Doctors say that drinking wine in moderation has a positive effect on human health. But nowadays you rarely find a really good and high-quality drink on the store shelves. An alternative would be to cook it yourself, having a recipe for homemade wine from Isabella, you can prepare several types of wine drinks for every taste and color.
- Introduction
- Variety advantages
- white grape wine recipe
- Preparing the grapes
- Pulp preparation
- Wort preparation
- fermentation process
- Adding sugar
- The taste of the drink and exposure
- Storage of finished wine
- Homemade red and rosé wine recipe
- Fortified wine recipe
- Mistakes in making wine
- The benefits and harms of wine

Isabel - This is a grape variety related to the table-technical. Grapes are rarely eaten in their pure form, but the drink from it turns out to be incredibly tasty. There are many recipes for making red, rosé, white, and fortified grape wine.

Wine from Isabella is tart and full-bodied
Due to the fact that grape wine contains methyl alcohol and hydrocyanic acid, it is not allowed in the European Union. But there is no prohibition on cooking it at home, but worth rememberingthat it is recommended to use it no more than 200-300 ml per day, so as not to get a negative effect from the drink.

Variety advantages
Isabella has a number of advantages that allow it to be used most often when making homemade wine:
- Seedlings take root and adapt in the shortest possible time;
- Growing does not bring much trouble;
- Good level of productivity;
- Large clusters and large fruits;
- Easily extracted juice in large volume;
- Juice has all the good characteristics for making a drink.

Grape "Isabella"

white grape wine recipe
Required Ingredients:
- Isabella grapes - 10 kg;
- Sugar - 100-200 g (based on one liter of grape juice);
- Water - 20-100 ml (based on one liter of juice). It is applied only when the grapes grew in a bad environment. Its berries contain more acid than is required by the norm. It is to reduce acidity that clean water is used.

Preparing the grapes
Grape fully matures at the end of October, but it should be harvested a week after the final ripening.
Grape harvest is desirable to carry out in the morning, after the dew subsides. It is very important that the collection takes place in warm sunny weather.. It is also necessary to pay attention to the fact that the berries have a grayish coating.
The size of the berries does not really matter. After harvesting, the grapes should be sorted out, removed spoiled (rotten) and immature fruits. In no case do not wash the grapes, as it is possible to remove yeast from the surfacecontributing to the proper fermentation process.

Berries of any size are used to make wine.

Pulp preparation
The Isabella variety is considered a late variety. During the harvest, you can notice that its combs have already dried up, so whole bunches are not used in cooking. They usually go into recipes for more tart wines.
Wine is made from berries. To do this, separate the grapes from the branches and place in an enamel bowl. Next, the fruits must be crushed in any way, usually crushed with a wooden stick. It is advisable to crush absolutely all the berriesfor maximum juice.

Pulp preparation

Wort preparation
After receiving the pulp, you need to let it stand for 3-4 hours. Next, we proceed to the manufacture of the wort. It is necessary to prepare a container into which the pulp will be filtered through a colander.
Cooked wort can sour. Experienced winemakers believe that there should be 4-6 grams of acid per liter of must.
It will not be possible to accurately determine the acid at home, since this will require a special device, which is quite expensive. Therefore, usually the acid is determined by one's own taste.
Taste the wort - in case the acid is felt strongly, it is recommended to add a small amount of water.

Juice extraction process
Separating the juice from the pulp
The second operation in the technological cycle of making homemade wine

fermentation process
To start the fermentation process, you need to prepare special dishes. Usually use jars or bottles made of durable glass. Basically it is a capacity from 5 to 20 liters. The containers are washed with soda, rinsed with clean water and sterilized.
The wort is placed in a dry dish, filling 2/3 of the container with it. This is necessary so that the fermentation process has enough space. Add ½ of the sugar.
A water seal is placed on the neck of the bottle. You can either buy it from the store or make your own. The easiest way is to use a medical glove by making a hole with a needle in one finger.
Check that the closure is tight. It is important that air does not penetrate into the container, and gases only escape through the hole made in the glove. Otherwise, you will not get fragrant homemade wine, but sour vinegar. To ensure tightness, it is enough to wrap the throat with tape, plasticine or other means.

During fermentation, ordinary medical gloves are used instead of a water seal.
The wort container is placed in a dark place. If there is no such place in the house, then you can cover the bottle with a dark dense cloth. The air temperature should range from 16 to 22 degrees. If it is higher, then it is recommended to fill the container with wort only 1/2, since fermentation occurs more rapidly in heat.

Adding sugar
As you remember, only half of the sugar is added at first. The rest is divided by two. The first part is added on day 4-5, the second on day 8-10.
To add sugar, you need to remove the shutter, pour 500 ml of wort into a clean container and dissolve the sugar in it, then pour it back.
Fermentation occurs from 35 to 70 days. All this time you have to watch him, so as not to miss when it ends. Otherwise, over-aged wine loses its taste greatly.
one.The evolution of gas has stopped (in the case when the glove was installed, it deflates);
2. Transparent and light liquid;
3. Precipitation.
If the fermentation is long enough (45-50 days), it is recommended to drain the liquid into another bottle. Sediment should not be poured. For this, special hoses or tubes for a dropper are used.

Replacing the tank for cleaning the liquid from precipitation.

The taste of the drink and exposure
After the wine is drained, it must be tasted. In the event that the taste completely suits you, you can bottle it, seal it tightly and leave it for a certain period of time.
If you do not like the taste, then proceed to adjust it. It is necessary to add sugar to taste to sour wine and pour it into a container with a water seal for a period of about 7 days. Then also bottle and close.
Winemakers recommend fixing the finished drink with vodka or alcohol (based on 2-15% by volume of wine). Fortified wine has a longer shelf life.
Bottles are placed in a refrigerator or a cool basement (5-15 degrees). The wine is aged for three months.
At this stage, the wine also needs to be controlled. When sediment appears, it is poured into another container and hermetically sealed. Exposure allows you to create excellent aroma, color and stabilize the taste.

Before tasting, let the drink "breathe" a little

Storage of finished wine
After 3-6 months, the wine is finally cooked, it can be consumed. Now it needs to be poured into special bottles designed for such drinks and hermetically sealed. The finished product is stored in a horizontal position in a refrigerator or a cool basement.

Storing wine in a wine cellar
If the wine was prepared in accordance with the correct technology, aged for six months, then its strength will be 9-12%. Such wine is stored for 5 years (subject to storage conditions).

White wine from Isabella has a light golden color.
At first glance, it may seem that the cooking process is quite complicated and time-consuming. In fact, everything is very simple, and the high-quality result will surely please you.
Homemade red and rosé wine recipe
Red/rosé wine is made in the same way as white wine, but there are some differences. Wine harvesting is infused on the pulp not for a couple of hours, as in white, but for 10-15 days. This is necessary so that all the dyeing substances from the skins of the berries pass into the must.
Also, do not close the container, but on the contrary, take a bottle with a large neck so that it is possible to thoroughly mix the foam every day. The bottle should be covered with gauze.
During fermentation, experienced winemakers recommend squeezing the pulp when it becomes dry and whitish (this means that there is no pulp in it). Depending on how long the fermentation process takes, the taste, aroma and color of the future wine is determined.
Rose wine is infused from 12 hours to a day. After that, the wort is pressed. It will be a soft pinkish color.

Rosé wine goes well with fish and meat dishes.
The must for red or rosé wine is poured into fermentation tanks with a water seal. Further, the drink is made in the same way as white.
Fortified wine recipe
Fortified wine includes only three ingredients - grapes, alcohol or vodka, sugar.
Cooking steps:
- Without washing the grapes, knead it until a slurry is obtained. Do not squeeze juice. Place the resulting mixture together with the pulp in a glass container and leave it for 3 days. During this period, fermentation will begin, foam will appear.
- Put sugar and cover with a medical glove. Put in a cool darkened room for 14 days. Violent fermentation will begin.
- Pass the resulting mixture through a special filter or gauze, folding it into three layers. The liquid will be clear. It must be placed in a cool place for at least two months.
- Add vodka or alcohol and place in a dark place for another two weeks. Fragrant tart wine is ready. It should be poured into wine bottles. Store also in a horizontal position in a cool place.

Fortified wine contains alcohol or vodka
Mistakes in making wine
Inexperienced winemakers often make the most common mistakes that affect the quality of the future drink. Here are the main ones:
- If the finished wine is very sour, it means that the tightness of the bottle was broken after bottling, or not enough sugar was added.
- When the wine has an unpleasant smell, similar to mustiness, it means that the wine was not sufficiently clarified from the sediment, or the storage conditions were not observed. It is also possible that there is not enough acid. This error is very easy to correct by adding citric or ascorbic acid.
- Insufficient strength occurs when the fermentation process is incorrect, as a result of a small amount of yeast.
Mistakes occur not only among beginners, but also experienced winemakers, because no one is immune from them. To learn all the secrets of making wine, it is recommended to study this ancient art in more detail, delving into the past.

Winemaking has a rich history
Thus, Isabella is a grape variety that allows you to create a wine with an excellent bright taste. To do this, you just need to choose the right recipe and clearly follow the specified technology.
The technology of making wine includes the following main steps:
- Picking berries and sorting low-quality raw materials;
- Getting juice;
- The fermentation process, which is carried out in large glass bottles;
- Draining wine without sediment;
- Adding sugar.
The process of making wine is quite simple. A minimum of effort and you will get a delicious natural product that is ideal for meat dishes and will brighten up any festive evening. An important point - the wine should be served chilled..
Homemade wine from Isabella grapes
From grape harvest to wine tasting
The benefits and harms of wine
There is a lot of controversy about the benefits and harms of a wine drink. Grape pulp contains a large set of minerals and vitamins that heal and cleanse the heart and immune system of the human body. Grape leaves are used in folk medicine as an antipyretic drug.
The skin of grapes contains a large amount of pectin.. The negative property of pectin is manifested only in the manufacture of wine, since in the process of fermentation it turns into a harmful substance. It is for this reason that in the European Union it is forbidden to make wine from such grape varieties, including Isabella. Import of such wines is also not carried out.
Wine is the only alcoholic drink I drink. And only homemade wine, since even the most expensive wine in the store is also not a pure product in my opinion. My friend's father constantly makes homemade wine, then a friend constantly supplies me with it in moderation. Of course, if you drink it a little bit, then of course it only has a positive effect on the overall tone of the body. This is me as a person who is professionally involved in sports. Namely, red wine is generally useful, as it increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood, which is simply necessary for sports activities. But somehow, after the competition, the guys and I were treated to purchased, but very expensive branded wine, then they also seemed to drink a little, but in the morning the sensations were terrible. But as soon as I drink homemade wine that a friend gives me, then the opposite is true, I wake up in the morning in excellent condition, full of energy, I go for a morning run without any problems. so it's better to drink a simple but homemade wine than an expensive and branded one.
It is best to make homemade wine in an Isabella trailer. Grapes are unpretentious and do not require special care. I agree, it is rarely eaten and is mainly used to make wine. By the way, this grape yields quite impressive yields, which is why they like to make the most wine products from it. I didn’t know about the ban in the European Union, it’s interesting, of course. And the cooking process here is quite perfectly described, even there is nothing special to add. In principle, the main thing is not to miss the moment of fermentation, when it is worth adding sugar, here you need not to make a mistake, otherwise you can ruin everything. If you hang gloves, then you should choose strong ones, otherwise there is a high risk that they will simply burst, and it is advisable to follow this. I keep it for at least 50 days, then I start checking. Here is the correct acidity to determine, this is really difficult. Even a friend showed me a special method for determining chem. reactions to the release of the content of titratable acid. But it seemed to me very difficult, it’s much easier for you)) We just taste it and dilute it.
By the way, I have only my grandmother in the village and grows “Isabella”. Grandfather once made wine out of it, but I was still small then, but I remember there was really a little line of village men to my grandfather, so often they came to visit him and, as I understand it, they came precisely because of the wine)) But more than ten years ago, grandfather, unfortunately, died, and my grandmother did not do this. Grapes sometimes grow, but she mostly distributes them and uses them for compote. But this year, of course, with the help of this article I will try to make wine. I’m just planning to take a vacation at the end of August, then I’ll try to become a winemaker)) It’s a pity that I didn’t learn from my grandfather then, although I was a child then and I certainly didn’t feel like wine then. But by the way, I also want to confirm that homemade wine is much better than any, even the most expensive purchased. Once I was on a business trip in Moldova, where I was treated to real homemade wine. So I have tried a lot of expensive wines in my life and I can say that they all “smoke nervously” compared to the homemade wine that I tried in Moldova back then.
Never forget a picture from childhood: rows of chubby hands sticking out of cans. There were also gloves. Great-grandfather made a stunningly delicious product. But did you add alcohol? Alas, I had to try once or twice at most, growing up, after 16 years old - as an exception, half a glass, I was moaning at the table.I couldn’t fully appreciate the taste, where did the experience come from, compare then with what was it? However, I remember the amazing shade of wine, raising the glass, as taught, to the light. But as I got older, I didn't try that. And after the death of great-grandfather they did not make wine, alas.
I love wine very much, I use it for almost all holidays. But the truth is that it is very difficult to find store-bought wine of good quality, because even at a high price it is very difficult to buy good quality wine. I am absolutely sure that homemade wine is much healthier, has better taste qualities, unlike store-bought. But the only thing to get a good wine drink is to put in a lot of effort to grow a good harvest of grapes and make wine, adhering to a brewing technique that not many people know. After reading the article, I wanted to make wine on my own, everything is perfectly described, every stage is detailed. A very interesting idea with a glove that is affordable and suitable for making wort in small portions. The main advantage of homemade wine is that it is a natural product, contains a lot of useful substances, while using a small amount is beneficial for the body, there are no chemical additives. Very often I had a chance to try homemade wine and everyone tastes different, basically it all depends on the grape variety, as for me the Isabella grape variety is great for making wine. I think this year I will try to make wine according to the described cooking technology.
He served in the army in Moldova, where he clearly saw how the locals make a divine drink. By the way, no one adds sugar to grape juice, and the must is not diluted with water, since the taste of wine changes dramatically for the worse. For active fermentation, raisins are used, which perfectly activates the formation of alcohol. The output is a beautiful transparent dry wine with an unforgettable aromatic taste. Locals drink it instead of water. Arriving home, I began to make wine in Moldovan style and I got a fairly high-quality product that you will not find on store shelves. I store wine in the cellar in special oak barrels, which I made myself. I sell wine through one restaurant that passes off my creation as French wine. Customers are delighted with the delicate bouquet of aromas. I recommend everyone to try the method described by me. I am sure you will be pleasantly surprised by the taste of wine drink. Good luck.
The benefits of wine are greatly exaggerated. Any gastroenterologist will tell you that one glass of wine is enough to cause an attack of pancreatitis, which can lead the human body to death. A heart surgeon will confirm that drinking wine daily only leads to hypertension. Even the French, for whom wine is the national drink, are gradually ceasing to idolize it, preferring a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, it is better to refuse to use it at all, although the drink undoubtedly has a savory taste and has a magical effect on the fair sex. But I'd rather eat a couple of ripe bunches of grapes than poison my body with alcohol.
Friends, there are situations when wine does not work out. There is no fermentation process and that's it. And you add raisins and yeast, but it's all useless. This happens when you set the must to ferment in late autumn. When the temperature is already low outside. However, you should not be upset, especially pouring grape juice diluted with sugar. Just pour the wort into the moonshine and drive like regular moonshine. The output will be a fragrant drink, reminiscent of Georgian chacha, with almost no smell of moonshine. This procedure can be done with sour wine or turned into vinegar.
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