Installing a gas boiler in a private house: all the necessary requirements for a quick and legal launch of the heating system (Photo & Video) + Reviews

Installation of a gas boiler in a private house

Scheduled central heating, unfortunately, is not available in all homes. Homeowners in the private sector are forced to take care of themselves so that in winter it is warm in their home, and hot water flows from the tap, regardless of the season. Many solve the problem by installing a gas boiler. However, this procedure in a private house is not so simple and is associated with a number of requirements and rules. We will talk about them in the material.

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Gas equipment and its types

A gas boiler is a reduced boiler room, equipment that generates thermal energy by consuming natural gas. It is used for space heating, heating of tap water for economic and domestic needs.

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Double-circuit wall-mounted gas boiler

Double-circuit wall-mounted gas boiler

The main types of boilers are summarized in the table:

Main types of boilers

By type of accommodation

wall Attaches to steel frames and vertical surfaces, mainly to walls
floor standing Placed on a platform or floor
Parapet (do not have a chimney) Mounted on the outer wall of the house

By functionality

single circuit Designed for heating only
Dual circuit Can provide both heating and heating

By using the heat of combustion

Convection Work on low heat
Condensing Focused on the use of higher heat

By type of ignition

Electronic Automatic start
With piezo ignition Turn on by button, in manual mode

By the nature of traction

With natural traction Air intake comes from the same room
Forced draft Air is taken from the atmosphere with the help of a built-in fan

When choosing gas equipment, the key requirement is thermal power. It is calculated individually for each household.

For temperate latitudes, this is done according to the formula: multiply the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house by 100 W plus 20% of the resulting figure for the stock. If the height of the ceiling arch exceeds 3 m, then the power is considered as a cubic capacity multiplied by an average value of 40 watts.

In regions with a predominantly low temperature regime, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe building is multiplied by 120, and in hot regions - by 80. The increasing safety factor remains unchanged.

When using a double-circuit boiler or tandem "boiler-boiler" add 50% to the stock. If a buffer capacity is also connected in the circuit, then this figure is doubled (up to 100%).

The best options for matching the type of boiler to the selected room are collected in the table:

Instrument typeIdeally suited space
double circuit Kitchen with gas stove
Floor Separate room - furnace
Wall or parapet Kitchen
Low power (up to 60 kW) Kitchen or room of at least 27 m2
High power (up to 150 kW) Only a fenced-off room with a low level of fire risk and a high-quality ventilation system
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Normative documents

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Gas equipment

Gas equipment

Before making the final decision to install rather expensive equipment, you need to carefully study the official documents. These are the standards that regulate the procedure for the use of gas boilers by the population.

They have a common name "Building norms and rules" (SNiP), contain general rules and specific clear requirements for those wishing to equip home boiler rooms.

The main profile SNiPs, where you can find all the information of interest, are collected in the table:

SNiP numberNameregulate
31-02-2001 Residential single-apartment houses Performance and safety requirements
41-01-2003 Heating, ventilation and air conditioning Installation and use of heating systems
21-01-97* Fire safety of buildings and structures Fire protection rules for premises
42-01-2002 Gas distribution systems Design of gas distribution networks
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Installed boiler

Installed boiler

In order to install gas equipment in a private household, you must sequentially perform the following steps:

  1. Choose a room in the house that is suitable for the requirements of SNiPs

  2. Purchase an appliance that meets the specifications and needs of the homeowner

  3. Submit an application, drawn up according to the established model, along with a package of documents, to the gas supply organization of the settlement to whose territory the house belongs

  4. Obtain approval and pick up ready-made technical conditions for connection to the gas supply system

  5. Based on the technical specifications received, order a connection project, which is then approved by the relevant service of the gas supply company

  6. Carry out the installation of the boiler device on site, connect the equipment to the heating system

  7. Contact Gorgaz and call specialists for commissioning

  8. Conclude a contract for the supply of gas

Typically, the design and installation of equipment is carried out by employees of the natural gas supplier company. As a rule, this is a state structure. However, it is not forbidden to apply to private organizations. The difference is only in terms and cost of work.

It is imperative to complete each item in order in order for heating to appear in the house. Properly performed actions are the key to quick approval of documents and start-up of equipment.

Requirements for the premises

According to building codes, gas mini-boiler is allowed to be installed in the following types of premises:

  • in the kitchen of a residential apartment or Housesif the equipment has a power of less than 60 kW
  • in separate or combined with a residential building boiler rooms
  • in specially equipped rooms - furnaces, subject to the requirements

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Gas equipment

Gas equipment

It will be allowed to place gas equipment in a room if it meets the following requirements:

  1. Area - at least 15 m3, height from floor to ceiling - 2.5 m and above

  2. The presence of a natural ventilation system. For 1 hour, a volume of air equal to three volumes of the furnace must pass through the exhaust duct.

  3. The room has access to the open air - a window or a window of a strictly defined size. You can calculate the parameters of glass partitions by multiplying the volume of the room by 0.03

  4. The width of the door leaf is at least 800 mm

  5. The walls must be smooth, plastered and made of non-combustible material. If the owner plans to install gas equipment in a wooden house, then the inside of the room will have to be sewn up with heat-resistant lining, which is protected from ignition

  6. The presence of a ground loop and a cold water pipeline

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Scheme of a boiler room in a private house

Scheme of a boiler room in a private house

An optional but desirable condition is the installation in the room of a gas analyzer and an emergency shutdown system in case of a possible fuel leak. For ventilation, you can make a supply air duct equipped with a grill in the door of the room or on the wall adjacent to another room.

When calculating the parameters, it is important to take into account the size of the supply channel. It is equal to the exhaust volume, taking into account the amount of air mixture for combustion indicated in the technical passport of the boiler.

In private homes, it is the kitchen that meets these requirements., which, as a rule, is pre-designed according to the same type as boiler rooms. 

Where installation is prohibited

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Heating gas appliance

Heating gas appliance

According to building codes and regulations, gas appliances in a private house, including boilers, are prohibited from installing:

  • in toilets and bathrooms
  • in the corridors
  • in rooms without windows, with a narrow doorway
  • in hostels
  • on the loggia or balcony
  • in unventilated basements
  • in rooms whose walls are made of flammable materials

In the case of using liquefied petroleum gas as fuel, it is forbidden to install the boiler in the premises of the basement.

A lot of controversy and discussion is built around the possibility of installing gas supply equipment in the toilet of a private house. This is completely excluded in the case of installing a boiler with an open combustion system.

The SNiP 31-02-2001 in force in the Russian Federation prohibits the placement of gas appliances of any type in bathrooms. However, at the regional level, their own requirements and norms can be adopted, which can be softer and more loyal in this matter.

So, in some subjects of the Russian Federation, if the combustion chamber of the device is closed, does not communicate with the air inside the room, then such installation is possible. In this case, oxygen intake for combustion from the outside should be carried out only through sealed pipes. For local regulations, please contact your municipal gas service or city licensed design company. 


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Technical conditions for the installation and installation of a gas appliance

Technical conditions for the installation and installation of a gas appliance

Having chosen a room and having a purchased appliance, the homeowner applies to the company that supplies the fuel with a statement. In the document filled out by hand, in addition to personal data, the applicant indicates the type and brand of gas supply equipment.

An individual shall attach the necessary documentation to the application:

  • a copy of the certificate of ownership of the land ploton which the property is located
  • situational plan for the territorial location of a piece of land in relation to the coordinates and boundaries of the entire settlement
  • if the maximum planned gas flow rate per hour exceeds 5 m3, then an appropriate calculation with exact figures must be attached
  • power of attorney to represent the interests of the owner of the land (if the application is submitted by a legal representative)

It usually takes 5-10 business days to complete the necessary documentation. If, at the end of this period, the company gave the owner the technical specifications in hand, then you can proceed to the design.

Development and approval of the project

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Current building scheme

Current building scheme

The next step is the order and production of project documentation for the installation of a gas supply device in a private household. The project includes schemes:

  • the actual location of the boiler in the house
  • laying gas communications on the land plot with the obligatory indication of the entry point to the building
  • connections to municipal gas communications

The finished document is submitted for approval to the relevant department of the state organization, endowed with the authority to control in the field of fuel and energy (most often it is Gorgaz). The procedure takes from 10 days to 2-3 months, depending on how complex the project is.

Mandatory package of documents, which are required by employees of Gorgaz, are included:

  1. Technical passport of the purchased gas equipment and instructions for its operation

  2. Sanitary and hygienic certificate

  3. Certificate of compliance with technical requirements

  4. Expert opinion on the compliance of equipment with rules and regulations

When buying a gas supply device, you should check the availability of all these papers. If for some reason they are not available, you need to request copies from the representatives of the boiler manufacturer.

The owner may also be required to have the layout of the building up to date. If it is not there, then the technician will go to the site for an additional fee and draw up the actual drawing. At the same time, gas workers also take into account the wishes of the owners at the proposed place of installation of the boiler.

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Scheme of a boiler room in a private house

Scheme of a boiler room in a private house

Based on the review of documents, one of two verdicts can be issued:

  1. Project approved – it is endorsed in 3 copies and certified by the seal of the organization

  2. Project documentation rejected – all papers are returned to the applicant, attaching a list of errors that need to be corrected in order to obtain a positive conclusion

In case of a favorable outcome of the consideration of documents at this stage, you can order the laying of internal and external communications.

Installing a boiler without permission will be dangerous and illegal. In case of detection of such unauthorized installation, the owner of the house will be held liable and will pay an impressive monetary fine.

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Device installation requirements

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Installed gas equipment

Installed gas equipment

The homeowner can perform installation work on placing the device on a prepared section of the floor or wall, connecting it to ventilation and removing the chimney on his own. but it is safest to entrust the performance of these works to professionals from specialized organizations.

Direct fastening and installation of outdoor equipment is carried out taking into account the following rules:

  • minimum distance to the opposite wall - 1.25 m
  • free space on both sides for maintenance - 0.7 m each
  • clearance to the wall - 5 cm from the rear wall of the device

When installed on a wooden floor, fireproof material is placed under the device: roofing steel or basalt cardboard. On 3 sides, the lining protrudes beyond the dimensions of the device by 10 cm, in front - 70 cm longer. The walls are also sheathed with mineralite slabs, asbestos sheets or galvanized steel sheets with a thickness of more than 1 mm.

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Mounted gas boiler

Mounted gas boiler

If the boiler is mounted, then the minimum indents should have the following values:

  • to the ceiling or overhanging structure - 45 cm
  • before gender – 30 cm
  • on the sides - 20 cm
  • to the opposite wall or other obstacle - 1 m

A hinged appliance in a room made of wood is also isolated from the walls with fireproof material 100 mm protruding beyond the dimensions. The length of the steel or asbestos gasket must be 700 mm longer than the length of the boiler from below. The thickness of the insulating material is ideally 3 cm or more.

The simplest conditions are put forward when installing a parapet device. The key requirement is that the room has window and door openings larger than 80 cm. This boiler is also considered the safest, because the ventilation and chimney system is enclosed in one pipe.

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Chimney connection requirements

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Connected device

Connected device

Appliances with an open combustion chamber are connected to a natural draft ventilation system. The height of the chimney must not exceed 5 m, counting from the burner.

It is prohibited to:

  1. The head of the chimney fell into the zone of wind backwater

  2. The spigot of the device was connected to the ventilation ducts in the wall, made of bricks.

  3. Chimney turned at right angles more than 3 times

  4. The length of the horizontal section that cut into the vertical pipe exceeded 3 m

  5. The boiler branch pipe for the removal of combustion products was larger in diameter than the pipe

  6. An aluminum corrugation was used as a chimney channel (only ceramics or steel are allowed)

  7. There was no inspection hatch (it is equipped 30 cm below the insertion point into a vertical pipe)

  8. The distance from the wooden surfaces to the uninsulated metal chimney was less than 50 cm

  9. The seams were not treated with heat-resistant sealant at the chimney junctions

When tying the boiler, it is recommended to observe the following rules:

  • install screens on the pipe inlets filters
  • the boiler, mounted to the wall, must be connected by means of shut-off valves with union nuts
  • for a floor-standing device, additionally install a circulation pump, a safety group and, of course, an expansion tank
  • in case of joint operation with other heating devices, the installation of check valves is required
  • the return pipe or the return coolant pipeline is connected to make-up from the water supply network
  • under powerful appliances with a turbine and a fan, a 220-volt socket protected from flooding and a ground wire for it are installed

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Boiler installation

Boiler installation

Before the first start-up, gas workers check the entire system for leaks, visually normal condition of the device and the correct connection of communications. Then the heating system is filled with water. A special system make-up unit is already built into modern gas appliances, so the procedure will not require additional efforts.

Stop filling at 2 atmospheres on the pressure gauge. Then the accumulated air is released from the main components, the circulation pump and radiators. As soon as the air has stopped leaving the system, water has gone, the equipment is ready to start at full power.

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Gas wall-mounted boiler

Gas wall-mounted boiler

The price of connecting a private house to gas supply and installing a boiler depends on the price list for the services of specific companies in settlements. As an example, let's analyze the cost of all work related to the equipment of the boiler in a private house in Yaroslavl.

Nature of workprice, rub.
Boiler installation 5 000
Connecting the boiler to gas 2 000
Starting gas equipment 2 500
Installation of a gas pipeline inside and underground from 1 500 per 1 m
Installation of a turnkey gas supply system from 10 000

In Moscow, the installation of a wall-mounted gas heating boiler costs 12,000 rubles, and an outdoor one costs 16,000 rubles. At the same time, the prices for the devices themselves, depending on the configuration, type of ignition and placement, the number of circuits, vary from 10 to 100 thousand rubles.

Having carefully studied the SNiPs, contacting the local gas services and carefully approaching the issue of choosing a device, connecting a gas boiler in a private house is quite simple. The most difficult thing in this process is the expectation of approval of documents, which sometimes discourages the desire to carry out any technical transformations.

A modern gas boiler is the optimal solution for heating and heating water in a private household. Unlike centralized heating, the owners themselves can regulate the temperature, the operating time of the device, saving a lot on housing and communal services.

About what requirements and rules are imposed in the issue of obtaining a permit, installation and launch of a gas heating system, is described in detail in the video:

Installing a gas boiler in a private house: all the necessary requirements for a quick and legal launch of the heating system (Photo & Video) + Reviews

VIDEO: Requirements for premises with gas equipment

Installing a gas boiler in a private house: all the necessary requirements for a quick and legal launch of the heating system (Photo & Video) + Reviews

The nuances and important tips for installing a gas boiler are given in the video:

Installing a gas boiler in a private house: all the necessary requirements for a quick and legal launch of the heating system (Photo & Video) + Reviews

VIDEO: How to choose a gas boiler. Basic design data

Installing a gas boiler in a private house: all the necessary requirements for a quick and legal launch of the heating system (Photo & Video) + Reviews

8.5 Total Score
Gas boiler installation

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1 comment
  1. Answer
    viereipentenephpa 01/07/2021 at 11:09

    The project is developed taking into account all the requirements specified in the technical specifications. This also includes a scheme for laying gas communications: for a private house - along the site to the entrance to the residential building, indicating this point in the drawing, and for an apartment from the entrance to it, the gas supply pipe to the point of connection to the autonomous system heating boiler.

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