Growing roses from seeds: stock rose (mallow), Chinese, stone, angel wings, polyanthus and other popular types and varieties (35+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Growing roses from seeds

If the plant produces seeds, then the same copy can be grown from it. This has been proven by the laws of nature and scientists. Growing roses from seeds is an opportunity to get many similar specimens. According to experts, it is from grains that high-quality, strong, healthy seedlings can be obtained.

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The seed propagation method is often used when you need to get a lot of seedlings at once and when the grower, having one or more varieties he likes, wants to increase their number. All the characteristics and traits of the parent plant are laid down in the grain and are preserved for a long time.

Young seedlings of roses

Young seedlings of roses

This technique is also used when mother plants need to be replaced by young growth due to old age, freezing or illness. This technique is not only convenient, but also economical in terms of monetary costs. In addition, no one knows what quality the purchased seed will have. Those samples that are presented in the description of online stores do not always correspond to the actual ones.

When growing or updating a rose garden by seed, you need to be prepared for the fact that the first shoots can be wild. They must be pruned without regret, otherwise a plant called a rose will turn into a plant called wild rosehip. Cut wild shoots should be right at the root system. Simply shortening the situation will not fix it.

Not every variety of roses can be propagated from seeds. You can not grow a hybrid rose in this way. The seeds of these plants do not contain the maternal gene.

This method is suitable for the following varieties:

  • Chinese rose
  • miniature varieties
  • cinnamon
  • polyanthus
  • spiny
  • angel wings
  • hellebore
  • stockrose (mallow)
  • stone (young)
  • lavantera
Only miniature roses can please flowering in the first year. All the rest will bloom no earlier than a year later.
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How to collect planting material

Usually, seeds for propagation begin to be collected from mid-summer to early autumn. Seed boxes during this period should acquire a yellow or reddish tint. It is not recommended to use overripe seeds for sowing. Experienced flower growers are advised to use seed boxes on which there is a slight blush to assemble the seed. In their own opinion and experience, “babies” from immature testicles are better than from fully mature ones.

Chinese Rose Seeds

Chinese Rose Seeds

To extract the seed, you need to carefully cut the box in half. Carefully, so as not to damage the grain, remove it from the pulp. If the shape and color of the extracted grains differ from those purchased, this is normal.

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Stratification - what is the procedure, why is it needed

This manipulation speeds up the process of seed germination, increasing the overall chances for full development. Simply put, stratification is an imitation of natural conditions, aimed at developing natural growth and development mechanisms in the seed. Stratification simulates and causes a young rose sprout to "peck" through the grain shell on its own.

Home cultivation of roses

Home cultivation of roses

It is recommended to disinfect the grain before the stratification procedure. This can be done by holding it a little in a solution of potassium permanganate.

There are several ways to stratify:

  • cold
  • warm
  • stepped
  • combined

cold way

Step by step steps of the cold method:

  • they need to be put on a sieve
  • place for 20 minutes in a solution of hydrogen peroxide so that mold does not form on them during storage
  • peroxide should be treated with gauze in which they will be stored
  • planting material processed and prepared for storage is placed in a plastic bag
  • should be stored in the vegetable compartment of a household refrigerator (at a temperature of +50WITH)

After sending to the refrigerator, you need to view the condition of the material at least once every half a month. If mold appears on the “kids”, they must be re-treated with peroxide, placed in a new layer of gauze, a new bag and sent back to storage in the refrigerator.

Home stratification of seeds in the refrigerator

Home stratification of seeds in the refrigerator

After about 1.5-2 months from the moment of laying, the first sprouts should appear on the grain. Before landing young seedlings, it needs to be tempered a little. Pots with sprouts should be taken out for a short time outside, avoiding direct exposure to the rays of the sun. You should start with a few short “walks”, regularly increasing the time spent in natural conditions.

In open ground conditions, seedlings can be planted in May, in pre-prepared and fertilized land.

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If stratification is not done?

If this procedure is ignored, a lot of growth inhibitors are formed in the seed. This will stop the process of germination of sprouts for a very long time. Simply put, the germination of seeds can be delayed for 1-2 years, provided that the seed does not die during this time.

Large roses grown in a pot

Large roses grown in a pot

This applies to those varieties of crops that are adapted to the climatic conditions where they are planned to be planted: to temperature, humidity, type of soil. Those varieties in which these indicators are stable and no additional requirements for germination rules are required can multiply in any season.

If we are talking about flower crops, then this applies mainly to perennials, which include roses. In addition to them, cold stratification requires: bell varieties, ranunculus, honeysuckle, magnolia, primrose other.

Stratification at home is not difficult to carry out. Knowing the rules for its implementation and the sequence of actions, even the most inexperienced grower can do this.

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Master class of planting seeds

The optimal time for sowing rose seeds is February.

After the stratification procedure, germinated seeds must be planted in the ground.

After the stratification procedure, germinated seeds must be planted in the ground.

Step one

  • Containers for planting and soil are being prepared.
  • For this, plastic boxes are quite suitable.
  • Drainage material is laid first, with fertile soil on top of it.
  • The bottom of the box should have several pierced holes so that excess moisture flows through them into the pan.

step two

  • After planting the grains, the soil is watered with a growth stimulator.
  • Kornevin, Fitospirina-M and Heteroauxin are well suited for this.
  • This will accelerate the emergence of the first shoots, activate the growth of the plant.

Step Three

  • A layer of sand or vermiculite is laid on top (on a layer of soil).

Step Five

  • When everything is done, the box is covered with a lid (also made of plastic) or cellophane.
  • Leave in this state until the first sprouts appear.
  • The container with seeds should be placed in a relatively warm place with good access to natural light.
  • It is very important that there is no draft in the room where they are stored.

Germination of the first sprouts should be expected in a month. You need to be prepared for the fact that, for example, out of 12 germinated seeds, about 5 will sprout. This is normal, you don’t really need to be scared about this. If more seedlings are needed for planting in open ground, then more seedlings will need to be sown.

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Planting seeds in open ground

For those who do not have the time and desire to spend their time on seedling cultivation, you can use a simplified technology. Bypassing the stratification stage, you can land directly into the ground, but you need to understand that such an action does not always bring the desired result.

The process of planting in open ground

Planting process

This breeding technique is used if there is too much planting material. Stratification gardeners in this case trust nature itself.

Step by step planting a seed in the ground:

  1. The first step is preparing the seed for planting. This is done as described above, only here the sprouted sprouts are not planted in flower pots, but directly in a permanent place, that is, in a planting hole in the garden.

  2. Before planting, the earth should be dug up, fertilized and moistened.

  3. Sowing is carried out in August. At this time of the year, the seeds are strong and have time to get stronger by the arrival of cold weather.

  4. After sowing, the seed is lightly sprinkled with earth with a layer no thicker than 5 mm.

  5. In the first week, water regularly, but not abundantly, avoiding moisture stagnation.

  6. After the first frosts appear, the holes are covered with polyethylene or rotted hay.

It will be possible to remove such a blanket only next year, approximately in the month of April, provided that there are no severe frosts.

The first color of roses grown in this way will not be as abundant as expected. But all subsequent years, subject to proper care, feeding, pruning, and so on, the flowers will be larger and brighter.

Roses grown in the garden from the seed are considered more adapted to the natural environment. They have stronger shoots, root system, bushes are more resistant to frost, more viable. This has been proven by gardeners in practice.

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Growing from purchased seeds

Border, polyanthus, curly, Chinese varieties are often bought in online stores. Their disadvantage is that they do not always, in fact, correspond to the stated description.

Store bought rose seeds

store seeds

The seed of purchased varieties must necessarily undergo a stratification procedure. This requirement is put forward because the buyer does not know how many seeds actually were, in time, outside the mother's fetus.

Then, following the instructions, plant them:

  1. Soak for several hours in a solution with a growth stimulator to increase seed vigor and accelerate growth.

  2. After removing them from the solution, lay them out in seedling pots on top of the soil prepared in advance.

  3. Sprinkle on top with moistened sand, a layer of 5 mm, lightly compact.

  4. Spray the top layer with a spray bottle.

  5. Place the pots on a windowsill or other prepared area, covering the top with an air-filled plastic bag.

  6. Pots with seeds must withstand temperatures from +18 to +200From 2 weeks.

  7. After this time has elapsed, they must be taken to a cool basement with a temperature not higher than +70WITH.

  8. The stratification time under these conditions should be from 1.5 to 2 months.

The main thing is not to miss the moment when young sprouts appear. As soon as they appear, the pots should be taken out to a bright but cool room.

It will be possible to plant hardened young seedlings in open ground in the month of April. Planting is done in the usual way.

Growing in pots

Low-growing varieties (specially cultivated) can be grown at home, for example, on a glazed balcony or veranda.

They bloom much longer than the garden one - they start in May and end in late November.

They bloom much longer than the garden one - they start in May and end in late November.

In order to grow such beauty at home, a rose needs to create a good microclimate:

  • temperature regime +18-200WITH
  • abundance of light
  • fertile soil
  • timely watering and fertilizing

When the temperature drops below the presented plant should be brought to a warmer room. Starting from March, fertilize with liquid fertilizers. Bring them in not often and a little bit.

Dried shoots must be removed immediately by cutting them below the first pair of leaves. The plant goes dormant from late November to March. During this period, the temperature regime should be reduced to 10-120C. Since March, the bush is cut again and, if necessary, transplanted.

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Care of seedlings immediately after planting

At first, the seeds only need enough heat and moisture. The temperature regime for them should be no higher and no lower than +140C. There is no need to open a mini greenhouse. It must be closed throughout this growing season. This will ensure the plants normal growth and development.

First seedlings

First shoots

At this point, you only need to ensure that the soil does not dry out. Humidification is carried out with a spray gun. Excess moisture will drain into the tray. It is also important to ensure that there is no stagnation of moisture in it, which can lead to a disease of young seedlings called the black leg.

Choice of landing site

The area where the germinated grains are supposed to be planted should be well lit, protected from the winds.

How to plant young roses

Landing holes should be made sufficiently wide and deep. So that the root system of the plant enters them and settles freely, without being damaged.

  1. When using the closed method (where the root system is covered with a layer of earth), the bush simply rolls over from the pot into the hole.

  2. The open root system should be straightened, straightened, positioned so that the roots do not bend, do not press down.

  3. The distance between the planting holes should be approximately 55 cm. If you plan to organize a hedge, this gap can be slightly reduced, for example, to 35-40 cm.

  4. Water the bushes well after planting.

It is very important to ensure that the soil is constantly moistened until all the seedlings are finally rooted in the area.


To protect young plants from overheating, accidental mechanical damage, reduce the amount of watering, you need to mulch the area.

To protect young plants from overheating, accidental mechanical damage, reduce the amount of watering, you need to mulch the area

Suitable for this:

  • sawdust
  • cut dry grass
  • needles
  • straw
Mulching will save the grower from frequent weeding and loosening the soil. This means that it will reduce the risk of accidental damage to the root system and stems.


Young rose seedlings need plenty of moisture. Do not over-water or flood them. Drying of the soil is also not allowed.

Watering the plant

Watering the plant

The frequency of watering in dry weather should be at least 1-2 times in 3 days. You need to irrigate in the morning and evening. On cloudy, cool days, reduce the frequency of watering to a minimum or stop altogether.

top dressing

You need to feed the seedlings with special complex fertilizers for roses. The frequency of feeding is no more than 2 times per month. Fertilizers are applied foliarly (under the foliage).

The process of fertilizing roses

The process of fertilizing

The procedure will not take much time, but the roses will grow better, faster, healthier. When flowering, this will affect the abundance of inflorescence formation, brightness and duration. Feed plants grown from seeds with organic matter.Will not spoil the nature of soil and mineral fertilizer. Roses always respond well and respond well to mulch with humus or fermented manure.

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Species that can be grown from seed

To grow the following varieties of roses, you can use the "babies" collected on your site, take from other gardeners or buy in an online store. As mentioned above, hybrid varieties cannot be grown by seed. Only a few varieties can be propagated, which are popular with many flower growers.

Wings of Angels

roses Angel Wings

Angel wings - belong to the Chinese varieties

Unpretentious to care. It takes root well, grows, blooms in open ground conditions, in the house and in the greenhouse. When growing this variety, seeds do not need to be stratified. Here the seed propagation technique is much simpler:

  1. To grow a rose Angel Wings from seeds, it is enough to place the planting material in pots with a substrate. Definitely moisturized and loosened.

  2. After planting the seed, compact the soil slightly, cover the pots with a lid or a plastic bag.

  3. The temperature in the room where they are placed should be +160WITH.

Already after 2.5 months it will be possible to expect not only the first sprouts, but also the flowering itself

polyanthus rose

The variety is low (about 50 cm in height). Refers to winter-hardy varieties. Can be grown in gardens, open areas, greenhouses.

Variety Morsdag, Rose Polyanthus

Variety Morsdag

The polyanthus variety is considered a leader in terms of flowering density. About 100 buds can form on one adult bush. Prefers open areas with plenty of light.

Some flower growers grow it at home - on the windowsills. This variety requires stratification when it comes to growing a plant from grains. Frost resistant. Polyanthus rose blooms for a long time - all summer and even in autumn. During flowering, the bush is generously covered with medium-sized, but bright inflorescences.

Valued by gardeners for:

  • high decorativeness
  • lack of spikes
  • unpretentiousness to the soil
  • shade tolerance
  • no need for care

Use a polyanthus rose to decorate flower beds, flower beds, discounts, curbs, rock gardens. This variety can be grown indoors in a pot or container.

Lavatera garden

Herbaceous plant from the Malvaceae family. The common name is wild rose or khatma. There are approximately 25 subspecies. The composition of the soil is not demanding, but prefers to grow in regions with a warm climate. Resistant to heat, drought, not afraid of the wind.

Lavatera Three-month

Lavatera Three-month

Tall Lavanter needs additionally installed supports and trellis. You need to plant a plant in well-lit areas, in more shaded inflorescences may not fully open, which affects the beauty of flowering.

Mature bushes reach 1.5 m in height. The leaf is alternately lobed, covered with hairs along with the stem. The flowers are large, up to 10 cm in diameter. Color: yellow, crimson, white, red, pink. They can grow singly, in racemose inflorescences or in several pieces.

Young (stone rose)

This variety belongs to those rare types of flowers that, giving joy to people, require almost nothing in return.. Belongs to the Crassulaceae family, has about 40 varieties. The leaf is thick, fleshy, collected in a rosette adjacent to the soil, usually round in shape.

stone rose

Younger. It is also called hare cabbage or tenacious

It blooms only once per season, but the young are valued not for their flowers, but for their shapes and appearance. The larger the leaf, the more beautiful the plant. Florists and gardeners love young for a bright green color that does not change throughout the growing season. Resistant to frost, not whimsical to the choice of soil, not demanding to care.

Stock rose (Mallow)

A variety that is also grown from seeds. Sowing should be carried out in the month of June directly into the open ground. Rose seed does not need to be stratified. Here it is important to observe the intermediate distance between future bushes, it should be approximately 20 cm.

Usually the seeds of this variety of roses are sown in the month of June. The first shoots will appear in 2 weeks. If you need to get seedlings earlier, then they can be sown in February in greenhouse conditions.

Mallow Stock Rose

Variety Malva

It is necessary to sow not as usual, but keeping a distance of 20 cm from one another to a depth of 4 cm. Flowering in the first year of life of the stockrose should not be expected. This variety will throw out the first inflorescences only in the next season. The site for landing should be chosen sunny.

Watering plants after planting should be moderate, excessive irrigation can cause rotting of the root system.Seeds are sown in pots sometime in February. It is recommended to plant a plant in open ground with earth from a pot.

In the first year of life, flowers should not be expected - the rose will bloom in a year. The culture needs a sufficient amount of sunlight, so it needs to be planted in the sunny side. Requires shelter for the winter

In order for the stockrose to develop well, be healthy and bloom quickly, it must be planted in soil enriched with nitrogen. If Malva experiences a lack of lighting, then most likely it will not throw out the inflorescences. This should be taken into account by beginner growers. It is also important to take into account the fact that the soil in which they plan to plant this variety must be fertilized with nitrogen fertilizer.

Chinese rose

The seeds of this rose do not require stratification.. Unpretentious to care. The optimal temperature regime for growth and development is +200C. In order for the Chinese rose to bloom longer and more abundantly, you need to remove faded inflorescences from the bush in time.

Hibiscus China Rose


Growing from seeds can be carried out in the garden, at home, in the greenhouse. Looks great in the background hedges with climbing varieties of flowers.

climbing roses

Many gardeners plant climbing varieties of roses on the site to decorate the landscape. They decorate hedges, arches, decorative supports, facades of buildings. A blooming oasis always becomes an object of admiration, a highlight landscape. There are a huge number of varieties of climbing roses.

Therefore, there should be no problems with the choice, everyone chooses the one that he liked the most: from 3 meters of shoot length to 3, undersized or giants 15 m high, too branched or semi-branched.

Rose Harlequin Climbing

Harlequin Climbing

They reproduce mainly by cuttings, but the seed method of cultivation is also acceptable to them. Here you just have to work hard, put in a lot of effort, have patience and endurance. But then you can admire the fruits of your labors for a long period of time, to the envy of your neighbors.

After the first sprouts are born, you need to organize a full daylight hours for them at 10 o'clock. If natural lighting is not enough, you need to supplement the plants artificially. Reduce watering during this period of time, avoid direct sunlight.

It will be necessary to transplant into open ground conditions when the air temperature stabilizes, frosts pass, and warm weather sets in. The soil must be periodically loosened. Care, further watering, top dressing should be done in the same way as with adult plants.

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Problems that growers may face

It is clear, from all of the above, that growing roses from seed is not a difficult process, but a long, labor-intensive one. Except those that do not require stratification. Here you need to make a certain amount of effort, stock up on endurance and patience before the first sprouts and flowers appear. But these are far from the biggest difficulties in growing and caring for roses.

Much more disappointment and trouble can be brought by weeds that, when packaging the seed, got into the bag. Especially if the seed is purchased and money has been paid for it.This is not uncommon when selling planting material on inexpensive trading floors.. There, seed sorting before sale is practically not done. Therefore, a lot of grass and other weeds often get into a bag with supposedly roses.

rose leaf disease

plant leaf disease

They can also get into the seed of a rose with a private collection, so you need to monitor this and remove them in a timely manner. What happens if they are not removed? During germination, they have a negative impact on their contributing "cultural" counterparts. Simply put, they will interfere in every possible way with their healthy growth and development.

It is important to understand that some roses are intended for growing in certain climatic conditions, if they do not match, then the result may be zero. The flower grower will have to try hard to create the most suitable habitat for them.

When choosing varieties in China, many people look for detailed information before buying, find out the presence of GMOs in the seed. Genetically modified products are not considered to be of high quality, but roses are not eaten, so this fact cannot be considered a significant drawback. The main thing is to grow the beauty of the garden succeeded.

powdery mildew

powdery mildew

Compliance with all the rules is a guarantee that in a short time (next season) they will bloom regularly and profusely. Some varieties with abundant color will delight all summer and some autumn. A do-it-yourself rose is the best, brightest and favorite plant - a highlight in decorating a garden or apartment.

Growing roses from seeds: stock rose (mallow), Chinese, stone, angel wings, polyanthus and other popular types and varieties (35+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Rose seeds from Aliexpress

Growing roses from seeds: stock rose (mallow), Chinese, stone, angel wings, polyanthus and other popular types and varieties (35+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

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