Verbena is a representative of the genus and family of plants of the same name, widely distributed throughout the globe. It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer where the plant came from.
Its various species have natural habitats on all continents of our planet. Most of the 124 described species come from South America. And although verbena has a good appearance, the plant has gained popularity due to its aroma.
The essential oils contained in the plant make it a welcome guest in any area. Planting vervain and caring for it are quite simple and do not require any specific knowledge. Under natural conditions, most species of vervain are able to survive without any human help, propagating by self-sowing.

Mankind has long paid attention to this plant, using it not only to create aromas in the garden, but also for more practical purposes: for the preparation of various flavorings and as a remedy for many diseases. The mystical areola surrounds verbena since Antiquity.
What names were not given to this plant for its amazing properties: "Tears of Hera", "grass of Hercules", "blood of Hermes" and the like.
The Druids used the dried stems and inflorescences of verbena in their rituals, and the Celts believed that this herb was able to protect the peace of the family hearth and ward off evil spirits. The Christian religion also put vervain in a special place, because, according to one of the parables, it was vervain that grew in the place where the blood of Jesus Christ fell.
In addition to medicinal properties, some types of verbena are also highly attractive. They decorate the garden with their flowers for at least two months, and some species bloom from late May until late autumn.

Different colors of inflorescences of a hybrid form of a plant
Verbena is a shrub or sub-shrub with a strong root and several stems.. Most members of the genus are perennials. The number of annual species is relatively small.
However, outside their natural range, many perennials grown as annuals, either because of their reduced frost resistance, or at the request of flower growers to provide better decorative effect.
The main stems branch at a height approximately equal to 2/3 of the height of the bush. Shoots can reach a height of 20 to 150 cm depending on the species. Mostly shoot stems are tetrahedral, however, there are species in which this is not clearly expressed.
The central stems of the plant are almost always erect, while the side stems can be both erect and creeping.

erect stems
Verbena leaves can be either opposite or alternate. Often they have an oval elongated shape. The main property of the leaves is their edges are jagged or dissected. The color of the leaves can be expressed in a wide variety of shades of green.
Another distinctive feature of vervain is the fluff covering its leaves and stems. In some species, it is clearly expressed, in some it is found only with a microscope, however, it is always present.
Verbena blooms in mid-June; in a cold climate, it can be shifted to a later date by 2-3 weeks. At the tops of the stems, inflorescences such as spikelets or panicles begin to form. The inflorescences include, depending on the species, from 5 to 50 flowers (5-20 for artificially bred species and varieties and 30-50 for those growing in nature).
Usually, the buds open one by one, starting from the top ones. Individual sizes of flowers are also very diverse: from 5 to 60 mm in diameter. Their coloration is very different, sometimes even multi-colored.
The duration of flowering of verbena is one of the longest plants in the world. Some species are able to bloom in natural conditions almost all year round, constantly renewing inflorescences. In temperate climates, flowering usually lasts from June to October.

plant care
In a temperate climate, verbena is planted in open ground in May, in the northern regions in June. Most species are able to tolerate short-term frosts down to -3°C.
Plants thrive best in sunny areas in slightly acidic soils. Some species of North American origin prefer alkaline soils, for which it is necessary to produce liming of the earth.
Verbena is very unpretentious to soil fertility, it can grow even on poor soils. Even if the soil is sandy or rocky, this has practically no effect on the intensity of plant growth and the abundance of its flowering.

Verbena requires minimal care
It is even recommended to dilute heavy clay soils with sand to ensure greater soil looseness.
The distance between plants during planting should be at least 20 cm, since almost always the bushes of the plant will be sprawling. Higher varieties should be placed at distances of 30-40 cm from each other.
Sometimes drainage is used for vervain in the form of pits (10-14 cm deep) laid on the bottom of pebbles, crushed stone or broken bricks. Landing is best done in cloudy weather or in the evening. It is desirable to water the plant after planting, especially in arid climates.
The first month the plant needs moderate regular watering, but stagnant water is best avoided. Mature plants can not be watered, except in cases of particularly dry summers.
The plant practically does not need care, but for abundant flowering, you can apply top dressing several times a season. Traditionally, mineral fertilizers are used, mainly phosphorus-potassium.
Verbena does not need nitrogen supplements, since the growth of the green part of the plant always occurs without problems. An excess of nitrogen can cause the green part to grow into impenetrable bushes, however, flowering will be very weak.
It is recommended to loosen near vervain bushes 2-3 times per season and remove weeds near young plants. Mature plants are able to take care of themselves, as the plant is quite aggressive and grows quickly.

flowering plant
Vervain flowering can be significantly extended by removing the faded parts of the inflorescences. This will lead to the formation of new flowers. A similar procedure is also used to prevent the plant from self-seeding.
The stems tolerate pruning well, it allows not only to give the plant the necessary shape, but also allows the stems to branch even more and lay new inflorescences.
Verbena belongs to light and heat-loving plants with low frost resistance (only a few species can be grown in a temperate climate, like perennials), so verbena does not tolerate winter in our conditions.
At the end of autumn, it is necessary to cut the stems of the plant, and dig the site itself. Frost-resistant perennials before wintering are cut to a level of 5-6 cm above the ground and covered with a layer of fallen leaves.
Also, verbena can be grown as an ampelous plant in flowerpots or pots. The root system of verbena is small in size, so growing in limited soil volumes does not affect the quality of life of the plant. For the winter, they should be brought into warm rooms.
Due to the large amount of chemically active substances inside the stems and leaves of the plant, verbena is practically immune to the effects of viruses and fungi. And pests from among insects bypass the plant due to its aroma.
On the other side, the pleasant aroma of verbena attracts bees, which is often used by gardeners and beekeepers.

Plant propagation
Since in our climate, in the vast majority of cases, verbena is grown as an annual, its reproduction is carried out using seeds. Seeds have good germination, so they can be planted in open ground as soon as weather conditions permit. The main criterion is the absence of frost.

Planting seeds in a seedling box
In the case of a short summer, or if it is necessary to achieve early flowering, you can use the method of growing a plant using seedlings. The best time for sowing seeds in this case is two months before planting the plant in the ground.
In temperate climates, the plant is planted in the garden in May, therefore, seedlings should be planted in mid-March. It is advisable to prepare the soil for seedlings yourself.
- peat - 4 parts
- leaf ground - 2 parts
- sand - 1 part
Sometimes it is recommended to add half a glass of wood ash to 2-3 liters of soil. Young plants are more vulnerable to fungi, so it is recommended to hold the soil for half an hour in an oven with a temperature of at least 110 ° C before planting. An alternative would be to treat the soil with some fungicide, for example, Fundazol.
Verbena seeds, although they have good germination, germinate very unevenly, the delay can be up to several weeks. Therefore, before planting, it is desirable to treat them with some kind of growth stimulator.
Sowing is carried out on the surface of a leveled and slightly compacted soil, on which seeds are evenly applied. It is not necessary to sprinkle them with a layer of soil, they can remain on the surface.

Verbena shoots
After that, the seeds are watered with a spray bottle. Seeds must constantly be in conditions of high humidity, so the box with seedlings must be covered with plastic wrap or glass.
Seeds of most species do not need light for germination, warmth is much more important for them. The optimum temperature is about + 25 ° C, so it is recommended to install a box with seedlings near a battery or other heating device.
Every day it is necessary to ventilate the impromptu greenhouse and water it with a spray gun. When the first shoots appear, the box is taken out into the light, and the temperature drops to + 15-17 ° С.

plant pick
A pick is made after the appearance of 2-3 pairs of leaves. The plant is dived either into a common box with a distance between seedlings of 5-6 cm, or into an individual container, for example, into peat pots. Immediately after picking, watering young seedlings is required.
After picking, the seedlings must be placed in a bright place with a maximum level of illumination. 1 week after picking, seedlings must be fertilized with mineral top dressing.
In this case, it is advisable to use special sold fertilizer kits, for example: Mivena, Master Argo, Clean Sheet, etc. The frequency of such top dressing is from 1.5 to 2 weeks.
For ampel varieties of verbena, it is desirable to pinch the plants after the appearance of the fourth pair of leaves.
1-2 weeks before planting the plant in open ground, it is necessary to harden the seedlings. It is left every day in the open air for an hour longer than the previous one.

Verbena varieties
The modern biological classification includes more than a hundred species of verbena. Many of them are cultivated by man in one form or another, both as ornamental and medical crops.

The most popular are plants of about a dozen species that have habitats almost all over the world.
The varietal variety of verbena is also great. For almost two centuries, the systematization of existing plant varieties has been carried out. Currently, their number exceeds several hundred.
Consider the most popular types of verbena:
- A tall plant that can be grown in our climate as a perennial. The growth of verbena straight reaches up to 1.5 m. It has leaves measuring 9 by 5 cm, oval in shape with a serrated edge. Most of the stems and leaves have a pronounced pubescence. The flowers are purple or blue, collected in spike-shaped inflorescences, the length of which is 35-45 cm.
- The plant originates from North America, where it lives on poor stony soils. It is found throughout the United States, Mexico and southern Canada. Well takes root on sandstones and dry loams. The only requirement for the soil is weak acidity. Drought resistance in verbena direct is very high. Propagated by seeds. Able to bloom in the second year after sowing seeds.
- The duration of flowering in this plant is somewhat less than in most of its counterparts; it is approximately 1.5 months. The only perennial form of verbena that can be grown outdoors in our climate.
Buenos Aires
- The name of the plant has many synonyms. It is also called Bonar, and Patagonian, and Argentine. It is a perennial, but already, as the name suggests, of South American origin. The height of the bush of this vervain is slightly lower than that of the northern relative, from 120 to 140 cm. The bush consists of several central stems and many side shoots.
- The stems of the plant have an almost tetrahedral cross section. Branching occurs at the top of the stem. The stems are very elastic and due to this the plant does not require additional supports. The leaves are elongated with serrated edges, having a light green color.
- Small five-petal flowers of the plant have a tubular shape. They have a lilac or purple color and are collected in spherical or umbrella-shaped inflorescences, up to 5 cm in diameter. Each central or lateral shoot is crowned with a similar inflorescence.
- In our climate, this plant can be cultivated as an annual. In addition, it is recommended flower beds and plant in groups of up to a dozen plants in the background or in the middle of the composition in order to hide the not very attractive lower part of the bush from view.
- The plant is very popular with gardeners, despite the fact that in our climate Bonar verbena can only be grown as an annual plant. In some southern regions, when frosts are not lower than -3 ° C, it can be grown as a perennial.
- The popularity of Bonar verbena is easy to explain: it has a pleasant smell that pleases not only the owners, but also the bees, as well as a long flowering time. This vervain is used not only as a honey plant, but also as a bait for bees on the site.
- The plant prefers open sunny areas with loamy soils. Seeds on seedlings planted in early March and kept in a sunny place at a temperature of +17 to +20°C.
- In mid-May, verbena can be planted in open ground. By early July, the plant reaches its maximum height and begins to bloom. Under favorable conditions, it can multiply in the self-sowing garden.
- A plant that is a perennial, but mainly grown as an annual.This has its own explanation - it is believed that flowering in the first year of life is much more abundant and long-lasting. Cultivated since the middle of the 18th century, has a high popularity among flower growers. Often gives self-seeding, that is, when the rhizome of the mother plant is removed, a new one grows in its place every year.
- According to the name, the birthplace of the plant is Canada, more precisely its southeastern part. The plant is low (up to 20 cm), it has thin stems and oval elongated leaves.
- The leaves of the plant at the tips always have cuts. The central stems of the plant grow upwards, however, the lateral ones mostly spread along the ground, often rooting at a distance of 20 to 50 cm from the central stem, which gives the impression of a continuous grass carpet.
- The flowers are relatively small, 1.2-2.5 cm in diameter. Their color can vary significantly: the color of Canadian verbena, depending on the variety, can be either white or lilac; there are also pink and bright purple specimens.
- Flowering lasts more than three months. Regular removal of faded flowers can prolong flowering until mid or even late October. Inflorescences can be removed both immediately after the end of flowering, and after the formation of seed pods. Seeds can remain viable for more than two years.
- In its homeland, in Central or South America, it is a perennial shrub, however, in our climate it is cultivated as an annual. The plant has four-sided creeping stems, which practically do not branch.
- The leaves are oblong in shape, often they are quite large in size (up to 20-25 cm) and have a pointed tip. Along the perimeter, the leaves are edged with uneven teeth. The surface of the leaf is covered with a very hard and fine edging. In addition, the leaves themselves are quite hard and durable. It is from this property that the name of the plant came.
- The flowers of the plant are relatively small, their diameter is less than 1 cm. The inflorescences in which these flowers are collected are cylindrical spikelets, as a rule, with several dozen open flowers and about the same number of unopened ones.
- Over time, the upper flowers of the inflorescence fade and die, and new buds form from below. Flowering begins in June and lasts until the plant wilts from the cold; under natural conditions in the homeland of the plant, the duration of flowering can exceed six months.
- Theoretically, in the southern regions, this species can be grown as a perennial, since it is able to tolerate short-term frosts down to -10°C. However, often gardeners act somewhat differently - for the winter, the root system of a plant is dug out of the ground and stored in cellar storage conditions, such as, for example, dahlia roots.
- This plant prefers strongly alkaline soils with good ventilation and drainage. Almost always, when planting, it is necessary to lime the soil (about 0.5 kg of wood ash per 1 sq. M.) To ensure normal conditions for this type of verbena.
- The decorative properties of this species do not reach many of its counterparts, however, it is bred not only for the external design of the site. The inconspicuous appearance is more than offset by the mass of useful properties of the plant. Its homeland is the southwest of Europe. The species has been successfully induced on all continents and can be found almost everywhere: from Australia to Iceland.
- For its medicinal properties, this species has received many nicknames: witch grass, holy grass, and the like.
- The root system of the plant is pivotal with a massive central root. The outer part of the plant consists of one powerful stem, on which leaves are arranged in pairs.
- Branching of the stem is observed closer to the top and occurs exclusively in the axils of the leaves. The height of the stem is from 30 to 60 cm. Like many types of verbena, the stem of its medicinal variety is tetrahedral.
- The light green leaves of the plant have an oblong shape and serrated edges.The leaves on both sides, like the stems of the plant, are covered with pubescence.
- The flowers of the plant are very small, you can only see them up close. Collected in inflorescences such as a panicle (at the top of the central part of the stem) or a spikelet (on the side branches). The color of the petals is most often lilac, but both blue and white varieties are found. Flowering occurs at the end of May - beginning of August. The fruits ripen by mid-September.
- All parts of this species contain essential oils, triterpenoids and flavonoids, thanks to which the plant is used in folk and traditional medicine. Verbena is used as an analgesic, tonic and antiseptic.
- In addition, it is useful for digestive problems, metabolic disorders, insufficient lactation, etc.
- The plant is absolutely unpretentious and does not require any care when growing. Grows on soils of any acidity and fertility, propagates by self-sowing. By all indications, it can be attributed to weeds: it grows very quickly, displaces almost any competitors, and is difficult to remove.
- In fact, it is not a species, but under this name many varietal varieties, hybrids and the results of crossing other species of this plant are combined.
- Traditionally, they include all varieties that appeared after 1830, when the first classification of artificially bred varieties was made.
- Like other species, it is a perennial plant, which is mainly cultivated as an annual, and the reason for this is not always due to poor frost resistance.
- Representatives of this species have both straight and creeping stems, the height of which can vary from 20 to 50 cm. The degree of branching of the stems is different and depends on the variety.
- The stems have a traditional tetrahedral sectional shape.
- The leaves of the plant have different shapes: from oval to triangular, but they are all elongated. Most species have leaves covered with hard, colorless fluff.
- Flowers in all varieties have the correct shape, contain five petals. Dimensions can range from 5 to 60 mm. Their color varies from white to dark purple. All varieties of hybrid vervain have a strong aroma - this feature is mandatory when breeding a plant. Inflorescences consist of about 30-40 flowers; they can be umbrella, spikelet or spherical. Like other types of vervain, the hybrid is able to reproduce by self-seeding.
- Speaking of a hybrid species of vervain, it is always necessary to indicate which particular variety is being discussed, since a large number of different plants fall under the definitions mentioned earlier.

One of the inflorescence variants of the hybrid form of verbena
- Etna. One of the tallest varieties, reaching 60 cm. The color is bright red. Flowering begins at the end of May
- Cardinal. Bush of medium size, about 40-50 cm high. Inflorescences reach 5-6 cm in diameter. Color ruby red
- Julia. A variety of bright purple colors, up to 40 cm high. It has large umbrella inflorescences
- Schneekönig. Perennial plant, up to 50 cm high. It has straight stems ending in umbellate inflorescences. Color - pure white
- Crystal. A plant of compact size, no more than 20 cm high. It has large flowers (more than 6 cm in diameter) of bright white color. Flowering comes in June
- Amethyst. The height of the bushes does not exceed 30 cm. Umbrella inflorescences are saturated blue. Their number is such that the deciduous part of the plant is often not visible behind them. Flowering time - July
- Quartz. Inside the variety, almost all the colors characteristic of verbena are found. The height of the plant is about 25 cm, while the size of the flowers is quite large - up to 5.5 cm. The flowers are collected in umbrella inflorescences of 5-10 pcs. Flowering is plentiful, begins in mid-June

Hybrid (Tuscany)
Verbena is a picky plant with relatively simple farming practices.. Even inexperienced flower growers can grow it.Bushes of this fragrant and attractive plant can be found in almost every garden.
Despite the low frost resistance, even as an annual, the plant manages to form a relatively large number of flowers during the warm season.
The flowering period of verbena is long, in addition, if desired and with minimal effort, it can be extended almost until the first frost.
Verbena: description, types, cultivation, planting in open ground and plant care, reproduction (95 Photos & Videos) + Reviews