a day.
- The tincture is stored in a dark place, tightly closed, a little over a year - 14-16 months.
- St. John's wort juice, evaporated to half, mashed with butter (1 to 4).

St. John's wort oil is incredibly useful!

St. John's wort oil
Ideally, it's made with equal parts olive, peach, and almond oils, but if those aren't available, sunflower oil will do just fine!
- 10 parts of oil are poured into a glass container with 1 part of fresh St. John's wort and its crushed root, and infused for at least 3 weeks.
- The grass needs to be crushed a lot!
- It is used for all skin lesions, effective for the treatment of Staphylococcus aureus and other bacteria, tightens trophic ulcers, and cures seborrhea. Indicated for the treatment of lichens.
- You can prepare flower St. John's wort oil.
- Pour a handful of fresh golden flowers with warm (but not hot!) vegetable oil 200-300 g. Add chamomile, lavender and hemlock flowers there.
- It is necessary to insist 40 days in a dark place, shaking the glass bottle from time to time. Store the finished oil in the refrigerator.
- A water bath will help speed up the process. Simmer the same ingredients in a water bath for 60-90 minutes. The oil will infuse after 5-7 days.
- Storage conditions do not change.

Folk recipes for herbalists

Blanks for folk remedies
There are wonderful folk recipes that do not diverge from the high wisdom of academic medicine.
- 10 g of "magic" grass
- 15 g sandy immortelle (chrysalis)
- 10 g wheatgrass rhizomes
- 20 g buckthorn bark
The collection is poured with 0.5 liters of hot water, boiled for 7-10 minutes. on a very low heat, under a closed lid. After the broth is cooled, filtered and taken 5 times a day for 100 g.
- oregano leaves, currant
- dried raspberries, wild strawberries, blueberries, wild roses and other plants
- dried herb tops
It turns out a magnificent, fragrant and super-healthy drink - a substitute for tea.
An ordinary, but extremely useful St. John's wort tea is brewed in the same way as regular black tea:
- A teaspoon of dried red herbal tea is poured with a glass of boiling water in a thick-walled mug, covered with a saucer and waited for 5 minutes.
- At night, pour the same composition + a tablespoon of cranberries or viburnum.
- Hawthorn will also give a good effect, but it will not be a 100% remedy, but more a means to maintain a heart and a restful sleep.
- In the morning, divide the tea into 3 parts and use instead of tea leaves throughout the day.
- The drink is also obtained from the collection of 2 tablespoons of St. John's wort, dry rose hips and a few leaves of oregano, steamed overnight in a thermos.
- You don’t need to get too carried away with the drink - we drink ½ tea cup in the morning, afternoon and evening for 2 weeks.
- Finely chop 50 g of dried or 30 g of green wood and steam in a glass of boiling water.
- Insist under the lid for 4-5 hours. Strain. Take on an empty stomach 20 ml before meals 3 times a day.
- We drink the infusion for 2 weeks.
- For the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract, pancreas and cleaning of the hepatic ducts
- We make the infusion according to the previous recipe. The conditions for admission are the same, but the morning breakfast will have to be postponed for 2 hours, after the first use of 20 ml. The course is a week.
- 2 tablespoons of infusion after meals. Course - 10 days.
- With various "troubles" on the face for washing
- The same infusion is recommended.
- You can apply a nourishing cream after 15-20 minutes. after morning and evening washing.
- You can freeze the infusion and wipe your face with ice cubes.
- In a coffee grinder, grind a pinch of herbs and 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal, steamed.
- When it cools down, mix with the natural juice of any vegetable or fruit you like, apply on your face and rinse with cool water after 20-25 minutes.
- Instead of a pinch of crushed zviriba, you can use St. John's wort oil.
- The fact that baths with St. John's wort and celandine easily cure sweating in babies is known to all parents.
- 1 tablespoon of krovtsa is poured with a glass of boiling water and slowly languish on a small fire for 10-15 minutes.
- With a cooled and filtered broth, the nasal passages are washed 3-4 times a day.
- The fact that this decoction cures rhinitis is for sure, and sinusitis may be, depending on the stage of the disease.
- Painful cracks are treated with St.
- The decoction should be drunk in a third of a glass 3 times a day.
- Thermal hair masks are also made from it or used as a rinse after shampooing.
- During attacks, take an infusion of ½ cup 2 times a day.

Whatever St. John's wort is used for in folk medicine, there is no indication anywhere that it should not be taken without flavoring the bitter drink. honey

Fans of homemade liqueurs and tinctures know that to get a strong bitter drink like Vermouth, it is enough to place the flowers of the plant in a bottle
If St. John's wort in tincture is used together with sorrel leaf and mint, then the color of the drink will be rusty red. This property of shakurai to change the color of liquids was previously used to dye fabrics.
With a lot of laudatory indications for the use of St. John's wort, there are also contraindications for its use, due to side effects.
It has already been said about hypertension and pregnant women, what else?


Like any other remedy, St. John's wort has its contraindications.
- Use with caution water infusions and decoctions for children under 12 years of age. If such a need arose, consultation with a pediatrician is required!
- It is highly undesirable to take all infusions and decoctions for people using antidepressants (dizziness, clouding of consciousness, heightened anxiety) and people already taking antibiotics as a medicine (reducing the effect of chemical drugs, dizziness, etc.).
- Also, do not drink the drug at a high temperature! Heart problems may begin.
- With a long intake of teas and infusions (more than a month), the liver increases.
- In the treatment of prostatitis, it is necessary to observe the timing of the intake and the amount of medication - excess will lead to the opposite effect.
- The same applies to the treatment of potency.
- Women using contraceptive ointments and pills. The action of volkhovitsa significantly reduces the contraceptive properties of chemicals.
- St. John's wort is not recommended for people who like to "roast" in the sun or visit a solarium - sunburn and allergic skin reactions may occur.
- The intake of grass by those who have recently undergone a severe abdominal operation or an organ transplant operation is prohibited for at least six months! The decision is then made by the attending physician.
- Uncontrolled intake of decoctions and tinctures can cause bitterness in the mouth, constipation and loss of appetite.
- Strong tea - stomach pain.
- Juice and decoctions from shipager, with undeniable benefits for humans, are extremely dangerous for animals! For predatory domestic animals (cats, dogs), St. John's wort is poison!
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The magical properties of the light yawn - golden St. John's wort.
Drops of the blood of the Golden Bird, which fell on the sinful earth and gave life to a miraculous flower, have been used in various magical rites since ancient times, since only magic can give rise to miracles.
The stalk of a golden plant, hidden in a hat or sewn into the floor of the clothes, reliably protected from the evil eye or damage. It was believed that a stalk placed in shoes would not allow anyone to lead you astray, neither man nor evil spirits.

St. John's wort flowers, placed in a purse before bargaining, will attract a successful trade. Gold to gold!
No evil spirits will be able to cross the threshold if it is guarded by a modest bouquet of dried herbs, collected with special words on Kupala night. For the same purpose, grass brooms were hung over the windows.
They put a mat in a birch cradle or hung a bunch of it in their heads so that the child would not be pestered by the shakers (spirits of diseases) and the vorogush that send the baby bad dreams.

Warriors carried a branch of St. John's wort with them, believing that this plant protects against serious injuries and strengthens willpower.
By the way, ground voronets was mixed into military bread for the same purpose.
Two Alexanders - Macedonian and Suvorov - demanded that their soldiers regularly consume this bitter drink. Especially on long trips!
In the villages, in early spring, young broom shoots were collected and chewed, getting rid of the “toothache”. And not only in the villages! In principle, the properties of St. John's wort practically coincide in folk beliefs with the properties of wormwood and tansy, hence the many coincidences in medicinal and magical properties.
So, if you add a pinch of tansy (also a very bitter plant!) to the dough and treat your heart friend with such a pie, then he will not feel bitterness if he loves it. The same “recipe for checking the sincerity of feelings” is also attributed to the young woman. He likes or dislikes, but he will definitely get rid of intestinal parasites!

The property of valiant blood-grass is not only a cleansing of the body, but also protection from all types of evil spirits
The juice obtained from the flower buds of dryuvina has a "magical" purple color, and is brewed in a special way, called "Svetoyanskoe Potion". Such a potion, added to the drink, could remove the spell cast earlier, or, on the contrary, could bewitch the young man if he was brewed according to a different recipe.
Have you guessed the fate of your loved ones according to the Volkhovitsa? - And how!
They took a bunch of stems and squeezed the juice out of them, twisting them tightly. If the juice didn’t turn out red, then, alas, it doesn’t like it!

St. John's wort, woven into a wreath on Ivan Kupalo, could tell if it's time for a girl to get married
It is enough to try and throw a wreath on the roof of your house, standing with your back to it. (Reminds of nothing?) If the wreath fell and lies - Nothing, next year the throw will be more successful!
Hit, but could not resist - marriage is not far off. Didn't finish? – It’s too early to think about suitors, we need to train more!
Whether magic attracted marriage to the wreath or not, the fact that the solar grass attracts good energy to itself, relieves ailments and fills the heart with joy is beyond doubt. And in order to keep all this in a bunch of dried luminous, you need to properly collect it.
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St. John's wort collection.
The first green sprouts of goldfish are harvested in April, on the 21st-22nd. Now these days are called Krasnaya Gorka, and earlier - Lelnik.
These shoots are a vitamin and strengthening supplement to food after a long winter, they are consumed fresh. Infusions from it are not strong, oils are not astringent, and are not suitable for serious treatments.
The second collection is in June on Midsummer Day. Ivan Kupalo - June 24. It is on this day that the lushly blooming St. John's wort is cut along with golden stars, 25-30 cm high.
Rinse in clean water and dry under a covered canopy, spreading out in a thin layer.

You can use a dryer. Temperature - not higher than 40 *
The last collection is July 12 on Peter's Day. Since the flowering of the goldfish is still ongoing, and as you know, all flowers on St. Peter's Day have a special power (as well as on St. John's Day!), It's just a sin not to cut a couple more good sheaves on the eve of haymaking. But especially valuable these days are flower heads, in which cylindrical seeds are already beginning to swell, which have absorbed all the strength of the future plant.
Drying conditions remain the same:
- 10 g of "magic" grass
- 15 g sandy immortelle (chrysalis)
- 10 g wheatgrass rhizomes
- 20 g buckthorn bark

Dried zlatnik retains its healing and magical powers for up to 3 years
At the end of August, beginning of September, after the khvorogon has laid down its multi-seeded boxes, you can dig out a couple of roots filled with strength. There is only one condition - a good root that can cure tuberculosis, both pulmonary and bone, diarrhea and scrofula (one of the types of tuberculosis) must be at least 3 years old.
Grass from 99 diseases!
The legend of St. John's wort, its medicinal properties, methods of application, restrictions and contraindications for use by men and women (Photo & Video) + Reviews
When I started reading the article, I remembered how my mother says “St.
So yes, after all, everything that is described about St. John's wort is pure truth, because more than half of the recipes have been tested personally or by my family. Even now I am being treated with a decoction of St. John's wort + elderberry + sea buckthorn, and if the drugs help much faster, while giving complications to the stomach or liver, then the herbal mix has an astringent effect on the body and helps sparingly. The only thing I still can’t accept is the taste of St. John’s wort, this bitterness - I’m already sick of it.
And I read that St. John's wort helps with migraines, but for me, on the contrary, all recipes are effective, and the side effect of taking St. John's wort is headaches.
Useful article. Thanks to the author.
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