Thermal insulation materials for a residential building are selected depending on the type of construction and the type of future cladding. We will tell you in detail how to insulate a private house with your own hands in each case.
- Is it possible to insulate the house from the inside?
- How to choose the thickness of the insulation?
- When can I start insulating a building?
- Facade insulation. Basic ways
- What materials can be used for facade insulation?
- Foundation insulation materials
- Thermal insulation materials for roofing
- Assortment of heat insulators
- Types of mineral wool
- Thermal panels
- Heat-insulating plaster
- Penoizol
- Liquid polyurethane foam
- Granular heat insulators

Is it possible to insulate the house from the inside?
Unless you want to live in a room where humidity exceeds all permissible limits, and layers of frost and black fungus cover the corners, never insulate the building from the inside. The freezing of the walls in this case will occur due to the displacement of the dew point boundary - a section of a certain temperature where the vapor in the air begins to condense and turn into water.
Moisture loss always occurs at the boundary between cold and warm air. Proper thermal insulation implies the mandatory displacement of this area outside the building. When the building is insulated from the outside, a sharp temperature drop will be observed somewhere on the border of the insulation, that is, outside the room.
When laying a heat insulator inside the house, the dew point will be located between the cold wall and the warm sheathing, that is, in the building itself, which is unacceptable.

Dew point in the wall of a building
Not very successful is the option in which, with a small wall thickness, a thin layer of insulation is selected. The dew point in this case will be closer to the center of the wall, which can also lead to freezing of the corners and condensation in the house.

How to choose the thickness of the insulation?
To reduce heat loss and ensure an acceptable temperature in the premises during insulation, the thickness of the walls, their heat-insulating properties, the type of foundation, the climate of the area and the prevailing wind loads are taken into account. With sufficient thickness of walls made of materials with high heat-insulating properties (for example, made of bricks or logs), facade insulation is not necessary.
The thermal insulation of a house assembled from cinder blocks should be maximum - this material is not able to retain heat for a long time. When calculating the thickness of the walls, the thermal conductivity of the insulation itself is taken into account. The best characteristics are materials such as polyurethane foam, polystyrene, mineral wool.
For example, a 50 mm polyurethane layer is able to retain heat in the same way as a 1720 mm brick.

Thermal conductivity of materials
Professional builders use rather complex formulas to calculate the thickness of the insulation. When choosing a heat insulator for a private house, it is convenient to use online calculators. You only need to indicate the region of residence, the size of the building, the types of basement and attic floors, the thickness and material of the walls, the type of roof.

When can I start insulating a building?
In construction, there is a basic rule - it is necessary to start work on finishing buildings after the house has completely shrunk. This may take about a year. Moreover, shrinkage is given not only by wooden houses, but also by brick buildings, monolithic-frame, etc.
Installation of thermal insulation is preferably carried out in dry weather - the house is pre-dried well. The house must already have a roof, external waterproofing of the foundation, ventilation, window, doors.

All work on finishing a log house begins only after its shrinkage.
You should not start work either in frost or in heat - you must wait for a positive temperature of 5-25 ° C. The optimal time to start finishing the facade is late spring or early autumn.

Facade insulation. Basic ways

Ventilated hinged facade with siding trim
There are several ways to finish the walls:
- by creating ventilated hinged facades: fixing facing materials on the frame; a ventilation gap is formed between the insulation and the wall, protecting them from condensation and moisture accumulation
- plastering method: the system consists of 3 layers, heat-insulating (most often inexpensive foam is used, which is attached to a special adhesive composition), reinforcing mesh and a decorative layer (plaster)
- through ready-made plaster systems (thermo panels), heat-insulating materials with a decorative layer already applied
- using siding (high-strength typesetting panels): in fact, the method is a kind of ventilated facades.

What materials can be used for facade insulation?
The materials used for thermal insulation of walls must have a number of technical characteristics:
- sufficiently low coefficient of thermal conductivity: store safely and do not lose heat
- low degree of water absorption - after all, when absorbing moisture, they almost completely lose their thermal insulation properties
- resistance to decay
- sufficient vapor permeability: the walls of the house must necessarily "breathe", that is, let air through and give off moisture; when the walls are closed with a heater with low vapor permeability, the humidity in the house will always be increased
- strength and durability to wind loads, other physical influences
- fire resistance: they should not be highly flammable
- long service life

Types of heaters
Unfortunately, there are no universal heaters that fully meet these requirements.
Each of them has both undeniable pluses and minuses:
- Styrofoam: it is able to store heat for a long time, but it is very vulnerable to ultraviolet radiation, plus it has low strength and fire resistance, therefore it requires additional finishing; moisture absorption medium
- penoplex: has a low coefficient of thermal conductivity, moisture resistant, resistant to combustion; there are two drawbacks - poor vapor permeability and a fairly significant price compared to foam
- mineral wool: its undoubted advantages include low thermal conductivity, high fire resistance; but, since this material quickly absorbs moisture, it requires mandatory waterproofing
- warm plaster: a mixture based on cement, the sand in which is replaced by heat-insulating components - sawdust, vermiculite, perlite, pumice or foam plastic granules; further covered with a layer of decorative plaster
- penoizol: in fact, this is a liquid foam - a lightweight insulation that perfectly stores heat, is applied by spraying; its main disadvantages are poor resistance to aggressive chemical environments and fire
- liquid polyurethane foam: also applied by spraying with the help of special devices, filling every crack; it is very convenient to work with it on inclined planes during thermal insulation of the roof; but the price is quite high

Styrofoam finish followed by plastering

Foundation insulation materials
The foundation that delimits the soil and the structure is considered one of the main sources of heat loss. However, not all types of materials can be used for its insulation. Mineral wool or basalt slabs are not suitable for these purposes - they will absorb moisture from the soil and quickly become unusable.

Foundation insulation with expanded clay
The most common insulation for the foundation are:
- styrofoam: perhaps the ideal option in terms of price-quality ratio; if it is impractical to use it for wall decoration due to low vapor permeability, then a material that is not afraid of rotting is ideal for warming the base; plus it is light weight and easy to install; high flammability in this case is not significant - after all, it is laid underground;
- expanded clay: excellent environmentally friendly heat insulator; due to the high porosity, it forms an air cushion that reliably protects the base of the building from the cold; requires additional waterproofing with coating or roll materials; but the high cost does not allow it to be widely used as a heater for the foundation;
- liquid polyurethane foam: similar in properties to expanded polystyrene, however, without special equipment, its independent use is impossible.

Thermal insulation materials for roofing
As you know, warm air only tends to rise. If the roof covering is not sufficiently insulated, it will leave without hindrance, and the house will quickly dry out. If up to 15-20% of heat escapes through the walls, then about 10-20% escapes through the roof. This fact should not be neglected.

Roof insulation with polyurethane foam
Any kind of materials can be used for thermal insulation of roofs, from mineral wool to slag or sawdust. When using expanded clay, it is most often mixed with foam granules - this helps to reduce the weight of the insulation and enhance its effect.
Rolled eco-, glass-, mineral wool, as well as liquid polyurethane foam are used mainly for inclined surfaces. Rigid slabs and bulk insulation are used for laying on floor slabs.

Assortment of heat insulators

The range of heat-insulating materials sold on the market today is quite wide.
Consider only the main ones:
Styrofoam (cellular plastic)
Inexpensive material made on the basis of foamed plastic (mainly polystyrene). The excellent thermal insulation properties of the foam are due to the presence of multiple individual cells-granules, separated by partitions and filled with gas. An 8 cm thick slab is equivalent in terms of thermal protection to 25 cm of wood or 1.5 m of a brick wall.
Styrofoam is lightweight, easy to cut, easy to install. Plates from it are quite elastic and, unlike rolled materials, do not sag over time.

External foam insulation
The density, strength of the foam depends on the technology of its processing and the type of raw material. For facade cladding, it is better to use a material of increased density - it crumbles less when cut and has a longer service life.
Due to the tendency to ignite, as well as the ability to destroy under the influence of sunlight, this insulation must be covered with a layer of plaster or used in ventilated facades.
Extruded polystyrene foam
Despite the fact that expanded polystyrene, like polystyrene, is made on the basis of polystyrene, its technical characteristics differ significantly. If the foaming of the foam occurs under the influence of steam, then in polystyrene bulk granules are obtained by introducing a foaming agent, followed by forcing through an extruder. As a result, the material acquires a more uniform structure and strength.
All of its air granules are closed, have the same size, because polystyrene foam is less fragile than polystyrene.

Insulation of the foundation with polystyrene foam
The service life of this material is up to 40 years. It has minimal water absorption (up to 0.4%) and lower thermal conductivity - on average it is 0.029-0.034 W / (m K). The thermal insulation performance of expanded polystyrene is very high - even a thin sheet is enough to create a reliable barrier to cold.
But still, since expanded polystyrene is not able to "breathe", it is better not to use it for wall decoration, otherwise they will get wet. The main purpose of expanded polystyrene is thermal insulation of plinths and blind areas of foundations. A special high-strength material of increased density is used in construction as auxiliary or even load-bearing structures.

Types of mineral wool
Mineral wool is a group of materials with a fibrous structure, which includes:
- stone wool: obtained from the melt of minerals of rocks; it is she who is often called mineral wool; one of its varieties includes more moisture-resistant basalt wool
- glass wool: fine fibers obtained from molten glass or sand in a process of heating under the influence of ultrahigh temperatures
- slag: the cheapest material, which is based on blast-furnace slag; due to increased hygroscopicity, it is not used for insulation of buildings
The benefits of mineral wool include:
- high thermal insulation properties
- low flammability
- rot resistance
- acceptable cost

Types of mineral wool
It is undesirable to use rolled mineral wool for finishing facades - it has less thermal protection plus shrinks, eventually forming "cold bridges". For finishing the building, it is better to use material in the form of dense slabs.
stone mineral wool
Excellent technical characteristics plus an acceptable price ensured sufficient demand for this material. This type of mineral wool has a low thermal conductivity, almost does not absorb moisture, while due to the cellular structure it is able to “breathe”, that is, let air through and remove condensate.

stone mineral wool
Depending on the type of raw material and the method of production, it can have a different degree of rigidity. Stone wool is produced in the form of sheets, semi-rigid mats or slabs of increased strength.Due to its high fire resistance and high degree of thermal insulation, it is widely used in construction - it is used as a heater and sound insulator of facades, roofs of buildings, which has an increased risk of fire.
glass wool
Due to its low density and increased hygroscopicity, it is not recommended to use it for finishing facades. Plus, glass wool under the influence of elevated temperatures is able to melt, completely losing its thermal insulation properties.

glass wool
This inexpensive rolled material is most often used for thermal insulation of pipelines and technical rooms.
Basalt wool
This material is more expensive than ordinary stone wool, but it is more durable and voluminous. Another advantage is the lower degree of moisture absorption and shrinkage. Formaldehyde, which is part of the basalt sheets, is able to scare away rodents, which often settle in the insulation.
They easily tolerate significant temperature changes without loss of quality, do not rot, do not ignite. High and their heat-insulating properties.

Basalt wool
Basalt wool has a significant drawback - high brittleness. Therefore, you need to work with it carefully, be sure to wear protective clothing, goggles and a respirator. The dust generated during sawing causes skin irritation. She is able to settle in the lungs.
Just as in the case of stone wool, it is better to use not rolled, but more durable slab material for facade cladding. Basalt wool is also applied by spraying with the help of special equipment - in this case, a special type of material is used in the form of granules.

Thermal panels
Facade thermal panels are called ready-made systems consisting of two layers: thermal protection and facing. They do not require any additional finishing or painting. As a heater, polyurethane foam or expanded polystyrene is often used.
The decorative layer is usually made of brick-like clinker tiles or colored marble chips. Recently, products with porcelain stoneware finishing have also been produced. Thermal panels can be mounted on any type of walls from concrete, brick to timber or cinder blocks.
Their technical characteristics and service life depend on the material of manufacture. The installation of such structures is simple - they are simply attached to the profiles.

Facade thermal panels do not require additional finishing
Improved versions of thermal panels have a thorn-groove type side fastening, which excludes the appearance of cold bridges. Such panels do not require additional processing of the seams and filling them with mortar.
Heat-insulating plaster
This type of heat insulator is another novelty in the construction market. The main binder in it is lime or Portland cement. Various stabilizers and plasticizers are also added to them. But the main component (up to 40-75%) in heat-insulating plaster are porous heaters in the form of foamed perlite, vermiculite or foam balls.
A layer of such a mixture of only 50 mm in terms of its thermal insulation properties is equal to laying 2 bricks. Plus, it can, just like a regular one, level the walls, use it as a decorative finish. Moreover, it weighs 3-4 times less than ordinary plaster. You can use warm plaster for ceilings, walls, window and door slopes, pipelines, as well as interior finishing work.

Layer of heat-insulating plaster
The technology for applying heat-insulating plaster is almost identical to the usual method - the mixture is distributed using a conventional spatula or mechanical sprayers. It adheres well to the surface, so a small layer can be applied even without a reinforcing mesh.
This material is able to "breathe", passing steam, has sufficient water-repellent properties. Due to the absence of seams, warm plaster does not form cold bridges. In addition, it is not combustible and is able to protect buildings from accidental ignition.
Liquid urea foam (penoizol) is convenient in that it can be poured directly at the construction site. It perfectly fills all the bumps and voids without expanding in volume. However, it is possible to obtain a high-quality coating without cracks only at temperatures up to +5°C.
Carbide foam is also produced in the form of plates or crumbs, called thermowool, blown into hollow frames. The absence of seams is the most important advantage of the material. It is used for insulation of walls, attics, roof space or as a layer in brick walls.

Thermal insulation with foam insulation
In terms of service life, it surpasses conventional foam or extruded polystyrene foam - the service life can be up to 80 years. Builders often complain about its low strength, but this is due to the use of penoizol of insufficient density. The improved material is not inferior in strength to flexible and dense polystyrene foam.
The porous structure of the urea foam allows for good vapor evacuation. However, due to its ability to absorb liquid, it requires moisture protection. Not only a film with subsequent finishing with durable panels, but also cement-sand plaster can serve as a waterproofing.
Liquid polyurethane foam

Application of liquid polyurethane foam
This material is obtained using two components: polyol and polyisocyanate. The release of carbon dioxide during their interaction makes it possible to obtain surfaces of a foamy structure.
Polyurethane foam is available in two versions:
- with closed voids: has the best strength and heat-insulating characteristics, but worse removes moisture from the walls; it, like slab polyurethane, is best used for insulation of foundations
- with open spaces: widely used for walls, roofs, attics, especially inclined structures
Liquid polyurethane foam costs more than penoizol, but it has better technical characteristics. It is more durable and elastic, absorbs less moisture. According to manufacturers, this heat insulator, subject to the application technology and proper operation, can last up to 50 years.
The disadvantages of liquid polyurethane foam include poor UV resistance - the surfaces filled with it cannot be left open for a long time. It also does not adhere well to cold walls, so it is necessary to work with it only at positive temperatures. Just like sheet polyurethane foam, the material is combustible, therefore it requires additional protection.
Granular heat insulators
This group of thermal insulators includes expanded clay, perlite and vermiculite, which have the form of granules filled with air. In the first case, a cellular structure is obtained by swelling of fusible clay. Perlite granules are obtained by heat treatment of rocks of volcanic origin.
Vermiculite is a heat-insulating bulk material with a cellular structure, in the production of which mica (volcanic glass) is used.The advantages of granular materials include high sound and heat insulation properties, environmental safety, frost resistance. Such bulk materials are used mainly for warming floors and ceilings.
When using expanded clay, it is recommended to use fractions of three types - granules ranging in size from 0.5 (the smallest), 0.2 and 0.4 cm. In this case, cold air layers will not form between the granules.

Roof insulation with expanded clay
Vermiculite is more expensive than expanded clay, but has higher thermal insulation properties compared to other materials.. And even when absorbing moisture, they almost do not change. After drying, it completely restores its properties.
Vermiculite has less weight than expanded clay, which is important when insulating roof slabs. Since its granules are very small, a much smaller backfill layer is required to create a reliable thermal protection layer.
The main disadvantage of all granular heat insulators is the need to use reliable waterproofing, because they have a high degree of water absorption. Since such materials are prone to dust formation, they are used indoors only in screeds.
For example, perlite, like vermiculite, does not lose its properties after absorbing water. However, since it is able to absorb up to 300% of the liquid (in this, perlite seriously loses to expanded clay and permiculite), its weight increases many times over.

Comparison of perlite and vermiculite
According to the author of this video, not all house structures need to be insulated. In his video, he gives a detailed description of the methods of heat transfer, talks about the main mistakes that occur during the installation of heaters.

House insulation
Insulation of the house on the mind. Where it is necessary to insulate, and where not.
How to insulate a private house with your own hands: roof, walls and foundation, description of thermal insulation materials offered on the market (Photo & Video) + Reviews
Good article! For private house insulation, the best choice is aerogels for thermal insulation. It has better insulation effect, easy installation, non-combustible property, etc.
Good article, but a lot of inaccuracies and omissions. Each heater has its own unique composition, which determines the scope of its application in the insulation of the house. With a heater designed for thermal insulation below zero, you cannot insulate anything higher (PPS EPPS) For interwall insulation of brick walls, according to SNiP and GOST, only KFP passes ( penoizol) PPU is a metal sandwich panel. Mineral wool - skeletons and attics, etc.