Beautiful large and small fences can serve not only as an enclosing wall that can hide the country world from prying eyes, but also be an ornament tracks, flower beds on the site.
Use for these purposes hedge, which you can grow with your own hands, will create a good atmosphere in the surrounding area, and the beauty of the green partition will bring joy and pleasure to the hosts and guests.


Beautiful decor
A fence of living greenery is one of the best ways to protect an area. With good organization, well-groomed appearance, it is able to decorate a garden plot, does not require staining, is variable in height, and can last a long time.
With the help of such landscaping, you can decorate farm buildings, separate plot to the zones and the front garden, decorated on the outer sides with a green wall, will protect the residential building from the scorching sun, wind, extraneous sounds from the street, dust, and fire.

Key Benefits

Beauty and benefits
The main advantage of using green plantings as a fence, in comparison with a wooden, brick, metal fence, is:
- little effort, money
- beauty
- benefit
- durability
Trees, shrubs do a good job of protecting the protected area from unwanted visitors, wind, noise and dust. In addition, they can produce berries, do not require much grooming, and their colorful greens and flowers will be pleasing to the eye.
Living plants produce oxygen, create a favorable microclimate and comfort, so that you can enjoy relaxing in the country.
In monetary terms, buying greenery will cost much less compared to the cost of material for building a blind fence.
The benefits of a green wall also include:
- no need for painting (care comes down to timely pruning to create a beautiful shape, and fertilizing plants)
- the ability to mask absolutely everything, for example, unsightly formations
- luring insects to the site that are useful for pollinating plants and flowers
- providing some feathered friends with a place where they can nest

Possible disadvantages

It will take more than one year to grow
The main disadvantage is the long time it takes to grow shrubs or trees. Of course, if funds allow, you can purchase and plant adult planting material, but with a small budget, you will need to be patient and wait until the plants grow up and form a thick and full-fledged hedge.
When choosing fruit bushes or trees for a partition, you need to prepare not only for a good harvest, but also to the pollution of the paths and the lawn area with gifts that will crumble.


The view depends on the imagination
Types of greenery fences are divided into categories:
- height:
- low (curb) - up to 50 cm
- medium - up to 200 cm
- high - over 200 cm
- plant variety:
- coniferous
- deciduous
- fruit
- blooming
- nature of placement:
- single row
- double row or more
- cropped
- in free growth
For each category, only certain types of plants are suitable. Let us consider in more detail each of the types in height and the planted material suitable for them.

Low type (curb)
Another name for this fence is a curb. It is small in height (up to 0.5 m). Acts as a decor, dividing the space and framing the front garden.
The following flowering or herbaceous shrub species are suitable for edging that requires shaping:

For a low fence that does not require formation, the following plants are planted:
Above is a partial list of suitable shrubs, but the names listed above are able to form a dense deciduous and flower fence. They are easy to care for.
When making the final choice, it is necessary to clarify how suitable the climate of the area is, the necessary conditions for the full growth and development of greenery. The composition of the soil, the difficulty in caring and the tendency to possible ailments are also taken into account.
For the environment of the dwelling where they permanently live, you can choose more demanding varieties, because. they may be more diligently cared for.
For summer cottages, varieties are selected that are unpretentious in care. Compliance with this rule is necessary for different heights of the wall.

Medium type
If it is necessary to create an enclosing structure up to 1.5 m in height, flowering and fruit trees, as well as thorny shrubs and trees, are selected, without the need for shaping:
- prickly:
- coniferous:

Spirea Vangutta
- fruitful:
- irga
- dogwood
- hazel
- ordinary, blue, tatar honeysuckle
- golden currant
- bright red pyracantha
- deciduous:

Forsythia hedge
- blooming:
This type masks the main fence or is its addition. If you need to completely hide the fence, it can be used as a support for greenery.

high type
When creating a high wall, planting material is selected that can reach 2 m and above in growth:
- coniferous, evergreen:

Thuja hedge
- deciduous:
- maple
- small-leaved linden
- pedunculate oak
- fruits and berries:
- berry Apple tree
- Tatar, spike-flowered shadberry
- cherry plum
- viburnum
- buckthorn
- blooming:
- tall varieties lilacs
- mock orange
- honeysuckle

Some varieties with rapid development

Roses can grow fast
It will take time for a real wall of greenery to grow. For example, coniferous varieties are slow to rise. It will take 5 years to stretch the thuja up to 1.5 m, and the berry yew - 8 years.
There are shrub varieties that can grow quickly (0.5-1 m / year). This will significantly reduce the time required for the organization of the enclosing wall.
For instance:
- Siberian hawthorn
- rose hip, blackberry, weaving rose (requires support frame)
- shrub willow
- derain
- sprawling hazel
- Kalinolistny vesicle

Landing distances

Type of fence | Gap in a row, m | Spacing between rows, m |
High cut (2-6 m) | 0,8-1,2 | 1 |
Tall, with free growth (2-6 m) | 1-2 | 2-3 |
Medium cropped (0.6-1.5 m) | 0,4-0,6 | 0,8-1 |
Medium, with free development (0.6-1.5 m) | 0,8-1 | 1-1,5 |

General planting standards

Disembarkation process
When choosing planting material, it must be taken into account that the acquired young shoots are of the same age:
- deciduous - 2-3 years
- coniferous - 3-6 years
This is the most suitable age for good survival and getting used to the new environment.
When forming a fence in the shade, it is necessary to choose older seedlings (7-8 years old), because such conditions are unfavorable for their normal growth. Already large plants will be able to create some colorful appearance.
Seedlings are usually planted in the middle of spring, although landing in the autumn season is possible for the southern regions.

hedge trimming
Work process:

During the 1st year, the greens must be regularly watered, loosen the soil under it, remove weeds, fertilize periodically. In the fall, a pruning procedure is required, even for free-growing plants.

General rules of care
For the benefit and beauty of a living wall, as mentioned above, it must be looked after. It's a regular haircut (for fencing requiring formation), watering, weeding and periodic top dressing.

A colorful look is created by regular pruning
In order for the crown to be properly formed, the general appearance of the living fence was colorful at first (the first 2 years), and quite frequent pruning of plants will be required. This is done in such a way that the hedge is wider at the base than at the top. So the lower branches will have free access to sunlight.
In the future, pruning procedures are reduced to 2 times / year. In time, this is early spring, when the plants have not yet begun to bloom, and the end of June. In the case when the greens are trimmed only 1 time / year, this is done at the end of summer (August). Thin branches are not cut. They can be braided with other branches, compacting the living fence.

hedge trimming
Since dried and inanimate branches can cause the spread of various pests, and also they clog the fence, they are subject to mandatory removal.
To rejuvenate as best as possible bushes, they are cut very strongly (to adult bitches, which are already many years old). Pruning young shoots will make the crown wider and thicker.
For plants such as evergreen barberry, maple, quince and some others, pruning is not required.
Each type of plant requires an individual watering frequency. It will also affect what substrate they will be planted in. For example, for a clay and loamy substrate, frequent wateringso that he doesn't get sick. But overdrying is also not desirable.
Watering time: morning or evening time.

Quick option
With the help of herbaceous plants, which are greened up in abundance very soon (after 2 weeks), it is possible to mask something that is in plain sight and has an unsightly appearance. With this option, you do not have to wait long, as, for example, with shrubs and trees. It takes a long time to develop them.

Creating a living picture
For this type of landscaping, a wood grate is installed. A square-shaped container is inserted into it sideways.
The plants in them should already be planted. From above the containers are covered with dark agrofibre. This will prevent the earth from spilling out of the pot. For grass, a hole is made in the material. It will look through it.
Such a fence will soon become dense with greenery, if placed in a well-lit space, it is watered in abundance. In this way, you can "draw" bright canvases. For this, planting material with an unequal color variant of the leaves is selected.
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Possible problems

Good care will contribute to a quick recovery if an unpleasant situation does happen.
At any stage of development with a live fence, the following unpleasant situations may arise:
- Fungal infection. In the process of treatment, all branches that have grown in a year are cut off.
- Not enough light. To do this, the fence is given a different shape, preferably in the form of a trapezoid
- Disease of all plants. Everything is trimmed to the very root system. This will disfigure the fence, but will allow the greenery to recover faster. It will be much faster than planting and growing a new live fence.
To avoid further spread of the disease, the affected branches are immediately burned after pruning.
For the treatment of fungal diseases and for pest control, there are special tools with which you can avoid pruning. And in order for the hedge to recover faster, it needs to organize good watering and fertilizer.

It's nice to feel like a creator
Starting to create a living fence, everyone can feel like a creator. You can create your own unique painting. Of course, if you follow all the recommendations.
In a summer cottage, intended only for recreation in the summer, it is better to grow flowering fences. And the presence of evergreens in the living wall will make it possible to admire the living wall in winter.
How to form a hedge. Choosing a cordless hedge trimmer and pruning rules
Living fence: creating unique paintings with your own hands. Varieties, planting rules, care standards (65+ Photos & Videos)