Apple tree
The apple tree is very popular among gardeners and consumers. Among the variety of varieties, summer, autumn, and winter are distinguished. The main distinguishing feature of all types is the ripening period of the crop and its shelf life. To choose this fruit crop correctly, you need to choose an apple tree according to the description of the variety and reviews.

- Very compact crown size
- Opportunity to plant up to 8 times more trees on the same area as other varieties
- Fast fruiting period, relative to other species that produce a crop for 4-5 years, columnar varieties are able to bear fruit in the second year after planting
- The degree of productivity is higher, up to 10 kg per plant, but taking into account the occupied area, the productivity indicator is 1.5 times higher
- The level of frost resistance is much higher, up to -40 degrees
- High resistance to major diseases including powdery mildew, scab, red blood aphid, cross gall aphid
- Most varieties are distinguished by small fruit sizes, up to 100 g
- Columnar plantings are distinguished by their demanding care, it is necessary to regularly apply nutrients, irrigate, loosen the soil, remove weeds, treat against garden pests and diseases
- With a poor-quality approach, plantings can bear fruit poorly, die
- They have a short lifespan, up to 17 years
- Difficulty in acquiring high-quality planting material - seedlings
Brief review:
With a small size and area, the trees are able to produce a large yield, but with relatively small fruits.

- Medium stature, tree height up to 3 m
- Apples ripen quite early, already in late August
- The yield is high, at the age of ten they collect up to 70 kg
- Attractive appearance
- High taste and commercial characteristics of fruits
- Due to the dense skin, apples are not afraid of transportation over long distances.
- Good keeping quality
- Wide crop application area
- No tendency to fall off quickly
- Harvest is possible for 4-5 years after planting in a permanent place
- Weak frost resistance, which does not allow it to be grown in the northern regions
- No immunity to scab
- Insufficient ability to self-pollinate
- Recommended pollinators: Antonovka, Borovinka, Suislepskoye, Stark Erlist, Belfleur - Chinese
- The presence of a wide crown
- Need for pruning
- Tendency to thicken
- Weak scab resistance
- Weak degree of frost resistance, but if it is grafted onto a more hardy plant, it becomes possible to grow it in the northern regions
- As the apple tree matures, the fruits become smaller.
The variety attracts attention with ease of care, high taste and commodity characteristics, the presence of a plentiful harvest.

- medium stature
- Has immunity to powdery mildew
- Harvest in the third year after planting
- A fairly good indicator of productivity, up to 100 kg
- Due to the dense skin, apples have excellent transportability.
- Their long shelf life
- Low chance of fruit shedding
- Not demanding care
- The presence of a wide crown
- Tendency to thicken
- Weak scab resistance
- Weak degree of frost resistance, but if it is grafted onto a more hardy plant, it becomes possible to grow it in the northern regions
- As the apple tree matures, the fruits become smaller.
The variety attracts attention with ease of care, high taste and commodity characteristics, the presence of a plentiful harvest.

- Increased productivity of the variety
- Regular fruiting
- Very high degree of frost resistance and endurance to fruit rot, scab
- Fruit size 90-100 g
- Characteristic honey-sweet taste
- Excellent consumer qualities
- Used in the diet
- The density of apples allows them to be transported over long distances.
- Good keeping quality of fruit
- The tree is tall, up to 5 m
- Wide-pyramidal crown complicates fruit picking
- Trimming required
- Takes up a lot of space in the garden
- uneven ripening of apples
Reviews are mostly positive:
The variety is loved for its honey taste, the ability to bear fruit abundantly and unpretentious care.

- The type of fruiting is characterized as mixed
- Harvest gives regular
- Apples reach medium and large sizes, up to 170 g
- The structure of the pulp is soft, juicy, has a dessert taste.
- Collection can be done in September
- Increased winter hardiness, productivity
- Taste characteristics are excellent
- Fruits are not afraid of transportation over long distances
- They have sufficient keeping quality, up to three months
- Early fruiting, 3 years
- The need for careful and high-quality pruning
- There is a need for thinning fruits
- Their tendency to fade
- Self-infertile, requiring additional pollination
- Recommended pollinators: Wagner Prize, Jonathan, Delicious Spur, Kuban
- Poor resistance to powdery mildew
It is popular among gardeners, it is chosen because of its ability to withstand severe frosts, excellent consumer qualities and early fruiting.

- Culture stands out with an average growth force
- Rounded crown, branches grow at right angles to the trunk
- Fruiting occurs in the fourth year after planting
- The productivity indicator is quite good, up to 80 kg
- Fruit size is large, up to 150 g
- The flesh attracts with its fine-grained, creamy-white color.
- The taste is harmonious, dessert
- Early culture
- Has immunity to scab
- Due to the thin skin, it is necessary to harvest the crop very carefully, it does not tolerate transportation over long distances
- Low keeping quality
- No resistance to dry weather
- Low frost resistance
The variety takes pride of place among gardeners, it is acquired because of the ability to obtain a plentiful and regular harvest, not demanding on growing conditions, as well as high consumer qualities.

- The tree is characterized by medium growth force, up to 3.5 m, a powerful root system
- The crown is spreading, but not dense
- The fruits have a yellow color and a red blush, their weight is up to 145 g
- Moderately sweet and slightly sour in taste
- Type of fruiting mixed
- Yield can be up to 70 kg
- Apple picking takes place in September and continues until November
- The storage period can be six months
- High resistance to fungal infections, powdery mildew, scab, rot
- The variety can withstand negative temperatures up to -25 degrees, is not afraid of return spring frosts
- The use of fruits is universal (in cosmetology, cooking, etc.)
- There is a tendency to be overwhelmed
- The degree of transportability is average, transportation is possible only for short distances
- Uneven fruiting
- Requires control over the ovaries
- There is no pronounced color in fruits
This is a commercial variety with high yield, frost resistance and taste characteristics.

- The tree is medium-sized, grows up to 4 m
- Crown rounded, conical
- Fruit sizes are large, up to 210 g
- The skin is dense, allows you to transport fruits over long distances
- No tendency to shed quickly
- The fruiting period occurs in 2-3 years
- The degree of productivity is high, up to 120 kg
- Excellent taste and product characteristics
- Storage time is long
- Does not suffer from periodicity
- Culture loses its ability to bear fruit with age
- Fertile soil is required for growth and development
- No resistance to powdery mildew, scab
- Has a tendency to be overwhelmed
Based on the feedback from gardeners, the variety has established itself as an early-growing and high-yielding variety with tasty fruits.

- The tree is very hardy, fast-growing, resists low temperatures quite well.
- The main distinguishing feature is a very sweet taste with a pronounced aroma.
- Has regenerative abilities
- Grows up to 5 m, has a spherical crown, strong shoots can easily withstand the load from apples
- The fruits have an attractive appearance, their average weight is 115 g
- Under favorable growing conditions, the weight can reach 150 g.
- Productivity index up to 100 kg
- Due to the large crown, the tree is prone to thickening
- Low scab resistance
- Fruits cannot be transported over long distances, they have a short shelf life
- The culture is self-fertile, additional pollination is required.
- Recommended pollinators: Golden Chinese, Moscow Grushovka, Krasnoe early, Orlovim
Gardeners choose the Candy apple tree mainly because of its endurance to major diseases, excellent taste characteristics and the ability to produce a quality crop.

- The culture is actively used in amateur gardens, industrial farms.
- High resistance to dry weather, powdery mildew, scab
- The size of apples is large, up to 150 g
- The pulp is distinguished by a fine-grained structure, snow-white color, juiciness
- The taste is sweet - sour, spicy aftertaste remains
- Wide crop application area
- Extreme keeping quality
- Fast fruit ripening
- High productivity capacity, up to 170 kg
- Excellent resistance to low temperatures
- Tall tree, its height reaches 6-7m
- Crown branched conical
- Need for constant care
- Difficulty getting apples
- Late ripening, in October
- In order for the apples to fully ripen, you need to wait 2-3 months
Feedback is positive:
apples are very juicy, can be stored until summer. Culture is not afraid of negative temperatures, resists major diseases
- Tree of medium vigor, up to 4.5 m
- Fast fruit ripening
- Apples are very large, up to 200 g
- Color is yellow-green, turning yellow as it matures.
- Increased degree of transportability and keeping quality of fruits, up to 200 days
- The productivity index can reach 90 kg
- The use of fruits is universal
- The variety is an excellent pollinator
- Rarely affected by fungal diseases
- High taste and commercial qualities
- Spreading crown, up to 6 m wide, makes it difficult to care for
- Weak resistance to low temperatures
- Not bright - pronounced fruit color
Bogatyr is in demand due to the increased degree of effectiveness, high taste and commercial qualities, large fruit sizes.
- early fruiting period
- Precociousness
- Excellent taste qualities
- The culture is self-fertile
- The flesh is yellow, juicy
- Amber skin color
- Requires only the use of simple agricultural techniques
- Increased degree of winter hardiness, it is possible to grow in the northern regions
- Fruiting stable
- The variety is very tall, there are difficulties in the process of care and harvesting
- The crown is spreading
- Low resistance to scab damage
- Average yield, up to 30 kg
- It is not recommended to store fruits for a long time, it is better to send them for processing immediately.
- There is a tendency to quickly shed apples
- Does not resist scab well, needs to be treated periodically with appropriate fungicides
The variety is loved for precocity, ease of care and strong endurance to negative environmental factors.
The president
- Compact plant, does not require large areas
- The variety is early
- The culture has a good degree of resistance to garden pests, major diseases.
- Taste and commercial qualities are excellent
- Wide range of applications for apples
- Harvest every year
- With proper agricultural technology, the yield is 16 kg
- Tasting score 4.8 points
- Doesn't cause problems when harvesting
- No need for additional pollination
- Short fruiting period
- Low degree of resistance to negative temperatures
- Short shelf life
- Short lifespan of a tree
The hybrid is in demand among gardeners due to its small size, endurance and resistance to major diseases.
- Medium tree
- The fruits are small, their weight is up to 100 g
- The pulp is slightly sour, juicy, with a pleasant aroma
- Fast ripening time
- High degree of productivity
- Attractive appearance
- Long period of storage of fruits, without loss of commercial and taste qualities
- Good degree of frost resistance, up to -25 degrees
- Increased resistance to various diseases
- In rainy weather, apples have a grassy taste.
- Early period of shedding apples
- In the presence of a large number of ovaries, the fruits may decrease in size, become smaller
The variety has a lot of advantages, it is actively used in amateur and business farms.
- The variety gives a stable yield, up to 50 kg per tree
- Fruiting period is fast, for 2-3 years
- The pulp is distinguished by fine-grainedness, juiciness, pronounced aroma, pleasant taste.
- Trees grow small, up to 2.5 m
- High winter hardiness
- Requires additional pollination with Anise, Autumn striped, Welsey, Pepin saffron
According to reviews:
the variety is quite promising, with a high degree of frost resistance and tasty fruits
- The culture is medium tall, the shoots are strong
- Fast fruiting period
- The fruits keep for quite a long time.
- Excellent taste and commercial characteristics, pronounced aroma and juicy pulp
- The tasting score is 4.5 points
- Increased productivity, up to 400 kg per plant
- Low resistance to low temperatures, powdery mildew
- Requires certain storage conditions
Fruits have excellent taste and commercial characteristics, but the tree itself does not differ in endurance to negative environmental factors.
- Tree with very high winter hardiness
- Grows up to 3 m
- Has stable fruiting
- Excellent taste and product characteristics
- Resistant to scab and bacterial burn
- Life expectancy is 70-80 years
- Due to the not very dense skin, apples cannot be stored for a long time.
Seedlings take root quickly, young trees are not afraid of spring frosts, fruits are juicy with a slight sourness and a pronounced aroma
- Compact size grade
- Stable and high yield
- Good resistance to major diseases
- Apples tolerate transportation well, do not spoil for a long time
- Easy storage, up to 220 days
- The culture is drought tolerant
- The crown needs to be thinned out regularly
- Ripe fruits are prone to shedding
- With excessive moisture, fruits can be affected by powdery mildew.
- Requires cross-pollination with Northern synapse
The variety is common in many garden plots. It is chosen because of its compactness, excellent taste and commercial qualities.
- late variety
- Apples have a high tasting score of 4.8
- Culture of medium vigor, up to 4 m
- Yield up to 200 kg
- The degree of frost resistance is very high, up to -36 degrees
- The fruiting period is 3-4 years
- Simultaneous harvesting
- The color of the fruit is rich raspberry, the pulp is of medium density, it has a harmonious taste and pleasant aroma.
- Recommended pollinators: Orlik, March, Spartak, Green May
- Tendency to defeat fungal diseases, scab, powdery mildew
The tree is grown in many regions, including those with a cold climate. It is loved for frost resistance, simultaneous ripening of apples and high palatability.
- Semi-dwarf species, does not cause difficulties in the care and removal of fruit
- The culture has a high degree of resistance to fungal infections.
- Not afraid of low temperatures, up to -38 degrees
- Resistant to garden pests
- Enters the fruiting phase early
- Taste and product characteristics are high, well stored
- Decent decorative appearance of the tree, which allows it to be actively used in landscape design
- The productivity indicator is low, up to 12 kg
- Requires additional pollination
The variety is popular among gardeners, due to the prospects of culture, resistance to negative temperatures and the pleasant taste of fruits.
- Resistant winter variety
- The height of the tree is medium, the crown is rounded
- Early fruiting
- Harvest gives annually
- Apples have a dense structure, scarlet color and silvery coating.
- The size of apples is large, up to 200 g
- The tasting score is 4.7
- The shelf life of apples is up to six months
- There is immunity to garden pests and various diseases
- The culture is self-fertile
- Unpretentiousness in care
- No obvious shortcomings have been identified. this is also a plus of this fruit!
Reviews in most cases are positive, the variety is valued for early fruiting, frost resistance and high palatability.
- small crown
- Extraordinary fertility
- Fruits of large sizes, weight up to 200 g
- Powdery mildew resistant
- Early culture
- Wide range of applications for apples
- Has no resistance to scab, codling moth
- Requires regular watering
- Low winter hardiness index
- Needs rodent protection
The compact size and pleasant taste of the fruit are the determining factors when choosing this variety.
- dwarf tree
- Does not cause difficulties in care and harvesting
- Fruit weight reaches 220 g
- The pulp attracts attention with fine-grained, juicy, pronounced aroma.
- Is a good pollinator
- Decorative qualities are high
- Rodent protection required
[/wpsm_testimonial]Gardeners characterize the variety only on the positive side[/wpsm_testimonial]
- Tree of medium vigor
- Apples are quite large, weight 150-450 g
- Tastes very sweet, slightly sour
- Attractive carmine color
- Taste and quality are excellent
- Resistance to major diseases
- Culture is self-fertile
- Recommended pollinators: Elstar, Lobo, Fuji, Macintosh, Champion, Gold Rush
Feedback is positive:
The variety is chosen due to large-fruited and unpretentious care.
White filling
- Srednerosly culture with a wide crown
- Apple size 150-200 g
- Variety early, early
- Low temperature resistance
- The pulp is pleasant to the taste, stands out with a pronounced aroma, not too dense pulp
- Have immunity to disease
- Harvest is not stored for a long time