We make liquid wallpaper with our own hands: step-by-step instructions, tips, application techniques, as well as useful ones (85 Photos & Videos)

We make liquid wallpaper with our own hands

How to add a creative touch to a regular renovation? Create an individual style, bright decor, and show artistic taste. Try making your own trendy liquid wallpaper - the video at the end of the article demonstrates how easy it is to make such material, and how easy it is to work with.

Today, wall decoration with liquid wallpaper, or, as they are called, "silk plaster", is very popular. The technique is not a novelty, it's just that catchy originality and expressive uniqueness of interiors are in trend now. This is what such a textured mixture allows to achieve.


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What is liquid wallpaper?

Liquid wallpaper is a modern and aesthetic solution in the design of any room, from residential to commercial. By creating them manually, you get the opportunity to realize any of your fantasies. Choose your favorite color, texture, add decorative components, lay out an ornate pattern or an elegant picture.

Decorative plaster

Decorative plaster

In addition, the process is incredibly simple and straightforward. All components are freely available, are inexpensive, and work with them does not require specific skills. And the very procedure for applying plaster is easy even for a beginner, due to the malleable and plastic texture.

Before proceeding to the technology of manufacturing and laying out, it is necessary to understand what we are dealing with. Why is the composition called wallpaper, is it liquid or dry, does it need to be glued or still smeared on the walls. So, what does the finished substance consist of?

Liquid wallpaper is a decorative composition, which in texture is something between standard paper rolls and plaster. By consistency, they resemble thick sour cream, and to the touch are elastic children's dough for modeling. The structure does not need to be glued to keep it on the walls, because the adhesive is already among the ingredients.

Unusual wall decoration

Unusual wall decoration

Walls need to be prepped. And it will take days to create your own substance. You need to work quickly, any shortcomings are easy to fix or redo after drying.

The mixture is applied using painting and plastering equipment: spatulas, rollers or brushes. There are craftsmen who are comfortable working with their hands. But to level the surface, for its smoothness and uniformity of the layer thickness, a trowel or a special trowel must be used.

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Benefits of the mixture

Creative panel

This finishing material is not in vain so popular among finishers and creative craftsmen.

It has a lot of advantages over other types of decor. We list the most important:

  1. The natural composition of the product is a godsend for allergy sufferers. It is based on cotton, silk or cellulose, which are famous for their breathable properties.

  2. The coating provides additional sound and heat insulation in the room. This is due to the porous structure of the dried wallpaper.

  3. The mixture does not block the breathable properties of the walls. Does not interfere with air circulation in the apartment, does not affect the level of humidity

  4. The tool does not emit unpleasant odors at any stage of working with it. Therefore, there is no need for household members to leave the premises.

  5. The material neutralizes static stress. Therefore, it does not attract particles of dust and dirt, which means that the walls and air will be clean and healthy.

  6. The composition does not absorb odors. The lion's share of its base is glue, which, after drying, forms a film that envelops each particle of the product. Therefore, he is not afraid of smells or other environmental influences.

  7. Liquid wallpaper does not fade, fade or discolor. They are not afraid of UV rays, so they retain their original appearance for a long time.

  8. The loose texture perfectly masks flaws in the wall, small bumps, cracks and chips

  9. There are no seams. No need to customize the pattern or follow a complex pattern when applying

  10. In addition to the aesthetic appearance, the coating is pleasant and silky to the touch.

  11. Excess wallpaper that has protruded beyond the visor, plinth or frame can be easily cut with a clerical knife. The tool fits well in the corners: it does not wrinkle or crack after drying or shrinking of the plate

  12. Liquid wallpaper is easily removed with a trowel. And right on the old layer, you can impose a new one, even radically different in color.

  13. If desired, you can combine different colors and additives in the coating. And lay out creative panels, patterns, artistic compositions. The contour is pre-applied to the surface with a simple pencil

The substance is considered safe in terms of fire hazard. The material does not burn, melts quickly and goes out without emitting toxic odors. If it is required to change the integrity of the surface on which the liquid plaster is applied, it is scraped off with a thin spatula. At the end of the events, the layer is slightly soaked in water and again applied to the wall.

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How to prepare a composition bought in a store

transparent trowel

transparent trowel

The easiest way is to go to a hardware store or a specialized supermarket with finishing materials. On the shelves there are dozens of brands of ready-made liquid wallpaper from different manufacturers. Prices will also vary, but in general, they are much higher than the cost of the usual paper roll.

Each package is supplied with detailed instructions for use. We recommend that you carefully follow all the recommendations. It is convenient to choose a color here, because traditionally, the substance is sold in transparent plastic bags.

Palette of colors and textures

Palette of colors and textures

In a sealed container is a dry fibrous powder treated with glue. Some brands contain additives to increase the plasticity of the material. Sometimes a colorless preparation is required - in this case, buy a white package.

Preparation technology:

  • Take a large and deep plastic bowl for kneading
  • Vigorously shake the powder bag, then open it
  • Pour the mass from the bag into a container and fill with the required amount of warm water
  • Knead the "dough" for a long time and carefully. The consistency should become homogeneous, soft, pliable. Reminiscent of very thick sour cream, which is held on an inverted spoon
  • For 10-12 hours, the drug is wrapped in a sealed plastic bag
  • The tool must adhere well to a vertical surface. Do not drain or crumple, elastically smear and seize. If necessary, it can be further diluted with water.
  • Feel free to store the diluted ready-made mixture in a plastic bag for 10-14 days without oxygen

Knead the substance long and thoroughly with your hands

Knead the substance long and thoroughly with your hands

Observe the proportions very carefully.Water should not be hot, so as not to "brew" the plaster. Well, in too cold liquid, messing around is simply unpleasant. Do not fill all the products at once in one container. So it will be difficult to mix it well and dissolve the lumps. Work in batches, 1-2 kg of dry powder at a time.

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We make our own cover

Finished products have advantages. First of all, this is the absence of the need to mix the ingredients yourself, to worry about the quality of the substance. You immediately choose the color, graininess, amount of gloss and gloss.

Family work

Family work

However, a huge disadvantage of ready-made liquid wallpaper is the cost. Do not forget that the product has a decent consumption, and you are unlikely to succeed in getting by with a couple of three bags. And you won’t be able to make individual efforts, show creativity, put on an interesting family experiment, and turn a boring renovation into a series of unexpected surprises.

What you need

Required inventory

Required inventory

Prepare the following inventory:

  1. Base material. Most often they use paper, fabric fibers, woolen threads, cotton wool, sawdust - 1 kg

  2. Dye or color - 150 ml (depending on the desired shade intensity)

  3. Water - 6 l

  4. PVA glue - 400 g

  5. Alabaster or gypsum - 400 g

  6. Various decorative additives: glitters (sequins), marble chips, woolen threads, beads, mica powder, pieces of wood, dried plants, etc. - 100 g

  7. Wallpaper glue for paper wallpapers - a third of the package

  8. Acrylic lacquer

  9. Primer

  10. Bucket or deep basin

  11. Drill with mixing attachment

  12. transparent trowel

  13. Brush, spatula, materok, roller (depending on the tool with which you are more comfortable working)

  14. Spray

The specified amount of materials is enough to process a plot of 4 m². In this case, the conditional layer thickness should be 1 mm.

What material is used as a binding base

Product Bustilat

Product "Bustilat"

Above, we indicated the familiar and well-known PVA glue as the adhesive base. But there are several alternatives to it:

  • Wallpaper casein glue. It is inexpensive, natural, and consists of protein isolated from cow's milk. They note its poor resistance to moisture, and the diluted composition is only good for 4 hours.
  • Glue "Bustilat". Very durable, cheap, quality product but takes a long time to dry
  • Acrylic putty. With it, the most deformation-resistant liquid wallpaper is created. The downside of the product is a sharp and unpleasant odor that takes a long time to disappear.

The most practical material in terms of price-quality ratio is PVA glue. In second place is Bustilat. Choose based on availability in nearby stores.

Universal construction adhesive

Universal construction adhesive

Options for decorative additives

Bright glitters for plaster

Bright glitters for plaster

The addition of special decorative particles requires moderation and a delicate sense of taste.

  1. Do not add additives of different structure to the wallpaper that do not combine with each other. For example, dry algae and beads

  2. Do not experiment with glitters, so as not to turn the walls of the apartment into a Christmas tree

  3. We advise you to purchase additives at a hardware store. They are inexpensive, and are made of quality materials that are not subject to oxidation, fungus or mold.

  4. Decorative elements are introduced into the mass after its maturation is completed in a plastic bag.

To give the coating an elegant relief, fabric particles are added to the composition: chopped pieces of cotton wool or woolen threads of different textures, colors and thicknesses.

paper base

paper in warm liquid

paper in warm liquid

The most popular material for making homemade liquid wallpaper is paper. It is best to take clean, thick A4 sheets, because if there is printing ink on them, it can affect the final shade of the coating.However, if you plan to paint the plaster dark, then used drafts, and even an old newspaper, will do.

  • Raw materials are carefully crushed into small pieces
  • Soak for three hours in water
  • Using an electric drill with a mixing attachment, bring the workpiece to a homogeneous mass
  • Then the rest of the ingredients are added according to the standard scheme.

Fabric fiber backing

Fabric fibers

Fabric fibers

It is optimal to take ordinary cotton wool. Also, a mixture of fibers of flax, polyester, wool, synthetic winterizer is obtained well. The material is pre-crushed by hand.

If there are old balls of knitting threads at home, use them. Loosen old pullovers. You can combine different colors and thickness of raw materials.

sawdust base

Purified and quality raw materials

Purified and quality raw materials

Sawdust gives out a texture that is amazing in appearance. Buy quality material: clean, no impurities, very fine. Like paper, sawdust is pre-soaked for several hours in warm water.

In order for the walls to acquire a pleasant softness and silkiness, be sure to add a little of any fiber to the mixture (15 g per 1 m²). 


multi-colored colors

multi-colored colors

The choice of dye is approached responsibly so that painstaking work does not end with an unpleasant surprise.The means must be suitable for liquid formulations.

  1. The pigment is injected simultaneously with the adhesive

  2. Kohler is poured in a thin stream, carefully stirring the mass

  3. Achieve complete color uniformity of the substance

The iridescent distribution of the pigment looks interesting on the wall. To create such an effect, dyes are poured twice: the first color along with glue, and the second (third, fourth) immediately before applying to the surface. At the same time, the first shade is thoroughly stirred, and the subsequent ones are only slightly driven into the mass.

Step-by-step technology for the production of liquid wallpaper at home

Impressive result

Impressive result

After you have prepared the ingredients, tools, selected the base, glue, dye and other details, you can start producing homemade liquid wallpaper.

The instructions below are focused on the above measures and quantities of components.

1Pour the prepared base into the container (paper or sawdust soaked in water, chopped fiber).
2Pour in the liquid (bring the water to the desired proportions if the raw material is already wet).
3The next step is to introduce dye and glue.
4Further decorative components and fiber.
5The kneaded mass of a uniform shade is transferred to a plastic bag and left to "ripen" for 10-12 hours.
6Before applying to the wall, alabaster or gypsum is introduced into the mixture, as well as diluted wallpaper glue.
7The latter will make the consistency plastic and pliable, facilitate distribution over the surface. And it also contains antibacterial components that will prevent the appearance of fungus.
8Be careful with plaster or alabaster as they harden very quickly. After entering them into the structure, start working doubly intensively.
It is forbidden to mix the mixture with fibers with a mixer, as it can turn into a lump that cannot be broken.
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How to apply the mixture correctly

Even and beautiful composition distribution

Even and beautiful composition distribution

Compliance with the technology of applying liquid plaster plays a big role in the spectacular end result. Do not worry, no difficulties are expected, the main thing is not to rush and act carefully. Equally important is the preparation of the work surface.

Wall preparation

Wall preparation

Wall preparation

Any decorative finish requires certain manipulations with the walls.

  1. They must be cleaned of old material, cleaned, leveled
  2. Remove paper, paint, lime
  3. Strongly adjust the smoothness of the walls is not necessary
  4. Old plaster can not be cleaned off
  5. Cover the surface with a primer, let it dry. It contributes to the excellent adhesion of liquid wallpaper to the wall.

Application technique

Applying liquid wallpaper

Applying liquid wallpaper

You can work with a spatula, trowel or hands. The most convenient option: scoop up the wallpaper with the palm of your hand and apply it to the wall, pressing it firmly. Next, take a transparent trowel and thoroughly smooth the substance to a thickness of 1-3 mm.

  • Do not press the ironer too tightly. Attach its lower horizontal cut to the surface, and slightly remove the upper one. Slowly guide the tool to the side.
  • Prepare a spray bottle with water. Lightly spray a wad of it on the wall before spreading. The trowel is also moistened.
  • Iron only with horizontal or strictly vertical movements.
  • When finished with the mass, go over the wall with a wet trowel to achieve a smoother finish.
  • The substance dries completely and acquires its final form after 2 days. Its color may fade slightly.
  • To fix the coating, walk on it with acrylic varnish.

Acrylic finish will allow you to wash the walls with soapy water. This is convenient for cuisine or bathroom.

Making curly patterns, pictures, panels

Printed for a cozy and romantic atmosphere

Printed for a cozy and romantic atmosphere

The outline of the drawing is previously outlined on the wall with a pencil. Each fragment is filled with the desired color. The edges are not touched until they are slightly seized.

Then cut off the extra areas with a clerical knife. Next, apply the background or the bulk of the liquid wallpaper. So you will create an exclusive design that has not been repeated anywhere else.

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Tips & Tricks

Finishing the substance of the walls and ceiling

If you've never experienced liquid wallpaper before, don't be afraid to start today.

Check out these helpful tips:

  • The mixture is easily removed, so if something does not work out, you can fix it later.
  • Do not apply the substance with a layer thicker than 4 mm. It will look sloppy and rude
  • Keep moderation with decorative components
  • If you inadvertently protrude beyond the area intended for liquid wallpaper, wait until the material seizes and carefully cut it off with a knife
  • Liquid wallpaper looks great on the ceiling, as a decoration for wall niches and openings

Lovely floral ensembles

Lovely floral ensembles

If you dream of realizing all your creative dreams in repairs, and at the same time strive to minimize costs, liquid wallpaper will be the ideal solution. With them you will give the walls a new, interesting and vibrant life. Make them an object of admiration and delight.

Down with the standard factory wallpaper with patterned patterns. Today, even the most expensive ones, you will not surprise anyone with them. Make the work material yourself, and your design will definitely not go unnoticed.

Watch a short video clip that clearly shows the whole process of working with silk plaster:

We make liquid wallpaper with our own hands: step-by-step instructions, tips, application techniques, as well as useful ones (85 Photos & Videos)

VIDEO: DIY liquid wallpaper

We make liquid wallpaper with our own hands: step-by-step instructions, tips, application techniques, as well as useful ones (85 Photos & Videos)

We make liquid wallpaper with our own hands: step-by-step instructions, tips, application techniques, as well as useful ones (85 Photos & Videos)

VIDEO: Master class. Liquid wallpaper

We make liquid wallpaper with our own hands: step-by-step instructions, tips, application techniques, as well as useful ones (85 Photos & Videos)

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Liquid wallpaper

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Buyer ratings: 4 (1 vote)

  1. I liked liquid wallpaper both in terms of finishing and originality. The most important thing is that you can approach them creatively. They are easy to use and the workplace is clean. I didn’t work with j.boys, I just watched the video and saw a lot of pluses. which I described above. As for home-made failures, I don’t think you should bother and invent a bicycle. Since I noticed that when applying a colored layer, it doesn’t stain the first layer or which is nearby, as it seems to me color is given by additives that also consist of fibers and paper, so I think. that's all. create this material is pleasant and tactile and aesthetic. .

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