Without interior doors, the design of the room looks unfinished; often they play a big role in interior design. The door leaf is beautiful, it provides sound- and thermal insulation, does not let extraneous odors into the room and creates the possibility of personal privacy for relaxation or individual communication. Such zoning of space is quite possible to do on your own. Installing interior doors with your own hands is not difficult. The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions in the course of work and do everything carefully.

Choosing models

Interior doors
On the market there are models of canvases made in various styles: classic, high-tech, modern. They differ from each other by the type of assembly:
- Shield. Consists of a strong wooden framework. The outer planes of the sections are decorated with laminate, veneer, and other finishing materials. If provided by the project, cut a hole for decoration or glazing.
- Paneled. The basis of the frame is massive bars. Finishing - from type-setting boards of a straight or figured shape, they are combined with decorative materials.
- Tsargovye. The wooden frame is filled with horizontal bars. Very strong and massive construction. The bars look harmoniously with glass and decorative trim.
- Molded. Lightweight, simple construction with a frame made of metal or slats. For reliability, it has an additional vertical stand. The free space is filled with safety glass or transparent plastic. For weighting, decoration elements made of metal or wood are used.
All designs for zoning space are equally convenient, but differ in the way they open.

swing doors
The type of construction that occurs more often than others, it is familiar to everyone since childhood. When installing doors of this type, take into account the location of the future passage, as well as the size of the room. When opening the sash should not occupy most of the room. They are opened by plowing forward or backward, models are single-leaf or double-leaf.
With a narrow opening, a single-leaf swing door is installed. Such sections are usually built in the bathroom, kitchen, balcony and other small rooms with high humidity, so the material for them is selected to be moisture and vapor resistant. Since the doors of such rooms are constantly in use, the design and fittings must be strong in order to withstand the load.
For large rooms with wide aisles, a swing double door is suitable.. The main canvas can be solid or with glass inserts.
When installing, determine which side the structure will open on. - the location of the canopies depends on this.

Sliding doors
To save room space, do-it-yourself interior sliding doors are installed. According to the type of opening they are:
- double leaf. Two sashes, opening, move apart in different directions. The device of the roller mechanism determines whether the leaves will open simultaneously or each separately, regardless of the position of the other.
- Rollback. Suitable for small openings. They are a single-leaf section that moves along the guides in a one-sided way.
- Cassette. When opened, the sections hide into the wall, and do not move along it. To install such a design, it is necessary to expand opening, make an additional niche in the wall. The finished structure, opening the opening, takes up a minimum of space
A variety of sliding structures include compartment doors. They are installed along guides of various lengths. They can consist of several shutters, which, when moving, perform the function of a transformer - they can become a solid wall or create a single space between rooms.

Folding doors

Exclusive doors

Choosing materials

Interior doors
Choosing what material it will be made of interior door for installation by one's own hands, are guided by its quality, durability, and also cost.

Wooden doors
Wood products are always popular among connoisseurs of natural materials. They are elegant, give the room a prestigious look, harmless to the human body. They are divided into the following categories:
- Expensive. Such models are made mainly to order from solid wood: oak, alder, fine wood veneer. The design is performed classic or non-standard, taking into account the wishes of the customer. For such models, carved decorative elements with trim, complex fittings are used.
- Average price. For this category, pine products that have undergone the processing of “artificial aging” of wood are popular. The technology is called "brushing". Subsequent varnishing will emphasize the natural pattern, as well as give a respectable look to the finish.
- Inexpensive. Sections are made from pines, covered with environmentally friendly veneer, varnish or laminated. For veneer use cherry, walnut, ash, alder and waste of other tree species. In this series of goods there are quality samples
artificial materials

Eco-veneer doors
In this series of goods, the filling of the structure matters. For filling use:
- pine wood blocks
- cellular hollow cardboard
- MDF and chipboard
Of these materials, MDF compares favorably. This is a fibrous material, the structure of which includes natural resins. It is durable, not afraid of moisture, easy to process, does not emit harmful compounds.

To cover the filling used:
- Laminate. Imitates natural wood. Differs in high decorative and protective properties. Disadvantage - at high humidity or temperature, it emits fumes harmful to humans
- PVC coating. It has excellent design properties, as well as resistance to chemical attack. They produce a film of different colors, the color of which does not change for a long time during operation.
- The veneer is natural. The thinnest cut of natural wood. Unstable to mechanical influences and the environment. Products covered with natural veneer are difficult to distinguish from solid wood
- Ecoveneer. In the manufacture, to bind natural fibers, formaldehyde is used, it releases harmful compounds that are dangerous to a living organism.

Filling the frame with glass is beautiful, stylish and modern. In order for glass inserts to be better combined with the interior, they can be:
- toned with any shade of color
- repaint
- make a mirror surface
- decorate a stained glass pattern or decorate with a metal ornament
- apply any logo
For glazing, glass is used, tempered using a special technology - triplex, so it is completely safe.

Choose a manufacturer

Belarusian doors
Considering the economic situation in the world, in order to maintain the purchasing power of the population, manufacturers are trying to combine the quality and low cost of door panels. In this segment of commercial products, manufacturers of such countries are positively characterized by:
- Israel - the goods are of high quality, sophistication, durability
- Finland - simplicity and lack of decoration distinguish the masters of this country, who prefer the natural light color of the product
- Belarus – gained popularity with inexpensive, reliable products with a wide variety of design implementations
- Russia – using their centuries-old experience and the latest foreign technologies, they have made their products the most popular in the region. The craftsmen combined excellent quality, European design, the lowest price, which made them so popular.
It is necessary to choose products with proven quality so that the doors can serve for a long time, withstanding mechanical stress.

Installation rules

Installation of interior doors
Any man can install interior doors, but it requires certain knowledge and skills. All types of door panels, regardless of model, are mounted in several stages:
- installation of the box - the supporting element of the structure
- installation of a box beam, fastening loops to it
- leveling and fixing the box
- hanging door leaf
- Finishing work
To organize the work you will need consumables:
- door with frame, wooden blocks
- wood drills, self-tapping screws, concrete drills
- pencil or chalk
- mounting foam, dowels, screws, nails, wood glue

Required tools:
- meter, plumb line for verticality control
- a chisel to cut grooves in wooden parts, a hammer, a saw with a miter box
- drill for installation work, lever, screwdriver
Calculation of measurements:
Where is the gap left? | Gap size |
Between the uprights and the plane of the opening | 10 mm |
From the inside of the rack | 3 mm (for opening with threshold) |
From the inside of the rack | 10-15 mm (for opening without threshold) |
Required measurements | Length | |
Hinged hinges | Recede 200 mm from the top and bottom of the canvas |
Pen | 100-120 cm from the bottom |
Keyhole installation | 80-100 cm from the bottom |

Calculation of measurements
Having prepared everything you need, they begin work with the installation of slopes. At the junction of the racks with the crossbar, they are sawn with a hacksaw, observing a sawing angle of 45 degrees.
Installation of hinged hinges and handles:
- slopes are applied to the plane of the door
- mark the location of the loops with a pencil
- small indentations are cut in the marked places with a chisel
- inserted into the recesses of the loop, they make outlines for future fasteners
- drill holes with self-tapping screws and screw the hinges to the canvas

Installation of hinged hinges and handles
In the same way, install the handle on the door.

Installation of interior door handles
Before making holes with a self-tapping screw, it is necessary to manually make small indentations with a drill in the places of drilling. This will help the material not crack during intensive drilling.

Assembling the door frame

Door frame installation
This process will require maximum attention and patience. The quality of all work depends on the correct installation of the box.
Installation progress:
- strictly perpendicularly fasten the rack to the lintel with self-tapping screws
- put the box in the opening, connect only the upper part of the box with a screw
- fix it with struts and wedges, at the top - at the level of the crossbar, at the bottom - at the level of the temporary strut
- measure the construction level of all planes of the structure
- fix the lower part of the installation with self-tapping screws

Door fixing
Door fixing:
- the canvas is carefully hung on loops
- check verticality and smoothness of movement
- if necessary, adjust the position of the door frame
For this work, you need an assistant, because it is inconvenient to do it alone.
Check the quality of the installation, eliminate defects.
The next step is to fill the voids with mounting foam. Spacers are inserted into the empty space between the wall and the strapping, fixing the position of the structure. Then the gap between the door frame and the wall is sprayed with water and filled with a special gun with construction foam. Excess spacers are cut off when the foam hardens.

Dobor and platbands
Dobor and platbands:
- with an additional bar close the distance from the wall to the box, fix with self-tapping screws
- cut, observing an angle of 45 degrees, the edges of the platbands, install them
- fixed with carnations without caps or special glue
- places where carnations are driven in are masked by rubbing with mastic of a suitable color
The workflow is completed by installing plastic plugs on the tops of self-tapping screws, varnishing or painting and eliminating minor defects.
If you follow the technology for installing interior doors, do everything with your own hands honestly, you can be proud of your work. It will be no worse than that of professional masters.
How to properly install an interior door
Choosing and installing interior doors: step-by-step instructions for do-it-yourself installation | 80+ Photos & Videos