How often do we throw away used plastic bottles from mineral water and sugary fizzy drinks? But you can make a lot of useful things out of them, especially if you have a summer cottage. In such a simple way, you will not only acquire various “helpers”, but also save the environment, since plastic decomposes for a long time.

How to use plastic bottles in the garden
In order to make useful things for summer cottages from plastic bottles, you will need the following materials:
- Bottles of different sizes;
- Rope;
- Scissors;
- Knife;
- Wand.
Water dispenser
The washstand can be made from a bottle of any size. It is better, of course, to take a two-liter or five-liter. Here, a small bottle is used as an example.

Closer to the bottom of the bottle, you need to make a small hole with a hot nail. You can heat it on a gas stove or with a lighter. Photo:

Plug the resulting hole with your finger and pour water into the bottle. Photo:

Screw on the cork and turn the bottle upside down. As you can see, water does not flow from the hole. Photo:

Now the bottle can be placed on any surface or screwed to a tree. To wash your hands, you just need to slightly unscrew the lid to let the air in. A thin neat stream will pour into the hole. Photo:
Container for growing annual plants
If you have a small area, then you can grow any greens in plastic bottles.

Now you need to make a rectangular hole in the bottle with a sharp knife. Photo:

Cut the window so that it stays on one long side. It turned out something like a door. Do not cut out the entire rectangle. So you get a greenhouse in which you will wait for the shoots of your greens. Photo:

When the seeds germinate, you can cut the window completely and hang the bottle on the south side of the barn. Thus, you can save space on the beds. Photo:
The beauty of such landings is that they can be made multi-tiered.
Plant Root Rings
All summer residents know such a harmful insect as a bear. It can easily spoil the entire crop by eating the roots of fruit-bearing plants. Most often, the bear digs the ground at a depth of ten centimeters. Soil treatment with chemicals and poison is not always successful. Therefore, it is possible to protect young plants from the bear by ringing with plastic bottles. To do this, you just need to cut off the bottom and top of the bottle and plant the plant in it.
Toilet paper holder
To keep toilet paper in the country always dry and convenient to unwind, you can make a holder from a five-liter eggplant.

We cut a large plastic bottle with a handle and a lid into two halves with a sharp knife. Photo:

Trim the cut with scissors if necessary. Then make holes on the sides at the same distance from the cut. This can be done with a hot nail. Photo:

Now insert a wand into one of the holes. To make it more convenient, sharpen the tip of the shelf with a knife. Photo:

Now put a roll of toilet paper in half of the bottle so that the stick is inside the coil. Photo:

Now put the stick through the second hole. It turns out here is such a device for toilet paper. Photo:
Pot with automatic watering (wick watering)
Those who grow plants in containers know that they dry out very quickly. And not everyone has the opportunity to water them often.

We take a large five-liter plastic bottle from water and cut it into two parts. Photo:

With the help of a sharp knife, we make a hole in the lid. The same can be done with a nail. Photo:

Now you need a thread or rope about a meter long. It is better that it conducts water well. A cotton or woolen thread will do the job perfectly. Thread the thread through the hole in the lid. Photo:

Take the second part of the bottle and fill it with water. Place a bottle with a thread in it so that the cap is immersed in water. Photo:

Now you can pour earth into the container. The wick should pass through it to the very top. Then the plant will be able to "drink" as much as necessary. Photo:

If you need to add water, simply lift the bottle and add water to the lower reservoir. Photo:
VIDEO: LIFE HACKS with a Bottle in the Garden
BOTTLES IN THE COTTAGE? LIFE HACKS with a Bottle in the Garden ? Washbasin From Plastic Bottle
BOTTLES IN THE COTTAGE? LIFE HACKS with a Bottle in the Garden ? Washbasin From Plastic Bottle
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