Berry Kalina Red: and its useful properties and contraindications, 10 folk recipes | (Photo & Video) +Reviews


Kalina red is one of the most popular folk remedies to combat colds. But its useful properties do not end there. For thousands of years, Europeans have used viburnum to fight many ailments. Even today it is one of the most popular folk remedies. Kalina is a universal plant: not only berries are used in medicine, but also leaves, branches, bark and roots.

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Useful properties of viburnum

The familiar red or common viburnum is a deciduous shrub from the Adox family, called Viburnum opulus in Latin. The plant has many varieties, both decorative and of economic importance.

Fruits, leaves and shoots of viburnum are used in cooking, folk medicine and cosmetology. Jams and jams from viburnum in their taste characteristics are no worse than raspberry ones. Kalina is present in many recipes - from sweets to vinegar. It is used both for cooking both ordinary and exotic dishes, such as kulagi or snacks from viburnum with lard. In addition, this plant is classified as a good honey plant (productivity up to 15 kg of nectar per 1 ha). It is difficult to find a plant that has more useful properties than viburnum.

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plant description

The height of adult shrubs can be from 1.5 to 4 m. Tree forms also rarely exceed this value. The bark of the plant is gray-brown, covered with cracks. The thickness of individual branches can reach up to 8 cm. The average life expectancy is about 30 years, but there are facts of growing bushes up to 50 years old.

Berry Kalina Red: and its beneficial properties and contraindications, 10 folk recipes

viburnum bush in autumn

Shoots are mostly rounded, very rarely - ribbed. The core is white, with a reddish tinge. The root system is powerful, well branched. Depth - 40-50 cm, distribution - up to 150 cm from the center of the bush.

The leaves of viburnum are ovoid or rounded. On the branches they are opposite. Petioles are relatively large. The flowers are collected in flat umbellate inflorescences-panicles up to 8 cm in diameter. Marginal flowers are barren, middle bisexual. The color depends on the variety. It is traditionally white, but there are subspecies with pinkish or yellow petals.

Flowering occurs in early summer and lasts about a week. Fruit ripening may be delayed depending on how warm the summer was. It usually occurs in September, but sometimes occurs in October.

Berry Kalina Red: and its beneficial properties and contraindications, 10 folk recipes

Red viburnum brush with berries

The fruits are red berries, oval or spherical in shape, up to 10 mm in diameter. In the center of the fetus is a bone of a characteristic shape. The berries are very juicy, but have a slightly bitter and astringent taste.

Berry Kalina Red: and its beneficial properties and contraindications, 10 folk recipes

The bones of viburnum have a characteristic heart-shaped shape.

The viburnum bush is photophilous, but can also grow in partial shade. Care is not demanding. It belongs to the 4th zone of frost resistance (up to -35 ° C), some subspecies can even withstand -40 ° C. Viburnum propagates in all ways - with the help of seeds, layering, division of the root system, cuttings. Viburnum seeds remain viable for about a year.It has good immunity against diseases and pests.

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Chemical composition

Useful properties of viburnum are determined by its chemical composition. The plant uses almost all its parts: from roots to flowers and fruits. Each of them contains its own useful substances. They are described in more detail below.


The use of viburnum fruits is the most common. They are red berries with a diameter of 8-10 mm. 100 g of fruit pulp contains the following vitamins:

  • vitamin C - up to 135 mg (more only in lemons);
  • vitamin B3 - up to 1.35 g;
  • vitamin A - 2.5 mg;
  • vitamin K - 30 mg;
  • vitamin B9 - 30 mcg;
  • vitamin E - 200 mg.

The mineral composition includes the following substances:

  • potassium - 109 mg;
  • magnesium - 57 mg;
  • iron - 300 mcg;
  • chromium - 60 mcg;
  • manganese - 6 mg;
  • silicon - 50 mg;
  • zinc - 800 mcg;
  • cobalt - 29 mcg;
  • molybdenum - 248 mg.
  • vitamin E - 200 mg.

The ratio of BJU for viburnum is 1 to 3.8 to 16.3; energy value of fruits with stones:

  • proteins - 0.4 g;
  • fats up to 1.5 g;
  • carbohydrates - 7 g;

The main amount of fat falls on the bones of viburnum (up to 21% of the mass). The amount of dietary fiber (fiber) is up to 0.5 g. The calorie content of 100 g of the product is 26 kcal.

100 g of the product contains the daily norm of vitamin K. In addition, the amount of vitamin C and silicon exceeds the daily norm by 67%, cobalt by 185%, molybdenum by 250% and chromium by 20%. Kalina is recommended to use with a lack of these trace elements in the body.


The leaves contain the following substances:

  • glycosides up to 1.38%;
  • organic acids (formic, acetic, butyric, valeric, caprylic, isovaleric, linoleic, etc.) - up to 3.6%;
  • tannins up to 3.5%.

The leaves also contain a small amount of saponins and phenolic compounds.

Berry Kalina Red: and its beneficial properties and contraindications, 10 folk recipes

Appearance of red viburnum leaves after drying

In a small amount, glycosides (in particular, sorbic acid glycoside) are also included in the berries of the plant., which explains its slightly bitter taste, but their content is significantly less than, for example, in mountain ash, so the berries can be consumed without any heat treatment. The leaves are recommended to be boiled, and not insisted.


The flowers contain urosolic acid, as well as a number of flavonoids. These plant pigments have some vitamin properties and are also antioxidants. Among them are astragalin, peonozide, glucoside, kaempferol and others.

Berry Kalina Red: and its beneficial properties and contraindications, 10 folk recipes

The complex inflorescence of viburnum consists of two types of flowers

Bark, wood and roots

Viburnum bark contains viburnin glycoside (up to 6%), consisting of nine components. It also includes:

  • tannins - 5.5%;
  • yellow-red resin - 6.5%;
  • chitin-like substance - 7%.

Berry Kalina Red: and its beneficial properties and contraindications, 10 folk recipes

Appearance of the bark of viburnum before the drying process

100 g of bark contains:

  • up to 3 mg of vitamin K;
  • up to 70 mg of ascorbic acid;
  • up to 2 mg carotene.

The composition of roots and wood is approximately the same, but the concentration of substances may be different. So in the roots, the concentration of vitamins K and C can be 15-20% higher. In addition, viburnum roots contain a large percentage of essential oils (up to 3%) and tartronic acid.

Tartronic acid has the ability to inhibit the accumulation of excess fat in the body. Therefore, a decoction of viburnum roots will be useful for those who want to achieve weight loss.
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The use of viburnum

In addition to being used in cooking, viburnum berries and products from them are used as a vitamin, diuretic and cardiostimulating and immunostimulating agent.. Fresh fruits, as well as various decoctions and infusions from them, are used as a tonic, diaphoretic, laxative and tonic. Kalina lowers blood pressure. Berries are widely used for edema associated with heart and kidney diseases, as well as for hypertension.After using even a short course of viburnum preparations, most patients will strengthen their immunity and improve their general condition.

Good preparations from viburnum have proven themselves in the treatment of gastritis, colitis, inflammation of the duodenum, and liver diseases. Kalina is also a choleretic agent. The anti-inflammatory properties of viburnum make it possible to use it for dermatitis and other painful processes on the skin. Due to the presence of substances that promote blood clotting, the fruit extract is used externally as a hemostatic and wound healing agent.

Berry Kalina Red: and its beneficial properties and contraindications, 10 folk recipes

Juice from viburnum berries has a characteristic appearance due to dietary fiber

Berry juice is used to treat bronchial asthma and stomach ulcers.. The high concentration of natural antioxidants makes viburnum juice a good prophylactic against cancer. Viburnum berries and products from them are often combined with other plant products, in particular with honey. Similar mixtures are used to combat respiratory diseases, cough, ascites, headache, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis and intestinal diseases. Hot compote of dried viburnum berries is one of the best expectorants. And jelly from fresh berries is an excellent remedy for insomnia and irritability.

Kalina is very useful for women. Due to its hemostatic properties, medicines and folk remedies made on its basis are used to treat uterine bleeding (especially menopausal) and relieve menstrual pain. Also, viburnum is used to treat mastopathy and restore the balance of female hormones after childbirth.

Berry Kalina Red: and its beneficial properties and contraindications, 10 folk recipes

Red viburnum seed oil is primarily used for cosmetic purposes.

Viburnum seed oil has the ability to regulate fat metabolism, and also increases the elasticity of blood vessels. It normalizes the functioning of the skin and mucous membranes. It is also used for cosmetic purposes to improve the condition of the skin and hair. Not the last role is given to preparations from viburnum in the restoration of sexual and reproductive functions.

The antipyretic properties of viburnum have been known to mankind for a very long time. Decoctions and infusions of flowers are used as an expectorant, diuretic and diaphoretic for colds. In folk medicine, various flower preparations are often used to prevent and alleviate the course of gastrointestinal diseases (diarrhea, prevention of constipation, colic, gastritis, cholelithiasis and urolithiasis) and general stabilization of digestion.

External use of these decoctions is good for skin tuberculosis, various eczemas, hemorrhoids, diathesis, etc. Thanks to substances with antiseptic properties (so-called coumarins), decoctions of viburnum flowers are used for rinsing the mouth and washing wounds.

Viburnum is also used for cosmetic procedures. These include correction of skin defects, treatment of age spots, removal of blackheads and pimples, etc. Since ancient times, viburnum juice has been recommended as a remedy that can remove freckles. Also, not only a nourishing and moisturizing, but also a tonic mask can be made from viburnum berries. Even with ordinary viburnum juice, you can wipe your face to get rid of acne; then it is enough to wash off the juice with plain water.

The bark is no less widely used than the berries. In practical medicine, a decoction and infusion of the bark is used:

  • for the treatment of most diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • in the treatment of kidney stones (in the absence of other diseases of this organ);
  • as a hemostatic agent for bleeding and in the postpartum period;
  • as a hypotensive, sedative and sedative for neuroses, hysteria, epilepsy and other diseases of the nervous system, as well as for heart diseases (for example, hypertension);
  • externally with various infections (periodontal disease, gingivostomatitis);
  • for the treatment of diabetes mellitus (mainly as a component of fees);
  • to stabilize blood pressure and normalize the concentration of cholesterol in the blood;
  • in the prevention of respiratory diseases (rhinitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, etc.)

Systematic long-term use of preparations from the bark of viburnum stabilizes the concentration of cholesterol in the blood in hypertension and atherosclerosis.

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Recipes from viburnum

Kalina is used in a wide variety of forms and forms. Often viburnum is combined with other medicinal herbs, preparations and fruits: honey, apples, honeysuckle, etc. There are many culinary and medical recipes for its preparation. Below are the most popular ones.

viburnum juice

viburnum juice

viburnum juice

viburnum juice

  • Ingredients:

  • viburnum berries - 1 kg;
  • water - 250 ml;
  • sugar - 200 g.

The yield of the product is from 400 to 500 ml.

  • Cooking sequence:

  • Select and wash the berries.
  • Squeeze the juice from the berries with a juicer or grind them through a sieve. It is necessary to use a metal sieve, not gauze. In addition, it is not recommended to grind the berries into gruel in a blender, as the bones will collapse.
  • Pour the remaining cake with water in an enameled or glass bowl and boil for 3 minutes, removing the foam.
  • Combine the squeezed juice with a filtered broth from the cake.
  • Add sugar to the mixture, put on a slow fire and simmer on it for about 10 minutes. The procedure can also be done in the oven.
  • Cool and pour into a container.

Juice can be stored in a cool place (for example, in a refrigerator) for a month in unsealed dishes, or rolled up in airtight jars. In the latter case, it can be consumed within six months.

Berry juice with honey

Berry Kalina Red: and its beneficial properties and contraindications, 10 folk recipes

Kalina and honey are often used in folk medicine with each other.

Berry juice with honey

The ingredients are similar to the previous recipe., 30-50 ml of honey is added to them.

The recipe repeats the one given earlier, but after bringing the mixture to a boil, it must be simmered not for 10, but for 20 minutes.

Honey is added after the temperature of the cooling juice drops to 50°C. After that, the sweet juice with honey is thoroughly mixed.

Syrup from berries

Syrup from viburnum berries

Syrup from viburnum berries

Syrup from berries

  • Ingredients:

  • viburnum juice - 1 l;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • vanillin - 2 g.

The juice is poured into a container and heated to a temperature of 90°C. Gradually add sugar, stirring regularly. When the consistency resembles a liquid sauce, vanillin is added to the syrup. Keep on fire for another 5-10 minutes, cool after cooking and pour into containers.

Viburnum rubbed with sugar

Viburnum rubbed with sugar

Viburnum rubbed with sugar

Viburnum rubbed with sugar

The advantage of this method of preparation is the absence of heat treatment. This is one of the simplest sweets that can be made from viburnum.

  • Ingredients:

  • washed viburnum berries - 1-1.5 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg.

  • Cooking:

  • Rub the berries by hand through a fine sieve.
  • Sugar is added to the ground mass and mixed thoroughly.
  • Stirring is continued until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  • Sterilize the required number of containers for half an hour and transfer the puree of berries and sugar into them.

This mixture is stored up to 1.5 months in the refrigerator. It is used by adding to warm water or tea. In addition, it is an excellent filling for open pies, rolls, pies, cakes and other confectionery.

A decoction of flowers

A decoction of viburnum flowers

A decoction of flowers

A decoction of flowers

Crushed flowers in the amount of 1-2 tsp. pour 1 liter of boiling water. Insist for 1-3 hours. The greater the amount of material, the shorter the infusion time. The process can be accelerated by reducing the cooking time to 30-40 minutes if you prepare the product in a water bath. After the broth has cooled, it is filtered.

The following are the various options: you can use the composition in its pure form, or sweeten it by adding sugar or honey to it. As a rule, sugar is used no more than 100 g, more honey can be added - up to 200-300 g.

Application depends on the need:

  • with influenza and tonsillitis, the course of admission is up to 1 month with the use of 50 ml three times a day;
  • to combat childhood diathesis, the course is not more than 1 week with a dose of 1 teaspoon 3 times a day before meals;
  • to normalize digestion, 50-70 ml are used for 3-4 weeks three times a day, half an hour before meals.

Leaf decoction

A decoction of viburnum leaves

Leaf decoction

Leaf decoction

In addition to the treatment and prevention of colds, this recipe is often used to combat neurosis.

  • Ingredients:

  • dry viburnum leaves - 30 grams;
  • water - 200 ml.

An alternative option is 50-60 g of fresh leaves, 500 ml of water.

  • Cooking:

  • Water is brought to a boil and dry or fresh leaves are poured.
  • The container must be boiled for 5 minutes.
  • The broth is filtered and added to tea (from 30 to 200 ml).

The course of admission for colds and neuroses is no more than 10 days.

A decoction of the bark

A decoction of the bark of viburnum

A decoction of the bark

A decoction of the bark

For the preparation of decoctions, dried bark of viburnum is mainly used.

  • Ingredients:

  • crushed bark - 1 tsp;
  • water - 1 l.

  • Cooking:

  • The water is brought to a boil and the crushed bark is poured.
  • The container is insisted for 2-3 hours, wrapped in heat-insulating material.
  • The broth is cooled, filtered and placed in an airtight container. Stored in the refrigerator.

Apply 1 tsp. before meals no more than 3 times a day.

A decoction of ripe berries

Berry Kalina Red: and its beneficial properties and contraindications, 10 folk recipes

Decoction of berries

It is done similarly to a decoction of the bark, but use 1 tablespoon of berries. They are also poured with boiling water (without deforming the shell) and insisted.

Use before meals three times a day, 50 ml.

Berry jelly

Viburnum berry jelly

Berry jelly

Berry jelly

For this delicacy, an equal amount of viburnum berries and sugar (in this case, 1 kg each) will be required. You should immediately pick up containers of a small volume (0.5 l) so that the jelly cools faster and acquires the desired consistency.

  • Cooking sequence:

  • Berries are poured with boiling water for 1-2 minutes to get rid of bitterness.
  • Then the water is drained and two glasses of fresh water are poured into the berries.
  • The berries are boiled for 15 minutes, then rubbed through a fine sieve and mixed with sugar.
  • The resulting mixture is boiled for another 1 hour, after which it is poured into pre-sterilized dishes.

It is recommended to pour the jelly under the very lid so that as little air as possible remains in the jar. First, the jelly is cooled to room temperature, then sent to the refrigerator for final solidification.

If you add agar-agar to the finished product, you can get marmalade from viburnum.

Pouring viburnum with honey

Pouring viburnum with honey

Pouring viburnum with honey

Pouring viburnum with honey

This tool has not only application as an alcoholic beverage. It is often used for medicinal purposes as well. In the treatment of angina, compresses from pouring viburnum with honey on alcohol or vodka, applied not to the throat or chest, will be effective.

  • Ingredients:

  • viburnum berries - 1 kg;
  • vodka (you can use cognac, moonshine, a solution of alcohol in water, etc.) - 250 ml;
  • honey - 250 ml;
  • water - up to 2 liters.

Honey should be used not candied, but still liquid.

  • Cooking:

  • The berries are cleaned of petioles, washed, doused with boiling water and drained.
  • The prepared raw materials are poured into a saucepan and poured with water. The water level should be 3 cm above the level of the berries.
  • Place the saucepan over medium heat and bring to a boil.
  • Boiling liquid must be mixed with liquid honey, while it is necessary to achieve its complete dissolution.
  • Next, the composition is evaporated for 1 hour, periodically adding water so that its level is the same as at the beginning of cooking.
  • After that, the filling is cooled to room temperature and poured into a large container.
  • Vodka is added to the liquor, and it is transferred to a dark place, where it is stored for 5 days.
  • Then it is filtered and poured into smaller containers.

The liqueur will keep in the refrigerator for 6-8 months.

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Collection of viburnum and storage conditions

Each part of the plant is harvested in its own specific period. So, the harvest of berries is carried out in August-October, depending on climatic conditions. The criterion for the start of collection is the full maturity of the fruit (bright red color without spots or veins).

Berry Kalina Red: and its beneficial properties and contraindications, 10 folk recipes

Storing viburnum in the freezer

Storage of viburnum berries can be organized very simply - with the help of freezing. You can use both ordinary plastic containers and vacuum packaging. Kalina perfectly tolerates the freezing process and even improves to some extent from it - due to the destruction of the glycoside, bitterness disappears.

Flowers are collected in the middle of the flowering period, immediately after the buds are fully opened.. Late May - early June. The whole inflorescence is collected: both fruit-bearing and asexual flowers.

The bark is harvested in the spring, before the start of sap flow. Use side branches with a bark thickness of not more than 2 mm. Pieces with wood residues are not included in the collection. No more than 140 g of bark can be removed from one plant.

It is possible to prepare the roots of viburnum, as well as its wood (twigs for decoctions), at the time when the bark is being collected. The leaves are harvested at any time, but prefer the period 2-3 weeks before flowering (early May).

Storage of flowers, wood, roots and bark of viburnum is carried out after their preliminary drying. Dry the viburnum in a well-ventilated area (the best option is in the attic or barn) with low humidity. During the drying process, the material should be turned over regularly.

Berry Kalina Red: and its beneficial properties and contraindications, 10 folk recipes

A typical way of drying flowers and leaves of viburnum

The use of heaters or special installations for drying raw materials is not recommended. Store the material in cardboard containers or in fabric bags in ventilated areas with low humidity. Shelf life of flowers and leaves - 2 years, bark, wood and roots - 4 years.

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Pharmacological properties of viburnum can have not only positive, but also harmful effects. This is primarily due to a wide range of substances included in the pulp of berries, bark and leaves of the plant.

Since the berries and other parts of viburnum contain many active substances, it is not recommended to take it in large quantities for a long time. Stimulants and tonics found in berries and bark can significantly change the metabolism in the human body, and the harm that can be caused to it will be more significant than the benefits. In any case, before using drugs from viburnum, you should consult your doctor.

Some substances contained in the plant are allergens, so it is not recommended for breastfeeding babies, pregnant women, and allergy sufferers to take viburnum in any form.

With caution, it is recommended to use viburnum berries, as well as medicines made from it, for nursing mothers, children from 3 to 6 years old, people suffering from chronic cholecystitis and hypertension during periods of exacerbation.

When using a large amount of viburnum, heartburn and pain in the pancreas may appear.

There are also direct contraindications for the use of any viburnum products related to persons suffering from such diseases:

  • kidney disease;
  • gout;
  • increased acidity of the stomach.

Kalina significantly affects the body, therefore, in the treatment of hypertension, as well as for patients suffering from jumps in blood pressure or having a tendency to ischemia, the use of drugs from it is permissible, but in very small doses and with obligatory breaks between courses. In particular, the course of taking viburnum in hypertensive patients should not exceed one week.

Thematic video:

Berry Kalina Red: and its beneficial properties and contraindications, 10 folk recipes

Who is friendly with viburnum, he does not need a doctor

Beneficial features

  1. Well, viburnum and its medicinal properties can be said endlessly. But I can say one thing for sure. that with colds, she personally does not help me at all. And how many times have I heard advice from many people, including from parents, that with a cold or flu you need to use viburnum and believed these tips, but something like this was treated with viburnum three times and the result is zero ((But for the digestive tract of viburnum of course, in my opinion it has a beneficial effect.I noticed that when I drink viburnum tea, the food after eating is much faster and better absorbed, especially if it is a “heavy” food, i.e. fried or just fatty. skin, then as a man I don’t really worry, but my wife regularly uses viburnum to maintain skin tone.In general, I think that there are no useless plants, but viburnum is certainly one of the most useful plants, and therefore in our Slav culture, it was reflected in. Plus, as far as I know, various psychics and power engineers say that viburnum has a strong energy ...

  2. But I don’t agree with the previous reviews that viburnum does not help with colds. For example, since childhood, for colds and flu, I have been treated only with a decoction of viburnum. Although many advise raspberry tea, I still prefer viburnum. Yes, and so I try to drink viburnum tea at least every other day, it has a very tonic effect on the whole body. My mother and grandmother, as far as I can remember, have been constantly preparing viburnum for the winter, so I also taught my wife to do this. But for some reason my wife does not like viburnum, her taste is disgusting to her, according to her. But what is healthy is not always tasty, and often vice versa. But all the same, for my sake, she has been preparing it for three years, that is, how long we have been married. And in the future, I am also going to accustom my son to the regular use of viburnum. And about that. that it helps someone with colds, but someone does not, then a lot depends on individual tolerance. For example, there are people who cannot tolerate milk, then why can’t it be the same with viburnum ...

  3. Kalina, in my opinion, is not the most delicious berry in the world, but very useful. Therefore, we grow it in the garden. By the way, the bush feels great in the shade, where, in fact, apart from the chokeberry and viburnum, nothing else wants to bear fruit. Therefore, I consider it a rational use of land.
    It does not need to be cared for - it grows on its own in our country, we do not even water it - only rain. But berries pleases regularly. I usually save them for the spring, when the body really needs vitamins. Basically dry. I can suggest a simpler and more "urban" way than indicated in the article - just put it on the battery on a piece of paper. Sometimes I freeze if there is room in the freezer after the rest of the supplies. But not immediately in the package, as it says here - then in winter it will be difficult to unstick the berries. I dry mine a little, and then on a plate in the freezer. When they grab a little - already in the bag and for storage.

  4. Made friends with a bright miracle berry. I know that many do not understand the taste, they literally spit. But they don’t know how to cook, they joked in popular advertising. The granny of my youngest dystrophic brother was drinking a decoction of berries. And now such a kid under 2 meters. Always, visiting the village, with a cold, this berry first of all helped out.Grandmother and grandfather themselves grew these trees in the garden with love, caring, getting the harvest of the new season. Although I look, in the town there are these trees on the streets, no one courts them, and the berries hang in clusters. In the past, the grandmother did not freeze the berries, she kept them in her own way, dried them. I, like a true city dweller, shove everything into the freezer - every year at hand, thawed - cooked. Mostly for broth or for baking, here I have no equal among my girlfriends, thanks, again, to my grandmother.

  5. Answer
    Snejana Poluyanova 03/24/2018 at 23:39

    I never thought that viburnum can be grown independently and that it is so useful. Cranberries and lingonberries are somehow more popular with us. But viburnum is a little aside.
    So it was interesting to read about it. Turns out it can be used in so many different ways! I didn’t know what to give to children is useful.
    I even thought about where to plant it in the garden. I could use a "doctor" like that. I wonder if she needs any special conditions?

  6. Kalina is such a shrub that almost all of it is useful)) I make a lot of tinctures from viburnum, I have it specially planted in my garden. Good juices are obtained from it, and the taste is no worse than the main fruits. It is useful to use viburnum tincture before meals, it helps digestion to work better. I especially like to make juice with honey, it turns out very tasty and healthy. The main thing is not to do a lot of heat treatment, many useful minerals can be lost.

  7. And my grandmother has half of the yard, one might say, in viburnum)) And as far as I can remember, my grandmother’s viburnum always grew)) And, I remember how she made me and my brother drink tea, and we constantly “got off” because frankly, it does not have the most pleasant taste)) But with age, of course, I realized that viburnum is really one of the most useful plants that grow on our land and you need to use these beneficial properties in full)) That's why I constantly have canned viburnum and, only when my son gets sick, I immediately force him to drink a decoction of viburnum. True, he also resists, like I did in childhood, but it really helps, and even strengthens the immune system. There, my own aunt constantly drinks decoctions from viburnum, I don’t even remember when she last went to the hospital))

  8. I once went fishing with my friends. Rafted down the river in a rubber boat. On one of the rapids I fell into the icy churning water. He got very cold, lit a fire, dried his things and went to sleep in a tent. Woke up at night with a strong urge to go to the toilet. In general, he became overcooled, having received acute cystitis as a “reward”. Who was sick, he knows what unpleasant symptoms this disease has. Unfortunately, there was no first-aid kit with us, since the fishing was planned for two days. Then the temperature rose, blood appeared in the urine. A friend said that his wife drinks viburnum juice with cystitis. Benefit viburnum around was full, and there was no choice. In general, I pressed the juice from the berries and began to drink. Relief came within half an hour. The urges decreased, and the temperature subsided, thanks to which he managed to safely get to the city, where he immediately turned to a urologist. The doctor said that viburnum juice is really capable of neutralizing many pathogenic bacteria that cause diseases of the genitourinary system. In a word, viburnum really helped me in a critical situation.

  9. I didn’t even think that various options for jams and tinctures could be prepared from viburnum. An excellent article, which extensively describes the beneficial properties of such an affordable viburnum berry, because it is a miracle cure not only for colds, but also additionally benefits the human body. I used to make fresh viburnum berries with sugar and put them in the refrigerator, but it didn’t stand for a long time, it disappeared. After reading the article, I really liked the idea of ​​​​freezing viburnum berries, they can be used as needed.For my mother with high blood pressure, viburnum is an excellent tool that helps normalize blood pressure. In the new season, I will definitely try to freeze the viburnum and brew a healthy drink from it in the winter. Now I’m already thinking about planting this plant on my site and using it in everyday life to the maximum. Indeed, various cosmetic masks can be prepared from viburnum, which tone and whiten the skin. But for people with low blood pressure should be used with caution!

  10. This wonderful shrub does not grow in all regions in the wild. Therefore, many gardeners grow viburnum on their household plots. I have been enjoying rich harvests of healthy berries for several years, but everything is given by hard work. I will be happy to share my secrets of growing viburnum. Shrubs should not be planted in the sun - viburnum loves shade. This plant does not tolerate weeds and loves moisture very much. Therefore, it is better to mulch the area around the shrub with straw. Under it, weeds do not develop, and it holds moisture perfectly. Every year, the shrub should be freed from dry branches by pruning, and once every five years it is necessary to thin out the thickened crown, while it is better not to touch the shoots. The shrub is very fond of aphids, which can cause irreparable harm to the plant. When aphids appear, the bush should be sprayed with a decoction of tobacco or special chemicals. And, of course, fertilizing the soil will be useful. Humus, peat, compost - will only increase the clusters of healing berries on your shrubs.

  11. ……..the metabolism of body fat cells will increase,………What kind of nonsense is this?)

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