Powerful Wi-Fi antenna for do-it-yourself cottages

do-it-yourself wifi antennas

Today, life without the Internet is hard to imagine. And many of us have met with a situation where, for example, at our favorite dacha we could not use its services due to a weak Wi-Fi signal. Therefore, the topic of do-it-yourself wi fi antennas is so topical.

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Powerful antenna device

wifi gun

wifi gun

There are several options for homemade antennas that allow you to stably catch radio waves, but the favorite is the so-called wi-fi gun.

Almost everyone who knows how to hold a soldering iron is able to make it. Its scheme is quite simple, it does not require a lot of materials.

Scheme of wi-fi gun

Scheme of wi-fi gun

For manufacturing you will need:

  • threaded stud with a diameter of 8-10 mm
  • 14 nuts for the diameter of the stud
  • scissors
  • wifi adapter
  • soldering iron
  • thin-walled metal sheet

It is better to use copper foil with a thickness of 0.3-0.5 mm, - it is easier to cut.

Step number 1 - making circles

Centering uncut circles by drilling through the copper sheet

Centering uncut circles by drilling through the copper sheet


According to the copper foil drawing, seven circles need to be cut.


We drill holes in the sheet (the center of the circles). This must be done at the beginning - if you first cut out the circles, and then drill the center, you can miss. And this is not permissible, since an error of even 1 mm gives a noticeable decrease in the level of signal reception.


Using a compass, draw circles on the copper foil. Circle sizes:

  • 3 circles - 37 mm
  • 1 circle - 38 mm
  • 1 circle - 54 mm
  • 1 circle - 68 mm
  • 1 circle - 90 mm

Marking with a compass

Marking with a compass


Carefully cut out circles with scissors.

Regular scissors cut copper foil well

Regular scissors cut copper foil well


The fewer defects and inaccuracies, the better the antenna will catch the Wi-Fi signal.

Seven cut out circles for the antenna

Seven cut out circles for the antenna

Step number 2 - prepare the threaded stud

A couple of minutes and the hairpin is cut off

A couple of minutes and the hairpin is cut off


With a hacksaw for metal, cut a length of 135 mm. We remove the burrs with a file.

All elements are ready

All elements are ready


In total, it should turn out as shown in the photo above.

Step number 3 - assembly

Tightening the nuts, adjust the distance between the circles

Tightening the nuts, adjust the distance between the circles


Assembling the antenna is easy. Threaded connections allow you to set elements with an accuracy of up to mm.

Cannon assembled

"Cannon" assembled


It takes about 10 minutes to assemble the antenna.

Step number 4 - connect the wi-fi adapter

Drilling holes for the adapter

Drilling holes for the adapter


We prepare the connection points of the antenna and adapter.

Removing the antenna from the adapter

We remove the antenna from the 4g Internet adapter


At a distance of 1 cm, we drill a hole 1-1.5 cm on the two largest circles (68 and 90 mm).

Removable cap

Removable cap


We disassemble the Wi-Fi adapter.


Remove the plastic cap from the antenna.

Removing everything you don't need

Removing everything you don't need


We get to the main core of the antenna. You may need to use a soldering iron.

A drop of rosin and solder

A drop of rosin and solder


With a soldering iron, we tin the previously drilled holes for connecting the antenna to the adapter.

The outer braid is soldered to the circle of the largest diameter

The outer braid is soldered to the circle of the largest diameter


For a mug with a diameter of 90 mm. solder the outer braid of the Wi-Fi adapter antenna wire.

Putting the circle back in place

Putting the circle back in place


We install the circle on the rod so that the central core of the adapter antenna falls into the hole of the next circle (68 mm).

It doesn't take long to warm up

It doesn't take long to warm up


Solder the main wire to the second circle (68mm).

Step 5 - final assembly

Fasten to the nut

Fasten to the nut

For the convenience of using the “gun”, we mount it on a tripod.

Step #6

We connect the Wi-Fi adapter with a new antenna

We connect the Wi-Fi adapter with a new antenna

Connect the Wi-Fi adapter. Attach to a tripod.

Compact and highly efficient window sill antenna

Compact and highly efficient window sill antenna

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If the signal source is nearby, then it is enough to install a home-made antenna on the window sill indoors. Its power will be more than enough to receive a strong signal.

If the source is more than 500 meters, then the Wi-Fi gun must be placed on the street, on a hill.

VIDEO: ✅ Homemade Wi-Fi gun? Powerful do-it-yourself WiFi signal antenna

Powerful Wi-Fi antenna for do-it-yourself cottages

✅ Homemade Wi-Fi gun? Powerful do-it-yourself WiFi signal antenna

Powerful Wi-Fi antenna for do-it-yourself cottages

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Do-it-yourself Wi fi antennas: step by step instructions

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  1. Do-it-yourself Wi fi antennas: step by step instructions
    Clear, understandable and accessible. The simplicity of the design is commendable. Thank you. 10 points.

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