In Kievan Rus, he was called "varesnets", which in Old Slavonic means "hoarfrost". Perhaps it was named so because the flowers bloom in early autumn and last until frost. Or maybe because the friendly flowering resembles a snow cover. A unique plant successfully exists only in symbiosis with fungal mycelium on poor sandy soils. That is why, heather planting and care, which is radically different from other plants, requires an individual approach. How to choose a shrub, where to place it in the garden, and how to care for it will be discussed in our article.

The plant gave its name to the first autumn month, which among the Slavic peoples is called "Veresen". Heather is a wonderful honey plant, from which bees collect the last pollen of the year. Heather honey is not just a beautiful legend, sung by Robert Stevenson in the poem of the same name, it is a beautiful reality.

Modern landscapes are decorated with more than 500 varieties, which are planted in separate gardens or in rock gardens
From a botanical point of view, the species Heather (Calunea vulgaris) is characterized as a semi-evergreen subshrub. Its shoots become woody partially in the lower part, and small leaves remain green only at the ends of the branches.
Like most representatives of the family of the same name, it is able to survive only in close union with the fungal mycelium. The plant extracts nutrients from poor soil thanks to fungal filaments - hyphae.

Natural heather plantations are found in the northern part of the Eurasian continent
Under the stems of creeping plantations, a specific gray sandy soil is formed, in which nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other elements are virtually absent. Only thanks to beneficial microorganisms, the plant receives the necessary nutrition. The shrub will not grow in the backyard if there is no such microflora.

biological features. Species and varieties

Growing, heather forms large curtains on open edges and clearings.
In nature, heather grows on the acidic sands of sparse pine forests, sphagnum bogs, and on open forest edges.
Characteristic differences:
- average height – 25 – 70 cm
- growth method - creeping
- growth rate - slow, grows by 1.5 - 2 cm per year
- flowers of light lilac color are collected in the form of a brush 25-30 cm long
- buds open in late July, early August
- average life expectancy - from 30 to 50 years
Since the end of the 18th century, intensive selection has been carried out, thanks to which over 500 varieties have been bred to date.

Variety "Allegro"
More about the most popular instances:
Other white varieties:
- Alba
- Melania
- Humpty Dumpty
- white lawn
- rocket

Variety "Alba"
Lovers of different shades of "pink" are suitable for such heathers:
- Mullion - dwarf bush, 25 cm in diameter, with flowers of a rich purple hue. Blooms in September.
- Barnett Anley - one of the largest varieties, 70 cm tall. Bright pink flowers bloom in August.
- Battle of Arimern - a tall bush 65 - 75 cm, with double pink flowers. Blooms in September.
- E. Noare - low creeping variety with raspberry flowers that open in early autumn and last at least a month.
- Marco - the variety attracts with an unusual ruby hue of flowers that appear in the first decade of September. The average plant height is 50 - 60 cm.
- Radnor - the variety was bred by British breeders in 1955. A low-growing shrub, 25–30 cm high, 45–50 cm in diameter. The crown is cushion-shaped, regular in shape. Small, scaly leaves are lighter in spring, darker in summer. In the fourth climatic zone USDA blooms in the third decade of August. Flowering time - 1.5 - 2 months. In the European part of the fifth zone - from mid-August to early October. Terry pale pink terry flowers are collected in dense inflorescences 10 cm long. Fruits are not formed. Shoots tend upward. It grows slowly, in one year it increases by 5 - 7 cm. Pruning is recommended in spring. Photophilous. Soils prefer peaty, moist, light, acidic. In Europe, it is one of the varieties most resistant to diseases. Quite winter-hardy.

Variety "Radnor"
When the desired varieties are identified, it is important to choose a worthy place for them in your garden.

Conditions for successful outdoor cultivation
All varietal heathers are unusually photophilous. They need a completely open and well-lit area where the sun shines from dawn to dusk. However, they withstand light partial shade. But, then the flowering will not be so plentiful, rather single faded flowers will appear.

It is better to place heather in the openwork shade of trees at a sufficient distance, or near a trellised fence. The northeast side is preferable. The afternoon shade will cover the tender bushes
In bright light, the color of the flowers is rich and deep, in the shade - pale. Inflorescences become small and rare. They lose the decorative effect for which they were planted.
Under the protection of trees, such as birch, heather tolerates winter well. But, the crown of the shrub will not be thick and lush, as in the light. And it is unlikely that flowers will appear in the shade.
Although species heather is a light-loving plant, decorative forms prefer light shading in the second half. It is especially important to protect them from the scorching heat.
Due to the peculiarities of the roots and crown, heather is quite resistant to the wind. But, this by no means means that it can be planted in windproof plantings or constant drafts. Even the most resistant varieties are afraid of strong turbulence.
But, if the groundwater does not rise above 1 meter to ground level, this is quite suitable for drought-resistant bushes. The surface root system will not reach the water.
Heather is usually planted separately from other plants because they need poor, dry soil, unlike most garden plants that grow in rich, fertile soil. The plant substrate should be given special attention.
Soil structure and composition
The easiest way is to buy a ready-made mixture for rhododendrons in a specialized garden store. Usually it is sold in the same place as azalea, heather, andromeda and erica, that is, representatives of the Heather family.

You can prepare the necessary soil for heather yourself
The package indicates the pH level of 4.5 - 5.5, as well as the composition, which includes:
- high peat
- grassroots peat
- crushed coniferous bark or rotted litter
If the land on your site is rich and fertile, it will have to be removed and completely and replaced with a ready-made substrate.
When the desired soil is not possible, it is prepared independently by combining the following components:
- the basis is coniferous land, which is collected in the forest along with rotted spruce or pine needles. You will need a top layer of 5 - 8 cm
- add high-moor peat strongly acid pH 3.2. It is easily recognizable by its characteristic bright red color and coarse fiber structure.
- for aeration you will need coarse-grained river sand
Ratio in parts:
- peat - 3
- sand - 1
- coniferous land - 2
To accurately know the amount of the mixture, you need to determine the size of the landing pit.
Technology and planting dates

Bushes are planted in spring or late September
A landing pit for one bush is prepared 30 cm in diameter and the same in depth. The volume of excavated soil is 0.027 m3 or 27 liters. That is how much you need to buy or prepare mixtures for one plant.
If the natural earth is clayey at the summer cottage, then the hole is dug 15–20 cm deeper and drainage material is placed on the bottom to avoid stagnant water.
Usually crushed stone or broken brick mixed with sand is used.
It is better to fill the hole in the fall, and plant the heather in the spring. Specialists of the National Botanical Garden of St. Petersburg recommend adding to the soil for the survival of bushes:
- nitrophoska - 20 g for low-growing varieties and 30 g for large ones
- horn flour - 30 - 50 g
In order for heather to endure planting well, you need to buy only plants in a container with a clod of earth. It is very difficult for seedlings with an open root system to take root, because the biological symbiosis of the root system and fungal mycorrhiza, without which the plant cannot exist, is disrupted. It is better to purchase such specimens where the hyphae are completely preserved, which significantly improves the adaptation of heather in a new place.
When choosing a seedling, pay attention to its appearance:
- twigs should be flexible and completely covered with small, light green leaves. The lower part of the shoots is woody, the ends of the stems are green
- when you take the plant out of the package, the lump should not fall apart and be slightly damp, but not wet. Too much moisture will kill the plant.
Bushes are planted in spring or late September. Experts recommend planting in late April early May. During this growing season, all plants begin to grow. A warm summer is ahead and enough time to overcome stress and take root in a new place.
Autumn planting is especially undesirable for imported plants brought from warmer climates. In a short time, they will not have time to adapt before the first frost, therefore, they may not overwinter.
Immediately after planting, heather is abundantly watered and mulched with a thick layer of coniferous bark, needles, and cones.
If it is planned to plant a heather garden, unsuitable soil is removed to a depth of 30-40 cm in the allotted area and completely replaced with a peat mixture.
How many plants to plant depends on their size. Planting rate recommended per square meter:
- three large bushes are enough
- undersized heathers fit eight to twelve
The interval between them is 30 - 40 cm. For uniform overgrowth, the bushes are staggered. In the border planted in one line. The age of the heather at the time of planting is also important. It is better to buy seedlings that are one and a half to two years old.

Care at different times of the year
For normal growth and abundant flowering, decorative varieties of Calunea vulgaris need constant monitoring of soil acidity. If the indicator is violated, then the bushes get sick and die. The danger of losing the plant is aggravated by the fact that after death, the color of the leaves and shoots retains color for a long time.
Therefore, there is an illusion that everything is in order. When the shoots dry out, resuscitation is too late. It is better to carry out care in time, especially since it is not complicated - it is watering, fertilizing, mulching and pruning.
Watering and feeding
Dry peaty soils are slowly saturated with water, but quickly lose moisture. Therefore, when watering, it is important to ensure that the water soaks the root system to the full depth, that is, not less than 20 cm. In the future, it is necessary to ensure its wet state and prevent drying out. Heather has a superficial root system that is not able to go deep to get food from the lower layers of the soil.

If the bushes are located in an open sunny place, in addition to watering, they need sprinkling in hot weather
It should be done daily in the evening at sunset. A cold shower not only cools the crown, but washes away dust from it, opening the respiratory pores. Through which air freely penetrates into the tissues, increasing the aeration of the plant.

In addition to spraying and watering, decorative heathers need top dressing.
But, this is not a traditional fertilizer, but a substance that maintains the acidity of the soil. Ornamental varieties, as well as the natural look, do not require many nutrients. They get everything they need with the help of fungal microorganisms that develop in an environment of pH 4 - 4.5. To maintain the required level, the following substances are introduced into the soil:
- ferrous sulfate - 50 g / m2 brings the indicator closer to the neutral mark by one division
- colloidal sulfur 500 g/m2
The indicated dosages bring the indicator closer to the neutral mark by one division.
Also use acids dissolved in 10 liters of water:
- sulfuric - H₂SO₄ - 50 g
- lemon - 2 teaspoons
- acetic 9% - 100 ml
Soil acidity should be adjusted only after pH control. It is carried out using litmus paper or a special device - an analyzer. Heather garden owners will definitely need such a device.
For any variety, mulching is a mandatory procedure. The layer of protective material is determined by the recommendation: "The more the better." In the case of heather, it is impossible to overdo it.

Pine bark is a good option for mulching
Mulch not only prevents evaporation of moisture, it acidifies the peat substrate and fights weeds.
Although heather has few weed competitors on acidic soil, they are nonetheless dangerous to him, since the root system is located close to the surface of the earth. That is why weeding and loosening are undesirable. Mulch fights weeds, the thicker the layer around the bush, the better for the plant.
The best material for this purpose is coniferous plant residues:
- crushed bark
- wood chips
- sawdust
- rotted pine or spruce needles
Well suited:
- high peat
- heather or fern land
Mulch will protect the soil from excessive heating and drying out, which will save water for irrigation.
It is carried out in the spring, when the earth dries out, and you can go to each bush to examine it after the winter. Heathers that have endured the cold season well can be left uncut if there are no dry, broken or suspicious branches.

Pruning is done in the spring
It is also not advised to knead the plants of the first and second years into the crown, after planting, until the young growth is completely stronger.
Adult and old bushes are shortened so as to cut off the upper part of the shoot with dried flowers. If necessary, remove live ends to form a beautiful crown.
Autumn pruning is undesirable, with the exception of twigs cut into bouquets. It is especially not recommended to damage old lignified branches. Major mechanical damage can become an entrance gate for diseases and pests.
Preparing for winter

In the conditions of the middle zone and other regions of the fourth climatic zone, heather hibernates without crown shelter
But superficial roots need mandatory protection. In autumn, the bushes are sprinkled with an additional layer of mulch, at least 10 cm. It turns out the effect of hilling potatoes.
In especially severe winters, it is better to cover the bushes completely. If there is a spruce or pine forest nearby, you can use the old tried and tested method - prepare spruce branches and lay it evenly on the bushes.
Coniferous branches will reliably protect heather from frost, holding snow. Condensation does not form under them, as, for example, under a plastic film. In the spring, when coniferous needles dry up and fall off, they become a natural mulch for the soil.
Those who do not have the opportunity to use spruce branches can use modern covering material. Many gardeners have long and successfully used various types of spunbond.
Its advantage is obvious, the polymer fabric of special processing has the following advantages:
- well passes air and moisture
- raises the temperature inside the shelter
- protects plants from sunburn
Unlike disposable spruce branches, spunbond can be used for several years in a row. Depending on the thickness, its shelf life is determined from 3 to 5 years.
Spunbond - the general name of the technology of non-woven polymer material. In different countries, manufacturers have assigned the following names to their products:
- Lutrasil
- Agrofibre
- Agrotex
- Agril
- AgroSUF and others
The species differ in composition, thickness and width, but do not change their purpose. All are suitable for sheltering plants for the winter.
To reliably protect the heather from frost, special or home-made supports are installed above the bushes, which are covered with a protective white sheet.

Covering material on frames
When installing the frame, you need to ensure that the distance from the crown to the shelter does not exceed 10 cm. Otherwise, the heat will remain worse. The edges of the spunbond are tightly fastened from below with special clamps or sprinkled with earth.In this form, heather hibernates until spring.
Shelter is removed when the average daily temperature is + 12 C, without sharp fluctuations.

Reproduction methods
In nurseries where heathers are grown, cuttings are most often used. This is how you can get the largest amount of planting material that retains the decorative properties of the variety.

The best varieties of heather can be found in the nursery
Reproduction by seeds is a complex and painstaking work. Moreover, this method does not guarantee the same decorative effect as that of the mother plant.Amateur gardeners often propagate heather by layering.To choose the right option, you need to get to know each of them better.
Horizontal layers
When the bushes have grown densely and have gone beyond their site, they can be moved to another place. Or rather, not the whole plant, but its extra shoots. Touching the ground, they take root on their own, so the easiest and most reliable way to get a young plant is to dig a branch. At the beginning of summer, the shoot is bent to the ground, fixed, sprinkled with 5-7 cm of peat and watered. In summer, the pit is watered, maintaining uniform soil moisture. Drought and stagnant water should not be allowed.

Propagation of heather by horizontal layering
A year later, at the end of spring, the rooted layers are cut off from the bush and dug out with a clod of soil. It is important to ensure that the soil does not crumble. Otherwise, the mycelium will disappear, and the seedling will not take root.
A young plant is planted in a new place in open ground. If there is no place for it in your garden, transplant it into a container (pot) and root there. The sapling can be donated or sold.
green cuttings
Propagation material is removed from the top of the shoot at the end of summer. Only leaf twigs are suitable for reproduction. Stems with flower buds do not take root.

Rooting green heather cuttings
For rooting use a mixture of peat and coarse sand, in equal proportions. Pots or planting boxes are filled with the substrate and the cuttings are placed in them so that they do not touch each other. Containers are determined in a room where it is possible to maintain a temperature of + 18 C - +20 C.
The soil should always be moist, but not wet. In such conditions, the cuttings are kept until spring. Rooted plants are planted in open ground at the end of May, beginning of June of the following year. You should not immediately determine them for a permanent place, it is better to place them for growing for 2 years.
Heather fruits are extremely small, so they are sown in bowls or cassettes filled with a substrate. It is a mixture of peat, sand and heather earth in a ratio of 2:1:1.

Heather seedlings in cassettes
The soil is watered to moderate moisture and the seeds are evenly placed on the surface.
The container is covered with a transparent polyethylene film and placed in a bright and warm place.
After about a month, shoots appear, then the cover is removed. Until spring, the temperature is maintained within + 18 C - +22 C. In May, when warm weather sets in and return frosts pass, the seedlings in containers are taken out into the open ground.
For the winter they are taken back to the premises. Two-year-old seedlings are planted in a permanent place.
Division of rhizomes or vertical layering

Reproduction by vertical layering
At the beginning of summer, the root neck is spudded with peat, with a layer of 5 cm. With good watering, new shoots grow from the roots. In August, the bush is dug up and carefully separated and divided into parts, so that an undestroyed clod of soil is preserved around each process.
Young growth is placed on rearing for 2 years.

Use in landscape design
Heather gardens decorate the site at any time of the year. They look especially impressive next to the stones. One of the most successful plants in rock gardens and rockeries.

Heathers in a rocky garden
When creating an artificial relief, the stones are laid in such a way as to form horizontal platforms, pockets, terraces. Bushes are planted in them as if they were growing on a flat surface. Then, when watering, the water does not flow down the slope, but lingers around the bush.
Usually heathers are planted separately from other ornamental plants, because of the special soil substrate in which only representatives of this family grow.This makes it easier to take care of the plants. In addition, a certain style is formed, which does not make sense to mix with unsuitable plants.
With their help, they make a garden of continuous flowering. Andromeda and Erica bloom in spring, then they are replaced by rhododendron. And after a short break, small buds of heather bloom and decorate the garden until frost.
With proper planting and care, heathers will brighten up a garden at any time of the year.
Features, care and reproduction
Heather ordinary - honey "hoarfrost" in the garden. Description, types and varieties, planting in open ground, reproduction, cultivation and care (55+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews