Water pump for a private house or cottage: types, principle of operation and selection criteria (Photo & Video) + Reviews


Water pump for a private house or cottage

Most residents of private houses or owners of dachas are faced with issues of water production or sanitation. For a comfortable stay or a comfortable summer vacation, a water pump for the home is necessary.

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a large number of types of water pumps

Abundance of choice

The scope of such devices is quite extensive:

  • water supply of a private house or cottage
  • watering the land
  • pumping liquids
  • firefighting
  • drainage works
  • drainage of wetlands and water bodies

Also, water pumps help in cases where the water pressure is not enough for the normal functioning of the water supply.

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Principle of operation

pump operation diagram

Scheme of work

The principle of operation of water pumps of various modifications is not particularly different, however, the design and equipment has its own nuances.

At low pressure, water passes into a special vacuum compartment, from where it is poured into a hose or pipe with a powerful stream through a nozzle. In order to overcome hydraulic resistance, the system must have enough power so that the pressure is optimal for full operation.

The difference in design is determined by the way the vacuum is created:

  • centrifugal
  • vortex
  • vibrating
  • drainage
  • circulation

By location, relative to the "mirror" of water, they also differ.

There are two groups:

  • Submersible, placed directly in the liquid tank
  • Surface, located near the tank

Drainage, borehole, well models and motor pumps are popular.

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Advantages of centrifugal options

The wide scope of application makes this design universal for use both in a private house and on an industrial scale. The basic principle of operation is the movement of water and the creation of pressure using centrifugal force. Special rotating elements capture and, as it were, press the water against the walls of the pump, after which it is ejected through the inlet.

Centrifugal pump

A centrifugal pump is useful if you need to solve problems with watering the site or water supply at home.

The stores offer a wide range of centrifugal models:

  • submersible
  • superficial
  • cantilever single and multi-stage
  • vertical
  • horizontal

Such pumps are originally designed for continuous operation, so the parts are made of high-strength materials, and maintenance does not require much time and effort.

Benefits of centrifugal pump:

  • High-quality work even at extremely high temperatures (there are models that can withstand up to 350 ° C).
  • Long service life
  • High efficiency, which distinguishes this model from other types of pumps.
  • Possibility of installation of additional automation
  • Compact dimensions that allow easy installation of the pump even in a narrow well or hard-to-reach place

The only disadvantage of a centrifugal pump - the ability to work only with clean water, so it must be protected from impurities.

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Console centrifugal option

One of the most common types for water supply of a private house or cottages. Single stage models are suitable for liquids containing small solids. Multistage pumps, in addition to performing the main function, create a powerful water pressure.

Centrifugal pumps can be installed in a heating system operating from a well. You can use it to pump water from shallow wells and wells (up to 6 meters).
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Surface vortex

Surface pump for a well.

Surface well pump

This type of water pump is used to increase the pressure in the system and heating, which makes it also suitable for fire fighting. Due to the high noise background, this type of pump is best used in a technical room. The principle of their work is to create a water funnel (vortex) using a special wheel.

Compared to the centrifugal type, the vortex model gives a more powerful pressure and at the same time differs in dimensions. It can also be called a plus resistance to air ingress into the system. But there is also a disadvantage - design is sensitive to impurities, including small ones, their hit in large numbers usually leads to failure.

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vibration pump

The principle of operation is based on the action of an electromagnet

When current is applied to the magnet winding, it attracts a special armature, which then returns to its original position.

The pressure drops, and water easily enters the hydraulic system. When the pressure rises, the liquid exits through the nozzle. An uninterrupted supply is provided by a diaphragm. In just 1 second, about 100 oscillations of the armature and piston occur.

During operation, water is pushed out, due to the resulting vibrations, through the pipe into the common pipeline. This model is popular due to the lack of rotating elements, so that such equipment works longer. There is also a small minus - impossibility of installation in wells of small diameter.

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Deep submersible

Deep submersible pump

Deep downhole model

With a large depth of a well or well, which surface models cannot cope with, submersible devices installed directly in the source itself are used. Such a device is made of anti-corrosion material, such as stainless steel. The motor of the device is cooled by the driven liquid.

One of the proven submersible models is the Makita PF1110 drainage pump.

One of the proven submersible models is the Makita PF1110 drainage pump.



Despite its low weight (5.9 kg) and dimensions, it has a high productivity - 15,000 l / h. Ideal for pumping water from wells, pools, pits and flooded areas.
Makita PF1110 can be submerged up to 5 m. It has a convenient carrying handle. You can buy this model and see other submersible pumps in the Conrad online store catalog.

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The scope of this model is the pumping of wastewater, including liquids with large inclusions.

Has the following benefits:

  • long service life
  • compact, mobile
  • no special maintenance requirements
  • float mechanism that automatically turns off the device in the absence of liquid

A fecal drainage pump is necessary in a summer cottage or in a private house. It has suitable specifications for continuous operation in the sewer system.

Fecal pump

Some models have additional grinders for large particles, which eliminates problems with wastewater disposal

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To increase the pressure in the heating system, in order to save electricity, use a circulation pump. It also makes it possible to adjust the heating parameters.

Circulation pump

When buying, take into account the level of energy consumption, noise and service life

Most models have the ability to adjust the speed of the main shaft, which leads to lower energy costs, noise and longer service life. Frequent maintenance is not required, with the correct selection of modifications.

After installation, you need to make sure that there is no air in the system. Otherwise, the life of the pump may be significantly reduced.
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Hand pump

manual water pump

Manual stationary option

An excellent solution for places where there is no electricity. The pumping of water, in this case, occurs due to the movement of the piston. Most of the manual pumps are double-acting, so there is no idle mode.

This simple design is durable and does not require special skills in maintenance. The advantage is the cheap cost of the mini-pump. It is advisable to use it where there is no electricity connection or there is no need to pump a large volume of water.

What you should pay attention to when choosing a water pump:

  • One of the main parameters that you should pay attention to when buying a water pump is its performance (the volume of liquid distilled per unit of time).
  • The units of performance measure the power of the pump and are designated "liters per minute", in some cases "cubic meters per hour".

manual water pump

Water pump

To ensure the normal operation of autonomous water supply, the maximum pressure of the pump is also important. This value is equal to the height of the water level, which the device is capable of raising. Such a characteristic is necessary for the accurate calculation of a water supply, heating or sanitation project.

The consumption of resources depends on the above values. It should be calculated taking into account the number of residents, the presence of household appliances that use water, the magnitude of hydraulic water resistance and the peak height of the point of water analysis.

Choice by purpose

The choice of model depends on the scope of use, here are a few options for using water pumping equipment:

  • With insufficient water pressure in the system, it is worth buying a high-pressure water pump to increase it.
  • A fecal type of pump is used to service sewers or pump out waters with a high level of pollution. More convenient models with an automatic switching system
  • If you need to drain a pool, cellar or well, purchase a semi-submersible drainage model (the pump is partially under water), or a submersible pump with a float shut-off mechanism
  • It is easy to get water for irrigation of the site or personal needs using a submersible pump, provided that the depth does not exceed 5 meters. For a depth of 5-10 meters, choose a model with an ejector, and more than 10 meters, it is better to buy a submersible pump

Submersible pumps, although equipped with protection against idle operation, require installation without contact with the bottom of the reservoir and with a water level above 1 meter. Such conditions are associated with changes in the seasonal water level in a well or well and the need for additional cooling of the mechanism.

three kinds of water pump

To perform several tasks, one- and two-stage models, or several in combination, are suitable.

The first signs of device failure

Even the most expensive equipment fails sooner or later. This may be due to a long service life, an unfavorable working environment, or failures in the water or electrical systems. Here are a few signs that your water pump needs repair:

  • the appearance of a hum, an increase in the noise level
  • excessive pump vibration
  • head reduction
  • decrease or increase in operating pressure
  • the appearance of streaks between the flanges or in the area of ​​​​the shaft

water pump repair

Scheduled maintenance

Regular preventive maintenance is essential to avoid repair or replacement costs. (condition diagnostics, cleaning if necessary). Among the common mistakes leading to pump failure are errors in the installation of the water supply system, equipment operation in extreme conditions.

Water pump for a private house or cottage: types, principle of operation and selection criteria (Photo & Video) + Reviews

All about pumps How to choose a pump and what are

Water pump for a private house or cottage: types, principle of operation and selection criteria (Photo & Video) + Reviews

9.2 Total Score
Water pump for home

The problem of the lack of permanent water supply in holiday villages is familiar to many of us. Therefore, we have tried to describe the essence of this issue for you. If you do not agree with these ratings, leave your rating in the comments with the reasoning for your choice. Thank you for your participation. Your opinion will be useful to other users.

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  • To date, our market has a full range of water pumps, For any of your needs.
  • Allow you to use the water supply at any time convenient for you
  • Can quickly fail if the operating conditions are violated during use

1 comment
  1. A very detailed review. Now you can safely go to the market and select the right pump according to the parameters. Thanks to the author!

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