Pests and diseases of fruit trees: a description of common problems, treatment methods (Photo & Video) + Reviews

Diseases and pests of the garden

Diseases and pests of the garden

Gardeners, planting fruit and berry crops on their plot, count on getting a harvest from them. However, sometimes they are attacked by pests and diseases on fruit trees. Which can lead to a decrease in yield, and in some cases to the death of the plant. To avoid unpleasant consequences, you need to know the signs of diseases. Often diagnosing it at the very beginning, you can save not only the affected specimen, but also those growing in the neighborhood.

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Causes of diseases

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Infected fruits

Infected fruits

Diseases of horticultural crops are both infectious and non-infectious.

The triggers are:

  • Viruses
  • bacteria
  • Mushrooms

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sick tree

sick tree

Improper care or adverse climatic conditions can lead to the disease:

  1. Mechanical damage. They represent a violation of the integrity of the tree cover. These include broken branches, cracks, cuts in the bark, torn leaf plates. They can be applied by people, animals, as well as weather phenomena: wind, rain, hail, snow. At the site of damage, the plant becomes vulnerable. pathogens pass through them

  2. Sudden temperature changes. In severely frosty winters, the plant may freeze. In this case, not only the ground part is damaged, but also the root system. The plant spends its strength on restoration, while its immunity drops. The scorching summer sun can also be harmful. It manifests itself in burns on leaves and bark.

  3. Irrigation violation. The plant suffers both from a lack of moisture, and from its excess. With abundant watering, a favorable environment is created for the reproduction of bacteria and fungi. The root system often begins to rot, which is detrimental to the whole plant.

  4. Incorrect mode of soil fertilization. Deficiency and excess of nutrients leads to disease. Trees are slowing down. Leaves and fruits are modified. Possible plant mutation

  5. Harmful insects. Pests feed on the juice and flesh of plants. They usually attack en masse. The result will be a weakened immunity of the tree, a decrease in yield and a deterioration in resistance to atmospheric phenomena. Besides the fact that insects damage the plant, they can carry dangerous viral infections.

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Tree diseases and treatments

fruit rot

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fruit rot

fruit rot

fruit rot

This disease affects the fruits of garden trees. Its causative agent is a fungus. It develops both on pome crops - apples, pears, etc., and on stone fruits - plums, cherries, apricots, cherries, peaches and etc.

At first, a small brown spot appears, which grows. Over time, covers the fruit completely. The flesh turns brown and becomes soft. Its consumer properties are lost. After a week or two, yellowish specks form on the surface, these are fungal spores.

Damaged fruits are susceptible to infection. Healthy skin keeps spores out. An exception would be close contact with infected fruit.

Ideal conditions for the development of the disease are warm and humid weather, dense tree crowns.

Treatment and prevention:

  • Sanitary pruning in spring and autumn. Crown must be ventilated
  • Destruction of infected fruits, both hanging on a tree and lying on the ground
  • Irrigation with fungicides. They hold back the development of rot
  • Protection against mechanical damage
  • You can store only whole and healthy fruits

You can not eat fruits and berries for food, within a month after treatment with chemicals. Otherwise, they may cause poisoning.


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The disease is manifested by peeling of the skin, sores, spots, pustules. Lesions can be on leaves, fruits, roots, shoots. It is caused by a number of microscopic fungi and bacteria.

The optimal conditions for reproduction are high humidity up to 70% and moderate air temperature from 15 to 20 degrees. Scab is difficult to diagnose. Obviously, it manifests itself at a late stage, so you need to take preventive measures. This disease does not kill the plant itself, but makes it susceptible to other more dangerous infections.

Scab is dangerous for 160 cultivated plants. These include both fruit trees and tuberous vegetables. It can spread to the territory of the entire personal plot.

Treatment and prevention:

  • Sanitary pruning 2 times a year
  • Fallen leaves should be burned
  • Damaged fruits should be plucked from the tree and burned.
  • Spray the tree with 1% Bordeaux liquid or copper oxychloride. It should be carried out 3 times a year: during the formation of buds, after the end of flowering and after harvesting.
  • If the disease is diagnosed during fruit ripening, the tree can be treated with saline. To do this, 1 kilogram of salt is dissolved in 10 liters of water.
  • The trunk circle of a tree needs to be dug up in autumn and spring

When choosing a variety of fruit crops, it is better to give preference to those with stable immunity to scab. For example, at pears this is Lada, Muratovskaya, Chizhovskaya, and apple trees - Antonovka, Prima, Topaz.

Brown leaf spot or phyllosticosis

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Brown leaf spot or phyllosticosis
It appears at an early stage as olive spots on the leaf plate. Over time, the underside becomes covered with a gray or brown coating. Leaves begin to dry out and fall off.

The disease does not spread to shoots and fruits. However, they suffer from nutritional deficiencies.

Brown spotting is fungal in nature. Fungicides help fight it. However, fruits can accumulate them, which is unfavorable for the human body. At least one month before harvesting, processing is not recommended.

Treatment and prevention:

  • It is necessary to ensure the ventilation of the crown. To do this, it is thinned out during pruning.
  • Choose potash-phosphorus fertilizers
  • In early spring, before the formation of buds, it is necessary to carry out preventive treatment with fungicides.
  • In autumn, the foliage must be collected and burned. It retains spores of fungi, after wintering, they are activated on young leaves.
  • If infected leaves are found, they must be destroyed. Treat the tree with Bordeaux liquid or blue vitriol

Black cancer

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Black cancer

Black cancer

Black cancer

This disease is dangerous apple trees and pears. It has a fungal nature, it develops due to the fungus Sphaeropsis malorum.

It appears on leaves, bark, fruits and shoots. A diseased crop produces a poor harvest. It appears on the leaves with spots that can reach a diameter of 6 millimeters.

On fruits it looks like black rot. A brown spot appears, then it turns black. The fruit itself shrinks and dries up. Most often damaged specimens are susceptible to disease.

It appears on the bark as spots, while the healthy bark around begins to rise. Because of this, cracks form. They grow the body of mushrooms. Over time, it falls off branches and trunks, leaving an open wound.

The mycelium of black cancer develops over several years. Growing, it rings the tree. This leads to the death of the upper part of the plant.

Cancer is unpretentious to weather conditions. It grows at air temperatures from +3 to +30. He prefers specimens of plants suffering from insufficient watering.

Treatment and prevention:

  • For trees in the garden you need to create favorable conditions
  • In the spring it is necessary to whitewash the trunks with lime
  • In case of damage to the foliage, they are treated by spraying Bordeaux liquid. The procedure is carried out after the flowering of the tree
  • With a disease of the bark, it is necessary to carry out a stripping. Diseased areas are removed, wounds are treated with copper sulphate, copper oxychloride or ferrous sulphate. After drying, garden putty is applied to the wound. The removed bark is to be burned

Black cancer infects weakened trees. Improper agricultural practices, burns, mechanical damage and damage to the plant by pests increase the susceptibility to the disease.


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This fungal disease most often affects apple trees, pears, peaches and apricots.

With this disease, the flowers and foliage turn brown, dry out, and do not fall off. Pycnidia appear on the cortex, they cover it with small tubercles.

Infection occurs during the off-season when the weather is wet and windy. Spores penetrate through the wounds of the plant inside and begin to develop there. A lot of gum is produced on the affected areas, it clogs the blood vessels. Cytosporosis causes the death of the affected parts of the tree.

Treatment and prevention:

  • Compliance with the rules for caring for fruit crops: watering, sanitary pruning, top dressing
  • Treatment of wounds: washing and applying garden putty
  • Autumn burning fallen leaves
  • Removing damaged branches
  • Spraying Bordeaux liquid in spring and autumn

root cancer

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root cancer

root cancer

root cancer

The disease is manifested by growths on the roots and root neck. At the first stage, they have a soft texture of gray color. Grow up to 12 centimeters in diameter. Over time, their color becomes brown, and the flesh becomes stiff.

The disease is caused by bacteria found in the soil. Penetrate into the root system through damaged areas. The result of its development is the death of the plant.

It is difficult to determine the initial stage. The incubation period takes from 1 to 2 months. Initially, plant growth is enhanced, but with cell growth, a period of inhibition begins.

Bacteria spread when the growth is opened. This can happen during the digging of the plant, or its transplant. And also under the influence of insects. Moist environment is favorable for distribution.

Root cancer disrupts the process of sap flow. As a result, tree productivity is reduced. It creates nutrient deficiencies in all parts of the affected crop.

Treatment and prevention:

  • During planting seedlings, you need to inspect the root system. All existing growths must be removed and burned.
  • Before planting in a new place, it is recommended to grow soil-cleansing plants on it. These include mustard, alfalfa, lupine
  • Healthy roots of seedlings should be disinfected with a 1% copper sulfate solution. Be sure to rinse with clean water afterwards.
  • A diseased tree needs to be dug up, tilled. It can be poured with a hot solution of potassium permanganate. Clear the roots of growths. With a large defeat, the tree must be burned

Gum treatment

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Gum treatment

Gum treatment

Gum treatment

This disease affects cherries, plums, apricots, peaches, sweet cherries. Expressed in the release of gum. It is a thick, sticky yellow liquid that forms transparent smudges.

It flows from cracks in the bark of branches. Consists of sugary secretions of the tree. Represents a response to adverse conditions

The causes of the disease include:

  • Violation of agricultural technology
  • Too much nitrogen fertilizer
  • high humidity
  • Cuts and cracks in the bark
  • Infection with fungal and viral diseases

Treatment and prevention:

  • Proper care of fruit crops
  • Whitewashing trunks with lime
  • Treatment of wounds and sealing with garden putty
  • Adding lime to the soil

powdery mildew

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powdery mildew

powdery mildew

powdery mildew

It is a whitish coating on foliage and shoots. The causative agent is a fungus whose spores can overwinter in the buds of trees. With the onset of spring, they grow on young leaves and shoots, feed on their juice.

Trees affected by powdery mildew produce poor harvests. Their leaves turn brown, curl and fall off. Inflorescences also crumble, not giving ovaries.

Treatment and prevention:

  • Removal of parts of a tree affected by mycelium
  • Spraying with fungicides during bud formation and after flowering
  • Compliance with the rules of plant care

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Pests and methods of dealing with them

A large number of pests attacking fruit trees are known. Some feed on bark and leaves, suck out the juice, some spoil the fruit. Some insects attack all trees. And some choose certain types, for example, apple trees, pears, plums etc.

May Khrushchev

May Khrushchev

May Khrushchev

May Khrushchev

The beetle is polyphagous, a danger to the entire garden. It is large, the length is approximately 22 to 28 millimeters. The elytra are reddish-brown with a black border. It lays larvae that have a fleshy body and a yellow head.

They spend the winter in the ground, coming out in late April-May. Waking up, their body needs the nutrients that they receive from garden plantings.

Khrushchev causes great damage to garden trees. The larvae feed on roots. Adult beetles eat leaves.

Fighting methods:

  • Before planting a new tree, you need to check the soil for the presence of beetle larvae. If more than one is found per square meter. Then you need to carry out cleansing procedures first. Larvae can be effectively harvested by hand
  • In the event of an attack by adult beetles, they must be shaken off the tree onto a spread sheet and burned. The procedure should be carried out in the early morning, as at this time of day they are in a state of stupor

winter moth

winter moth

winter moth

winter moth

This butterfly harms both pome and stone fruit trees. The male has large wings, their wingspan is about 30 millimeters. Their color is yellow-brown-gray, wavy lines are located across. The female is brown-gray, her wings are underdeveloped. The body is about 1 cm long.

They lay cylindrical eggs. Initially, they are bluish-green or yellow-green. Over time, they acquire a brown color, which allows them to merge with the bark of the tree.

Caterpillars are painted yellow-green. They move on ten legs. They are the most dangerous.



Butterflies mate on the tree in autumn. The female lays eggs in the crown. Caterpillars appear in spring. They penetrate into swelling buds and cobwebs bind young foliage. They feed on buds, flowers and fruits.

Fighting methods:

  • Sticking on trunks, especially in places where adhesive tapes fork. Wingless females, moving along them, will stick, after which they are easy to remove
  • Insecticide treatment helps to destroy laid egg clutches. It is recommended to carry it out in early spring
  • During the pupation period of caterpillars. Helps loosening the trunk circle. Since they have their cocoons in the ground at a depth of 5 to 15 centimeters





This is a small insect. The length varies from 0.5 to 2 millimeters. There are many varieties, both wingless and winged. Scientists number about 4000 species.

Adults are black or green. They live on the inside of the leaf plate, buds, stems.

Aphids feed on plant sap. This is fraught with a slowdown in growth, a decrease in yield. Moreover, it leaves its sugary secretions on the trees, which are an excellent environment for the growth of fungal diseases.

Aphids can become a carrier of bacteria and viruses. Which, taking root on a cultivated plant, lead to abnormal mutations.

Fighting methods:

  • Aphids do not like the neighborhood of parsley, carrots, dill. To prevent an attack, you need to plant small beds between the trees.
  • Birds eat aphids. You can attract them to the garden by installing feeders and building birdhouses.
  • Insecticide treatment will free the trees from the pest
  • From folk remedies, you can use decoctions of wormwood, garlic or dandelions for irrigation
  • Against aphids, you can use a soap solution made on the basis of tar or laundry soap
  • If there are not many insects, then you can remove them with a cotton swab, previously moistened with soapy water.





Adult insects and larvae of this species feed on plants. The pest has several types, on the territory of the post-Soviet space are common:

  • Apple comma
  • Pseudo-California
  • willow

Regardless of the names, they can attack all garden crops. You can recognize it by the shield. From under which she sticks out her owl head, digs into the plants, sucking out the juice.

Trees that are attacked are weakened. The leaves curl up and then fall off. The bark is coming off the wood. They cover trunks and branches. As a result, a diseased plant tolerates frost worse, becomes susceptible to fungal and viral diseases.

Fighting methods:

  • Juveniles can be removed with pesticides
  • Adults are well protected by shields, under which eggs are hidden. They need to be scraped off with metal brushes.
  • In the spring, it is necessary to treat horticultural crops with insecticides before bud break. This measure will destroy the larvae
  • Before planting young seedlings, they need to be inspected. They must be healthy, without traces of pests.





The insect damages apple trees, cherries, apricots, pears, peaches, sweet cherries. It is widely distributed throughout the world.

The length of the beetle is about 6 millimeters. It is dyed crimson red. With golden green tint. The body is covered with short hairs.

Wintering is arranged under the cover of fallen leaves or in crevices of the bark. They are waiting for warming as adults, the larvae are hiding in the upper soil layer. They begin to leave the shelter when the air warms up to 8 degrees.

Goose feed on kidneys, buds, flowers, fruits. Mating takes place at the end of flowering. The females lay their eggs in the fruit ovaries. During the season, she is able to lay up to 200 eggs.

Moreover, having arranged a nest for her offspring, she gnaws the stalk. This leads to the fact that the fetus falls early. The incubation period is 10 days. Then the larvae feed on rotting pulp for a month.

Then they go to the ground, where the pupation process takes place. After about 20 days, young beetles appear, which begin to eat flower buds.

This pest causes great damage to the yield of fruit trees.

Fighting methods:

  • In autumn, be sure to remove fallen leaves, exfoliated bark. It is recommended to burn it or use it for compost
  • Goose or weevils can be collected by shaking from a tree
  • It is recommended to dig up the soil in the near-stem circle to destroy the larvae
  • During the period when the buds swell, garden plantings need to be treated with insecticides.

There are a lot of pests and diseases of fruit trees. It is impossible to cover all of them in one article. To protect the garden from them, you must strictly follow the rules of agricultural technology and inspect the trees. Timely preventive actions will be the key to a rich harvest of berries and fruits.

Pests and diseases of fruit trees: a description of common problems, treatment methods (Photo & Video) + Reviews

VIDEO: Protecting fruit trees from pests

Pests and diseases of fruit trees: a description of common problems, treatment methods (Photo & Video) + Reviews

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Pests and diseases of fruit trees

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  1. I began to notice that multi-colored mold began to appear on the branches and trunks of our fruit trees that grow in the country. I tried to scrape it off with a sharp knife. However, it turned out that this method will not be able to destroy all the mold. She reappears very quickly. The same thing happens with the trees and bushes of gooseberries, raspberries, not only here, but also in other areas. The trees gradually wither and dry up. Scab appears on the fruits.
    I read the article with interest. Be sure to use the tips and recommendations of the author. I hope they help save our garden.

  2. In our region, things are generally bad with fruit trees - this is especially true for antonovka and white filling, but for 8 years I know exactly how to deal not only with pests that not only eat flowering, but also spoil the tree bark.

    The bark needs to be cleaned. in order that they would not nest in dense skin, thereby they do not get higher - naturally, it is necessary to process both with vitriol and whiten. At level 1.5, you need to stick the tape.

    before flowering, you need to spray it, so the poison does not get into the flower and the bees pollinate.

    Leave feedback



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