Zephyranthes at home: types and varieties, winter care and breeding guide | (60+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Zephyranthes at home

The perennial flower is loved by many gardeners for its decorative properties and ease of cultivation.

Growing zephyranthes at home will not be difficult for a beginner, and elegant flowering and wonderful aroma will be a worthy reward for a conscientious owner.

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Appearance of flowers

Appearance of flowers

Zephyr is not only a popular sweet, but also the name of a deity from ancient Greek myths. Later, this word was used to refer to a warm, moist wind blowing from the Atlantic coast. The word "anthos" is translated from Greek as "flower". The plant is native to South America.

So the zephyranthes got its name because it blooms, when the marshmallow wind begins to blow from the Atlantic to the South American continent. The literal translation is “flower of the west wind”.

But the zephyranthes also has a nickname - "upstart". He owes him rapid growth: from the moment the peduncle appears to the opening of the first flowers, it does not even take a few days. The plant has other, more poetic nicknames: "water lily", "rain flower", "home daffodil".

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Flowering outdoors

Flowering outdoors

Zephyranthes - herbaceous bulbous plant, perennial of the Amaryllis family. In nature, there are up to 40 species that live in tropical and subtropical regions of Central and South America. 10 of them are suitable for home breeding. Residents of these areas are happy to grow zephyranthes in their garden plots.

The bulbs are small, 1-5 cm in diameter, slightly elongated or ovoid in shape and covered with a brown husk. The toxins they contain make them unattractive to parasites and pests. Narrow and oblong linear leaves of a dark green hue grow from bulbs.

Variety with pink flowers

Variety with pink flowers

Each bulb produces one or more tubular peduncles, their length reaches 30 cm or more. The flowers are solitary, single-row, funnel-shaped, 7-10 cm in diameter. They bloom almost simultaneously with the appearance of leaves.

In nature, zephyranthes bloom at any time of the year if the conditions are right. The flowers are painted in pink, white, scarlet, purple or yellow. Some say they are reminiscent of crocuses.

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Difference from gabranthus

What flowers do gabranthus have - photo

What flowers do gabranthus have - photo

In the Amaryllis family, there is a flower similar to zephyranthes - gabranthus. Sometimes they are even called twin brothers. The differences are presented in the form of a table:

Widely opened flower corollas. Flowers grow straight The flowers are half-covered or underopened, resemble a bell. Grow at a slight inclination in relation to the peduncle
Stamens of the same length The length of the stamens varies
Seeds are wingless The seeds are thicker and slightly winged

Interestingly, in English, both flowers are called the same: rain lily - “rain lily”.

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Application and useful properties

Use in landscape design

Use in landscape design

Zephyranthes is a wonderful indoor plant and a convenient "inhabitant" of a garden or suburban area. Plants are also used to decorate landscapes. But in addition to decorative, zephyranthes also has healing properties.

The lycorine, naringin and other alkaloids and antioxidants that are part of the plant parts are used in therapy:

  • Oncological pathologies
  • Hepatitis and other liver diseases
  • Diabetes
  • Tuberculosis.

Zephyranthes has also proven to be effective for colds. The plant is used not only in traditional medical practices, but also in official medicine.

Since zephyranthes bulbs are poisonous, pets or children should not be allowed to get to them.
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Sharp and long leaves of the plant

Sharp and long leaves of the plant

The flower is surrounded by signs and folk beliefs. For example, it is believed that a plant has strong energy at the stages of vegetation - active growth and flowering.

Presumably, zephyranthes helps a person become more relaxed, courageous and self-sufficient. They also say that it strengthens the family, makes relationships more tender and warm.

However, the flower also has a bad reputation. In Feng Shui, on the contrary, it is said that the “upstart” causes discord in family relationships, so it is undesirable to keep him at home, especially in the bedroom. Proponents of the doctrine believe that, in general, you should not plant plants with long, sharp leaves at home.

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Species and varieties

Variety Zephyranthes aurea

Variety Zephyranthes aurea

Under natural conditions, there are 38 species of ziferantes. Thanks to the achievements of breeding, new varieties have been bred, including multicolor hybrids. Therefore, now there are already about 90 varieties of "upstarts".

According to the color of the corolla of the petals, zephyranthes are divided into white-flowered, red-flowered, yellow-flowered and two-colored. Let's dwell on the most common and interesting types.

Zephyranthes grandiflora (Zephiranthes grandiflora)

Zephyranthes grandiflora

Zephyranthes grandiflora

Zephyranthes grandiflora (Zephiranthes grandiflora)

Able to grow up to 40 cm in height. The leaves are also long, thin, up to 20-30 cm.

The color of the corolla is pink, the stamens are orange. The variety can bloom before the onset of cold weather.

White Zephyranthes (Zephiranthes candida)

Zephyranthes white

Zephyranthes white

White Zephyranthes (Zephiranthes candida)

Grows up to 60 cm and above. The bulb is round, about 3 cm in diameter. The flowers, as the name implies, are white, with golden yellow stamens.

Zephyranthes multi-colored (Zephyranthes versicolor)

Zephyranthes multicolored

Zephyranthes multicolored

Zephyranthes multi-colored (Zephyranthes versicolor)

A typical representative of two-color. Unusual flowers outside are painted in red-green or white-green.

Powerful Zephyranthes (Zephyranthes robusta)

Zephyranthes powerful

Zephyranthes powerful

Powerful Zephyranthes (Zephyranthes robusta)

It has large bulbs up to 5 cm in diameter. The variety usually blooms in spring and summer. The flowers are light pink.

Also distinguished:

  • Zephyranthes golden (Zephyranthes aurea)
  • Zephyranthes atamasca (Zephyranthes atamasca)
  • Zephyranthes pink, or Pink (Lindley Zephyranthes rosea)

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Zephyranthes breeding

Zephyranthes breeding

The plant can be propagated by daughter bulbs - tubers, as well as seeds. But before preparing planting material and propagating the plant, you need to take care of the "home" for it.

Choosing a pot for planting

Selection of containers for flowers

Selection of containers for flowers

To make the flowering zephyranthes look more spectacular and more magnificent, several bulbs can be planted in a container at once. To do this, select a pot wide and not too deep. The optimal number of onions is from 5 to 10 pieces.

If you plan to plant only one onion, it is enough to choose a standard-shaped pot, but only slightly wider than the bulb: too much capacity will prevent the adequate development of the root system. Expanded clay drainage must be laid at the bottom of the pot. The recommended layer width is 1/3 of the height of the pot.

There should be one or more drainage holes at the bottom of the container. If they are not, pick up another pot. You can make holes in plastic yourself.

Soil Requirements

Zephyranthes needs loose soil

Zephyranthes needs loose soil

Zephyranthes will suit a loose and well-drained substrate with a high content of nutrients. The pH value should not exceed 6. The soil can be purchased at a flower supply store.

If the soil mixture is prepared independently, then it is used in the same ratio:

  • leafy soil
  • Soddy soil
  • Coarse sand
  • Humus

It is also permissible to add one part of peat to the substrate.

Reproduction by children

plant bulbs

plant bulbs

This is the best way to breed Zephyranthes at home. Daughter onions must have roots, otherwise it is difficult for them to take root in new conditions. Bulbs, separated from the mother, are planted in a prepared container in the amount of 5-10 pieces.

Small specimens ground completely. If the neck of the onion is long, it should protrude from the ground.

Then the ground is sprayed from a spray bottle, they are not watered for several days: during this time, the planting material will undergo primary adaptation. After the plants are watered in the usual way.

Choose this particular method of growing zephyranthes if you want fast flowering. A plant grown from seeds will begin to bloom no earlier than three years later.
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Reproduction from seeds

Box with seeds

Box with seeds

In apartment conditions, this method is rarely used: it is more difficult and gives worse results. In addition, not everyone wants to wait a few years until the flowers appear. Finally, for the procedure to be carried out correctly, there must already be flowering zephyranthes at home.

For reproduction, the owner independently conducts cross-pollination. After two months, the seeds can be planted in the ground: during this time they will ripen in seed pods. A wide, shallow container is suitable for landing. Seeds are lowered into well-moistened soil, evenly distributing them at a distance of a couple of centimeters from each other.

Then they create a greenhouse: cover the pot with cling film. It is kept in a warm ventilated room and in good light.

Every day for 20-30 minutes the film is removed so that the earth and seeds can "breathe". In about a month, the first shoots will appear. After a while, they can be separated and seated in other pots.

Seed germination varies. No need to rush to dig up weak and small seedlings. Let them gain strength.
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Zephyranthes at home

Now - more about what conditions you need to provide zephyranthes and what determines his well-being



Zephyranthes grows in the tropics and subtropics: this fact determines the selection of conditions

The plant is recommended to be placed on the windowsill of the south window: zephyranthes like the brightest place possible. It is also possible to place it on the western or eastern window. But in the north it will be too dark.

Sunlight, even direct, will not harm him, but it is still desirable to protect zephyranthes from the bright midday sun. In the warm season, the flower is regularly transferred to balcony or a loggia where he feels great. It is only necessary to protect it from drafts and midday rays.

Temperature regime: seasonal conditions

Plant on the windowsill

During the growing season (spring and summer), heat-loving zephyranthes is comfortable at a temperature of + 20-25 degrees

In autumn, a dormant period begins, lasting into winter.until the end of January - beginning of February.

This means that the conditions must be provided cooler. It is advisable to gradually lower the temperature, starting in autumn, and maintain it at +12 degrees in winter.


Sufficiently moist soil

Sufficiently moist soil

Proper hydration is critical for the plant. In nature, zephyranthes does not bloom during dry times, but starts growing during the rainy season - it is not for nothing that it is called the "rain lily".

The flower is watered with soft and clean settled water at room temperature as the top layer of soil dries. Watering produce plentiful or moderate; the main thing is that the earthen lump does not dry out. But excess moisture from the pan must be removed to avoid stagnant water.

Zephyranthes prefers daily foliar sprays. It is also recommended to humidify the air around it. For example, you can place containers with water nearby or get an artificial humidifier in the apartment.

Proper hydration is especially important in the active growth phase. Otherwise, the plant will go dormant. The optimum humidity is 80%.

top dressing

liquid fertilizer

liquid fertilizer

During the growing season, the plant needs liquid mineral fertilizers sold in flower shops. They need to be applied twice a month from spring to autumn.

When zephyranthes blooms, feed a little more often - once every 10 days, observing the well-being of the flower. When wintering begins, they stop fertilizing.


Transplanting bulbs into a new pot

Transplanting bulbs into a new pot

Zephyranthes is desirable to transplant in the spring - in the most favorable conditions. To do this, use strong healthy bulbs without traces of rot and mold and with their own root system.

Rotten specimens can also be put into action, but first they are soaked in a fungicidal solution for 30 minutes. The bulbs are planted in a new pot, the voids are carefully filled with fresh substrate.

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Zephyranthes. Transplant for further flowering

Zephyranthes. Transplant for further flowering

"Rain Lily" does not need to be cut. An exception is the removal of yellowed, diseased and dry leaves, dried flowers and buds. This will preserve the decorative properties of zephyranthes.

Diseases and pests

View of a healthy flower

View of a healthy flower

Zephyranthes rarely upsets the owner with malaise. Among the common problems for gardeners that arise when the content is incorrect:

  1. Lack of flowering. Among the reasons why zephyranthes do not bloom, note the lack of light, high or insufficient humidity. Poorly selected capacity may influence

  2. Root rot, red rot. Rotting begins due to overwatering of the soil. The plant needs an urgent transplant. Rotting places are cut and treated with phytosporin or other biofungicides.

  3. Foliage yellowing. Usually the culprit for the fact that the leaves turn yellow or fall off is a lack of moisture. It is necessary to adjust the watering, spray the plant more often



Pests also do not often infect the plant. Usually among zephyranthes parasitize:

  • Spider mites
  • Shchitovka
  • whitefly
  • amaryllis mealybug

Spider mites

Spider mites

The flower withers and withers, sheds leaves, refuses to bloom. Parasites feed on juice from leaves and stems, depriving him of strength. They settle on different parts of the plant and even between the scales of the bulbs.

To get rid of pests, you need to wash the zephyranthes with soapy water, then give him a warm shower. With a weak infection, these measures are sufficient. If too many insects have bred, you will have to treat the zephyranthes with special insecticidal preparations. Insecticides are sold in flower and garden stores.You can buy Aktellik, Karbofos or Decis.

Careful care will help prevent the appearance of pests, as well as diseases. Do not forget to spray the plant, fertilize, transplant in a timely manner.




The unpretentious fragile zephyranthes does not create problems in care, but will repay the care with delicate beautiful flowers. From the thematic video below, you can learn more information on how to properly care for this tropical guest at home.

VIDEO: Zephyranthes (Upstart). Care, reproduction, transplantation in open ground

Zephyranthes at home: species and varieties, a guide to winter care and reproduction

Zephyranthes (Upstart). Care, reproduction, transplantation in open ground

Zephyranthes at home: types and varieties, winter care and breeding guide | (60+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews


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