How can you straighten thick wire? Simple Method

Aligning the wire

Walking in parks and squares, you have probably met landscape design elements made of wire, and they kept your attention for a long time. Do you have such a wire in your backyard, but does it look like it has been in a tornado? Then this article is for you. In it, we will tell you how you can straighten a thick wire without resorting to special devices. The wire will turn out to be even, and what to make of it is your choice.

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Materials for work

In order to align the wire, you will need:

  • thick log;
  • drill;
  • cable;
  • cable tie;
  • clamp with plate;
  • hammer;
  • car with tow bar.

Step 1. Prepare the log

In a thick log, stepping back a third from the edge, we drill a hole of such a diameter that the wire can easily enter into it and thread the wire through it.

threading a wire through a log

We tie the second end of the log with a cable to something stable, for example, fence posts.

To prevent the log from slipping out of the cable, use a special tie.
We tie the other end of the log with a cable to something stable.

We fix the end of the wire, threaded through the log, in the clamp plate, passing it through the holes with a snake and bending the edge with a hammer.

bending the edge with a hammer

We customize the car and put the clamp on the tow hitch.

We customize the car and put the clamp on the tow hitch

Step 2. Align the wire

The machine, starting to move, pulls the wire through the log.

The machine, starting to move, pulls the wire through the log

The more the wire bends at the exit of the log, the smoother it will turn out.

As a result, we got a smooth wire, just right for landscape design elements.

landscape design

Gabion in the form of a turtle

How can you straighten thick wire? Simple Method

How to straighten thick wire effortlessly

How can you straighten thick wire? Simple Method

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      landscape design