We restore the battery in the most proven and effective way❗️

We restore the battery in an effective way
Any battery will lose its capacity more and more every day, even if it is very carefully and properly maintained. This happens gradually, but one day it may turn out that the engine of your car will not start. Most often this happens with the onset of cold weather. What to do in such a case? There is a very simple, proven and effective way.
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The most effective way to restore the battery

With the onset of winter, any battery is at risk. On any given day, your car may simply refuse to start.

With the onset of winter, any battery is at risk. On any given day, your car may simply refuse to start. Photo: https://youtu.be/qIQfvk5j7C8

Of course, the only way out of this situation is to recharge the battery. But, it also happens that the battery is not charging, while the voltage is within normal limits (about 14.5 V).

First of all, a discharged battery is charged. But, in this case, failures also occur, when the tension persists, and the effect is zero.

First of all, a discharged battery is charged. But, in this case, “failures” also happen, when the tension is maintained, and the effect is zero. Photo: https://youtu.be/qIQfvk5j7C8

If you have a load fork at hand, then you can use it to check. It may turn out that under load the voltage sags a lot. This indicates that the battery has lost its capacity. The reason for this is the sulfation of the plates.

If the battery is not charging, it may mean that it has lost its capacity.

If the battery is not charging, it may mean that it has lost its capacity. Photo: https://youtu.be/qIQfvk5j7C8

The average battery life is about five years, which is a very good indicator. Of course, after you can buy a new battery. And you can save money and extend the life of the old battery by one to two years. In this case, it is necessary to carry out its maintenance, but not standard, but special.

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What kind of batteries can be restored

This method is suitable for batteries that have not previously been subjected to serious current and mechanical damage, but failed due to normal sulfation. The method is not suitable for batteries where there is internal shedding of plates, closing cans, swelling, and so on. Popularly, this method is called “polarity reversal” and is perfect for desulfating plates.

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Step by step recovery of a dead battery


First of all, it is imperative to clean the battery from dirt, wash it with a detergent. Then inspect the device, make sure that there are no cracks or damage on it. Then uncork all plugs to make sure that electrolyte is present. After that, take a flashlight and shine on the plates inside, there should be no shedding.

Using a flashlight, you can see sulfation inside the battery - a white coating on the plates.

Using a flashlight, you can see sulfation inside the battery - a white coating on the plates. Photo: https://youtu.be/qIQfvk5j7C8

If all is well, add distilled water to each of the jars to the prescribed level. Also, you can measure the density of the electrolyte.

Before proceeding with the polarity reversal, test the classic recovery method.

Charge the battery to maximum, up to 14.4 V.

Charge the battery to the maximum, up to 14.4 V. Photo: https://youtu.be/qIQfvk5j7C8

Using any suitable light bulb, for example, a halogen one, discharge the battery to 10.6 V. Measure the voltage under the same load.

Using any suitable light bulb, for example, a halogen one, discharge the battery to 10.6 V. Measure the voltage under the same load. Photo: https://youtu.be/qIQfvk5j7C8

Repeat this procedure three times. Then charge the battery fully. Use a load fork to check the capacity. If the battery is restored, then it can be put back in the car. Otherwise, go to the third step.

We repeat the cycle of these two steps 3 times and charge the battery to full. We check the capacity with a load fork or a starter in the operation of the machine. If the battery has recovered - good - we continue to operate. If not, or not enough, then go to the third stage.

Battery polarity reversal

This method is very effective and allows you to restore the battery almost completely. First of all, hang a load on the battery, which will be a halogen lamp. It will fade in a day. Leave the battery plugged in for another couple of days so that it is completely discharged.

Charge the battery with reverse current. Connect the charger in reverse, minus to plus, and plus to minus. In order not to damage the charger, use the halogen lamp again. Charge the battery in reverse polarity. When the voltage reaches five or six volts, remove the lamp from the circuit. Banks with electrolyte at this time will begin to boil and hiss, this is completely normal.

Charge the battery for about a day to get 12-14 volts. You get a charged battery, where the output is plus minus and vice versa.

Charge the battery for about a day to get 12-14 volts. You get a charged battery, where the output is plus minus and vice versa. Photo: https://youtu.be/qIQfvk5j7C8

Discharge the battery completely again.Now charge it in the correct position, where plus to plus and minus to minus to 14.4 volts. Ready!

Discharge the battery completely again. Now charge it in the correct position, where plus to plus and minus to minus to 14.4 volts. Ready! Photo: https://youtu.be/qIQfvk5j7C8

VIDEO: Restoring a 10 year old battery to full capacity

We restore the battery in the most proven and effective way❗️

Restoring a 10 year old battery to full capacity

How to restore a car battery? In this video, an attempt is made to restore an old 2006 Titanium battery to almost full nameplate capacity!

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