Plants are a source of food not only for humans, but also for a large number of other living beings. We can say that, to some extent, the inhabitants of gardens and orchards are our competitors in the food chain. And if this competition leads to a slight loss of the crop (or does not affect it at all), we do not pay any attention to these inhabitants of the gardens.
However, in the case when the fauna of the garden ecosystem causes serious damage to the crop or the plants themselves, we classify its representatives, who play an important role in this process, as crop pests. The article presents the most dangerous pests of the garden and garden, indicates the characteristic features of their activities and describes how to deal with them.

General characteristics of pests
The list of animals related to pests is quite large and covers several types of living beings. In the first place are representatives of the world of arthropods - insects and mites. It is their activity that causes maximum damage to domestic plants and it is with them that it is most difficult to fight.
This is due to the small size of these creatures, their abundance, fast reproductive cycle and very good survival. Insects and mites are able to feed not only on the fruits of plants, but also on leaves and even wood.

In second place in terms of danger are representatives of the mammalian kingdom. Various rodents, which are practically omnivores, can seriously damage various parts of trees, mainly eating their bark and damaging the root system.
Plants may also be vulnerable to molluscs (slugs, snails). This is especially true for berries and young foliage.
Not the last role is played by birds - there are many species of birds that pose a serious threat to the crop; for example, starlings like to eat sweet cherries, rooks and crows like nuts, etc.
Even the more primitive types of animals worms and bacteria can pose serious problems for the gardener, as they are even more difficult to deal with than the fauna listed earlier.
Consider the various types of pests that cause the most significant damage to various crops in the garden - fruit trees, vegetables and berries.

Fruits (Fruit trees)

Apples, pears
apple moth Symptoms Fighting methods
• Caterpillars begin their life cycle in the spring, living in the leaves of the apple tree.
• Affected leaves turn brown and fall off.
• As the caterpillars grow, they come out on the outer part of the leaves, covering them with a thick cobweb.
• At the end of May, caterpillars gather in large groups that eat all the leaves around their habitat. [wpsm_numcircle num="1" style="2"]Collecting young brown leaves and then burning them.
[wpsm_numcircle num="2" style="2"]Insecticide spraying: Bordeaux mixture, arsenic solution, Parisian greens.
[wpsm_numcircle num="3" style="2"]Manual collection of pupae and their destruction.

apple moth
"Apple" weevils - bukarka and goose | |
Symptoms | • Strokes in leaf veins, gnawed petioles. • The pulp of the leaves is covered with a large number of mines - damaged areas in the form of passages or spots with a diameter of 10 mm or more. • Damaged leaves fall off over time. • Mines even on fallen leaves grow in size as the caterpillars continue to feed on them. |
Fighting methods | [wpsm_numcircle num="1" style="2"] Digging up soil under trees 10-15 days after leaf fall. The radius of digging corresponds to the radius of the crown. [wpsm_numcircle num="2" style="2"] Pupae are destroyed by destroying (burning) damaged and fallen leaves. [wpsm_numcircle num="3" style="2"] Applying insecticides to kill adults during vegetative bud break, leaf fall. The radius of digging corresponds to the radius of the crown. |

Bukarka and goose
Scale comma-shaped | |
Symptoms | • Only adults can be seen. The bark of trees is covered with many small tubercles (scutes) about 3 mm long. • Color - black or brown. • Areas of the bark of young shoots are predominantly attacked. • In the middle of May there is a "renewal" of the shields - the old ones crack and fall off, and the larvae that emerge from the eggs form new ones in a few days. |
Fighting methods | [wpsm_numcircle num="1" style="2"] Thinning the crown, removing dry and diseased branches. [wpsm_numcircle num="2" style="2"]Cleaning insects from shoots. It is convenient to clean the shield on a sheet of paper, which is then wrapped and burned. [wpsm_numcircle num="3" style="2"]Using pesticides like Ditox. |

Scale comma-shaped
cherry fly | |
Symptoms | • The presence of small holes on the fruit in the form of black dots. • Holes become rotten after a few days. • Inside the fruits are small white larvae 1-2 mm long. |
Fighting methods | [wpsm_numcircle num="1" style="2"] Loosening the trunk circle in early spring to a depth of more than 10 cm. [wpsm_numcircle num="2" style="2"]Using glue traps (jars of sticky and sweet liquid) at the end of May; at this time, insects fly out. [wpsm_numcircle num="3" style="2"]Apply insecticides (Karate, Spark, Lightning) twice per season - early and mid May. [wpsm_numcircle num="4" style="2"]Prophylactic planting of thyme near cherries and sweet cherries. |

cherry fly
Tube Roller | |
Symptoms | • Damage to unopened vegetative buds. • Characteristic furrows on the upper surface of leaves, especially young ones. • Bitten leaf stalks. • Leaves rolled into tubules. • Damaged leaves fall off after a while. • Larvae continue to feed on fallen leaves. |
Fighting methods | [wpsm_numcircle num="1" style="2"]Collect and burn leaves rolled into tubes. [wpsm_numcircle num="2" style="2"]Using glue ring traps on a tree trunk. [wpsm_numcircle num="3" style="2"]Insecticide application: Calypso, Metabrom, etc. [wpsm_numcircle num="4" style="2"]Digging the soil along the borders of the tree crown to a depth of 10-15 cm. [wpsm_numcircle num="5" style="2"]Using the beetle's natural enemies, the ants. |

Tube Roller
Birds: tits, sparrows, thrushes. The main pests are starlings | |
Symptoms | • Both fully and partially ripened cherries and especially sweet cherries are attacked. • Bird attacks are massive. • The flock is able to completely destroy the crop of a medium-sized tree in a few hours. |
Fighting methods | [wpsm_numcircle num="1" style="2"]Covering trees with fine mesh. [wpsm_numcircle num="2" style="2"]Installing sound scarers - rattles or turntables. [wpsm_numcircle num="3" style="2"]Using industrial ultrasonic repellers. [wpsm_numcircle num="4" style="2"]Use of gas guns (justified in large gardens). [wpsm_numcircle num="5" style="2"]Treatment of trees with a protective compound (infusion of garlic or pepper). [wpsm_numcircle num="6" style="2"]Install a scarecrow on the lot. [wpsm_numcircle num="7" style="2"]Using shiny repellers - long foil strips, used CDs, etc. |

Apricot, peach, plum
leaf roller | |
Symptoms | • Caterpillars eat buds and vegetative buds. • After the leaves appear - go to them. • The leaves of the affected trees are covered with cobwebs and rolled into tubules. |
Fighting methods | [wpsm_numcircle num="1" style="2"]Collecting insects and pupae from trees, burning rolled leaves. [wpsm_numcircle num="2" style="2"]Install trap belts on the tree, both on the main trunk and side branches. [wpsm_numcircle num="3" style="2"]Insecticide use: Dendrobacillin, Bitoxibacillin, Lepidocid. [wpsm_numcircle num="4" style="2"]Attract natural insect enemies - tits and sparrows - to the lot. |

leaf roller
codling moth | |
Symptoms | • The larvae lead a hidden lifestyle in the fruits of plants, eating the pulp of the fruit in the area of the stones. • A sign of the presence of codling moths in fruits is small holes near the petioles, around which there may be drops of gum or black discharge. |
Fighting methods | [wpsm_numcircle num="1" style="2"] It is recommended to spray with biological preparations - Fitoverm, Iskra Bio, etc. Apply 3-4 times per season. [wpsm_numcircle num="2" style="2"]Chemicals: Karbofos, Lepidocid, Itravir, etc. But their effectiveness is lower than biological ones. Apply 3 times per season. [wpsm_numcircle num="3" style="2"]Removal of dead bark from trunks. [wpsm_numcircle num="4" style="2"]Shape around the trunk every 10 days. [wpsm_numcircle num="5" style="2"]Using glue traps as belts. [wpsm_numcircle num="6" style="2"]Treatment of trees with ash-soap solution, infusion of needles, wormwood, tomato tops, burdock and other natural chemically active preparations. |

codling moth
Flower weevil | |
Symptoms | • Unopened generative buds. Brown inflorescences. • Holes in buds. • Juice is secreted from fresh and apparently healthy kidneys. • Holes in the leaves of the tree, close to the inflorescences. |
Fighting methods | [wpsm_numcircle num="1" style="2"] Shaking the trees in early spring onto a tarp or sheeting underneath the trees. It is done several times a day. [wpsm_numcircle num="2" style="2"]Collecting beetles from plants manually. [wpsm_numcircle num="3" style="2"]Lubricating the barrel with lime mortar. [wpsm_numcircle num="4" style="2"]Using chemicals - Calypso, Kinmiks, Tanrek, Fufanon. [wpsm_numcircle num="5" style="2"]Pesticides - Acetamiprid, Clothianide. [wpsm_numcircle num="6" style="2"]Folk remedies - infusions of chamomile or wormwood. [wpsm_numcircle num="7" style="2"]Application of traps - glue and straw belts on tree trunks. |

Flower weevil
Walnut, hazel
nut moth | |
Symptoms | • Appearance of "skeletal leaves". • Caterpillars damage leaves by eating away the flesh and leaving veins. • Some species (eg king nut moth) lay their eggs in the fruit of the nut; they can be seen by the characteristic black dots on the green peel. |
Fighting methods | [wpsm_numcircle num="1" style="2"] Spraying plants with organophosphorus compounds: Azamethiphos, Glyphosate, Fozalon, etc. [wpsm_numcircle num="2" style="2"]Early spring treatment of trees with mineral oils, such as vaseline. [wpsm_numcircle num="3" style="2"]Pesticide application: Preparation-30 Plus, Fufanon-Nova, etc. |

nut moth
gall mite | |
Symptoms | • Small blisters - galls - form on the leaves. • Initially they are green or white, later they are black. • For their detection it is necessary to inspect the underside of the leaves. |
Fighting methods | [wpsm_numcircle num="1" style="2"]Removal and destruction of damaged leaves, cleaning the trunk and shoots from the tick. [wpsm_numcircle num="2" style="2"] Periodically spraying the plant with Diazinon, Dichlorvos or Chlorophos 3-4 times per season. [wpsm_numcircle num="3" style="2"]Spraying during the growing season with Dinadim. [wpsm_numcircle num="4" style="2"]Spraying before bud break with pesticides, such as Preparation-30 Plus or Prophylactin. [wpsm_numcircle num="5" style="2"]The use of predatory parasitic mites, such as phytoseids. |

gall mite
sapwood | |
Symptoms | • On the branches and trunks there are many holes-holes. • They are visible both in the bark of the tree and in the wood. The diameter of the moves is 1-2 mm. • In places where they come to the surface, there is a release of gum. |
Fighting methods | [wpsm_numcircle num="1" style="2"] Pruning and burning damaged branches. Even large sections of trees need to be removed. [wpsm_numcircle num="2" style="2"]Clearing lichens, moss and other places where bugs and grubs can hide in the trunk. [wpsm_numcircle num="3" style="2"]Washing the trunk and bases of the skeletal branches with lime. [wpsm_numcircle num="4" style="2"]Insecticide use: Aktara, Vector, Confidor, etc. twice a season - late May and mid June. [wpsm_numcircle num="5" style="2"]The use of pyrethroid drugs: Arrivo, Decis, Fastak, etc. |

Nut aphid | |
Symptoms | • Characteristic species of small insects cover the leaves in the area of large veins and young stems of the plant. • If the aphid is located on high leaves, an indirect evidence of its presence is the abundance of ants on the tree trunk. |
Fighting methods | [wpsm_numcircle num="1" style="2"]Cutting out the undergrowth of large trees. [wpsm_numcircle num="2" style="2"]Digging the soil, removing weeds in the root zone. [wpsm_numcircle num="3" style="2"]Spraying in the spring with broad-spectrum insecticides: Ditox, Clipper, Neophral, etc. [wpsm_numcircle num="4" style="2"]Treatment of skeletal branch trunk joints with mineral oils. [wpsm_numcircle num="5" style="2"]Use of bio-insecticides: Akarin, Iskra-Bio, Bitoxibacillin. [wpsm_numcircle num="6" style="2"]Spraying in early spring before bud break with pesticides, eg Preparation-30 Plus. |

Nut aphid
Protection of fruit trees from pests
[Encyclopedia] Pests of garden trees and other garden crops: how to identify and neutralize them | (Photo & Video)


Potato, tomato
Colorado beetle | |
Symptoms | • It is impossible to confuse the Colorado potato beetle with any other pest. • Both beetles and their bright red or bright orange larvae sit in large numbers on potato or tomato leaves and feed on them. • One bush of tomatoes can accommodate several hundred individuals. • Larvae may be present on bushes from May to September, adults from June to October. • Two generations of beetles develop over the summer. • Beetle eggs are orange, small, located on the underside of the leaves. |
Fighting methods | [wpsm_numcircle num="1" style="2"]Manually collect and destroy bugs, larvae and eggs. [wpsm_numcircle num="2" style="2"]Using guard grooves with slope angles greater than 45°. [wpsm_numcircle num="3" style="2"]Planting solanaceous bait crops. [wpsm_numcircle num="4" style="2"]Separate planting of nightshades, specifically tomato and potatoes. [wpsm_numcircle num="5" style="2"]Tillage before sowing with Prestige, Akiba, Prestigitator. [wpsm_numcircle num="6" style="2"]Introduction of Aktara and Voliam neonicotinoid preparations into the soil before planting potatoes and transplanting tomatoes into open ground. [wpsm_numcircle num="7" style="2"]Processing during the growing season of potatoes using Agent, Kinfos, Match, Conmix, Confidor, etc. [wpsm_numcircle num="8" style="2"]Pesticide use: Akarin, Fitoverm, Antonem, etc. |
wireworm | |
Symptoms | • Small dark holes on potatoes and tomatoes. • When cutting fruits or tubers, numerous internal passages become visible. • One of the signs of the appearance of a wireworm is the causeless wilting of individual bushes against the background of most healthy plants. |
Fighting methods | [wpsm_numcircle num="1" style="2"]Planting legumes next to nightshades. [wpsm_numcircle num="2" style="2"]Sowing lettuce directly on potato beds. [wpsm_numcircle num="3" style="2"]Frequent loosening of plantings of potatoes and tomatoes to a depth of 10-12 cm. [wpsm_numcircle num="4" style="2"]When planting/transplanting plants: • disinfection of wells with 0.2% potassium permanganate solution; • soil liming; • application of nitrogenous fertilizers. [wpsm_numcircle num="5" style="2"]Using a celandine, nettle or dandelion infusion when spraying. [wpsm_numcircle num="6" style="2"]Insecticide use: Bazudin, Kapkan, Karate, Decis, etc. [wpsm_numcircle num="7" style="2"]Pesticide use: Metarizin, Antonem-F. |

Medvedka | |
Symptoms | • Characteristic chirping at night. • Emergence of many burrows in the area with a diameter of 15-20 mm. • Massive wilting of plants due to damage to the root system of the mole cricket. |
Fighting methods | [wpsm_numcircle num="1" style="2"]Planting marigold, marigolds, chrysanthemums, and other plants with a similar smell around the perimeter of the plot. [wpsm_numcircle num="2" style="2"]Unfolding pine or spruce needles, spruce branches between rows. [wpsm_numcircle num="3" style="2"]Putting a small amount of onion skins into the hole during planting/transplanting, or using an infusion of onion skins to water the plants. [wpsm_numcircle num="4" style="2"]Introduction of systemic insecticides and pesticides into the soil: Thunder, Frontier, Phenaksin, etc. [wpsm_numcircle num="5" style="2"]Spraying during the growing season with Alfashance, Cyclone, Cyperus. [wpsm_numcircle num="6" style="2"]Using intestinal contact insecticides such as Clonrin. |

tomato moth | |
Symptoms | • The insect damages nightshade crops at any stage - from seedlings to fruiting. • Larvae develop in tissues and leaves, moving to fruit as they mature. • Fruits are covered with numerous black spots and holes. |
Fighting methods | [wpsm_numcircle num="1" style="2"]Weeding and killing weeds. [wpsm_numcircle num="2" style="2"]Destruction of haulm after harvest. [wpsm_numcircle num="3" style="2"]Baciturin or Boverin are used for small numbers of moths. [wpsm_numcircle num="4" style="2"]Actellik, Aktara and Fufanon are used for a large number of insects. [wpsm_numcircle num="5" style="2"]Biological control - use of Trichogramma. |

tomato moth
whitefly | |
Symptoms | • Small butterflies 3-5 mm, mainly attacking plants indoors and in greenhouses. • Damage the leaf tissue from the underside, which leads to the appearance on the leaves of many holes with a diameter of 1-5 mm with black edges. |
Fighting methods | [wpsm_numcircle num="1" style="2"]Decontamination of the greenhouse and soil at the end of the harvest. [wpsm_numcircle num="2" style="2"]Destruction of all plant debris and weeds in autumn. [wpsm_numcircle num="3" style="2"]Adherence to fertilizer application rates, especially nitrogen. [wpsm_numcircle num="4" style="2"]Soap solution treatment of plant leaves. [wpsm_numcircle num="5" style="2"]Spraying during the growing season with Applelood, Grinda, Clipper, etc. [wpsm_numcircle num="6" style="2"]Irrigation of the soil with the addition of Aktara. [wpsm_numcircle num="7" style="2"]Applying pesticides like Biotlin. |

[Encyclopedia] Pests of garden trees and other garden crops: how to identify and neutralize them | (Photo & Video)
Cabbage, turnip, radish radish
thrips | |
Symptoms | • The appearance of yellow and colorless spots or stripes on the foliage. • In the future, holes appear in place of the spots. Leaves die and fall off. • Flowers are also attacked with similar symptoms. |
Fighting methods | [wpsm_numcircle num="1" style="2"] Avoid excessive dryness of the air, make regular sprinklers. [wpsm_numcircle num="2" style="2"]Application of sticky traps in the form of tapes hung in a cart of landings. [wpsm_numcircle num="3" style="2"]If thrips are found before insecticide treatment, they are manually collected, the damaged parts of the plant are removed and the topsoil is replaced. [wpsm_numcircle num="4" style="2"]Insecticides used: Fitoverm, Karbofos, Aktellik, etc. [wpsm_numcircle num="5" style="2"]Bacterial insecticides - Polypeptide and Bacillus (Bacillus thuringiensis) are highly effective |

cruciferous bug | |
Symptoms | • Small spots appear in places where the proboscis is pierced with a proboscis, which later turn yellow and black. • Leaves die and fall off. • In some cases, the entire plant dies. |
Fighting methods | [wpsm_numcircle num="1" style="2"]Early planting of seedlings and timely application of fertilizers allows plants to develop quickly enough and resist the effects of bedbugs. [wpsm_numcircle num="2" style="2"]Regular weed control, especially in spring. [wpsm_numcircle num="3" style="2"]Destruction of haulm after harvest in autumn. [wpsm_numcircle num="4" style="2"]Insecticide application: Aktara, Match, Engio, etc. [wpsm_numcircle num="5" style="2"]Biological Control: The bug's natural enemy is the egg-eaters. |

cruciferous bug
White Butterfly or Cabbage Butterfly | |
Symptoms | • Caterpillars eat away a network of passages in the soft tissues of leaves and heads of cabbage, leaving only coarse veins. • Moves are visible only from the bottom of the plant. • The offspring of one butterfly can destroy a whole head of cabbage in 2-3 days. • Over the summer, up to 4 generations of butterflies develop. |
Fighting methods | [wpsm_numcircle num="1" style="2"]Regularly kill weeds, especially cruciferous ones. [wpsm_numcircle num="2" style="2"]Early planting of cabbages before the mass flight of butterflies (end of April). [wpsm_numcircle num="3" style="2"]Collect and then destroy caterpillars. [wpsm_numcircle num="4" style="2"]Spraying cabbage during the growing season with Aliot, Barguzin, Borey, Karate, etc. [wpsm_numcircle num="5" style="2"]Use of pesticides during the growing season: Lepidocide, Fitoverm. |

White Butterfly or Cabbage Butterfly
beet flea | |
Symptoms | • The insect completely eats away the upper part of the leaf, but does not touch the veined lower part. • The leaf almost immediately dies and falls off. |
Fighting methods | [wpsm_numcircle num="1" style="2"] Maintaining the correct crop rotation year after year. [wpsm_numcircle num="2" style="2"]Remove weeds. [wpsm_numcircle num="3" style="2"]Early planting. [wpsm_numcircle num="4" style="2"]Pre-sowing treatment of seeds with a solution of potassium permanganate 0.2%. [wpsm_numcircle num="5" style="2"] Regular spraying with universal insecticides: Chlorophos, Fenthion, Bendiocarb, Metomil, etc. It is preferable to use carbamate insecticides. |

beet flea
beet aphid | |
Symptoms | • Aphids are located on the veins of beet tops. • A sign of an aphid attack on the plant are numerous gray-brown bites, also concentrated on the veins. • Since the beet is a secondary host, insects appear on it only in the middle of summer. • With a large number of aphids, the leaves may wither completely. |
Fighting methods | [wpsm_numcircle num="1" style="2"]Agricultural practices: weed control, regular loosening of the soil. [wpsm_numcircle num="2" style="2"]Spraying during the growing season with Alfashance, Borey, Fastak. [wpsm_numcircle num="3" style="2"] Spraying with pyrethroids, insecticides or acaricides: Ditox, Clonrin, Samurai super. [wpsm_numcircle num="4" style="2"]Pesticide application during the growing season - Biostop, Polypeptide. |

beet aphid
gall nematode | |
Symptoms | • The first symptom is yellowing of the leaves and dropping of the ovaries. • When examining the roots, numerous swellings (galls) are observed. • The nematode worms themselves are very small and do not show themselves outwardly. |
Fighting methods | [wpsm_numcircle num="1" style="2"]Crop rotation, weed removal. [wpsm_numcircle num="2" style="2"]Planting green manure traps in the form of legumes with tilling the soil 2 weeks after the emergence of sprouts. [wpsm_numcircle num="3" style="2"]Using sulfur preparations in the form of garden smoke bombs. [wpsm_numcircle num="4" style="2"]The use of specialized nematicides, such as Abamectin and Avertin-N. [wpsm_numcircle num="5" style="2"]Pesticide use: Akarin, Fitoverm, etc. |

gall nematode
spider mite | |
Symptoms | • Lots of whitish dots on stems and leaves. • Entanglement of plants with a thin cobweb. |
Fighting methods | [wpsm_numcircle num="1" style="2"]Clean the affected parts with a soap solution. [wpsm_numcircle num="2" style="2"]Humidity boost. [wpsm_numcircle num="3" style="2"]Using acaricides: Antiklesch, Actellik, Twix, etc. [wpsm_numcircle num="4" style="2"]Pesticide application: Vermitec, Mecar, Biokill. |

spider mite
sprout fly | |
Symptoms | • Holes on fruits in the petiole area. • In the case of a large number of pests - along the entire length of the fruit. In addition, young shoots are also affected on cucumbers. |
Fighting methods | [wpsm_numcircle num="1" style="2"]Compliance with crop rotation and planting dates. [wpsm_numcircle num="2" style="2"]When introducing organic matter, cover it with a layer of soil 3-5 cm. [wpsm_numcircle num="3" style="2"]Sheltering beds after sowing with film. [wpsm_numcircle num="4" style="2"]Sprinkling agents during the growing season: Ditox, Fufanon-Nova. [wpsm_numcircle num="5" style="2"]Treatment of seeds before sowing with Imidalit or Iskra-M. |

sprout fly
Carrot, celery, dill, parsley
carrot fly | |
Symptoms | • Scarlet-violet color of root crops with subsequent yellowing, after 2-3 days after which it dries up and dies. |
Fighting methods | [wpsm_numcircle num="1" style="2"]Very early planting of carrots. [wpsm_numcircle num="2" style="2"]Removal and destruction of damaged plants. [wpsm_numcircle num="3" style="2"]Deep autumn plowing. [wpsm_numcircle num="4" style="2"]Application of decoctions of tobacco, onion peel, tomato leaves and yarrow on the site to repel fleas. [wpsm_numcircle num="5" style="2"]Preparations for spraying during the growing season: Borey, Vantex, Propargit. |

carrot fly
umbrella moth | |
Symptoms | • At the end of June, the plants are entwined with cobwebs, inside which many caterpillars eat buds and flowers. • Leaves and seeds are almost never damaged. |
Fighting methods | [wpsm_numcircle num="1" style="2"]Combat wild umbrella plants. [wpsm_numcircle num="2" style="2"]Timely processing and harvesting of plant seeds. [wpsm_numcircle num="3" style="2"]Insecticide use: Actellik, Voliam, etc. [wpsm_numcircle num="4" style="2"]Using biological control methods - ichneumonids or tachin flies. |

umbrella moth
Ploshka | |
Symptoms | • Numerous damage to leaves and stems, which have a brown color. • On the plants where the larvae settle, black dots appear - the products of their vital activity. |
Fighting methods | [wpsm_numcircle num="1" style="2"]Competent choice of planting site: drained soil, distance from wild plants. [wpsm_numcircle num="2" style="2"]Using Aktara, Fufanon and other organophosphorus compounds. [wpsm_numcircle num="3" style="2"]Use of biological pesticides: Abamectin, Avertin-N, Spinosad. [wpsm_numcircle num="4" style="2"]In general, methods similar to those for aphid removal work well. |



raspberry beetle | |
Symptoms | • Damaged buds, flowers and petals. • Black dots on berries that begin to rot over time. |
Fighting methods | [wpsm_numcircle num="1" style="2"]Planting near raspberry onions and garlic. [wpsm_numcircle num="2" style="2"]Spraying raspberry bushes until flowering with potassium permanganate at a concentration of 0.5%. [wpsm_numcircle num="3" style="2"]Hand picking the beetle helps during bud formation. It can also be shaken off on a film or tarpaulin spread on the ground, followed by collection and destruction. It is best to do this in the early morning. [wpsm_numcircle num="4" style="2"]The use of insecticides during the growing season: Fitoverm, Fufanon, Confidor, Conmix. [wpsm_numcircle num="5" style="2"]Pesticide application - Iskara-M, Taran, etc. |

raspberry beetle
stem fly | |
Symptoms | • Fly larvae live inside the stem of a raspberry. • They do not show themselves outwardly. • A sign of their presence may be drooping and withering tops of the shoots of the first year; shoots of the second year are affected less frequently. |
Fighting methods | [wpsm_numcircle num="1" style="2"]Planning plantings away from raspberries' wild relatives, blackberries or meadowsweet. [wpsm_numcircle num="2" style="2"]Combat aphids, the secretions of which the raspberry stem flies feed on. [wpsm_numcircle num="3" style="2"]Digging in the autumn and spring of the top fertile soil layer, in which fly larvae overwinter. [wpsm_numcircle num="4" style="2"]Prophylactic treatment of plants with soda solution (30 g per 10 l of water). [wpsm_numcircle num="5" style="2"]Remove and destroy infected raspberry stems. [wpsm_numcircle num="6" style="2"] Spraying the plant with insecticides: Karbofos, Spark, Fitoverm, Aktellik, etc. |

stem fly
[Encyclopedia] Pests of garden trees and other garden crops: how to identify and neutralize them | (Photo & Video)
Raspberry strawberry weevil | |
Symptoms | • Multiple lesions on leaves, buds and flowers of brown or gray color. • Damaged leaves and shoots fall off and wither. • Often flower buds are completely destroyed by the beetle. |
Fighting methods | [wpsm_numcircle num="1" style="2"]Adult beetles can be shaken onto bedding, collected and destroyed. This should be done in the spring before the first flowering and in August immediately after harvesting. The procedure is done in the morning, while the beetles are inactive. Damaged buds and leaves must be cut and destroyed. [wpsm_numcircle num="2" style="2"]Using an infusion of garlic or onion as a preventive measure. [wpsm_numcircle num="3" style="2"]Planting around marigold strawberries, marigolds, nasturtiums. [wpsm_numcircle num="4" style="2"] Digging the soil around plants in spring and fall. [wpsm_numcircle num="5" style="2"]Using bait traps containing yeast solution. [wpsm_numcircle num="6" style="2"]Chemical control is carried out using Fufanon or Fufanon-Nova. [wpsm_numcircle num="7" style="2"]Biological warfare - with Fitoverm. [wpsm_numcircle num="8" style="2"]The boll weevil's enemy is ground beetles; if they are on the site, do not destroy them. |

Raspberry strawberry weevil
Slugs | |
Symptoms | • The presence of mucus on the beds, leaves, shoots and fruits of the plant. • Fully or partially eaten berries, deep "burrows" in the berries. |
Fighting methods | [wpsm_numcircle num="1" style="2"]Sprinkling wood ash between the rows in the vegetable garden. [wpsm_numcircle num="2" style="2"]Covering rows and paths in the garden with coarse sand or eggshells. [wpsm_numcircle num="3" style="2"]Mulching strawberries with sawdust, straw or cardboard. [wpsm_numcircle num="4" style="2"]Application of water barriers. [wpsm_numcircle num="5" style="2"]Using beer or bran traps. [wpsm_numcircle num="6" style="2"]Biological Control - Birds or toads are very eager to feed on slugs. [wpsm_numcircle num="7" style="2"]Destroy slug clusters. Usually, they are located in places of high humidity - near watering taps and tanks, near the shower, in the shade of plants, etc. [wpsm_numcircle num="8" style="2"]Treatment with molluscicides - Thunderstorm, Thunderstorm-3, Slug Eater. |

Currant, gooseberry
gooseberry sawfly | |
Symptoms | • Sawfly caterpillars eat leaves, leaving only veins. • Moreover, the first generation eats red currants, the second - gooseberries and black currants, the third - exclusively gooseberries. |
Fighting methods | [wpsm_numcircle num="1" style="2"]In early spring, cover the soil with foil until the buds open. After the buds bloom, it is necessary to dig the ground under the bush 5-10 cm deep and cover the soil with a layer of wood ash. [wpsm_numcircle num="2" style="2"]Spray plants with Karbofos during budding. [wpsm_numcircle num="3" style="2"]After flowering, it is necessary to spray the bush with an infusion of tobacco with the addition of soap.This is one of the most effective ways. It is recommended to repeat it several times at weekly intervals. [wpsm_numcircle num="4" style="2"]As a preventive measure, it is recommended to spray gooseberries and currants with a decoction of red pepper, wormwood or elderberry. [wpsm_numcircle num="5" style="2"] Hilling up a plant up to 10 cm high, while the earth is taken from the row spacing. [wpsm_numcircle num="6" style="2"]Planting between rows of tansy; planting next to currants and elderberry gooseberries. [wpsm_numcircle num="7" style="2"]In the event of a massive sawfly invasion, Decis or Intra-Vir insecticides are used. [wpsm_numcircle num="8" style="2"]Biological means of control - drugs Lepidocid, Dendrobacillin, Bitoxibacillin. |

gooseberry sawfly
kidney mite | |
Symptoms | The defeat of this pest at different times of the year manifests itself in different ways: • winter - some buds on the plant will be greatly enlarged; • spring - uneven development of shoots, poor development of leaves on some of them, some of the buds without leaves at all; a small number of generative buds; • summer - the bushes are far behind in development, have a sloppy or irregular shape; fruits are not few; • autumn - buds of different sizes, among them there are specimens with a rounded shape. |
Fighting methods | [wpsm_numcircle num="1" style="2"]Removal and subsequent destruction of damaged buds, shoots and leaves. [wpsm_numcircle num="2" style="2"]Using colloidal sulfur preparations. [wpsm_numcircle num="3" style="2"]Pre-harvest application of acaricides: Nissoran, Oberon, Forbid, Envidor. [wpsm_numcircle num="4" style="2"]Post-harvest acaricides: Bi-58, Phosphaside, Accent, Dimetrin. |

kidney mite


Pests of horticultural and horticultural crops are very diverse. Some of them have a very narrow “specialization” and attack only certain types of plants, but most are polyphages and, in the absence of their main food, are not averse to switching either to closely related species or to a completely different type of food.. In any case, such animals should not be allowed to stay on the site.
And do not think that this is too difficult a task. The use of chemical or biological pesticides for direct control of pests is, in fact, a last resort. In most cases, either preventive treatment of planting sites with chemicals or the use of various folk remedies is sufficient. And with the proper organization of crop rotation and compliance with agricultural technology, most of the pests will bypass the site.