If electricity is provided at the dacha, then many site owners want to install a TV there. But there may be strong interference when watching channels, since the house is located outside the city. In order for a high-quality picture to appear on the screen, you need to choose a good TV antenna for giving.

Device types
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Before buying, you need to find out which varieties are suitable for installation on a country TV. The quality of the connection depends on this.
The following types are sold in specialized stores:
- Digital - this is a convenient option for installation in a country house, since the digital signal is protected from interference. Reception is carried out using a tuner. You need to find out from the seller in what range it works, the decimeter type is suitable for giving
- traveling wave (Uda-Yaga) - the equipment has good characteristics that are suitable for use in a summer cottage. The aggat is convenient because it does not take up much space in the house, and can catch a signal in two ranges, and the main elements are installed on a common boom. Users take the model if the dacha is built near the city, where there is a lot of interference that affects the quality of the picture - the built-in amplifier solves this problem, and as a result, only the main signal goes to the TV, and all extraneous interference is reflected
- Satellite - this option is a small dish, and receives communication directly from the satellite. It is not necessary to install the device in a certain direction, depending on the location of the TV tower. The power is high and constant, and therefore the area in which it is built, the cottage does not matter for catching a signal. Even the simplest and cheapest units will provide a good image and a large number of channels. But you will have to pay for comfort: in addition to the dish, you need to buy a receiver and a convector, if you need to strengthen the equipment
- Polish. This is the easiest option for installation in a summer cottage. Having bought the equipment, you can catch about 10 local channels. The device is placed inside the house, near the window. But there is a nuance: it is necessary to install the equipment in the direction of the nearby TV tower. In the event that the station is located no further than 30 km from the established place, then the signal will be of high quality. But high-rise buildings, forests and mountains should not interfere with work. If your TV receives a poor signal, you can purchase an additional amplifier. Polish units are bought when the dacha is located far from the city, since it qualitatively enhances communication
- "Double Square" - This is a directional type of equipment for giving. Despite the simple design, the device is able to amplify the received signal. This is the best option for equipment if you want to additionally connect Wi-Fi in the country - the device is equipped with such a function. Polish antenna with built-in amplifier. The device is designed to receive channels in very good quality. The technique consists of several main parts, which are arranged in a special way. The amplifier is installed inside the unit, it is able to receive a signal at a distance of up to 80 km.If weak signals are received, the amplifier will be able to receive and process them. The unit is installed as high as possible on the roof of the house for uninterrupted operation.

Types of TV signal
Units can receive three main types of signal. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages.
Terrestrial television
Analog or terrestrial television means that the signal received on the TV comes in several ranges - decimeter and meter. Typically, these devices are installed in summer cottages. They have many disadvantages, but users are attracted by a small price.
If the summer resident spends on the site not all year round, but only summer, then it makes no sense to spend money on expensive equipment, after all, you can watch TV only in the rain and in the evenings, when the work in the garden is over.
Devices catch only a few main channels. But usually for country leisure and this is enough. For these reasons, the device has become widespread among summer residents.
Satellite TV
The signal to the dish comes directly from the satellite. The equipment is expensive, but for this money the user gets a large selection of channels (more than a hundred) and high image quality.
To receive a high-quality signal, for a summer residence you should choose a plate of large diameter - from 90 cm and above. This parameter affects the price of the device. Additionally, you will have to spend money to pay for the services provided, since the channels are not transmitted to the antenna for free.
Such a unit is bought by people who are in the country not only in the summer. In this case, you can order an inexpensive package of channels.
The problem with buying such a device is its safety. In the country you will have to additionally install a surveillance camera so that the device is not stolen when the owner is not at home. You can also constantly remove the plate when the cottage has to be left unattended, but this is a difficult job.
Digital TV
Since 2015, all Russian TVs have received digital broadcasting. If there is a tower transmitting digital channels near the dacha, then the user can receive 20 high-quality channels on the TV.
To function you will need:
- Terrestrial decimeter antenna
- TV set-top box with a special DVB-T2 tuner.
If the TV is new, then the set-top box is not needed, since it is already built into the device.

Criterias of choice
After reviewing the main types of antennas, you can get a little information about which antenna is suitable for giving. But before buying, you need to additionally learn about the selection criteria. To do this, you need to answer several questions:
- How far is the cottage from the city?
- How far is the nearest TV tower?
- How many channels should the purchased antenna catch?
- In what area is the cottage located (in a dense forest, on a hill in a ravine)?
- What price is the user willing to pay for the antenna?
If you want to get a perfect image without interference, then you should buy a satellite dish, but this design is expensive. In the case when the first two criteria allow you to install an outdoor or compact indoor model, then it makes sense to buy them. So it will turn out to spend less money, but the quality of the incoming signal will be high, and the picture on the screen will be without interference.
For summer cottages, it is advisable to purchase outdoor antennas, since indoor antennas are effective only if there is a TV tower nearby. To understand whether this option is suitable in a particular case, you need to conduct an experiment: if a signal from at least one channel goes to a simple wire, then an indoor or outdoor antenna is suitable for such conditions. It makes no sense to spend extra money, but in other cases, you will have to buy a more powerful antenna.

Choice between passive and active model
Antennas are divided into two types:
- passive
- active
The active antenna immediately has a built-in amplifier and you do not need to buy additional devices for it. Such a sample broadcasts more channels on the TV, but has a significant drawback: it will last for about a year or a little more.
Since the antenna is outdoors, it is exposed to weather conditions and corrosion quickly disables the boards, and to extend the service life, the device must be coated with silicone. The board will have to be securely sealed, but this does not solve the problem with a thunderstorm - even under protection, the picture quality will deteriorate greatly due to bad weather. In this case, after thunderstorms, you will have to change the board to a new one and re-configure it.
passive type
A passive antenna is a device without additional equipment to improve the signal. For such models, you will have to buy an amplifier - this is a separate element, which is located not far from the main unit. For example, an antenna is placed on the roof, and the amplifier is installed inside the attic.
The advantage of the model is precisely in the separation of the main parts. The hardware itself is placed right under the roof, and the amplifier will be hidden from the weather in the attic. If you have to change the board, it's much easier than climbing on the roof. Passive equipment catches fewer channels, but the image during viewing gives out much cleaner than the active type.
Additional advantage: individual elements have several adjustments. This is convenient and useful, because if there are several signals at once, then the stronger one interrupts the weak one. This may result in loss of sound or picture.
In some cases, when the signal is too strong, nothing will be visible on the screen except for interference. This means that a passive type of antenna for a summer residence is the best choice.

The best types and their description
In modern stores you can find a large number of antennas for giving, and each will be adapted to certain conditions. Among all this diversity, experts distinguish several high-quality devices:
- Delta Antennas. Such antennas take the first place in the ranking not in vain, since the assortment is diverse: on sale you can find models that accept decimeter or meter waves. There are also broadband and narrowly focused devices. The product of the Russian company is capable of receiving a digital signal. To connect, you need to insert the wire into the F-connector. The signal will come even at long distances.An important advantage of the model: the quality of the picture does not depend on the weather
- "Locus". Another Russian manufacturer known on the market since 1998. In mono stores, you can find a line of antennas of this series that are suitable for broadcasting terrestrial or cable television. Antennas are divided into passive and active models. Users often choose this option because of the low price and good signal transmission quality. Such equipment can be connected to several TVs at once, and their design is as simple as possible. For installation work, no additional training is required. The price varies from 500 to 2,000 rubles. Manufacturers are constantly releasing new and improved models.
- "Harpoon". In stores there is a chance to find a high-quality passive device of a Russian brand. Users are attracted by the low price of the equipment, as well as the fact that the antenna will receive a signal even in hard-to-reach areas and areas where there is poor wave reception. Price - from 1,600 rubles. If you study the reviews of people using this antenna, you can understand that the device receives a high-quality signal even in places where other devices cannot cope. The picture on the screen will not slow down, there will be no interference, the connection will not be interrupted by other devices. If it rains outside, it will not affect the reception quality in any way. Such a device is one of the best country options. You can find digital units. The cost of equipment - 600-2500 rubles
- "REMO". The manufacturer has been known on the market since 1991 and has established itself on the positive side. It produces a high-quality picture, and the device itself is copy-protected, therefore only the original with good reception is sold in stores.

Any antenna must be equipped with a high-quality cable, in this case it is not worth getting cheaper and it is advisable to purchase an imported Italian wire that will deliver an ideal signal and withstand weather conditions. As for the amplifier, you should not buy a heavy-duty one, because it will even catch unnecessary channels, and this degrades the picture quality.
Digital TV is becoming more and more popular every year. Therefore, it is worth buying a digital tuner or a satellite dish for a summer cottage. In any case, you need to be guided by certain criteria, on the basis of which you can make the right choice.
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