Veranda attached to the house with their own hands
It is difficult to imagine a modern house without a veranda. This building serves not only as protection from wind, rain and snow. With its insulation, you can get a spacious additional room, which will be cozy both in summer and in winter. We have collected for you 200 original photos of finished buildings.

Projects many verandas - from the simplest inexpensive canopies to complex architectural structures of unusual shapes. For example, the veranda may look like a massive wooden frame with a log fence. Sometimes it is combined with a porch - in this case, the building is located on the side of the front door.
Such a structure looks especially picturesque against the backdrop of a garden. You can supplement it with forged railings, along which grapes or climbing trees will climb in the summer. flowers. The dense foliage of plants will become a reliable protection not only from the sun, dry air, but also annoying insects.

The veranda, as a rule, has high windows with a large glazing area.
To keep warm, it is made double or even triple. In such a room you can stay all year round - hermetic window They will reliably protect not only from the cold, but also from the heat in the presence of an air conditioner.
It is desirable that several windows open, and the room can be checked. Otherwise, due to the large number of double-glazed windows, the greenhouse effect is inevitable. For lovers of evening summer gatherings, removable frames can be provided - at any time you can turn the veranda into terrace.
Designs with panoramic lighting, floor-to-ceiling windows, glass sliding doors are more suitable for southern areas. There is plenty of light in such a room, and you can equip a real garden in it.

The approach to the open area can be equipped with wide steps
Carved columns are a classic, giving the building reliability and good quality. The main focus is on individual elements - the original pergola, elegant snow-white railings, decorative bench. Carved elements can be complemented with forged decor.

Veranda or terrace. What's better?
Since they are similar in many ways, these two buildings are often confused with each other. But terrace - This is a summer platform for relaxing under a roof or a canopy, raised above the ground. Such a building is always open or semi-open.

summer terrace
If any fences are provided, then they are quite light, in the form of railings or bumpers. A plus terrace, unlike the veranda, it is not always attached to the house - it can be built separately.

Fully enclosed spacious veranda
The main purpose of the veranda is to protect living quarters from heat in the summer, and from piercing cold winds, snow and rain in late autumn and winter. This is a more solid structure with a foundation. It can also serve as a place to relax, eat, etc.
Its walls are most often made of the same material as the walls of the main building - brick, timber, blocks. It is always adjacent to the house, in fact, is part of it.
The dimensions of the veranda and the house must be balanced. A huge extension to a small house will look ridiculous, as well as a small one next to a large building.

What type of veranda to choose?
According to the type of construction of the veranda can be:

open veranda
- Outwardly similar to a terrace, but has a foundation that is carried out separately from the main building
- Used to protect from the bright sun and rain, instead of walls, columns or small sides
Such buildings are often made semi-open. Their lower part is made of wood, brick or forged metal. The upper part of the veranda can be closed with a decorative lattice made of forged or wooden strips arranged vertically, horizontally or at an angle in the form of a lattice.

Open veranda with seating area
The distance between them is selected arbitrarily - the upper side parts can be made half-open or arranged in the form of frequently running panels (lamellas). The tree is best treated with colored stain and antiseptic with a touch of noble woods. To protect against fungus and moisture, they are stained with drying oil or varnished.
As an inexpensive floor covering, as well as wall decoration, you can use a well-dried, sanded, and then twice coated with drying oil or varnish board.

With thick walls, glazed windows, such extensions can be used in winter
These structures are also divided into:
In order for such a building to become the pride and decoration of the whole house, its design must be thought out. Not only the general style of the main, nearby buildings is taken into account, but also surrounding landscape. For facade finishing use brick, siding, plaster.
All of these materials go well with glass, wrought iron and tiles. A novelty that has recently appeared on the market, called facade roll wallpaper, is curious. They are made of acrylic and are not afraid of changes in temperature and moisture.
Initially facade wallpaper have a neutral white color, but they can be painted in any shade you like.

Drafting a project

Any construction, small or large, must begin with a project!
Before starting construction, you need to consider:
When choosing the size of the extension, the features of the architecture of the main building are taken into account, site layout. The width of such a structure often coincides with the width of the house. This size will be enough to install a small amount of furniture and appliances.

When erecting the foundations of adjacent buildings, they are carried out by analogy with the main one. Since the loads on the foundation at the house and the veranda are different, they settle in different ways, a technological joint is made between them - a gap of 10-20 cm in size. The joint between the buildings can be closed with a finishing panel.

The node of the expansion joint on the example of the porch adjacent to the house
Since such an extension has three walls, without the last, fourth, the structure will not withstand lateral loads well, so they are securely connected to the house. If it is no longer possible to insert reinforcement into the walls so that the gap does not open, it is closed with a reinforcing belt located in the upper ceiling.
When connecting stone and wooden buildings, a heater is laid in the technological joint, protected by a film of polyethylene, and then covered with a board.
Any buildings on the territory of a private site must be registered with the BTI and the architectural department. Otherwise, they will be considered squatter. The fine for such a violation of the law for individuals is 2-5 thousand rubles. Plus, it will be problematic to sell or inherit such a house.

Finished formwork for pouring the foundation
Although experts advise using the same materials for building an extension as for a house, in practice it is not always possible to adhere to this rule. For example, extensions are made of timber or logs to a brick building.
Foundation, which is different from the main structure, is used in extreme cases, mainly for open verandas made from lighter materials. For example, if the foundation for a brick house is made of deep-seated tape, and the veranda is assembled from timber, it is permissible to install it on piles.
A log house can shrink for 2-3 years. It is necessary to attach other buildings to it at the end of this period.
DIY veranda #1 (PVC pipe foundation)
Veranda attached to the house - expanding the living space: projects, tips on how to create your own hands (200 original photo ideas)

The roof can be single or gable. In the second case, the bevels are placed along the walls of the main structure. The rafters are selected powerful enough so that the roof is not crushed by snow.

The roof is made in the same style
It is desirable that the roof be made of the same material as the roof of the main structure and be its visual continuation. To avoid leaks, the joint between the house and the veranda is carefully sealed. Waterproofing is also provided on the roof itself.
DIY veranda #4 (Rafter system)
Veranda attached to the house - expanding the living space: projects, tips on how to create your own hands (200 original photo ideas)
For areas with high snow cover, a shed roof with a steep slope is provided so that the snow does not accumulate and descends unhindered. Its minimum slope is 12-15 degrees. To ensure the safety of residents, the slope is made away from the entrance.
Do-it-yourself veranda # 5 (Crate and roof) b)
Veranda attached to the house - expanding the living space: projects, tips on how to create your own hands (200 original photo ideas)

Outdoor Lighting
Lighting of the unglazed veranda and the territory adjacent to it is carried out using waterproof flexible LED strips or spotlights. They require a minimum of electricity, and their service life is long.
Such lamps are placed on special supports or evenly distributed along the ceiling or railings of the building. You can use facade, wall hanging lamps or sconces.
The LED or neon strips located around the perimeter of the door look curious.

Another interesting option is the lamps passing along the edges of the steps.
They will serve not only to decorate the facade, but also to illuminate the approach to the house in the evening.

Home improvement
Any building should be in harmony with the surrounding landscape.. If window the veranda overlooks the garden, use it wider to frame it vertical gardening - such decoration will look natural and harmonious. The greenery will also be a real salvation for the residents - it will protect from the wind in the spring, give moisture and coolness in the summer.
When laying paths use the following rule. If the object needs to be brought closer visually, then the path is made straight. You can add volume to the yard using broken or winding lines.
Strict lines look too boring. Much more interesting are the options with smoothly curved paths, paved with stones or tiled.

When the front door enters the courtyard, it can be decorated with original flower beds trimmed with decorative stones or hanging planters with flowers on the walls of the veranda
When the front door exits the courtyard, it can be decorated original flower beds, trimmed with decorative stones or hanging pots with flowers on the walls of the veranda. Containers with plants can be placed on a ladder - a vertical carpet of plants looks very unusual.
revive surrounding landscape forged or bright plastic, ceramic flowers will help, figurines animals, birds. Original benches painted in contrasting colors will be appropriate in the yard, or swing. If there is enough space, instead of benches, you can install a table and light chairs.

Interior decoration. Furniture

The veranda is the “visiting card” of the whole house, so its design must be approached thoughtfully
Finishing unheated or open outbuildings
Strict requirements are imposed on the material for their decoration. After all, the verandas are used more intensively than the rest of the premises. For the summer version of the unheated extension, wear-resistant materials are used that are not afraid of temperature changes.

The use of porcelain stoneware in flooring
As a floor covering, you can choose floor tiles, decking, artificial or natural stone. When going out to the sunny side, it is better to choose a material of light colors - it will heat up less.
Furniture for an open or unheated veranda
For an open building, it is better to use a light folding wooden furniture laths, artificial rattan or wicker, plastic. For the winter, it will be easier to transfer and clean it indoors. Folding furniture will take up very little space there. The use of wicker or forged products is allowed.

The best option would be garden furniture
It is made of durable materials that easily tolerate temperature extremes, exposure to ultraviolet radiation and high humidity. Forged products go well with glass, stone or wood. Furniture from it looks light, the sun's rays easily glide through it.
For upholstered furniture, removable pillows are used - for the winter they can be removed after cleaning them of dust. For the summer on the veranda, you can hang a hammock from the ceiling. A soft sofa and armchairs will be out of place here.
Night dew will quickly wet the upholstery, and it will be problematic to dry it. It will quickly become covered with mold and become unusable.
Finishing a heated outbuilding
In a heated room, the walls can be upholstered with clapboard, plastic panels or plaster and then paint acrylic. If wallpaper is provided, the surface is pre-leveled with drywall.

Glazed veranda with fireplace
It is better to take a embossed floor tile - even if snow gets on it, your feet will not slide on it so much. The usual linoleum will not work here - at low temperatures it will crack. You should not use it for a heated room either - the snow brought from the street has melted, forming puddles on which it is easy to slip.
A plus linoleum unable to breathe. Due to the increased humidity formed during temperature fluctuations, the substrate of the material will quickly rot. Laying laminate on an open veranda is also not recommended - this material is afraid of water.
Lighting also needs to be taken into account. When the extension is located on the south or southeast side, juicy green, blue, blue, white shades will create a feeling of coolness. Light pastel colors are suitable for decorating a room whose windows are located to the north or east.

Massive chalet-style ceiling beams are perfectly combined with modern wood-effect double-glazed windows.
To recreate the style of a rustic setting, one of the walls can be made with imitation brick or stone masonry. In this case, it is necessary to add more light colors to the decor and use a minimum of furniture - in combination with a dark wall, the room will look gloomy.
Furniture for a closed veranda
It’s not worth it to force such a room too much - only the most necessary furniture is selected for it. There should be maximum space on the veranda.

The interior for a closed heated extension can be any
The choice depends only on the design of the rest of the premises and your own taste. For finishing in Provence style or eco-style, you can use unpolished furniture. Bright fabrics on the windows, cozy pillows on upholstered furniture, colorful tablecloths, potted plants will complement and decorate the atmosphere.

Dark shades of furniture are more suitable for minimalist style.
You can revive such a room with a couple of bright spots - original curtains or unusual pillows. Any modern styles and furniture in Japanese, Mediterranean or country style are appropriate in such a room. In combination with the appropriate finishes, they will make the room especially cozy and create a relaxing atmosphere.
This element of decor can have a significant impact on the appearance of the room. Curtains are the final, chord point of any interior. But it is necessary to think over not only the color scheme, but also the type of fabric, its density. Transparent curtains make the room more spacious, but they are unlikely to be able to save from the sun and wind.

If the front door faces the road, it is better to use thicker curtains to protect against prying eyes.
For northern rooms, where there is always twilight, it is better to choose heavy curtains made of light fabrics. They can be opened at any time, secured with pickups, magnets or hairpins. To decorate a room decorated in a modern style, blinds or Roman blinds are suitable.
Acrylic or PVC curtains are very practical - this material is able to repel dust, it will have to be washed less often. If the room is flooded with sun from morning to evening, the windows can be curtained with thick bamboo curtains. They pair perfectly with Japanese-style furnishings and natural neutral tones and wood finishes.

Space zoning

An example of multifunctional zoning
With a large area of the glazed veranda, it would be stupid to use it only as a hallway - it is better to equip several zones. The living room in it can be combined with a dining area, allocate a separate place for a home garden, a play or sports corner.
Separate zones can be demarcated using partitions, arches, light doors or screens, furniture arrangement, low podiums, and even just color highlighting.
As a hallway, this room is used most often. When entering from the street, it will be possible to immediately remove outer clothing, place it in a closet, remove and dry shoes, put an umbrella on a shelf, etc.

Since a lot of dirt is brought in from the street, carpets should be easy to clean.
Quantity cabinets for outerwear is selected depending on the number of people living in the house. There should be enough of them so that guests can freely place their coats and jackets on hangers.
So that the room does not look cluttered, cabinets are selected in the color of the walls - they will merge with them, and not be so conspicuous. In the hallway, it is necessary to provide a shelf for shoes, and next to it is a comfortable bench. A mirror, a key shelf, a small umbrella stand, a couple of paintings would be appropriate here.
Veranda-living room
The warm, inviting atmosphere, the proximity of nature are the best suited for arranging an additional living room here for receiving guests.

Large open windows visually blur the line between indoors and the surrounding landscape.
In a spacious room placed coffee table, a couple of soft sofas and mobile pouffes-stands. The fireplace looks great in such a room - it is often imitated with the help of special finishes and electric heating devices.
The dining area is located next door. Her decor is personalized. You can delimit both zones with a carpet, a small podium or color.
Kitchen and dining room
Such a room can become not only a place of rest, a hallway or living room, but also serve as a dining room, especially in the summer. To do this, it is enough to select a small area by installing an original table and light chairs in it. Here you can arrange evening tea parties and receptions.

Summer cuisine
The zone for cutting products and cooking is done separately. Here you can also hang cabinets for dishes, install bake, microwave, grill. However, for the equipment here is a complete cuisine sink is required.
This option must be provided for even when drawing up a project - it is better to lay drain, water pipes even at the stage of laying the foundation. With the location of the kitchen area on the veranda, you can free up space in the house for additional living quarters.

Bright textiles, flowers in flowerpots or pots will help make the dining room more comfortable.
If the air becomes too dry in the summer, install a small fountain in the room - it will saturate the air with moisture.
The veranda is the perfect place for summer holidays. Yes, and on winter days, you can comfortably sit by the window, admiring the beauty of nature. In this case, a large comfortable chair or a rocking chair, a sofa or a hanging sofa would be appropriate.

A place for an afternoon nap or relaxation
It will be useful coffee table. To create a relaxing atmosphere, the room is decorated with slides with flowering plants.
For children on a spacious veranda, you can allocate a separate area for games.

A sun-drenched room is ideal for this purpose.
There is no need to arrange too much furniture. It is enough to equip a bright house here. Of course, the kids will love the swing or even a hammock suspended from the ceiling. For older children, a Swedish wall and hanging rings are equipped.
Sports section

If there is not enough space in the house for gym equipment, use the veranda for this purpose.
All you need is a small exercise machine or treadmill and a music center. In order not to disturb the household, do not forget to provide high-quality soundproofing of the floor.
To create a working area, it is enough to install a small table, a computer, a comfortable chair or armchair, and put a couple of shelves next to it.

Against the background of the surrounding landscape, the situation in such an office will be the most peaceful
There are many veranda projects.The creator of this video picked up the most original ideas. Perhaps from the many options provided, you will choose the one that suits you:
Veranda attached to the house - expanding the living space: projects, tips on how to create your own hands (200 original photo ideas)