Yellow raspberries are considered an exquisite and very attractive crop. So far, it is a rarity in our gardens, but every year the number of enthusiasts who want to grow it is only growing.
A feature of yellow raspberries is the reduced concentration of acids contained in its fruits, so they will be sweeter than traditional red or pink berries.
The fruits of yellow raspberries make the bushes quite decorative, so the plant is often used in landscape design. The article provides a description of several dozen varieties of culture. For each name of the yellow raspberry variety, brief characteristics and cultivation features are given.
- Varieties of yellow raspberries
- apricot
- orange wonder
- Golden autumn
- yellow wonder
- yellow giant
- Amber
- fugitive
- faith
- Alpen Gold
- yellow dessert
- Golden domes
- Sweet yellow
- Morning dew
- Yaroslavna
- yellow dessert
- Falgold
- Pineapple Vigorova
- Chelyabinsk yellow
- Altai dessert
- Yellow Spirin
- Yolk
- golden september
- Valentine
- Honey
- golden queen
- yellow berry
- yellow penguin
- Zyugana yellow
- Yellow Cumberland
- Zlata Yesenna

Varieties of yellow raspberries

yellow raspberry
In cultivation, this type of raspberry is no different from its progenitor of the standard color. The same shoots, the same root system and the same structure of fruits in the form of numerous drupes.
The flowering of yellow raspberry varieties occurs at the same time as as usual, but it is believed that it is more plentiful. This misconception arose from the fact that most varieties of yellow raspberries have a larger number of flowers in their racemes, although the average number of flowers per bush is approximately the same for both varieties.
The yellow raspberry crop should be used immediately after harvest: eat it raw, make compotes or preserve. Jam and yellow raspberry jam requires less sugar in the cooking process. All the beneficial properties, substances and vitamins inherent in ordinary raspberries are also found in yellow, there are practically no differences here.
An additional benefit of yellow raspberries is that, due to the lack of red pigment in it, it causes allergies to a lesser extent. A common disadvantage of both crops is the low keeping quality and transportability of the berries of most varieties.

Mid-season variety, zoned for the southern regions of Russia, as well as for Ukraine and Moldova. The author of the variety is V.V. Kitchina, selection 1996
It got its name for its similarity in color with an apricot. The height of the shoots is up to 150 cm. The berries are relatively small, having the shape of a blunt cone (rarely round-oval), weighing no more than 3 g.
The plant gives two crops a year - in June and starting from the second decade of August. The taste of berries is sweet with a slight sourness, the aroma is weak. For a year, the culture gives about 3 kg from one bush.
A feature of the variety is a large number of coppice shoots, of which 3-4 pieces grow. The rest are recommended to be removed with mandatory disinfection of the cut points. If this is not done, the bush will grow, but there will be few berries on it.
You should also remove fruit-bearing branches when growing one crop per year.
orange wonder

orange wonder
Remontant variety bred by breeders from Bryansk. Representative of medium-late cultures, ripening at the end of August. When grown for two crops a year, the first falls on June and makes up no more than 30% of the total.
The variety is distinguished by a powerful bush with spreading branches, consisting of 6-7 stems about 200 cm high. There are many thorns on the stems, which makes harvesting difficult. The leaves are medium, deep green, wrinkled.
The mass of berries is large - from 5 to 8 grams. Productivity from 1 square. m. is 3-3.5 kg. The taste is rated 4.5 points out of 5. It has excellent keeping quality and transportability. The application is universal.
Golden autumn

Golden autumn
Early remontant variety with large berries ripening in early August. A feature is a long fruiting, lasting until late autumn. Bred by I. Kazakov and S. Evdokimenko in 2004 as a result of long-term selection with free pollination.
The height of the bush is 150-180 cm. The density of the branches is medium, the bush is powerful, moderately sprawling. The leaves are soft, rich dark green.
The yield is high, often exceeding 2.5 kg per bush. The berries have a mass of 5 to 7 g. They ripen unevenly, but their number on the bush is very large. Taste is rated 4.6 points.
Lightness and transportability are average. The application is universal, conservation is recommended for several hours after harvesting.
yellow wonder

yellow wonder
According to its characteristics, it resembles the Orange Miracle variety, but differs in color and shape of berries. In this variety, they have a round shape and a transparent yellow tint. The maturation period is average, in the case of cultivation for two crops a year, it bears fruit in June and late August.
Plant height 180-200 cm, the bush has 6-8 shoots, abundantly dotted with prickly thorns. The leaves are medium in size with deep and frequent veins.
The mass of fruits is from 6 to 8 grams. Productivity about 3 kg.
Taste qualities are excellent. A feature of this yellow raspberry is that, unlike many varieties, it can be stored for a long time and has good transportability.
yellow giant

yellow giant
Large-fruited variety with medium ripening. Harvesting begins in August and can last until the end of autumn. Bred in 1979 by crossing Maroseyka and Ivanovskaya.
One of the best varieties of yellow raspberries. The taste rating of golden-orange berries is 5 points, the low content of dyes makes it almost hypoallergenic. The disadvantages include perhaps poor keeping quality and shedding of ripe berries.
The height of the bush is up to 200 cm. The berries are yellow, large - up to 8 g. Up to 4 kg of crop can be removed from a bush per season.
Resistant to diseases and pests. Bushes are highly decorative, so they are often planted in open areas.

It belongs to standard varieties, which is rare for yellow raspberries. The height of the plant can reach up to 250 cm, while the size of the berries is relatively small - rarely what fruits weigh more than 3 g.
Despite this, it has a high yield (up to 3.5 kg per bush) and almost simultaneous ripening of berries. It is resistant to diseases and pests.
The variety is early, the first berries can be removed as early as July. In favorable weather, it steadily bears fruit until the end of September.
Berries have a sweet, almost without sourness, pulp. Taste is rated 3.5 points. The reason for such a low rating is the relatively high density of the berries, so their fresh consumption is not recommended.

Large-fruited and winter-hardy variety with early ripening. Bred by I. Kazakov for cultivation in the central regions of Russia. The bush has an average height, rarely exceeding 1.7 m. It can have 5-7 shoots. Spreading is weak.
Annual shoots, in addition to the characteristic light green hue, have a slight wax coating. The shoots of the second year are brown.
The mass of berries can reach 2.7-3.0 g. They have a very attractive appearance, but are not stored for a long time. It is recommended to process them immediately after collection.
The sugar content of berries is relatively high (more than 7%), but there is a certain amount of sourness in the taste.Productivity - up to 2 kg per bush.

An early variety bred by M.A. Lisavenko at the Research Institute of Horticulture of Siberia in 1989 It is a hybrid of Novosti Kuzmina and Barnaulskaya. Recommended for cultivation in the northwestern regions, in the north of Ukraine, in Belarus. Begins to bear fruit at the end of July.
Shoots of medium height, up to 1.8 m high, almost erect. Berries weighing no more than 3.5 g, but the overall yield is high - up to 3.5 kg per bush per season. The fruits are very tasty (5/5 points) and juicy.
The safety of the berries had to be sacrificed for the sake of juiciness - the keeping quality of the fruits is very low, they should be immediately sent for processing. At the same time, the berries, even in a state of full ripeness, do not fall off the bush.
Alpen Gold

Alpen Gold
Remontant semi-spreading variety of yellow-fruited raspberries, bred in Eastern Europe (Hungary). It has an excellent taste, almost without sourness.
Fruiting begins in early August and lasts until frost. There are several varieties that differ in color. So, for example, in Switzerland, a variety of Alpengold with a yellow-violet tint was bred.
The height of the shoots is 150-180 cm. The shoots are straight, there are up to 8 of them in a bush. Spreading is low.
The main advantage of the bush is the absence of thorns. The berries are slightly elongated, oval. In some cases, they are stretched, taking a conical shape. They are amber in color. Productivity is high - up to 4 kg per bush.
yellow dessert

yellow dessert
Mid-season variety, characterized by very tender and sweet berries with excellent taste. The fruits are very fragrant. Ripening occurs in the second half of August and lasts about 1.5 months.
The height of the shoots is 150-160 cm, they are slightly spreading. There can be up to 10 shoots in a bush, despite this, there is no particular thickening. The mass of berries is no more than 2 g. Due to the excessive softness, the keeping quality of the variety is very poor and it requires fast processing.
The variety, despite its excellent taste, is very inconvenient to grow: it requires constant monitoring of the soil condition and protection from pests. Berries in a state of ripeness may crumble.
Golden domes
Golden domes - a variety of Russian selection, remontant. Differs in early ripening - the first harvest can be removed in early July. The height of the bushes is low - from 130 to 150 cm. The shoots are erect, not sprawling. There can be up to 7 of them in a bush. Leaves are medium sized, deep green.
Berries of medium size, weighing from 3.5 to 4.0 g. Productivity - 2.0-2.5 kg per bush, stable. The fruits are quite dense and strong, but very juicy. There is a barely noticeable pubescence on the berries.
When overripe, the yellow color of the berries changes to yellowish-orange; at the same time, there is practically no change in taste. A distinctive feature of the Golden Dome variety is that its fruits practically do not cause allergic reactions.
Sweet yellow

Sweet yellow
A variety bred by V. Kichina at the Research Institute of the Non-Chernozem Strip. A versatile variety suitable for growing on various soils, with medium frost resistance (tolerates frosts down to -22 ° C).
The height of the shoots is from 130 to 160 cm. There are about 6 of them in a bush. Spreading is low.
Ripens at the end of July and the harvest lasts until the end of September. Berries have a mass of 3 to 6 g, ripen a little unevenly.
But these shortcomings are compensated by excellent taste: in juicy and sweet pulp there is practically no sourness. In addition, both in a state of ripeness and during picking, the berries do not fall off the bushes. The keeping quality and transportability of the fruits are average, they can not be processed within a day after harvest.
Morning dew

Morning dew
One of the best varieties of Eastern European selection, bred in Poland (another name for the variety is Poranna Rosa). The originator is the Institute of Horticulture and Floriculture in the city of Bzezden.
When breeding, the main emphasis was on the beautiful exterior of the berries. Almost round fruits have a mass of about 8 g, a total yield of about 3 kg per bush. Since only the appearance of the crop was changed during the selection process, the berries have an almost classic raspberry sweet and sour taste.
The height of the Porana Rosa bush is 150-180 cm, it consists of several almost straight bushes with medium spreading (the diameter of the bush is about 60-80 cm). In raspberries, bushes should be planted at a distance of at least 120 cm from each other. A feature of cultivation is the need to timely remove excess shoots, otherwise there is a high probability of excessive thickening of plantings.

Another name for the variety is Brusvyana yellow. A popular culture of the standard type, which reaches a height of up to 170 cm.
Fruiting begins in August and lasts until the end of September. The yield of the variety is very high. On average, up to 4.2 kg per bush can be collected per season.
The berries are distinguished not only by their large mass (8-10 g), but also by relatively large sizes - up to 35 mm in diameter. At the same time, they have an excellent taste, in which sourness is completely absent. Universal application, average keeping quality. Frost resistance up to -24 °С.
This variety does not need any special care, it is quite hardy and winter-hardy. (resistance to cold up to -24°С). It is quite drought-resistant - you can water it once a week. However, it requires regular fertilization at the beginning and end of the season.
The best way to add organic rotted manure or humus. Otherwise, you will have to forget about good harvests.
yellow dessert

yellow dessert
This variety was bred in the 70s of the last century in the Primorsky Territory. A feature of cultivation is a technique characteristic of many Far Eastern fruit and berry crops - bending branches to the ground for the winter.
While not necessary in warmer climates, it improves crop yields and increases resistance to fungal and viral diseases. It is recommended to bend the branches immediately after pruning, and cover them after the first frost. As a shelter for the winter period, it is recommended to use sapnbond (or agrofibre) and fallen leaves.
Bushes consist of 3-5 shoots that grow up to 150 cm in height. The leaves are short, noticeably pubescent. The berries have a sweet taste and are very juicy.
Fruiting variety occurs in July and lasts two months. When ripe, the fruits may fall off the bush, so it will be correct to collect them before reaching this state. Productivity - up to 2 kg.

Despite the extreme northern origin (bred by Finnish breeders at the beginning of the century), is one of the record-breaking varieties in terms of yield.
It can reach 4-7 kg, depending on agricultural technology. According to the reviews of many gardeners, it is considered one of the most optimal varieties, successfully combining positive and negative sides.
Bushes are undersized (from 80 to 120 cm in height), consisting of 6-8 shoots. Branching and sprawling shoots are moderate. Shoots have an average number of thorns.
Fruiting begins in mid-August and lasts until early October. The berries are large - weighing up to 7 grams, with a golden yellow color and a sweet dessert taste. Possesses average keeping quality, and transportability.
Pineapple Vigorova

Pineapple Vigorova
This yellow-fruited raspberry was bred by the breeder Vygorov L.I. for growing in the harsh regions of Siberia. It has all the necessary characteristics for this purpose: early ripening (end of June), good resistance to fungal diseases, unpretentiousness. In addition, the plant is characterized by good winter hardiness: Pineapple (or pineapple) raspberry bushes can withstand frosts with temperatures down to minus thirty degrees.
The bush consists of 5-6 shoots up to 200 cm high. Spreading is moderate.There are a lot of berries on the bushes, in addition, fruiting lasts until the first frosts, therefore, despite the relatively short summer, up to 4 kg of crop can be obtained from a bush per season.
The quality of the fruits is excellent, the taste is sweet with a slight acidity. Berries of medium size, weighing no more than 4 g. Has a universal application, medium keeping quality. Can be transported over short distances.
Chelyabinsk yellow

Chelyabinsk yellow
Another variety of yellow raspberry, belonging to the Siberian selection. Refers to early ripe large-fruited. Fruiting begins in early July and continues until frost. Berries are distinguished by noticeable pubescence.
The bush is relatively tall (up to 220 cm), quite sprawling and dense. The plant requires annual pruning and removal of excess young shoots.
If the shoots are not cut, the bush is likely to thicken. On the other hand, such an intensive growth of the vegetative part solves all problems with reproduction.
The berries are large, weighing up to 5 g, very dense and firmly seated in place. However, the fruits are relatively juicy and good for fresh consumption. The keeping quality of the crop is good, it is easily transported over long distances. The yield is not high - from 1.5 to 1.7 kg per bush.
Altai dessert

Altai dessert
The variety was bred at the Research Institute of Horticulture in Siberia. Medium-early variety with fruiting in late July. It has high winter hardiness and medium resistance to diseases and pests: the variety is vulnerable to gall midge and spider mites.
The berries are delicious, with a raspberry flavor. They are collected in large brushes of 10-12 pieces. in each.
The height of the bushes is small - rarely when it exceeds 150 cm. Shoots erect, practically not sprawling.
The berries are mostly medium in size, but in warm years they can also be large - weighing up to 5 g. The total yield is up to 2.1 kg per bush.
Yellow Spirin

Yellow Spirin
The variety was bred by V. Spirin for cultivation in the Vologda region. It has no special differences from ordinary raspberries, except for its compactness and relatively high yield. The taste of berries is not typical for yellow varieties, since it contains sour notes.
The height of the bushes is up to 150 cm; they consist of 4-5 straight shoots. The berries are medium in size, rarely exceeding a mass of 4 g. The yield is up to 3.5 kg.
Possess average keeping quality and transportability. The application is universal.

Mid-early variety ripening in late July. A large plant, with a height of the aerial part up to 250 cm. The shoots are straight, sprawling, slightly branching, requiring a garter to the trellis.
An excellent choice for beginner gardeners, as it is very unpretentious in care. It is sometimes affected by the raspberry fly, therefore preventive treatment against insects at the beginning of the season is recommended.
The berries of this large-fruited variety, outwardly resembling amber, can reach 30 mm in diameter and have a weight of 7-9 grams. In addition, it has a very high yield, comparable to those of the "industrial" red raspberry - more than 6 kg of crop can be harvested from one bush.
Has versatility in application but large berries are predominantly used fresh due to their size and excellent taste.
golden september
Early remontant sor of yellow raspberries with large berries, in many ways similar to Golden Autumn. It has a bush height of not more than 150 cm. It ripens in the second half of August, fruiting lasts about a month.
It has a relatively high yield, reaching up to 2.5 kg per bush. The berries have a mass of 4 to 8 g. They are characterized by uneven ripening. Taste is rated 4.7 out of 5.
The keeping quality and transportability of fruits are average. The application is universal - I use large berries fresh, smaller ones are preserved.

The variety was bred in 1994 in the UK as a result of crossing different breeds of yellow red raspberries. It has a high yield and excellent taste.
It is considered one of the best varieties of yellow raspberries. In addition, this variety, due to the bright orange color of the berries, is highly decorative and can be used in garden design.
The growth of shoots of Valentina bushes can reach up to 200 cm. Shoots are almost straight, slightly branching. The mass of berries is from 5 to 7 grams.
The yield of Valentina is high - more than 5 kg per bush. At the same time, the berries have a sweet taste, dense texture and sufficient juiciness. The application is universal, keeping quality and transportability are good.

Mid-early, non-remontant variety (which is rare for yellow raspberries). It has a high yield and good taste of berries. It is convenient to grow and harvest - the berries practically do not crumble, there are practically no thorns on the bushes.
Bushes are medium-sized, up to 150 cm high, very sprawling and dense, in need of regular thinning. But the latter refers to rather young shoots, since the branching of the shoots is low.
The mass of berries is average (about 3 g), but with good care it can reach 6-7 g. The yield is very high: from 3 kg in the worst years to 8 kg and more under normal weather conditions. The use of the berry is universal, the keeping quality and transportability are average.
golden queen

golden queen
Other names are Gold Queen (or Golden Queen). Very productive variety with large berries and a large number of berries in the brush. It has a wonderful taste and berry aroma.
Relatively easy to care for and harvest. The disadvantage is vulnerability to pests, in particular, the raspberry fly and the raspberry beetle.
Bushes from 150 to 200 cm high, practically not sprawling, moderately branching. In one bush up to 8 shoots. Fruit weight - 4-5 g, the brush contains from 15 to 20 berries. Productivity can exceed 6 kg from one bush.
Fruiting occurs in August. Winter hardiness is high. It is recommended to plant bushes at a distance of up to 1.5 m from each other so that there is no competition at their roots.
yellow berry

yellow berry
Mid-season variety ripening in early August. It has good taste and aroma.
Winter hardiness is high. It can be grown on almost any soil, but it definitely requires top dressing. Able to bear fruit in the second year after planting seedlings.
Bush height up to 200 cm. Shoots are straight, practically not branching, spreading is insignificant. Berries of medium size - from 2.5 to 4 g, dense and juicy.
Lightness and transportability are good. The application is universal, but canning is more often used, since the fruits are slightly dense for fresh consumption.
yellow penguin

yellow penguin
Remontant high-yielding variety with early ripening (end of June). It is a kind of "copy" of the usual Penguin - a series of red-fruited varieties with large berries and mediocre taste (barely sweet berries have a slightly sour taste).
The height of the bushes is about 150 cm. They practically do not branch and have a low spreading. The size of the berries is large - from 8 to 10 g.
Productivity is also high, up to 10 kg per bush. It is used exclusively for preservation (preparation of jam), as it is not very attractive when fresh due to the low sugar level.
Zyugana yellow

Zyugana yellow
A promising remontant variety with very large berries. Possesses unpretentiousness in cultivation and excellent winter hardiness. The advantages include good keeping quality and transportability.
The height of the bushes of medium size reaches 180 cm. The size of the berries is large, weight - an average of about 6 g. The pulp is sweet, pleasant in taste, the characteristic raspberry smell is practically absent.
Productivity up to 8 kg per bush. Berries of Yellow Zyugana can be used without problems for allergy sufferers, children and lactating women.
Yellow Cumberland

Yellow Cumberland
A variety bred in the USA about a century ago. One of the earliest varieties of yellow raspberries. Partially wild, found in nature, reaching gigantic sizes (shoot length up to 4 m).
In "home" cultivation, the dimensions are much more modest - bushes up to 200 cm high, sprawling, well branched. Resistant to many diseases and pests. Tolerates frost down to -24°C.
The berries are sweet and sour, tasty, weighing up to 3.5 g. Productivity up to 4 kg per bush.
Zlata Yesenna

Zlata Yesenna
Low-growing variety of Czech selection, with large fruits. The height of the shoots is from 80 to 120 cm. It has a late ripening period, the crop can be obtained at the end of August. The weight of the berries is from 6 to 8 g.
The yield is relatively small - from 1.5 to 2.0 kg per bush. Requires frequent watering.
The stems are covered with a small number of thin thorns, which makes harvesting the berries a little difficult. Nevertheless, the taste of the fruit is very pleasant, delicately sweet, with almost no sourness. Frost resistance is high - without shelter, the plant is able to tolerate frosts down to -30 ° C.
Yellow raspberry. Features and care
Yellow raspberry | Description of the 30 best varieties including remontants (Photo & Video) + Reviews
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