vertical beds
Even in small areas of garden, garden plots, you can grow a considerable crop. For these purposes, build vertical beds with your own hands from any materials at hand - wooden boxes, plastic pipes, flower pots, cinder blocks, plastic barrels, etc. If you wish, many types of plants can be planted in this way even on the balcony.
- What is a vertical garden?
- Advantages and disadvantages
- Types of vertical beds
- Garden bed made of PVC pipes
- Beds made from burlap or large plastic bags
- Vertical gardening with planters
- Pyramid of old tires
- Green beds from wooden boards
- Construction from old pallets (pallets)
- Construction mesh beds
- Construction of plastic boxes
- Vertical barrel construction
- Features of planting different types of crops
- Vertical landscaping of the balcony

What is a vertical garden?
Initially, vertical beds were conceived landscape designers as a way of landscaping and decorating limited spaces - terraces, loggias and balconies. This idea quickly came to the taste of many gardeners and gardeners. Indeed, with the help of this method of growing, you can significantly save precious space on the site.

Growing greenery
In fact, vertical bed - these are containers placed or suspended on a vertical frame with soil covered in them. Such a design can be mounted on poles, fences, walls of houses or made in the form of free-standing structures.
But this growing option is only suitable for crops whose roots are not too branched and do not go deep into the ground. After all, the more developed their root system, the more land you will need to fill in such beds.

Advantages and disadvantages

Drip irrigation system
There are many advantages to vertical beds.We list only the main ones:
- original design: with their help, you can decorate with green spaces any vertical surface, from fences to walls of houses
- significant space savings: on 1-2 square meters, experienced gardeners are able to grow significant yields of various types of crops
- ease of maintenance: when placing plants on multi-tiered racks, you no longer have to bend three times when loosening and weeding them, because a significant part of the garden will be at the level of your chest
- absence of fungal diseases caused by an excess of moisture
- restricting access to many types of pests and rodents
- mobile beds can be easily moved if desired from place to place or temporarily put into the room during the onset of recurrent cold weather
The most serious disadvantage vertical structures is frequent watering. In the soil, most of the moisture is in the lower layers. Therefore, even with a lack of watering, plants have the opportunity to use it. A serious help for them is the evaporation rising from the ground.
The amount of moisture in vertical beds is limited. Plus, the soil raised above the ground dries out faster by the wind. Therefore, it will have to be watered much more often (in hot weather, a couple of times a day).
This problem can be solved by using special drip irrigation systems.. Moisture in this case will be periodically supplied to the roots of plants without your participation. You can also use hydrogel - a special type of polymer that can absorb a large amount of moisture and gradually give it to plants. It is added to the soil used for planting.
There is one more nuance to take into account. Due to the small volume of soil, the plants will have to be constantly fed with fertilizers. Otherwise, with an undeveloped root system, the planted crops will begin to wither.
Plus, when planting beds vertically, it is impossible to grow perennial crops with a developed root system. After all, for these purposes it would be necessary to fill up too much soil. Any kind can be planted in them. greenery, cucumbers, undersized tomatoes, strawberry, strawberries and some types of flowers with small roots. Although some gardeners manage to grow in vertical beds even potatoes.

Planting a petunia
Another significant disadvantage of vertical beds is the freezing of the soil. For annual crops, this is not a problem - because they simply will not survive until winter. Containers with perennials will have to be removed and insulated annually. They are placed on the surface of the earth in places protected from the wind and covered with spruce branches or covering material. Do not forget that shelters must be removed in early spring, otherwise they will rot.
For the winter, plants can be transferred to a dry basement or vegetable store. However, the temperature in them should not exceed 5-7 C. At normal room temperature, it will not be possible to provide plants with a period of winter dormancy.

Types of vertical beds
You can make them from any waste or improvised materials. But in order for such beds to look spectacular, try to match the containers in color and texture with the general design style of the site.

Pyramidal garden
There are many ideas for vertical beds. To create them you can use:
- pvc pipes
- containers made of metal mesh
- cinder blocks
- plastic barrels with holes made in which plants will be seated
- flower pots
- boxes assembled from wooden boards or plywood; vertical beds can also be made from this material in the form of whatnots or original pyramids; in such structures, in the lower, widest part, large ones are placed, and at the very top, small ornamental plants
- car tires of different sizes
- old pallets
- ready-made plastic or wooden boxes or boxes from old furniture
- canvas or synthetic bags (for example, from under flour or sugar)
- large plastic bags or bottles
You can simply buy special bags up to 2 m long with pre-prepared holes for vertical beds. They are intended mainly for planting strawberries, but they can also be used for other types of plants.
Vertical structures can be made as one-sided (when attaching them to vertical surfaces), and double-sided. In the latter case, plants are planted on the shady side that do not require a lot of light.

Garden bed made of PVC pipes
How to make a similar vertical bed? To create it, you need two types of pipes. The first of them, sewer, intended for backfilling the soil, should have a larger diameter (from 150 mm). Since the height of the beds should be equal to the height of an adult, they are cut to 2 m. Longer structures are undesirable - after all, it will be inconvenient to take care of the plants in them.

Vertical beds for strawberries made of PVC pipes
Since it is unrealistic to shed soil well when irrigating in such a long container, a narrower perforated pipe is inserted inside a wide pipe. For the convenience of watering, it should protrude 10-15 cm above the main pipe. It is into it that water will be poured. To protect against clogging of holes with soil, it is wrapped with a dense cloth (burlap or synthetic non-woven material), which are fixed with a rope. To prevent water from stagnating in the lower part of the bed, the pipe is plugged from the end with a cork or covered with tape. To protect against debris brought in by the wind, a plug is also installed on top of the structure.
Perforated holes of larger diameter (up to 15 cm) are also placed along the entire length of the wide pipe. Plants will grow in them. Do not make holes too often - the optimal distance between them is 20-25 cm.
To protect against silting, small stones fall asleep in its lower part. Next, fertile soil is laid in the structure. Garden crops are planted in such beds in such a way that the stems have an angle of inclination of 40 degrees.

Pipes can also be placed horizontally
It remains to attach the structure to any vertical support - a frame made of wooden beams or a channel, a pole or a fence. Care of planted plants consists in periodic loosening, weeding and regular watering. Fertilizer diluted in water is also poured into the pipe intended for irrigation.
It is better to plant perennial crops in such a pipe on three sides, without affecting the fourth. In this case, in the fall it can be laid on the ground, and, covered with grass mulch, spruce branches or spunboard, protected from winter frosts.

Beds made from burlap or large plastic bags
Such products can be mounted on any vertical structures - walls or fences. The principle of making vertical beds from bags is similar to the previous one. They are suspended by making holes in them in advance and inserting a pipe for irrigation inside, or placed horizontally on shelves.

Growing potatoes in bags
Each of these materials has its own advantages. Natural jute bags perfectly pass moisture and air, so the roots of plants in them will "breathe". plastic bags will better preserve precious moisture, and the beds will have to be watered a little less often. But do not forget to fill the bottom of such plastic containers with drainage from small pebbles or broken bricks, otherwise the plant roots will rot.
The optimal diameter of the beds is 20 cm. To create a design of greater height, burlap or synthetic fabric bags will need to be sewn together. For easy hanging, a sturdy handle made of the same fabric is attached to the top. For planting seedlings along the entire length of the bag, small cuts are made every 15-20 cm.
Improvised small planter-pockets sewn from burlap, suspended on a vertical surface, look original. Soil consumption in this case will be less.

Vertical gardening with planters
It is even easier to build such a vertical bed. It will only require a wooden or metal frame on which flower pots will be placed. You can use both clay and plastic containers.
Planters of different sizes can also be placed on an impromptu pyramid. The largest pots are placed on the bottom shelf, containers with small plants or greenery are placed at the top. In order not to accidentally knock the pots down, it is better to additionally attach them to the frame with ropes or strong wire. Watering is carried out in the usual way - the soil in each of the pots is watered with a watering can.

Using a planter
To create vertical gardening, you can also prepare a metal pole-frame with a thick wire welded to it, bent into a ring. Pots with planted crops will be inserted into such rings.
You can get a vertical pyramid from pots of different sizes in another way. They are simply installed on top of each other - a smaller pot is placed on the largest pot, the next one is placed on it. The smallest pot is placed at the top of the pyramid. In the space left between them, a variety of plants are planted. Such a pyramid looks most successful, decorated with climbing annuals - petunias, sweet peas, gloxinia, bell-shaped grapes, etc.

An example of a vertical flower bed

Another decorative example
To do this, a strong pole is dug into the ground, which will serve as a frame. Flower pots are attached to it with the help of wire at different angles. It looks interesting option in which plastic containers are "strung" on a pole. In this case, you will need to make holes in their bottoms.

Pyramid of old tires
The principle of its assembly is similar to the creation of vertical beds from pots. Tires of different sizes, from the largest to the smallest, filled with fertile soil, are stacked on top of each other. Seedlings are planted in the resulting gap. You can also make several holes for it in the rubber itself. To do this, use a chisel.

Strawberries in old tires
Since rubber is able to reliably store heat, a tire pyramid bed can be used for planting cabbage seedlings or growing early greens. After harvesting the first harvest, the construction of rubber wheels is used for planting plants with a short vegetative period - radishes, dill, coriander (cilantro), parsley, lettuce.

Green beds from wooden boards
The design of the boards can be of any shape. It can be made in the form of a ladder with drawer steps, a bookcase or a pyramid. Any gardener can assemble such a bed.

Pyramid for strawberries
For the manufacture of pyramids, they are taken on four supporting boards and the upper corners are cut off. In these places, the boards will lean against the central support post. It is more convenient to determine the length of the shelf boards after the main frame has been assembled.
The finished structure is transferred to a permanent place, soil is poured between the boards, which is tightly compacted.

Construction from old pallets (pallets)
To create a vertical bed for strawberries, flowers or herbs, just place the pallet vertically, attach it to a reliable support in the form of a wall or pillars dug into the ground.Since the holes between the boards in the pallets are too big, and the soil from them will constantly spill out, it is better to attach a metal mesh, burlap with holes cut into it, or lay a layer of straw on their inside of each pallet.

Use of pallets
The pallet can also be simply leaned against a vertical support, for reliability, screwing the upper part onto bolts or screws, thus obtaining an inclined bed.

Construction mesh beds
The main advantage of such structures is the creation of structures of any, including large volumes. You can grow any kind of plants in them, including those with impressive roots, for example, potato, tomatoes or pepper.
For work, we need a metal mesh with medium-sized cells. It will not be very convenient for plant stems to squeeze between small holes, so it is better not to use a mesh with small cells.

Mesh construction
You can make a vertical bed from the grid in a short time. It is bent in the form of a pipe with a diameter of about 0.9-1.0 m and filled with fertile soil. To protect the soil from weeds, the sides of the container are first covered with straw. For the convenience of watering in the center, it is better to place a perforated plastic pipe.
Planting of plants is carried out simultaneously with filling the soil. That is, we place potato seeds or seedlings of greens, tomatoes, peppers at the same level, add a layer of earth on top (for potatoes at least 0.5 m, tomatoes 0.3-0.35 m, for greens this distance can be much less), planting plants again.
Such impromptu high pots are placed in random order on the site. Since the containers with soil will have a considerable weight, its backfilling and planting of plants is carried out already on the spot.
Construction of plastic boxes
An impromptu vertical bed can also be turned on its side and stacked on top of each other plastic boxes for bottles. So that such a “wall” does not accidentally collapse, the boxes must not only be tied together, but also attached to a support - a wall or fence posts.

"Green" wall of plastic boxes
Soil is pre-filled in each of the boxes. So that he does not get enough sleep and is not blown out by the wind, the top of each of them is covered with geotextiles or burlap. Then the boxes are turned over on their side and put on top of each other in the desired sequence, for example, with a ladder or in the form of a solid wall. Since the holes for bottles the boxes are small, they will be able to plant only some types of undersized flowers or greens.
Vertical barrel construction
As we have already indicated, it is better not to use metal barrels that get very hot in the sun. To create a vertical bed for cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, strawberries and other cultures, it is better to take a product of a suitable size made of plastic or wood. For watering in the center we insert a plastic pipe with holes made in it. The diameter of such a pipe must be at least a third of the diameter of the barrel.

Strawberries in a barrel
Holes for planting are made on the sides of the structure. The distance between them depends on the type of planted crops. In the bottom of the barrel, it is also necessary to prepare several holes for draining excess water.
At the bottom of the barrel, drainage from small stones, gravel or broken bricks is poured. As in previous cases, planting seedlings is carried out simultaneously with filling with soil. It is better to place climbing crops (for example, cucumbers) only in the upper part of the barrel.
When planting perennial crops in such a container, it will be problematic to transfer it to the winter. It is better to do the following.Before the onset of the first frost, make a cylinder larger than the barrel itself from a metal mesh and install it on top of the structure. Further, the gap between the barrel and the cylinder is covered with dry insulation (leaves, grass, straw). From above, the structure is wrapped with a covering material. But still, during severe frosts, the plants in it can suffer.
Therefore, this planting method is more suitable for annual plants.
Features of planting different types of crops
In vertical beds it is most convenient to grow annual plants - dill, parsley, basil and other aromatic herbs. This method has proven itself well for planting climbing plants, strawberries, cucumbers, and ornamental plants.
Strawberries and wild strawberries
How to make vertical beds for strawberries? Since the length of the roots of these plants is no more than 20-25 cm, it is enough to prepare containers with a volume of 2 liters for each plant. For these purposes, you can use flower pots of a suitable size, which are placed on multi-tiered racks in well-lit places.
When landing in large bags or barrels, holes are placed on their sides every 25 cm in a checkerboard pattern. In order for the plants to have enough light, it is allowed to place no more than 3 bags or barrels on each square meter of the site.

Growing strawberries
Another interesting way to grow strawberries are beds made of plastic pipes. sufficiently large (from 20 cm) diameter, arranged horizontally. They are cut lengthwise and fastened in several rows on strong metal or wooden supports.
Since strawberries and strawberries grow well on light, slightly acidic soils, special soil needs to be prepared. To do this, mix river sand, fertile soil and fine sawdust in equal proportions.
Before planting in containers, it is imperative to make drainage holes to remove excess moisture. To protect against stagnant water, small stones or broken shards are poured onto the bottom of the containers. After all, the soil for this type of plant should be only evenly moistened. Any prolonged excess of moisture for strawberries and strawberries is dangerous.
For each of these plants with an extensive network of roots, you will need containers with a volume of 20 liters. For these purposes, it is more convenient to use dense black bags designed to collect large debris. They are inexpensive - for 10 packages you will have to pay no more than 90-100 rubles. You can also use burlap, tarpaulin or containers sewn from covering material (spunboard).

Growing cucumbers in barrels
For growing cucumbers in vertical beds, it is very convenient to use plastic barrels.. Holes for plants are made only in their upper part, so that the lashes can hang freely down. In order for the plants to develop fully, no more than 20 seedlings are planted in one large barrel. Before the onset of heat, heat-loving sprouts are covered with a film. For its fastening around the perimeter of the barrel, a frame made of thick wire is attached.
Install barrels in a well-lit place, preferably in a checkerboard pattern. So that each of the beds can be easily approached for weeding, it is necessary to leave a distance of at least 80 cm between them.
Large-diameter PVC pipes can also be used to grow vine plants. We described in detail the method of creating such beds a little higher.
early greens
Since the earth in containers raised above the ground warms up much faster than the soil, vertical beds can be used for planting early greens. It is better to place a similar design closer to the kitchen so that the hostess does not have to run for basil, parsley or dill through the entire garden.

planting greenery
Plants with a poorly developed root system do not require too large containers, so you can use burlap pockets, small planters, boxes, or even 1.5-2-liter plastic bottles with a cut-off top to plant them.
For convenience, it is better to place several crops on one such bed at once, for example, onion, parsley, dill, basil, lettuce, mustard, rosemary, etc. For perennial greens, mint, sage, thyme, hyssop, anise, rosemary or oregano will need slightly larger containers. For the winter they can be brought into the basement.
For tomatoes
Heat-loving tomatoes, not too demanding on soil moisture. Therefore, they can be grown even on vertical beds. The most important thing is to choose containers of the right size for them. Teach that for each bush you will need at least 20 liters of fertile land.

Growing a tomato
Another obvious plus of growing tomatoes in vertical beds is that they will not need a garter.. Tomato stems will hang down freely, delighting you with ripe bright fruits. But still for planting it is better to take plants with an average length of stems. Otherwise, they will have to be raised to a considerable height, and they will only have to be planted in 1-2 rows.
Large plastic bags, barrels or bags can be used to grow tomatoes. You can also get a good crop of tomatoes by planting them in plastic buckets. They are hung by the handles to the fences or a solid frame.
Vertical landscaping of the balcony
There are so many ideas for vertical beds on the balcony that more than one article can be written about this alone. You can grow any kind of plants here - from cucumbers and tomatoes to young greenery. For decoration, it is better to use flowers with an underdeveloped root system or not too whimsical curly ampelous, that is, fast-growing crops. Of climbing perennials, it is better to give preference to loach, moonflower, ornamental beans, girlish grapes or lemongrass.

Balcony landscaping
The principle of creating vertical beds on the balcony with your own hands is the same. Plants are placed in several rows in pots, wooden boxes, small buckets, plastic bags or bags. Massive containers are installed closer to the floor. Small envelopes or planters with flowers will be placed on the uppermost tiers. A carpet of greenery can be placed not only on the balcony itself, but even on the nearest wall. In the summer, home flowers can also be taken out to the balcony.

vertical beds
We make vertical beds with our own hands: the best ideas of 2018. For vegetables, berries, herbs and flowers (65+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews