Cucumber is a popular crop, the cultivation of which in one form or another is distributed throughout the globe.
Culture has been used by mankind for a very long time, about 5 thousand years, so advanced gardeners and summer residents know almost all the secrets of its cultivation.
The yield of varietal cucumbers can reach fantastic values: from 30-50 kg per square meter for artisanal cultivation to 70-90 for professional cultivation. Fruits on lashes are formed regularly within 1-2 months.

Organization of growing cucumbers
There are a large number of varieties of cucumbers that differ in size, shape, taste, etc. Like other crops, cucumbers are divided according to the speed of ripening into:
- early ripening (35-45 days from emergence to harvest);
- early (45-60 days);
- mid-season (up to 56 days);
- late 56+ days.
In greenhouses, these terms can be reduced by 8-15 days. Cultivation of cucumbers is a rather complicated and painstaking process, the plant should be constantly monitored and strictly adhere to the necessary recommendations.

Cucumbers in open ground on supports in the form of arches
To understand how to care for cucumbers, you should understand the features of growing this crop. For cucumbers, there are several rules, the violation of which not only leads to a decrease in yield, but can also destroy the crop:
- Cucumber is a thermophilic plant. It should be planted on beds at temperatures not lower than + 13 ° C and in the absence of the likelihood of reverse frosts. The best crop growth after sowing is observed at air temperatures from 24°C to 28°C.
- Good nutrition is the key to a bountiful harvest. Cucumbers should be planted in pre-prepared soil and fed during the growing process.
- Since the root system of the cucumber is subsoil (most of the roots are located no deeper than 5 cm), it is forbidden to loosen the soil. For normal air permeability of the soil, light soils and the right predecessor should be used.
- Cucumbers require a lot of moisture. The optimal indicator of soil moisture is 80%. With values of this parameter less than 30%, the crop wilts. Taking into account the thermophilicity of the cucumber, watering should not be carried out at temperatures below + 18 ° C
- This plant is considered a garden crop of a short day. Therefore, the optimal time for its cultivation is not only the beginning, but also the end of summer. For normal growth, the plant needs 10-12 hours of light. This means that you can grow cucumbers not only in sunny areas, but also in partial shade.
There are several schemes for growing cucumbers, sometimes radically different from each other, but the above points are observed in any case, the beginning of the culture will grow and bear fruit at a low rate. Next, various ways of growing cucumbers will be considered and tips on caring for the crop will be given.

Preliminary preparation of the soil

Tomato is one of the correct predecessors of cucumbers and, in general, pumpkin crops
Cucumbers require fertile loose soil. If planting seeds in open ground is used, it should be neutral; in seedling cultivation, the acidity of the soil in the open air does not play a role.
Soil preparation actually begins already at the stage of planting the precursor crop. As a precursor for cucumbers, you can use:
- tomatoes (tomatoes);
- bell pepper;
- cabbage;
- garlic;
- legumes (peas, beans).
Before planting cucumbers, fertilizers must be applied to the soil in advance (not earlier than six months). The best top dressing for cucumbers is rotted cow dung. Application rates are up to 6 kg per 1 sq. m.
If there is no manure, you can use chicken manure (concentration 1 to 20, application rate - up to 6 liters per 1 sq. M).

Mulching with manure
It is also recommended to make an infusion of mullein immediately before planting. (mixture with water in a ratio of 1 to 5, application rate - up to 5 liters per 1 sq. m).
It will also be important to properly design the beds for future plantings. Since cucumbers are thermophilic, the beds should also receive maximum heat from the outside and keep it well. To do this, their height must be at least 25 cm, and they themselves should be oriented from north to south.

Planting cucumbers

High beds - a guarantee of heat preservation for the cucumber root system
Regardless of which method of planting cucumbers will be chosen - seedling or seedless, it is necessary that plants appear in the open air no later than June. It makes no sense to grow cucumber at a later date, since high summer temperatures and too long daylight hours will not lead to the normal development of the crop.
Fruiting in such conditions, on the contrary, will be as effective as possible, so it makes sense to complete the process of planting and disembarking no later than mid-June. In cold spring, the process of planting seeds in open ground should be postponed for one to two weeks.
Used varieties

Cucumbers of bunch varieties
It is strongly recommended to use zoned hybrids for planting. (giving preference to f1 as the most stable), since they are maximally adapted for this climatic zone. However, the correct choice of variety will largely determine the cultivation strategy of the crop.
The classification of cucumbers adapted for home cultivation is quite simple. They are distinguished by:
- method of use;
- according to the so-called "shirt" - appearance, physical properties of the peel of the fetus, the presence of "pimples" and other features;
- pollination method;
- maturation periods.

The temperature in the greenhouse when growing cucumbers should not exceed +35°С
It is the appointment of cucumbers that is at the forefront. You can choose varieties according to different criteria, but this is the main one. If they are to be used as a salad dressing, it is better to plant tasty, early-ripening varieties. Mid-ripening ones are usually used for preservation, late-ripening ones are used for salting in barrels. These recommendations are not absolute, but they are used quite often. Hybrid varieties of cucumbers are preferred because most of them have a high yield.
The appearance of the cucumber is no less important, since the area of \u200b\u200bits application depends heavily on what the cucumber peel is. So, hard-skinned cucumbers traditionally do not go into salads, similarly, “soft” varieties are not used in pickling, since they tend to “spread” over time.
The method of pollination shows how closely you have to monitor the process of forming new ovaries. In particular, if insect pollination is used, and cucumbers are grown in a greenhouse, it should be opened from time to time to allow the same bees to the flowers.Also, next to cucumbers, as well as near all bee-pollinated crops, it is recommended to install open containers with water, since bees also need it and are more likely to fly to pollinate flowers located near open sources of moisture.
When using artificial pollination, it is common to cut off the male flower and alternately apply it to the female flowers, leaving pollen on them.
In addition, there are hybrid parthenocarpic varieties of cucumbers that do not require pollination at all. In them, the formation of fruits can occur without the formation of seeds, that is, they do not need pollination.

A typical example of a seedless cucumber
The most common varieties for temperate climates are listed below:
- Parthenocarpic hybrids: Bobrik, Break, Quadrille, Murashka, Sail. All of them are F1 hybrids
- Parthenocarpic cold-resistant hybrids: Christina, Burevestnik, Anyuta
- Early maturing varieties and hybrids with high yields: Avns, Ajax, Marcella, Gosha
- Self-pollinated early-ripening, and recommended in the southern regions: Herman, Lord, Regina (hybrids)
- Self-pollinated high yield: Murom, Aquarius, Voznesensky (varieties), Zador, Pikas (hybrids)
- Self-pollinated cold-resistant: Farmer, Altai (varieties), Admira, Bidreta (hybrids)
To grow healthy cucumbers, seeds should be taken as planting material, obtained at least 2 years ago (from 2 to 6 years of storage, the germination of cucumber seeds increases).
Seedless way

Summer planting cucumber seeds in open ground
If the conditions for germination are favorable, cucumber seeds hatch almost immediately and germinate 5-7 days after planting. At the same time, since there is a certain probability of return frosts in May, the planting process should be slightly stretched.
This consists in several plantings of culture in different places at time intervals of 5-7 days. It is recommended to start the process from the beginning or middle of May (depending on the temperature), and finish it before June 15.
Landing pattern may be different. In the general case, it depends on the configuration of the beds, but the option is often used when the trellis is located vertically in the center of the bed, and the plants are planted on the sides (in two rows).
At what distance the holes are located depends on the variety. On average, the distance between rows is 50 cm, between holes - from 50 to 70 cm. Usually, cucumbers are planted in a square pattern, a checkerboard pattern is used somewhat less frequently.
The height of the trellis can reach from 100 to 200 cm. In general, choose it nuno depending on the variety.

Cucumbers on a trellis
To protect the ridge from the winds, it is recommended to place it near walls and tall shrubs, as well as other types of natural or artificial obstacles. One way to implement such a shelter would be to plant corn on the north side of the cucumbers.
Preliminary preparation of seeds is carried out according to the following scheme:
- They are washed in running water.
- Placed for half an hour in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate
- Sprouted for 2-3 days in a damp tissue at a temperature of at least 23 degrees. When the length of germinated sprouts reaches 3-4 mm, this process can be completed
It is recommended to sow cucumbers before the onset of the heat of the day. (at temperatures above +25°C planting is undesirable). The planting process itself is simple - germinated seeds are placed in shallow holes, sprinkled with soil and watered. Shoots usually appear in 5-7 days.
Seedling use

Soaking cucumber seeds before planting
Unlike mature plants, seeds require soil that is neutral in acidity. The substrate for planting may have the following composition:
- sod land;
- sand;
- peat;
- vermiculite.
All components are taken in equal proportions. Before planting, it is recommended to disinfect the soil with a 0.2% solution of potassium permanganate or ignite it in the oven (the soil is heated to a temperature of 110-115 ° C). Disinfection is usually carried out 2-3 days before planting, so that the soil restores its properties.

Superphosphate double as top dressing
Favorable days for sowing cucumbers can be seen in the sowing calendar. Usually, these days fall on the phase of the first and third quarters. New moon and full moon plus or minus two days are considered unfavorable days for sowing seeds. At this time, the biorhythms of plants slow down and germination may be several days late.
Also, before planting cucumbers, you need to prepare the soil and add fertilizer to it. Every 10 kg of substrate is fertilized with a mixture of mineral supplements, which consists of:
- urea - 6 g;
- superphosphate - 10 g;
- potassium sulfate - 6 g;
- magnesium sulfate - 2 g.
Before sowing cucumbers, seeds are germinated (similar to that which is done when planting seed in open ground). Then fill the individual container with the substrate, leaving about 1 cm to the edge.
Holes are made in the substrate with a depth of 1.5-2 cm and a diameter of up to 1 cm, in which germinated seeds are carefully placed.

Cucumber seedlings a week after germination
Next, the holes are sprinkled with soil, watered and covered with a film or glass on top of the container and left for several days. The container with seedlings is removed in a shaded room (with a temperature of 23-28 ° C) and kept there until the emergence of seedlings.
After the first sprouts hatch, the seedlings are placed in a cooler room (not higher than + 23 ° C) on the windowsill, since growing cucumbers require a lot of light.
Watering is carried out as needed. The entire growing season, the upper 2 cm of the soil should not be dry, otherwise the seedlings will turn out to be weak and a rich harvest will not have to be expected from it.
Seedlings do not need fertilizing. Thinning and hardening of cucumber seedlings are also not performed.
Excessive watering of seedlings of cucumbers is undesirable. If the leaves of plants turn yellow, the first reason for this phenomenon is too much liquid in the soil.
On the 20-25th day after germination, when the seedlings already have fairly strong stems and have 5-6 strong leaves, they are planted in open ground. Usually, by this time, the heating of the soil is already sufficient. Transplant seedlings carefully, along with a clod of earth, so as not to damage the roots. Before planting, a spatula of humus or compost is added to the hole. Then carry out watering of young cucumbers. It is recommended to transplant in the morning or evening hours or in cloudy weather.

Transplanting seedlings in open ground
For closed ground, these terms can be somewhat reduced. Even growing seedlings in a greenhouse is allowed, if temperature conditions allow (23-28 ° C in the first week).

Cucumber care

Mulching beds with straw
Cucumbers are a rather finicky culture that requires constant attention and control. In addition to periodic watering and top dressing, the plant needs regular shaping and pollination.
Mulching will help retain moisture for a longer time, protect cucumbers from weeds and protect them from a number of pests. As a mulch, gardeners are recommended to use freshly cut grass, straw or sawdust. The thickness of a dense layer of mulch - no more than 5 cm, light layers - no more than 7 cm.
After the first layer of mulch is exhausted or becomes unusable, it can be replaced, for example, with agrofibre or neutral peat. Mulching the soil, especially with dense material, is recommended before watering.Weeding is done by hand without any tool; weeds are simply uprooted.
In addition, an important part of the care of cucumbers is the stimulation of plants to form female flowers, because it is on them that the fruits are formed.

Watering cucumber beds
Watering cucumbers is carried out in the aisle (do not water the bushes directly to avoid rot). The frequency of watering should be such that the soil is constantly wet.
As soon as the fruiting process begins, it is recommended to increase the irrigation rate by 20-30%.
Also, when watering, you should consider where cucumbers grow. In a sunny area, the frequency of watering can be 1.5-2 times more often than in the shade.
Often, violation of irrigation regimes is accompanied by yellowing of the foliage. Moreover, the leaves can turn yellow both from a lack and from an excess of moisture in the soil. Correction of the irrigation regime should be carried out immediately in this case.
It is also recommended to examine the soil to a depth of 10-15 cm to make sure that that the soil is properly moistened. It should not be too wet or too dry.
top dressing

Foliar plant nutrition
Top dressing is recommended to be applied from the moment the flowering begins and continue them all the time of cultivation. When planting in open ground, the first top dressing is carried out 15 days after emergence. This is followed by fertilization at the time of flowering. The frequency of making subsequent dressings is about 2 weeks.
If a large area is allocated for cucumbers, it is recommended to install a barrel or other container with a volume of 100-200 liters on the site to store the same solution of mullein or chicken manure in it, since it will take a lot.
You can also feed the culture with a solution of wood ash.This simple fertilizer contains a number of nutrients - it contains a lot of potassium salt, calcium, phosphorus. But at the same time, it must be remembered that it practically does not contain nitrogen.
If the summer is warm, only root dressings are enough for cucumbers. At low temperatures, foliar spraying is used. This is perhaps the only case when moisture is allowed to get on the leaves.

Root top dressing of cucumbers
An alternation of organic and mineral supplements is recommended. As organic matter, it is recommended to use a solution of mullein (at a concentration of 1 to 5) or chicken manure (1 to 20). Of the mineral fertilizers, the use of ammophoska or nitrophoska in the amount of 10-15 g (1 teaspoon) per bucket of water has proven itself well. Its application rate is 10 liters of the mixture per 1 sq. m. It is not recommended to use various saltpeters in their pure form.
The culture responds very well to top dressing and almost everything what will be brought under it will fall into the stems and fruits. This has its positive and negative sides. To increase the yield, do not overdo it with top dressing. The norms given here may vary from variety to variety, so it is recommended that when buying certain seeds, consult the sellers or get information from the manufacturer's website.

Hilling a bush
Despite the fact that crops are irrigated between rows, its roots still tend to be exposed. Therefore, it is recommended to spud cucumbers several times a season. In this case, the earth should not be taken directly from the garden (since the root system is located very close to the surface and loosening is prohibited).
Hilling will help the plant grow additional roots and reduce the likelihood of fungal diseases.
Bush formation

Formation of cucumbers on vertical threads
The purpose of this procedure is to stimulate the development of side shoots, since it is on them that most of the female flowers are formed. There are various methods for increasing the yield of a bush, but none of them can be compared with the correct formation of plant lashes.
The procedure itself is relatively simple - it is necessary to pinch the central stem at the level of 5 or 6 leaves. Pinching is carried out 2-3 cm above the last internode. The side lashes chirp when they reach the top of the trellis.
It is recommended to tie the whips to the trellis with a hemp rope or twine. It is undesirable to use a wire for a garter, all the more so to tighten it.
To stimulate the growth of female flowers, watering should be slightly reduced, namely, the pause between them should be increased. Such artificial drought will force the plants to form more female flowers on the lateral lashes.
Diseases and pests
Most often, cucumbers are affected by fungal diseases. These include powdery mildew, anthracnose, root and stem rot. Of the pests, various types of aphids, whiteflies and spider mites are most common.
To protect against fungal diseases, treatment of the leaves of the culture with copper-containing preparations is used as a prophylaxis. Most often, the leaves are sprayed with copper sulphate at a concentration of 1%.
The fight against aphids is carried out mainly using folk remedies. You can treat the affected areas with infusion of tomato leaves or various soap solutions.
The destruction of insects is carried out using various insecticides.

Cucumber harvest
Fruiting in cucumbers is extended in time, so the timely collection of fruits is part of the care of the crop. If the fruits linger on the bush for too long, this will not only lead to a deterioration in their qualities, but will also prevent the plant from forming new ovaries.
Harvesting of ripe fruits should be done every 2-3 days. At the same time, not only high-quality fruits are subject to harvesting, but also rejection - ugly, delayed in development, twisted, etc.
Cucumbers, when removed from the bush, should not be pulled, twisted or broken off, since injured lashes get sick and form new ovaries worse. It is best to carefully cut the fruit with a pruner or garden shears. Watering on harvest days is best done in the evening.


Cucumbers ideal for pickling
In general, growing cucumbers is not difficult, but it requires timely and regular care procedures. Plants need constant monitoring and correction of growth or flowering. It is necessary to pinch and tie cucumbers in a timely manner. No less important is the timely harvest, which allows new ovaries to appear.
Thematic video:
Cultivation of cucumbers in open ground: planting seeds and caring for them | (Photo & Video) +Reviews