Cultivated cherry Cerastis vulgaris does not exist in the wild. It originates from the spontaneous crossing of two types of common cherries and steppe cherries. Natural hybridization occurred in the Balkans and the Caucasus, where the primary foci of the plant appeared. Already in the first century AD, it became a garden culture in Kievan Rus.
Since then, it has been successfully grown to the present day, planting and care conditions play a significant role in its fruiting. Every year there are new varieties and hybrids for different climates. Whatever the selection choice, there are always common qualities that are characteristic of the culture.

The root system of trees consists of two tiers:
- The main mass of horizontal roots is located at a depth of 50 cm, and on poor, sandy ones it rises to 20 cm;
- Vertical roots are directed strictly down and grow up to 2 m in depth.

Cherry - a tree 5 - 7 m high or a shrub, 1.5 - 2 m in size
The positive property of the first - the accumulation of basic nutrients from the upper layers of the soil. A negative quality is the growth of numerous root shoots that clog the garden.
Deep roots supply water from the depths of the soil and give stability to the ground part. Thanks to this, the cherry is not afraid of wind.
Bush cherries have a wide, dense, spreading crown, 1.5 - 2 m in size. Shoots growing in bunches from the ground. Some varieties are distinguished by a weakly expressed stem with strongly branched stems. Such plants need less space than trees.
Despite external differences, all cherries are different:
- Unpretentiousness to growing conditions
- annual fruiting
- High frost resistance - withstand low temperatures strong up to minus 30 C0, some varieties up to minus 35 C0
The decisive factor for planting cherries is the choice of a variety or hybrid suitable for local climatic conditions.

Popular varieties and hybrids
Historical information about the cultural cultivation of cherries dates back to the heyday of the Vladimir principality of the times of Kievan Rus. It is believed that then the Vladimirskaya variety arose, from which many subsequent hybrids based on it originate. The result of the selection was the creation of 150 varieties of cherries crossed with cherries and plums.
Some varieties were bred for a specific purpose, for example, I.V. Michurin used the ability of steppe cherries to withstand severe frosts and drought in the selection of hybrids for regions with a harsh climate. The result was:
- Ideal
- Nadezhda Krupskaya
- Fertile Michurina and others
The listed varieties begin to bear fruit in the second, third year and easily adapt to any soil conditions.Hybrids based on sand cherry grow in the northern regions. Differ in short stature and high palatability.
These include:
- Dessert
- Utah
- New
- Sapa
- Beta
- Mainor
They are obtained by crossing with a plum.
A typical representative of a bush plant is felt cherry. It is massively grown in the Far East in North China, Korea and the Khabarovsk Territory, it is distinguished by high drought resistance, frost resistance, unpretentiousness to the soil. Most often, the Ando variety, bred by I. V. Michurin, is used.
According to biological characteristics, varieties are divided into three groups:
- The first includes dwarf, bushy plants:
- Lyubskaya
- Bottle
- Serving room
- Lotovaya
They bear fruit in their third year.
- The second group is a tree. The first harvest appears in 4 - 6 years. Popular varieties:
- Podbelskaya
- Rastunya
- Celtic
- The third group is represented by medium plantsoccupying an intermediate niche between dwarf and tall varieties. The most common:
- Vladimirskaya
- Griot pear-shaped
- Shubinka
- Kursk shpanka
- Beauty of the North
- Zakharovskaya
The first fruits appear in the second, third season. Harvest gives for 15-20 years.

How to choose the right place, and what to consider before landing
Once the desired variety has been selected, it is important to find the best place for it in the garden. Of all fruit plants, cherries require the least attention. It can grow in any soil and adapt to different conditions, but in order to get a good harvest, it needs to create an optimal environment.
Although the cherry has good shade tolerance, but abundant flowering and fruiting occurs with sufficient light and warmth.
Many species and varieties successfully adapt to different types of soil. They can exist on poor sands and in heavy clay, but light fertile loam is most favorable for them. If you create optimal conditions for cherries, abundant harvests will please 15-20 years.
Even on cherries lit all day, the larger, sweeter fruits are on the south side of the crown. In its northern part, the berries will be smaller and more sour.
relation to the wind
Among all fruit crops, cherry is the most wind-resistant. The property is explained by the structure of the crown. Freely hanging thin branches easily bend, but do not break under gusts of strong wind. Often the tree can be found in windbreaks because it can adapt to extreme conditions.
But, then you should not expect a generous harvest from him. To get the maximum benefit from the fruit, it is best to place the plant in a cozy place.
Groundwater depth
Even this unfavorable factor affects cherries less than other fruit trees. But, this by no means means that cherries can be planted in a swamp.
If these are not possible, there is another way out - the construction of a bulk terrace for planting cherries. The layer of soil brought in depends on the level of groundwater. For example, if in spring the water rises by half a meter, then a seat is poured 50–70 cm high and 2 m wide for one tree.

Optimal soil characteristics
The unique ability of cherries to adapt to different conditions is incomparable with other fruit plants. It can survive in arid areas on thin sand or heavy clay. But, in this case, it is unlikely to bear fruit.

For a perennial and maximum yield, it requires rich, fertile soil, light in texture, neutral or slightly acidic.
To do this, you need to take a tablespoon of the tested soil, slightly moisten with water to a doughy state, roll up the ball.
- If the soil crumbles, then it is sandy,
- The ball is holding, but you can’t roll it into a cord - sandy loam,
- The cord rolls well into a ring without cracks - the soil is clayey.
Having determined the mechanical structure of the soil, it is possible to consider measures for its optimization.
The main disadvantage of sand and sandy loam is that they do not retain water. To retain moisture, it is necessary to add clay or fertile black soil.
The process is called claying:
- A layer of clay or clay soil 5-6 cm thick is poured onto the surface of the site (5-6 buckets per 1 m2) and carefully align,
- Humus or compost is applied on top, with a layer of 20-25 cm.
Gradually, the fertile layer increases to 30 - 40 cm. All components are thoroughly mixed with a shovel over large areas by a cultivator.
Sawdust is used to improve the structure of heavy soils. Application rate 1 bucket per 1 m2.
Fresh sawdust should be added in advance when the soil is being prepared in autumn for spring planting. They cannot be applied immediately before planting cherries! With their intensive decomposition, a gas harmful to plants is released, causing a lack of nitrogen, which makes it difficult for seedlings to take root.
In addition to sawdust, peat is successfully used to loosen the soil. If preparations are carried out in advance (no later than five to six months), riding peat is introduced into the planting pit. During the time that will pass before planting, it decomposes to a state of humus. It cannot be added immediately before planting, as it causes oxidation, fermentation and decay, resulting in the formation of substances unsuitable for plant rooting.
Shortly before planting, (but no later than one month), grassroots peat can be introduced into the soil. Although it contains few nutrients, it serves as a good soil leavening agent. To improve fertility, organic fertilizers are needed - 2 - 3 buckets per planting pit.
Such soils require careful cultivation. They need to be drained, then the following activities should be carried out:
- Sanding – introduction of coarse-grained river sand 60 kg/m2
To determine the weight of sand, you can use a ten-liter bucket - 1 dm3. Its volume contains 14 kg.
- Addition of clay or loamy soil, 20 – 30 kg/m2. (In 1 dm3 - 18 kg)
- Application of organic manure or compost fertilizers - 2 - 3 kg / m2
Neutralization of acidic and alkaline reactions
For successful growth and a good harvest, it is necessary to ensure the optimal acid-base balance of the soil. To determine what and in what quantity you need to make, for neutralization, you need to find out the pH of the soil on the site. The easiest way to do this is with a special device.
Before testing, the soil is watered to a wet state. Then a pH meter sensor is placed in it. After a few minutes, the numbers appear on the display.
To determine the acidity, use the table:
pH value | soil environment |
4.5 or less | strongly acidic |
4,6 – 5,0 | medium sour |
5,1 – 5,9 | subacid |
6,0 – 6,4 | close to neutral |
6,5 – 7,0 | Neutral |
7,1 – 8,0 | slightly alkaline |
8,1 – 8,5 | alkaline |
8,6 – 9,5 | strongly alkaline |
Application rates of slaked lime kg\m2 | ||
Mechanical compound | pH of the tested soil 4.6 - 5.0 | pH of the tested soil 5.1 - 5.9 |
Sandy | 0,4 – 0,5 | 0,7 – 0,85 |
sandy loam | 0,5 – 0,6 | 0,35 – 0,4 |
Light loam | 0,6 – 0,7 | 0,5 – 0,55 |
Clay | 0,7 – 0,85 | 0,55 – 0,6 |
Lime can be replaced:
- chalk
- Dolomite flour
- limestone powder. (Not to be confused with lime, fertilizer is crushed rock, which is otherwise called "shell rock".)
- wood ash
When these substances are introduced, hydrogen and aluminum are displaced from the soil layer, which are replaced by calcium and magnesium, which are necessary for fruiting cherries. This leads to an improvement in the structure of the soil and its water-chemical regime. Acidity normalizes, and toxic forms of aluminum and magnesium pass into an insoluble state, and become harmless to plants.
The soil is already able to fully meet the nutritional needs of cherries. Liming reduces the intake of harmful elements of a radioactive nature.
All varieties and hybrids of cherries are very demanding on soil acidity. Like all stone fruits, they secrete acidic substances in the course of their life. That is why it is important to form a neutral or slightly alkaline environment before planting. With further care, it is important to monitor the acidity of the soil under the cherry and add calcium-containing substances once every 3-4 years.
If the soil is alkaline in the area, the reaction is determined using 5% acetic acid. The liquid is carefully poured onto the soil in a thin stream. If boiling (hissing) appears, then the soil is alkaline. On such a cherry, the leaves will turn yellow, since an excess of lime binds the iron necessary for the synthesis of chlorophyll in the leaves. Which adversely affects flowering and fruiting.
To neutralize the soil, an indicator that is higher than pH - 7.5, substances with an acidic reaction are used. The most famous is calcium sulfate, better known as "Gypsum". It is also practiced to apply granulated sulfur at the rate of 12 g per 10 m2.
Differences in soil preparation in spring and autumn
Ideally, if the land for cherries is prepared in the fall, planting is carried out in the spring. This method has a number of advantages, for the winter all the components of the mixture:
- Connect well with each other
- Holds up a lot of moisture
- Loosen the soil
At the same time, diseases and pests living in the upper layers die from low temperatures.
Don't rush while the ground is still wet. If it is processed in this form, it will stick together into large clods, which, when dried, acquire the hardness of stone and are not suitable for agriculture. The reverse task is not to be late. In order not to miss the deadline and start cultivating the soil in time, it is important to correctly determine its readiness, experienced gardeners say: "Ripeness". Flowering can serve as a signal to start work. coltsfootif it bloomed, then the earth comes to life.
To determine the condition of the soil using the applied method, they dig a small hole 10-12 cm deep, take a small lump from it, the size of an average apple, and let it out of their hands from a height of one and a half meters. If a lump turned into a cake when it fell, then it’s too early to dig, and if it fell apart, then it’s time to get to work.

Planting hole preparation
The size of the seat for cherries depends on varieties and soil conditions in the area. For large trees, you need to dig holes measuring 1 m wide and long and 60 cm deep.Such dimensions are necessary for varieties that grow over 5 meters in height.
These include:
- Wreath
- Star
- In memory of Vavilov
- Griot Seridko
- Toy
- Lutovka
- Shpanka and its hybrids - Shpanka early, Shpanka large
Medium-sized hybrids need a seat 0.7 m in diameter, and 0.5 m deep. Such conditions are quite satisfied with such varieties:
- Griot of Ostheim, 3 m high
- Optimist - above average size, but smaller than large cherries
- Miracle Cherry
- Minx
- elegant
The roots of undersized cherries are able to be content with a space of 0.5 m in width and length and the same in depth. Representatives of this group will especially please the owners of small plots:
- Nord Star, height 2 - 3 m
- Meeting - 2.5 m
- Lyubskaya - 2 m
- Youth - 2 - 2.5 m
- chocolate girl
In pits 30 cm x 30 cm x 30 cm, bush cherries are planted:
- Zhukovskaya
- Generous
- Irtyshskaya
- Subbotinskaya
- Altai swallow
- Bolotovskaya
If the soil on the site is cultivated for a garden, with a layer of 25 - 30 cm, then when digging a hole, the top layer is laid separately on the spade bayonet. Land that is deeper is subject to optimization, it is selected to the desired depth and placed separately.
Then, improve additives are poured and mixed thoroughly.. When landing, they are returned to the prepared pit. In the case when the natural soil is infertile, it is dug out completely and replaced with imported or pre-optimized soil.

Selection of seedlings, their preparation for planting
A good cherry tree can only be grown from quality planting material of a proven variety, sufficiently developed and properly preserved.
The diameter of the root system is at least 30 cm. The stem must be straight, without damage, 60-70 cm high and the root neck thickness of at least 2 cm in vigorous varieties. For hybrids of medium size, the height of the stamp is 35 - 40 cm, the thickness is 1.5 cm. Shrub cherry seedlings are chosen with a size of at least 30 cm.
The viability of a plant is determined by external signs. The bark should be smooth, the branches flexible, the color uniform. The final decision to purchase can be made using cuts of roots and branches, if their color is brown or dark, then the seedling is unsuitable for planting.
Before planting, the seedling is once again carefully examined, damaged and suspicious roots are cut off, long branches are shortened by one third. Sections are made above the kidney directed outward from the tree trunk. This is necessary in order to balance the root system and the aerial part of the seedling, which was disturbed during digging.

Landing technology in various ways
Since basic soil preparation for planting cherries is carried out in advance, mineral fertilizers are applied immediately before planting:
- for large trees - granular superphosphate - 150 g, ammonium nitrate - 50 g, potassium chloride - 50 g. Mix evenly with the full volume of soil.
- For trees of medium size, the norm is reduced by 1/3, and for shrub cherries - by half.
For marking landing pits, the following materials are used:
- Peg, 1 m long
- Peg - 20 cm
- Hemp cord or twine
A high stake is inserted into the center of the landing pit, a twine equal to the radius of the pit is tied to it, to the outer end of which a peg, 20 cm long, is attached. It acts as a pencil. With its help, a circle is drawn on the ground, these are the edges of the future pit.
The work is carried out in the following sequence:
- According to the outlined contour, a seat is dug to the desired depth.
- Fill with fertile soil to such a height that the root neck of the seedling is located 2 cm above the edge of the pit. Why lay the board, which determines the desired level.
- Before installing the seedling, a support peg is driven into the center of the pit, to which the stem of a young cherry is attached.
- In the center, a mound of loose soil is poured, on which the roots of the tree are placed, so that the fibrous roots are located freely.
- Then, the seedling is sprinkled with the remaining soil and compacted by trampling it.
- Fix the stem on the support.
- Form a watering hole.
- Water so that the water goes to the full depth of the pit.
Some gardeners practice this method of planting:
- When the planting pit is filled with fertile soil to the desired level, it is filled with water. This is necessary to seal it and displace air pockets.
- After that, the soil is filled up to establish a seedling.
- Sprinkle the roots and water again.
- Wait until the water is absorbed, and add the remaining soil to the top. Then water again.
This technique guarantees uniform compaction of the soil and its moistening.. If watering is carried out in stages, the root system is guaranteed to be enveloped in soil mixture. Nutrients included in the mixture dissolve quickly.
Bush cherries are easier to plant. They are not as demanding on the level of location as trees. Still, it is better to raise them slightly above the edge than to “drown”. Shallow planting is easier to fix by pouring soil into the watering hole. Excessively buried bush will have to be transplanted again.
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Terms of planting seedlings and trees with a lump
Autumn planting should begin from the moment the leaves turn yellow, and finish 15-20 days before the onset of persistent frosts. During this period, the roots of the tree do not stop growing, unlike the ground part. This ensures the healing of wounded roots and the regrowth of young urinary roots. Due to this, trees planted in autumn start to grow earlier after winter, cherries planted in spring.
With a belated planting, plants that have not yet taken root fall into dry and hot conditions under the influence of dry winds and return frosts, from which they often die.
They take root better, because their root system is not disturbed and they are provided with their usual nutrition due to the soil clod. This allows you to plant cherries at any time of the year. In most cases, from early spring to late autumn.
Rules for planting seedlings of apple, pear, cherry, plum
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