Are you planning to demarcate your summer cottage with your neighbor's? Do not want to invest a lot of money and your time? Need a quality result? There is a way out - a simple and quick installation of pillars with your own hands with minimal investment.
There is no need to order concrete, no need to hire specialists. It is only necessary to mark, drill and fill the pillars in a “cunning” way, which we will discuss below.

Stage number 1 - preparation
First you need to mark the location of the installed pillars and drill. The depth of the pits should not be less than the level of soil freezing in your region - in central Russia it is 1-1.3 m. And do not forget to purchase the required amount of dry cement mixture.
At the bottom of a dug hole or a drilled hole, one or two bricks are placed to support the pillar.

Stage number 2 - preliminary fixation
Fixing the pillar with fragments of brick or stone. This is done for the primary fixation of the column, as well as to reduce the consumption of sand-cement mixture.
Before pouring, you need to set the level.

Stage number 3 - concreting the column
We will divide this stage into several parts: pouring the well with water and backfilling with a cement-sand mixture. This will require access to water and cement mixture in bags, at the rate of 2-3 bags per well.
Well poured concrete pit.
Pour the mixture out of the bag. It will be dusty, so you should use a protective respiratory mask and goggles.
Pour the poured dry mixture. If we use a bucket, then we pour water slowly.
Immediately pour out the second bag of dry cement mixture.
Pour and add a mixture of sand and cement until the entire hole is filled.
When we are equal to the upper level of the soil, we spill especially carefully. Water must be added in parts so that the mixture absorbs it properly.

Stage number 4 - checking the level and fixing the column
During concreting, the pillar could have been taken to the side, so it needs to be checked. The vertical level is checked on two planes - the bubble level is applied to two adjacent planes. It's enough.
If it was planned to install crossbars for fencethen it's time to install them. This will further strengthen the structure during the “rising” of the foundation.
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Stage number 5 - formwork
The final action is the formation of formwork at the base of the concreted column. It is needed so that water does not accumulate near the pillar, and the latter does not rot.
To do this, you need to form a small elevation - this will be sufficient.
In conclusion, it should be noted that the quality of concreting is in no way inferior to its “raw” counterpart. It is also economically beneficial - by the way, the volume of the mixture can be significantly reduced by increasing the amount of broken bricks. Yes, and there is less trouble - there is no need to order concrete or make it yourself.
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