The most beautiful flowers are generally recognized to be roses - This is a domesticated variety of a wild plant called wild rose. Combining beauty, a huge variety of shades, an abundance of flowers on the plant and a wonderful aroma, roses are truly considered the "queen of gardens." Naturally, every queen requires royal care, and roses are no exception to this rule.

Works in the rose garden in autumn
Rarely does a flower have a more complex agricultural technique than a rose. And the point here is not at all about the survival of the plant - as a relative of the wild rose, the rose survives and reproduces perfectly well without a person.
It’s just that with such a lifestyle, you can forget about beautiful large flowers; since the time of the rose "run wild"become smaller and less bright.
To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to regularly take care of the population of the rose garden throughout the year, performing all the activities characteristic of a particular season. Autumn is an important season in the life of any plant, and roses are no exception.
Roses need special care in autumn to end the warm season and prepare them for winter.

Why prepare roses for winter
Each perennial, including a rose, goes through two periods in a year: growth and rest. Each of them is important in its own way, and the normal life cycle of a plant without the alternation of these periods is impossible. There are relatively few plant species on our planet that do not have a dormant period as such.
Attempts to grow plants without the opportunity to give them a rest lead to the fact that literally within a year any perennial begins to weaken and eventually die.
However, only the presence of the fact of rest for a rose is not enough. She needs to enter this stage prepared so that wintering, combined with the dormancy of the plant, does not cause an even greater deterioration in her condition. To do this, you need to carry out a series of events in the fall to prepare the rose for winter.
All work carried out in the autumn in the rose garden is presented below in the form of a table:
Works in the rose garden | Estimated start time | Finishing time |
Last weeding of the season | from September 15 | to September 20 |
top dressing | from September 15 | to September 30 |
Stop watering | from September 20 | to September 30 |
Trunk painting | from September 25 | to October 10 |
pruning | from October 1 | to October 15 |
Pre-winter pest control | from October 10 | to October 20 |
Shelter for the winter | from October 20 | to November 10 |
The sequence of work is very important, since each individual activity has a number of consequences, which can become critical in a given situation.
For example, roses should be pruned only when the first frosts are observed. If this is done earlier, then pruning will provoke the growth of buds, new shoots will appear on the roses. They will not only die in November, but they will also provoke a disease of the plant and the rose may simply not survive the winter.
It is advisable to tie the work in the rose garden to certain dates, as shown earlier, however, these terms need not be taken literally.

Events at the end of the warm season
It is necessary to start the autumn preparation of roses for wintering with fairly simple, but, nevertheless, very important events.
First of all, they relate to the preparation of the soil in the rose garden for further work, which will be carried out directly with roses.
All these events should be held in the second decade of September.
This weeding will be the last of the season. After it, no manipulations with the soil of the rose garden should be carried out (except for those that accompany the shelter), so as not to further disturb the root system of plants.

Feeding roses before wintering
It is believed that the latest time when you can make autumn top dressing for roses is September. Such periods are perfectly linked with the seasonal activity of roses, which are able to actively absorb minerals from the soil for about a month.
Later top dressings will not be assimilated, earlier ones, on the contrary, can provoke excessive “activity” of the plant.
At the last top dressing in the season, it is enough to use the usual rate of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers (no more than 15 g per 1 bush). Such top dressing increases plant resistance to diseases, accelerates the maturation of wood in the trunks of past seasons.
From the "folk" means, it is recommended to use an alternative source of potassium - finely chopped banana peel. It is buried directly under a rose bush.
Another fertilizer, the use of which can be rational, is wood ash. It must be diluted in water (concentration 50 to 1) and pour each bush with 1 bucket of water.

Autumn pruning of roses
The criterion for the start of pruning is the moment in time when the air temperature drops to 7-5 ° C during the day, and at night, the thermometer will record reaching zero.
There is an opinion that autumn pruning aims solely to simplify or facilitate the procedures for sheltering roses; naturally it is not. Of course, it is important to shorten tall plants or boles, but pruning has other goals.
In general, they can be formulated as follows:
You also need to understand that pruning will be significantly different for each plant variety.
- large-flowered
- shrubby
- climbing with medium length of shoots
- tea
- hybrid tea
- miniature
- polyanthus
- floribunda

Disease control

spraying roses in autumn
Disease control in autumn involves various types of treatmentboth plants and the soil in which they grow. It is recommended to start pre-winter processing even before cutting the shoots by painting the trunks.
Painting will create a barrier for the penetration of autumn infections into plants, as well as protect their bark from minor damage.
For this purpose, you can use the following materials:
- shop garden paint
- copper chloride
- ordinary lime
The last option is, of course, the most extreme, but if nothing else is at hand, he will do.
Rose shoots are painted to a height of up to 30 cm from the ground level. If there are any defects or damage on the shoots from below, they should be painted especially carefully. After painting, the bushes should be spudded to a height of 5-10 cm.
Soil treatment is carried out using Bordeaux fluid at a concentration of 1%. It should be sprayed on the root zone and all shoots and leaves of plants.
It is also recommended to remove all debris from the rose garden in the form of small fallen branches, shoots and leaves. They should either be sent to the compost pit or destroyed by incineration.

winter warming
Proper insulation is the most important part of preparing roses for winter. Despite the fact that the plant is quite frost-resistant, in order to preserve its decorative effect, it is recommended to warm it in any climate where frosts exceed -3 ° C.
In general, it is recommended to wrap roses in all climatic zones, except for the subtropics, or regions close to them in climate.
Conventionally, insulation is divided into 4 stages:
Removing leaves
Leaves should be completely removed from the shoots. Each leaf is a potential source of fungus. You should not save the foliage of the last season, because in spring the plants will still form new shoots and leaves.
Digging up the soil
For normal aeration of the root system, a deep digging of the site should be carried out. At the same time, in order not to damage the roots of the bushes, it is necessary to use not a shovel, but a pitchfork.
In addition, at the stage of digging, you should “dig” the bushes a little so that they easily fit on the ground level for further shelter. It is enough to dig the plant from one side - and the bush fits on the ground without any problems.
Hilling bushes
Do not use ordinary soil for hilling. For this purpose, some dry material is suitable:
- crushed peat
- sand
- dry land from another site
Hilling is done by creating a low (up to 20 cm) mound in the root zone. rose varieties floribunda or hybrid tea should be completely covered when hilling. Thus, it will be possible to preserve their kidneys in any frost.
rose cover
At this stage, you should collect the shoots and carefully lay them. Next, they are covered with agrofiber, film or any other material that is covered with earth from above, or last year's foliage.
You can do without the use of a film, simply by sprinkling the plants with a layer of earth, but at the same time in the spring it will be quite difficult to remove them from under it without injuring the shoots.
And you can do it in other ways:

Shelter of standard and climbing roses
Tall plants - standard and climbing roses have certain features in pre-winter wrapping. The former may have vaccinations located high from the ground, the latter may generally have too long shoots, which, moreover, are located on special trellises or various structures.
In standard roses, the trunk, crown, and also the grafting site are wrapped. The optimal material for this are coconut mats; you can also use other heaters:
- burlap
- agrofibre
- straw
- etc.
If the trunk is still young and has not too lignified shoots, it is recommended to bend it to the ground and cover it at ground level. It is even recommended to spud the whole bush, that is, completely cover it with earth.
With climbing roses they do the same, with the only difference being that it is not recommended to completely sprinkle them with earth. They are removed from the supports, the necessary pruning is carried out and laid on the ground, where they are covered by any of the previously described methods.

Other works in the rose garden
If the area with roses is on moist soil, or if the autumn turned out to be damp, it is recommended to dry the rose garden before covering the plants. This can be done by covering the roses for several days with the help of improvised greenhouses.
To do this, a frame of metal arcs is installed above the bushes (which are usually used in the spring to create greenhouses). A film is placed on the arcs, while it may not reach the ground level. In this form, the plants are left for several days.

The preparation of roses for winter, carried out in the fall, is an important event in the life of these plants. If these activities are skipped, or done incorrectly, you can lose most of the plants next year. Particular attention should be paid to such seemingly insignificant procedures as tillage and disease prevention.
Of course, sheltering roses for the winter is very important, but without the actions described earlier, the plants will not be able to safely winter. The main principle in the autumn work in the rose garden is the correct sequence of actions performed as part of the preparation of roses for winter.
Violation of this sequence or timing of any action may have unpredictable consequences.
Thematic video:
Roses: features of autumn care for them, everything you need to know about it (Photo & Video) + Reviews
Roses: features of autumn care for them, everything you need to know about it (Photo & Video) + Reviews