Goji - Eastern miracle in our garden: planting and care in the open field in the Moscow region and Siberia. Useful properties | (Photo and video)

goji planting and care

Goji berry is known to many, thanks to its properties advertised on Internet sites. It is offered as a miracle drug that helps in the fight against excess weight.

In addition, the berry is rich in priceless substances that are very beneficial for the body. You can buy fruits in the store. True, their cost is rather big. But you can also grow a plant yourself, creating the necessary conditions for it.

This article will be very useful for gardeners who want to know what useful elements goji has, all the subtleties of planting and caring for it.

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The crown is wide and spreading

The crown is wide and spreading

Another designation for goji is dereza. It can be ordinary, barbarian or Chinese dereza. But she is better known under the name Wolfberry.

The plant belongs to the Solanaceae family and is a shrub. Homeland - Tibet. Grows up to 3.5 m in height.

The crown part is wide and sprawling (up to 6 m in diameter). Roots are very strong. The branches hang down and are covered with small thin spines. Branch color is yellow. The foliage is simple in the shape of an ellipse. The color is green on top, light gray on the back.

The flowers look like bells. Their color is lilac or purple-pink. They have a pleasant smell.

The fruit is a berry. It is oblong (about 2 cm long). Its color is red-coral or crimson.

Dereza vulgaris

Dereza vulgaris

The fruit is poisonous when fresh. It is not recommended to even touch it with hands without gloves, because it can cause darkening of the skin. After drying, the berry becomes safe. Its taste is salty-sweet, slightly sour.

The period when the plant begins to bear fruit depends on the climatic conditions of the area. It can be from May to September or from July to October.

Goji meets:

  • in Southeast and Central Asia
  • in the Caucasus
  • in Primorye
  • in central Russia
  • in Ukraine

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Components included

Storehouse of vitamins and minerals

Storehouse of vitamins and minerals

Lycium barbarum contains the following beneficial vitamin and mineral elements:

  • beta carotene
  • thiamine (B1)
  • riboflavin (B2)
  • pyridoxine (B6)
  • ascorbic acid (C)
  • calcium
  • phosphorus
  • iron

In addition to the above, it has other components:

  • phenols
  • phytosterols
  • mono- and polysaccharides
  • amino acids (lysine, tryptophan, threonine)

The number of calories per 100 g of product is 253 kcal.

In the dried berry, the content of ascorbic acid is minimal, for this reason, the antioxidant effect on the body will be negligible.

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Beneficial features

Beneficial effect on the whole body

Beneficial effect on the whole body

The plant has a beneficial effect on the body. These are the following properties:

  • normalization of blood pressure
  • lowering cholesterol
  • increased immunity
  • obstructing the development of tumors
  • improving brain function
  • improving the condition of the lymph
  • stabilization of the level of sex hormones and infertility treatment
  • help for weight loss
  • improving the elasticity of blood vessels and muscles
  • normalization of glucose levels
  • restoration of the genital organs
  • increase in metabolic processes in the body

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Useful doesn't mean safe

Useful doesn't mean safe

Despite the great benefits of berries, their use is unacceptable for the following indications present in humans:

  • individual intolerance and predisposition to allergies
  • pregnancy and lactation
  • children under 3 years of age
  • gastrointestinal diseases

It is forbidden to use fruits simultaneously with drugs (sleeping pills, anticoagulants).

Obligatory consultation of the attending physician in the following diseases:

  • diabetes
  • hypertension
  • hypotension
  • bleeding disorder

Goji berries

Goji berries

If you exceed the recommended dose, the following side effects may occur:

  • headache
  • nausea, vomiting
  • weakness
  • insomnia
  • diarrhea

In these cases, it is urgent to stop eating berries.

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Species and varieties

Goji Tibetan

Goji Tibetan

Well-known 2 subspecies of common dereza:


Dereza Tibetan (Tibetan goji, Lycium barbarum) gives high yields, because. blooms and bears fruit within a year. The fruits are drop-shaped. Their length is 2 cm. The taste is sweet (it tastes like nightshade).

Disadvantages of the type:

  • berry wateriness
  • big size seeds

Dereza Chinese

Dereza Chinese


Dereza Chinese (Chinese goji, Lycium Chinense) is larger. The fruits are crispy and sweet. Easier to dry.

Disadvantages of the type:

  • fruiting late
  • does not tolerate low temperatures in winter

New Big

New Big

To date, for owners of garden plots, the most interesting varieties of common wolfberry are:


New Big is unpretentious. Grows quickly, resistant to frost. Begins to bear fruit in speed after the plant is planted

General characteristics of fruits:

  • color - red-orange
  • length - 2 cm, width - 1 cm
  • taste - sweet, with a sour taste

Goji Variety Lhasa

Goji Variety Lhasa


Lhasa belongs to early varieties with good frost resistance. The plant reaches a height of 3 m. The branches are prickly in the form of arcs. Fruiting begins at 2 years old. The color of the flowers is purple, the berries are orange.

General characteristics of fruits:

  • shape - oblong, oval (length - 2 cm)
  • color - bright red-orange
  • weight - 2-3 g
  • taste - sweet and sour, with a bitter tinge

Goji Sugar Giant

Goji Sugar Giant


The sugar giant is also called the Tibetan barberry. The bush reaches a height of up to 3.5 m. The branches are sprawling. The grade is characterized by good productivity and frost resistance.

General characteristics of fruits:

  • shape - elongated (length - 2.5 cm)
  • color - orange-red
  • weight - 1.5 g
  • taste is sweet

Goji Sweet Amber

Goji Sweet Amber


Sweet Amber is characterized by thermophilicity, but frost resistant variety. The shrub is growing fast. Its height is 2.5 m. It begins to bear fruit in 2-3 years. The fruits after ripening are edible both fresh and dried.

General characteristics of fruits:

  • size - large
  • color - amber yellow
  • taste is sweet

Goji Superfruit

Goji Superfruit


Superfruit looks like a lush tall (up to 3 m) bush. The plant loves well-lit places. Fruits begin to give in 3 years.

General characteristics of fruits:

  • color - rich red
  • length - 1.5-2.5 cm

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Location Requirements



Since the plant grows quickly and has powerful roots, it can be used as a live fence.The best option would be landing on an empty spot. The bush grows strongly, it will darken nearby growing undersized crops. Goji prefers places with good light, although it also adapts to shaded areas.

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The soil

Good lighting preferred

Good lighting preferred

Dereza has no special requirements for soil. But still, it is not recommended to grow on rocky and lowland areas, because. this will slow down the growth of the plant. It is preferable to plant goji in areas where the soil is loose, light and has a neutral or slightly alkaline acidity. An increased level of acidity will lead to a decrease in the decorative effect of flowering.

What goji is not tolerant of is moisture stagnation. Great care must be taken with watering, and also do not place shrubs on rocky soils.

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Temperature regime

goji plant

goji plant

The plant has good frost resistance. Normally develops at a temperature range of -26 ... +400C. Not demanding on the level of humidity. With calmness refers to the arid climate.

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Reproduction methods

Goji: growing from seeds at home

Goji: growing from seeds at home

Goji is propagated in 3 ways: seeds, seedlings and cuttings.


The soil should be loose, light, with neutral or slightly alkaline acidity.

The soil should be loose, light, with neutral or slightly alkaline acidity.

This method is not suitable for beginners, because it requires knowledge of technology and certain experience. Dried fruits are used for planting. For about 8 hours, they must be soaked in water so that the pulp softens and the seeds can be separated from it. The extracted grains are soaked for a couple of hours in a preparation to stimulate growth before planting.

Seeding process:

  1. A deep and wide container is being prepared. It is filled with a mixture, which consists of garden soil and peat (1: 2)

  2. The grains are buried in the soil by 2-3 cm, and sprinkled on top with earth and sand

  3. Everything is plentifully watered with water at room temperature.

  4. The container is covered with a transparent material (film, glass) and placed in a warm shaded place.

  5. The sown grains must be aired before the first sprouts appear. This will help prevent the small roots from rotting. Watering with a sprayer

  6. After 10-14 days. young sprouts will appear from the seeds. The film is removed. The container with sprouts is transferred to a lighted place, which should be warm and without drafts.

  7. After the formation of 2-3 full-fledged leaves, seedlings can dive into separate pots. Because the root system of the plant goes to the depth, the container is taken high and narrow

  8. Planting sprouts in open ground is possible in spring, if there are no frosts at night, or at the beginning of summer, when the air warms up to +12 ... +140WITH


Reproduction by seeds

Reproduction by seeds

This method is used very often. Seedlings give quick rooting and good adaptation to the new environment.

Great luck with the opportunity to purchase material that was grown at home. When buying goji in specialized places for growing and breeding plants, you need to carefully examine the seedling and its roots. They should be free of signs of any diseases, injuries and dried areas.

Planting is carried out in the spring, if night frosts no longer threaten. For warm regions, landing in the middle of the autumn period is allowed. Shelter for the winter is a must.

Planting dereza ordinary

Planting dereza ordinary

Boarding process:

  1. The soil is dug up and leveled

  2. A hole is being dug. Its depth is 40-50 cm

  3. To begin with, a drainage layer is laid (expanded clay, broken brick).Next comes the nutrient layer: compost, superphosphate (15 g), potassium sulfate (10 g), ammonium nitrate (15 g)

  4. The root system of planting material is cleared of the ground and treated for prevention with a solution of potassium permanganate (1%). Then the roots straighten out and gently go deep into the prepared hole.

  5. The seedling is covered with earth and rammed. It needs to be fixed to a support. Everything is well watered. Mulching material is laid around (humus or peat mixture)

If you need to plant several seedlings, it is necessary to observe the gap between them (about 2 m).


Reproduction by seedlings

Reproduction by seedlings

A seedling can be obtained not only by properly growing it from a seed or by buying it in specialized markets. You can also propagate an adult shrub by cuttings, cutting off a cutting (10-12 cm) from it. The cut material must first be soaked in a root stimulator. Then it is planted in the ground and placed in a kind of greenhouse with warm conditions.

The best time for rooting cuttings is the end of July - the beginning of August. By the spring, the root system will be well formed and the seedling can be transplanted in the country and looked after as an adult plant.

Despite the fact that dereza is not demanding on the conditions in which it grows, in order for its appearance to be a real decoration, and the yield to please with its wealth, certain rules must be observed.


Reproduction by cuttings

Reproduction by cuttings

A young goji seedling needs good self-care for the first years. It is advisable not to allow the complete drying of the soil around the plant. But the stagnation of excess moisture is detrimental to fragile small roots, especially in cold weather. The optimal interval between watering for young goji is no more than 10 days. Water calculation - 7-10 l / 1 bush.

To avoid hypothermia of the root system during cold and rainy weather conditions, it is recommended to cover the soil around the small bush with polyethylene.

For a large plant, drought and excess moisture are not so detrimental. Watering for it is carried out if it has not rained for a very long time.

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Fertilizing in the spring

Fertilizing in the spring

Young plants do not need to be fertilized during the next year, because. the nutrient layer introduced at the time of planting will be quite enough for him for normal development. In the future, regular application of nutrient complexes to the soil around the bush will be required. This can be an organic fertilizer (for example, mullein at the rate of 5 l / m, humus) or a complex of mineral elements:

  • superphosphate - 10 g
  • potassium sulfate - 10 g
  • ammonium nitrate - 10 g


Drought and excess moisture are not so detrimental

Drought and excess moisture are not so detrimental

The upper part of the wolfberry grows very quickly. For this reason, the bush requires constant pruning of excess branches and stems. This will increase the volume of the future harvest and make the planting look colorful. After pruning, the strongest branches should remain, which are approximately the same distance from each other. It is here that fruit shoulders will form, and later fruit branches. In the future, they will shorten again to the remaining 4 buds. This will stimulate growth. More crop will be formed on older branches.

Goji has the ability to tolerate crown formation well.

Until the plant grows up to 2 m, branches from below must be lifted from the ground and tied up.


goji seedlings

goji seedlings

To preserve moisture around the seedling and its safety from possible sudden cold snaps, the first year it is recommended to lay mulching material (peat, sawdust) in the area of ​​the near-trunk circle. The thickness of the mulching layer is 5-7 cm.

For cold areas, the soil is sprinkled for the winter period. This will help prevent hypothermia.

Preparing for the winter

goji landing

goji landing

Despite the fact that there are varieties that are able to tolerate cold (-15 ... -250C), to be safe, it is still worth preparing them for the upcoming low temperatures. To do this, in the fall, the bush is covered with spruce branches. This will protect it from freezing if little snow falls in winter.

Varieties that do not have resistance to frost are dug out together with the soil in the autumn and transplanted into a container of the required size. Shrubs are stored in the basement with stable low positive temperatures.

Specificity for different areas

Regular pruning creates a colorful look

Regular pruning creates a colorful look

The shrub can grow in any strip of Russia. He adapts well and develops even in conditions that are not the most favorable for him. He is especially sensitive not to extreme cold, but to the level of humidity of the soil and atmosphere.

Moscow region



It is not difficult to grow goji in this region. Even preparing it, sending it for the winter, is not particularly necessary. The main thing is that it is covered with a lot of snow. Additional protection may be needed only for young seedlings that have been grown from grains. Any organic material can be used for mulch.


goji berry picking

goji berry picking

This is a very harsh area. For this reason, dereza needs thorough protection from the winter conditions of Siberia. For areas with high humidity, transplanting into a container and storage in a cool basement, on a veranda or glazed balcony are recommended. It is very important to provide sufficient lighting.


Goji berries

Goji berries

Winter in the Urals is no less severe, although there is a very large amount of precipitation. It will be enough to cover the young shoots with a layer of spruce branches and cover them with snow on top. This will help them to winter without problems. It is important to prevent the bush from being in the water when the snow begins to melt.

Leningrad region

Goji berries in the country

Goji berries in the country

The winter period of this area is cold, wet, and the soils are mostly swampy. At the time of planting, you need to take care of a good drainage layer. This will avoid many problems in care. The choice of location is also of great importance. It is desirable that it be a hill. Standard coverage for cold weather will help (subject to all the rules when planting shrubs) to survive the plant moments of very severe frosts.

Diseases and pests

Wood ash - as a fertilizer and a natural cure for diseases

Wood ash - as a fertilizer and a natural cure for diseases

Insects that are dangerous for goji:

  • Colorado beetle
  • aphid
  • cutworm

To destroy these pests, the shrub is sprayed with an infusion of wormwood.

The plant is susceptible to the following diseases:

  • late blight
  • powdery mildew

Goji can get sick if there is no top dressing with wood ash. It must be paid at the time of boarding. At the first manifestations of the above diseases, the crown of the plant is showered with wood ash. This method with advanced forms of diseases does not bring a cure. Then the use of drugs with fungicidal action is used.

Collection and storage

Store in a tightly sealed glass or ceramic container.

Store in a tightly sealed glass or ceramic container.

When the goji berry is dyed bright red, harvest time begins. A canvas is spread under the bush. The fruits will stray and fall down. Hands must be protected with thick gloves. This will protect them from possible injuries on the sharp thorns of the plant.

The collected berries are cleaned of debris and scattered under a canopy for drying. After a while, it is necessary to remove all the stalks and leave to dry further.

Goji fruits are dried only in open space without the use of technical devices.

For uniform drying, the crop is regularly mixed and turned over. A sign of its complete drying is a slight peeling of the skin of the fruit.

It is necessary to store the dried crop in tightly closed glass or ceramic dishes.

Fresh berries can be stored frozen. It will be an excellent filling for baking or vitamin raw materials for making drinks.

What is usable?

Healthy breakfast

Healthy breakfast

Plant constituents suitable for use:

  • Fresh fruits are dangerous to health, because. their use is fraught with poisoning. After drying, they lose their toxic properties and are suitable for consumption.

You can eat dry berries only in limited quantities. The recommended daily dose is not more than 45 g. They begin to take in a small amount (several fruits per day). Over time, the dose increases to 10 g.

You can immediately use the maximum dose only after consulting with your local doctor.

Reception is carried out in 2 approaches: half a serving in the morning on an empty stomach, the remaining half - in the afternoon. Drinking after 18.00 is not recommended, because. the tonic property of the berry can provoke insomnia.

There are several options for how you can eat the dried crop:

  • like dried fruits
  • boiled
  • with addition to various dishes (cereals, ice cream, salads, pastry stuffing)
  • in the form of juice



To prepare a decoction of 45 g of raw materials, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and infuse for half an hour. Taken 1/3 cup 3 times a day.

You can also insist fruits on alcohol. To do this, a handful of raw materials are poured into a dark glass container and pour 1 liter of alcohol. Infused for 1 week. It is taken 20 ml per day, diluted with water.

  • The root bark also has medicinal properties. It is indicated for use in the treatment of cough, fever, to lower blood cholesterol levels, as a diuretic and laxative. Taken in the form of decoctions

To get the product, the roots are dug up, washed, peeled and dried well in the sun.

  • The leaves are used to make tea, which has an invigorating effect. They need to be cut when the plant blooms and dried. Leaves can be stored for 1 year

Goji is an exotic plant, so its fruits and other components may be unusual for the body of our compatriot. Excessive passion for this plant can lead to kidney problems and severe dehydration.

magic tea

Helpful for those who want to lose weight

Helpful for those who want to lose weight

Another option for consuming goji berries is to make tea, which will be useful for general strengthening of the body. It is especially suitable for those who want to lose weight.


  1. Cooking utensils steam well

  2. 1 tsp is placed in it. dried fruits. Everything is filled with hot water (80-900WITH). From boiling water, many useful trace elements that contribute to weight loss can disappear

  3. In order for the berries to steam well, the dishes need to be covered and kept a little

For consumption, the drink is not sweetened with anything, not even honey. It is allowed to add other ingredients, for example, dried raspberries, cranberries or blueberries. This will only enrich the tea with amino acids, which will help in getting rid of excess body fat. Berries are thrown away after brewing, because. they don't have anything useful.

Despite its exotic origin, in order to enjoy goji - its beauty in its territory and healing fruits for health, prepared independently for the winter - you do not need to visit distant countries and spend a lot of money on its purchase. Compliance with the main points on planting and care will enable everyone to have this beautiful plant in their garden and achieve good yields from it.

Video: Goji berries. Benefits, cultivation, care

Goji - Eastern miracle in our garden: planting and care in the open field in the Moscow region and Siberia. Beneficial features

GOJI BERRIES. Benefits, cultivation, care

Goji - Eastern miracle in our garden: planting and care in the open field in the Moscow region and Siberia. Useful properties | (Photo and video)

Video: Goji berry (wolfberry). cultivation

Goji - Eastern miracle in our garden: planting and care in the open field in the Moscow region and Siberia. Beneficial features

Goji berry (wolfberry). cultivation

Goji - Eastern miracle in our garden: planting and care in the open field in the Moscow region and Siberia. Useful properties | (Photo and video)

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