Many have encountered such a problem as blunting the chain in a gas or electric saw. Manual sharpening with a needle file is a process that is not only time-consuming, but also very laborious.
You can, of course, bring the chain to the workshop and sharpen it on a special machine. But in the conditions of staying in a country house far from the city, this method is not suitable. In this article, we will tell you how to mechanize the sharpening process in order to make everything much easier and faster as a result.

Materials for work
To sharpen your saw chain, you will need:
- bearing;
- branch or piece of wood;
- round file;
- metal scissors;
- sharp knife;
- axe;
- electric drill;
- hammer.
No. 1. We create a device for sharpening
With a sharp knife from a thick branch, we make a peg of such a size that it enters the bearing.
Drive the branch into the bearing with the butt of an ax until it sits tightly.
We cut off the protruding parts of the peg with a hacksaw so that the tree remains only inside the bearing.

We draw two diametrical lines, marking the center at their intersection.

If there is no thin drill, use a nail of the right size. Using scissors for metal, cut off the head of the nail.
We fix a nail without a head in an electric drill.
Drill a hole in the marked center of the peg.

Drive a round needle file into the resulting hole with a hammer.

We fix the other end of the file in an electric drill.

No. 2. Device test
We fix the saw in a vice.
Holding the device with both hands, we sharpen each saw tooth, alternating directions.

After 10 minutes, the saw is ready for use.

Video: Sharpening the saw chain
Sharpening the saw chain
Homemade saw chain sharpening machine: just 10 minutes and the saw is ready to work again!
Quick and easy
Class, otherwise these craftsmen set fire to me with their teeth
for convenience, you can put a piece of pvc pipe of a suitable size on the bearing
Great idea. I will definitely use.