Grapes: description of 20 varieties for growing in the temperate climate zone, features of care and reproduction at home (Photo & Video) + Reviews



Grapes are loved by many. They are eaten for dessert, they are used to make wine, juice, jelly, they are added to salads. Gardeners, especially beginners, are afraid to grow grapes at home, considering this a troublesome task. Let's dispel the myths! Grapes can be grown even on the balcony.

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General information

Grapes have been known since antiquity.

Grapes have been known since antiquity.

It was cultivated in Mesopotamia and Egypt. It was from there that culture spread to all corners of the globe.

Grapes belong to the eponymous Vinogradov family. Its elliptical-shaped fruits form a bunch. It can contain 15 - 300 pieces. fruits.

They can be of different colors:

  • purple
  • White
  • purple
  • Blue
  • yellow
  • Burgundy

Berries have juicy pulp covered with thick skin. Depending on the species, the fruits may contain seeds or be seedless. Taste happens: sour, sweet-sour, sweet.

The vines of the plant can reach a length of 40 meters. On the shoots grow leaves, divided into lobes. Their number varies 3 - 5 pieces.

Inflorescences of grapes consist of small flowers. Usually, they are painted in a greenish tint. During flowering exude a pleasant aroma.

More than 8,000 grape varieties are currently known. They are divided into 4 main groups:

  • table grapes
  • Wine
  • Dryers
  • Varieties for juicing

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grape varieties


Rusven grape variety


  • A table variety, it ripens early in 110 days.
  • It has large clusters, their weight is about 550 gr., Sometimes it reaches 1 kg.
  • The fruits are pinkish in color. The taste contains notes of nutmeg, sage.
  • The weight of one berry is 6 gr.
  • Juice is 22% sugar, acidity is 7 - 9 g / l.
  • Differs in good health, resistance to pests.
  • Withstands winter cold not lower than -27 degrees.


Marquette grape variety


  • Belongs to the wine variety. He is early.
  • The fruits are black with a thick blue bloom.
  • Differ in traditional taste, without any impurity. They are small and round in shape.
  • Small bunch up to 150 gr. They can grow up to 3 on one shoot.
  • Juice contains more than 23% sugar. He has high acidity.
  • Differs in good resistance to pests, frosts. It does not require shelter for the winter.


Aleshenkin grape variety


  • Table variety. Ripens by the end of August.
  • Its clusters are of low density. They grow very large, the average weight is 0.9 kg, the largest grow up to 2 kg.
  • The berries are crisp, yellow-green in color with a white coating.
  • Juice contains up to 20% sugar and up to 5 g/l of acid.
  • Withstands frosts down to -24 degrees.
  • The health of this variety is poor, often sick with fungal diseases.
  • To prevent them, you need to treat 4 times during the season.


Victoria grape variety


  • Table variety.It takes about 120 days from the appearance of buds to fruit maturity, which indicates its early ripening.
  • The clusters are large, weighing 0.5 - 0.6 kg. They are shaped like a cone. It does not differ in high density.
  • The berries are large, their weight is about 7.5 grams. Painted crimson red.
  • The taste has a hint of muscat. Contains sugar 19% and acids 6 g/l.
  • Variety Victoria has only female flowers. For full pollination, you need to plant pollinating varieties with the same flowering period nearby.
  • Withstands frosts not lower than -27 degrees.


Valiant grape variety


  • Very winter-hardy subspecies. He is not afraid of frost -47 degrees.
  • Due to this feature, it is suitable for growing in regions with a harsh climate.
  • The cluster is small in size. Its length is 10 cm. The fruits are densely arranged on it.
  • The berries are black in color, have a round shape, small size. They contain 20% sugar and 10 g/l acid.
  • The peel is well separated from the pulp, like a bag. Ripening occurs in late summer or early autumn.
  • The variety is used for making wine, jelly, juices. It can be used as a table grape.


Harmony grape variety


  • Refers to wine grape varieties. It is mid-season, it takes 135 days to mature. It has a harmonious taste.
  • Dry and dessert wines are made from it.
  • The fruits are medium in size and round in shape. They are covered with thick skin. They are dark blue in color. The pulp is juicy.
  • Clusters of medium and large size. The brushes have medium density. Shaped like a cone.
  • This grape is disease and frost resistant. Harmony can withstand temperatures down to -25 degrees.


Denisovsky grape variety


  • These are wine grapes. He is early. Suitable for the production of dry, playful, dessert wines.
  • The bushes are vigorous, conical clusters are formed on the shoots. They have medium fruit density.
  • They are of medium size.
  • Berries of Denisovsky grapes of black color. The fruits are round in shape.
  • The pulp is juicy with a harmonious taste. It contains 22% sugar and acidity 7 - 8 g / l.
  • The variety is in good health. Occasionally, rot damage occurs. This is due to early maturation.
  • It tolerates frosty winters well. For him, a temperature of more than -26 degrees is critical.

Hall pearls

Hall pearls grape variety

Hall pearls

  • Variety of universal application. The ripening period is medium early.
  • A distinctive feature is red young shoots, with age they become covered with brown bark with a reddish tint.
  • The clusters are loose, medium in size, conical in shape.
  • The berries are small in size. They are painted in amber color with a tan, specks on the sunny side.
  • The shell is thin, dense. This variety has juicy flesh with a harmonious taste.
  • Ripe fruits may have nutmeg notes. She is crispy.
  • The variety has increased resistance to a number of diseases: rot, mildew, oidium.
  • It tolerates frosts well within -26 degrees.


Crystal grape variety


  • Technical grade. It has a balanced content of acid, sweetness.
  • Sherry-type table wines are made from it.
  • This grape ripens early. Already in early August, you can enjoy its fruits.
  • They remain on the vines almost without crumbling during the season.
  • The clusters are cylindric in shape. They are of medium density.
  • The berries are oval in shape. They are sweet and sour in taste. The color is white or yellow-green.
  • The pulp of the fruit is juicy, covered with a dense shell.
  • This variety has high winter hardiness. It normally tolerates temperatures down to -29 degrees.


Kishmish grape variety


  • This is a table variety. It has no seeds. This grape ripens early.
  • Berries are small. Their weight reaches 5 gr.
  • In color, they are greenish, when overripe, they turn into an amber tint.
  • The skin is covered with a thick coating.
  • The clusters are quite large, up to 0.5 kg. They are cylindrical in shape, less often they can be shapeless.
  • They have good density.
  • Kishmish is resistant to various fungal infections. It tolerates winter frosts well.
  • Withstands temperatures down to -26 degrees.
  • The fruits of this grape are suitable for drying raisins.

Muscat Far East

Muscat Far Eastern grape variety

Muscat Far East

  • Used as a table and as a wine variety. It is suitable both for independent use and in a mixture with other types of grapes. Its fruits ripen very early.
  • The yield of Muscat of the Far East is high. Clusters are small. The average reaches a weight of 100 gr. In shape, they are similar to a cone, often have branches.
  • The berries are round, slightly flattened, white with a slight amber tint. They are not very large in size.
  • Their average weight is 3 grams. The pleasant taste of the fruit gives a nutmeg flavor. The juice contains up to 26% sugar and 7.5 g/l of acid.
  • If the berries are left on the bush after ripening, they are saturated with sweetness and acquire a brighter nutmeg taste.
  • The variety survives the winter well. For him, frosts down to -30 degrees are not terrible. This grape is not afraid of pests and various diseases.


Ilya grape variety


  • It has high taste qualities, it belongs to the table species.
  • Bred by crossing grapes Kishmish and Wax. Ripens unevenly, but early enough.
  • The clusters are of medium density. Their shape is cylindrical. By weight, they are large from 0.5 to 1 kg.
  • Berries are oval, crispy. They are large, but different sizes from 9 to 14 gr. In their juice, sugar is 21%, acids are 5-7 g / l.
  • The variety is resistant to fungal diseases. Withstands frosts down to -25 degrees.


Zilga grape variety


  • It ripens very early, the average term is 105 days. Its application is universal.
  • Clusters of different sizes 0.3 - 0.5 kg. The fruits on it are most often densely packed.
  • The berries are black, covered with a blue, thick coating. They are round in shape.
  • Small in size, their average weight is 3 grams. The taste has a strawberry flavor.
  • The skin is dense, separated from the pulp by a bag. Sugar in juice 20 - 23%, acids - 6 -7 g / l.
  • Resistant to fungal diseases, subject to processing. Withstands frosty winters down to -30 degrees.


Frankincense-2 grape variety


  • These are table grapes. It has a high yield.
  • The clusters are of medium density. The weight of one is 0.5 - 1.2 kg.
  • They have a good presentation and perfectly tolerate transportation.
  • Fruits are oval, amber-yellow, their weight is 8 - 10 gr. The taste of grapes is pleasant, with a slight aftertaste of muscat.
  • The Ladanny-2 variety is resistant to pests, but it tolerates cold within -25. For the winter it is required to cover the bushes.


Aladdin grape variety


  • Table variety. He is early. Differs in high productivity.
  • Clusters are dense, have a spherical shape. They are ideal for transportation. Their average weight is 0.7 kg.
  • Berries are elongated, oval. Quite large, average weight from 6 to 9 grams. They are painted in yellow-pink color, in good light they become bright pink, covered with a bloom of spring. The taste has a hint of muscat. The sugar content in the juice is about 17%, the acid content is 8 g/l.
  • Resistant variety to various fungi, but at high humidity it can be attacked by gray rot. Maintains temperature in the winter not below -26 degrees.


Arched grape variety


  • Table variety. Ripening occurs in the first week of September.
  • The brushes are cylindrical. They are large in size, the average weight reaches 700 grams. The maximum weight of a bunch is 1.5 kg.
  • This variety is distinguished by its beauty, the berries are pointed, oblong. Their color can be from white-pink to dark pink. Type of brush of high commercial quality.
  • Berries are crispy. Weight reaches 7 gr. The taste is harmonious, containing 18% sugar and 7 g/l of acid.
  • The arched variety grows well. The first fruits are usually brought in the second year after planting. It has good disease resistance. For the winter, it is recommended to cover with a film folded in two layers. It tolerates frost down to -26 degrees.


beauty grape variety


  • A hybrid related to table varieties. To create it, Victoria grapes and European-Amur representatives of the family are mixed. Ripens early. Differs in the increased productivity.
  • The clusters are large, reaching a weight of 700 - 800 gr.
  • The brush has an oblong, rounded shape, the arrangement of fruits of medium density. Sometimes the bunch has a wing.
  • The berries are dark red in color with a characteristic thick coating. They are covered with a dense skin, crispy and juicy. The fruits are oblong in shape with a pointed tip. Weight reaches 8 gr. The taste has no nutmeg impurities. The pulp contains seeds, usually 2 pcs.
  • Juice contains 18% sugar and 7 g/l of acid.
  • It tolerates frosts down to -27 degrees. This grape is resistant to fungus and is rarely attacked by wasps.


Sputnik grape variety


  • Used for table purposes. An early ripening variety. Harvesting is possible in mid-September.
  • Berries of bright green color with a characteristic bloom. They have a taste of nutmeg and pineapple.
  • Sugar content - 22%, acids - 10 g / l. They are well preserved until November, while the sugar content increases to 28%.
  • Clusters of medium size, maximum weight 250 gr.
  • This grape has a high resistance to frost. He is not afraid of temperatures down to -38 degrees.

New Russian

New Russian grape variety

New Russian

  • Table hybrid. The ripening period is very early.
  • The brushes are quite large, weight varies from 200 to 400 gr. Formed from medium-sized berries from 3 to 5 gr.
  • The fruits are painted in pink color with a bloom on a dense skin.
  • The average sugar content is 22%, with prolonged exposure it rises to 26% and above.
  • Shows resistance to diseases and frosts. According to various indicators, it withstands temperatures from -29 to -34 degrees.
  • At the moment, breeders are testing varieties for frost resistance.


Dublin grape variety


  • Table grapes. Ripening comes early. It takes 115 days for the fruit to fully ripen.
  • His clusters are small. Weight varies from 150 to 220 gr.
  • The berries are small, round, contain 1 - 2 seeds. They are painted in amber or amber-pink color, weigh 1.2 - 1.5 grams. The sugar content is about 20%. Sugar content rises to 26% if you leave the brush on the bush until early October.
  • Disease resistance is good. It tolerates frost in the range between -32-34 degrees.
  • Semi-dry, sparkling, dessert wines of high quality are obtained from Dublin grapes.

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The benefits and harms of grapes

Grapes are actively used in folk medicine.

Grapes are actively used in folk medicine

There is a method of treatment as grape therapy, it is also called ampelotherapy.

Indications for such therapy are:

  • Diseases of the digestive system
  • Respiratory diseases
  • Metabolic disease

Raisin used to treat cough and bronchitis. Our ancestors believed that it helps with disorders of the nervous system.

Grape juice It is a diuretic, diaphoretic, expectorant. Moreover, it has a tonic and strengthening effect on the human body.

Homemade grape wine excellent antioxidant. It has bactericidal properties and lowers blood cholesterol levels.

The benefits of grapes are undeniable, as they contain vitamins, minerals, macro and microelements. The skin of the berries includes wax, tannins and dyes, essential oil and phenol.
Despite all the positives. Grapes have contraindications.

Its consumption should be minimized in the following cases:

  • With diabetes
  • diarrhea
  • Edema
  • For cancer of the stomach and digestive organs
  • With obesity
  • Hypertension patients
  • TB patients
  • If you are allergic to grapes

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Grape care

Grapes love warmth and light, but this does not mean that they can only be grown in regions with a warm climate.

Grapes love warmth and light, but this does not mean that they can only be grown in regions with a warm climate.

Compliance with the rules and the correct choice of variety allows you to grow it in regions with frosty winters. In order for the wintering to pass safely, the vines are cut, carefully laid on the ground and covered. Film, leaves, spruce branches are suitable for shelter.

Selecting a landing site

The place for planting grapes should be well warmed up by the sun's rays.

The place for planting grapes should be well warmed up by the sun's rays.

It can be planted between buildings. The distance from the wall must be at least a meter. The plant does not tolerate strong winds. The place must be protected from it.

Soil preparation

Bushes do not like wetlands and soil with high acidity. Grapes planted in heavy soil will grow. But it won't bear fruit for a long time.

grape bush

The soil should be light.

If groundwater is located close to your site or the earth has high humidity, you must definitely put a drainage layer under the top layer.

Before planting, a hole is dug 60 cm deep. A 10 cm drainage layer is laid on the bottom; gravel can be used for it. Topped with soil mixture.

For the mixture you need to mix:

  • earth
  • Peat
  • Sand
  • Humus
  • Lime

Life hack for watering: dig a piece of pipe into the hole so that the upper end sticks out of the ground. Through it you can carry out watering.

Watering grapes under the root

Watering under the root

Landing Rules

The optimal time for planting a new grape bush is the end of April - the beginning of May.

The optimal time for planting a new bush is the end of April - the beginning of May

By this time, the snow is already melting and the soil is warming up. When planted at a later time, the grapes will not go through the growing season, which will lead to the death of a fragile bush.

  • Planting seedlings is carried out at a depth of 50 cm, in heavy soils it can be planted at 20 cm.
  • Planting material must be inspected and, if necessary, cut.
  • 2-3 buds are left on the shoots. The cuts are treated with wax.
  • After planting, the soil is compacted and watered.
  • The distance is observed in the range of 1 - 1.5 meters, between the bushes and between the rows.

If before planting in the ground, seedlings grew in a greenhouse, then planting is done in June. In this case, the grapes are transferred along with the earthy lump. No additional fertilization is required.

Young grapes need to establish supports. This will prevent the vines from bending. In the first year of grape growth, regular weeding and loosening of the soil are mandatory.


Watering is carried out with warm water mixed with wood ash.

Watering is carried out with warm water mixed with wood ash

From spring to autumn, grapes need watering 4 times:

  • First watering is done in the spring, when there are no more frosts at night.
  • Second - 7 days before flowering.
  • Third - after flowering.
  • Fourth - produced in the fall, 7 days before the shelter of the vines for the winter.


With poor soils, you need to feed the bushes

With poor soils, you need to feed the bushes

As a fertilizer they are like:

  • wood ash
  • slurry
  • bird droppings
  • Peat

Grapes do not need nitrogen. Therefore, you can not use nitrogen-containing mixtures.

Bird droppings do an excellent job, but you can’t use it in its pure form. It is diluted with water, the proportion should be 1:2. Insist 2 weeks in a warm place. Add another 5 parts of water and water the plants.

To prevent shedding of berries, 0.1% boric acid is used. It is fertilized before and after flowering.

Care after wintering

Grapes do not tolerate sudden changes in temperature.

Grapes do not tolerate sudden changes in temperature

If you open it ahead of time, it will dissolve the buds. If frost comes, they will die. At the same time, there is a high risk that the cold will lead to the death of the entire plant.
Vingorad should be opened at the beginning of May.

It needs to open at the beginning of May.

By this time, warm weather conditions have already stabilized.

Transplantation of an adult bush

When it becomes necessary to move the bush to another place, you need to cut it.

When it becomes necessary to move the bush to another place, you need to cut it

Only two sleeves are left with young vines, not older than two years. The rest of the shoots are cut off. The cuts are treated with wax or charcoal.

After preparing the grapes, they need to be dug up. The distance must be 50 cm from the central stem, on all sides. In this case, it is necessary to strive for minimal damage to the root system.

If possible, transfer with a clod of earth.

If possible, carry with a clod of earth

If the soil is loose, it will crumble. In this case, inspect the roots and update the cuts. Mix the clay with a solution of potassium permanganate, the mixture should be the consistency of sour cream. Dip the roots in it. This will allow the bush to take root in a new place more easily. The bush needs to be watered and covered with a film.

Transplantation is carried out either in spring or autumn.In the case of an autumn transplant, the grapes are immediately covered for the winter.

To improve adaptation, you can add a handful of oats to the ground. It is a good antioxidant and contains hordecin, a natural antibiotic. Germinating, it disinfects the environment, this will allow the root system of grapes to develop faster.

Accelerating the ripening of vines and berries

Grape care

Grape care

Methods for accelerating ripening and improving the quality of the crop:

  1. Ringing. If in June the ring and cambium under the last bunch are removed on the shoot, the crop will ripen earlier, by 10 days.
  2. When the fruiting shoot is rolled up, the ripening of berries and vines is accelerated.
  3. Chasing is the straightening and removal of the top of the shoots. This process can cause the growth of side shoots, to avoid this, you do not need to completely remove the top, but only break it. The method accelerates maturation by 20%.
  4. When the fruits are almost ripe, twist the vine over the brush. The procedure contributes not only to ripening, but also the berries become sweeter.

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Growing grapes on a balcony or window

For grapes, you need to choose the south side. He loves good lighting.

For grapes, you need to choose the south side. He loves good lighting

At the same time, direct sunlight will leave burns on the leaves, so it is recommended to darken the pots with the plant.

Every year it is necessary to replant the bush. The procedure is carried out strictly after waking up from winter sleep. Capacity to select by volume more than the previous one. At the same time, the amount of land in the substrate increases, and humus decreases every year.

Watering indoor grapes should be carried out regularly, the interval should be 20 days. Use distilled water. Top dressing is done regularly during the fruiting period. The interval should be no more than two weeks.

The vines need to be tied up and a support installed. Their length should not exceed 1.5 meters.

The vines need to be tied up and a support installed. Their length should not exceed 1.5 meters

Winter is a dormant time for grapes. Its leaves turn yellow and fall off. For the period of suspended animation, it is necessary to cut off all the shoots, only 3 buds should be left strongly on one. The pot should be removed from the window in a dark, cool place.

Get for awakening only at the end of February. The first watering is carried out with melted snow. It is exposed to the window after the appearance of the first shoots.

For the bush to bear fruit, do not forget about pollination. To do this, self-pollinating varieties need to be shaken slightly, and the rest are pollinated with a small brush.

To form a bush, it is necessary to pinch the shoots. Produced through 5 leaves from the flower. When forming several clusters on the shoot, one is left. Otherwise, the plant will not have enough strength, the berries will be underdeveloped.

Grapes will begin to bear fruit in room conditions for 4-5 years.

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Grapes are propagated in three ways:


Propagation by layering is the old way.

Propagation by layering the old way

With its help, decorative bushes are created, giving them any shape. They also fill empty spaces. New bushes are also being grown.

A healthy plant is selected for layering.

Step by step description:

  1. Dig a groove next to the mother bush, 50 cm long.
  2. At the shoot, remove the leaves on the part that will be buried. At least 3 leaves should remain above the ground.
  3. The prepared layers are laid in a trench and sprinkled with earth, rammed.
  4. Watered. One new bush needs 2 buckets of water.
  5. After the water is absorbed, cover with the remaining earth.

When propagated by layering, grapes grow rapidly. He is doing well and is not sick. The main reason is dual nutrition: from the emerging root system and from the mother bush.

So you can dig in both young and old shoots. An independent bush is formed in a year.


grape seeds

The seed method is the most troublesome

At the same time, the grown plant may differ in taste from the one from which the bone was taken. Often this happens if it is taken from a hybrid variety.

Reasons for growing grapes from seeds:

  • For the sake of experiment, to see what happens.
  • To get a bush of your favorite variety. A rootstock is required here. A cutting is grafted from a bush that gives a rich harvest.
  • To get a new variety.
Seeds must be taken from ripe berries. Their shell should be dense, brown.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • Wash the bones in water.
  • Wrap in a damp cloth and plastic bag.
  • Put in refrigerator.
  • They will be ready for planting, after the formation of cracks in the peel. In terms of time, the process takes 1 - 1.5 months.
  • Move to a warm place for 2 days. During this time, white roots should appear.
  • Planted in a pot. They need to be deepened by 1 cm. Garden soil, humus and sand are mixed for the substrate. Proportion 2:1:1. Keep seeded seeds on the window.
  • Shoots will appear in a week. They need regular watering and loosening the soil. During the summer months, it grows up to two meters.
  • Grape seedlings are planted in open ground in autumn. Be sure to cover for the winter.

If you decide to transplant grapes to the site in the spring, then you need to harden it. Take it outside and bring it inside.

Time spent outdoors increases gradually: from 1 hour to day.


Grape cuttings are also called chibouks.

Grape cuttings are also called chibouks.

By definition, this is a cutting, with buds. Planting material is harvested in the fall, during the pruning of grapes for the winter.

The main thing is to comply with the conditions:

  • Diameter 7 mm
  • Brown color
  • Crunchy when bent
  • The chubuk must be firm
  • No damage
  • Length about 40cm
  • The presence of kidneys - 3 pcs.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • Soak in water for 8 hours.
  • Air and tie in bunches.
  • For storage, they are sprinkled with wet sawdust and placed in a bag. In winter, they are stored in a refrigerator, cellar or ground.
  • Before planting, the cuttings need to be soaked for 2 days. The water changes periodically.
  • Then they are planted in pots.
  • You need to water once every 2 days.
  • In open ground transplanted in September.

Planted in pots, glasses or bottles need feeding. You need to produce it in the summer: mid June, end of July and end of August.

Grapes: description of 20 varieties for growing in the temperate climate zone, features of care and reproduction at home (Photo & Video) + Reviews

Sprouting cuttings in water

Grapes: description of 20 varieties for growing in the temperate climate zone, features of care and reproduction at home (Photo & Video) + Reviews

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Diseases and pests

Grapes can affect mildew, oidium, anthracnose, felt mite, chlorosis, alternariosis, gray rot. He is also attacked by wasps and hornets. We offer to see the details of the fight against them in the video at the end of the article.

Infected vine leaf

Infected vine leaf

Grapes: description of 20 varieties for growing in the temperate climate zone, features of care and reproduction at home (Photo & Video) + Reviews


Grapes: description of 20 varieties for growing in the temperate climate zone, features of care and reproduction at home (Photo & Video) + Reviews

8.8 Total Score

It is easy to grow at home. It reproduces well and is undemanding in care. By following the rules, your favorite variety will grow and delight with beauty and delicious fruits. Feedback from our readers is very important to us. If you do not agree with these ratings, leave your rating in the comments with the reasoning for your choice. Thank you for your participation. Your opinion will be useful to other users.

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1 comment
  1. Answer
    Tatiana Ivantsova 10/18/2018 at 10:30

    Many thanks to the author of the article, after all, I accidentally came across your page and read it with great pleasure, as if returning to a distant childhood.
    Grandfather and uncle are the owners of grape fields, and since childhood, my sister and I have helped them in the fields. I saw the whole process of growing grapes. The only thing is that I would love to learn the basics of care and reproduction of the Kishmish variety, because it has no seeds, except for cuttings.
    My uncle's favorite pastime was crossing varieties, I remember how in the middle of the row there were several bushes with which he experimented.
    We have always waited for autumn and adored harvesting grapes, cutting with a sicator and tasting what happened. Yes, and you hold a grone of grapes in your hand and get aesthetic pleasure.

    Leave feedback



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