Delicious pumpkin juice: What are its benefits and how to cook at home? (Photo & Video) +Reviews

Delicious pumpkin juice

In winter, pumpkin juice will help diversify your diet and fill the body with vitamins. Few people know how to cook it at home. In this article, we will try to tell you how to make juice in order to get the maximum vitamin from pumpkin. What we need for this and we will try to figure it out.

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Why is pumpkin juice so valued?

Pumpkin is an incredibly healthy and tasty vegetable. It can be used for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the nervous system, liver, kidneys, stomach and blood vessels. It is equally useful for people of any age, and most importantly, the use of pumpkin is allowed for pregnant women and children.

Pumpkin juice with honey and lemon is an excellent prevention against flu and colds.

Pumpkin juice with honey and lemon is an excellent prevention against flu and colds

What are the health benefits of pumpkin juice?

  • The vegetable contains a lot of fiber and pectin, so it helps to fight constipation and stomach cramps.
  • This drink is recommended to drink for skin rejuvenation. This is a good remedy to prevent age-related changes, or get rid of them.
  • An effective method for the treatment of gastritis, ulcers and hyperacidity of the stomach
  • Detoxifies the body, helps cleanse the intestines
  • Pumpkin is famous for its diuretic properties, therefore it is recommended to fight kidney stones and gastric bladder and helps relieve swelling.
  • It is recommended to use pumpkin for hepatitis, and helps cleanse the liver
  • Normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system, strengthens blood vessels and lowers cholesterol levels
  • Often used for cosmetic purposes, great for performing such procedures at home
  • It is recommended to drink for the prevention of cancer
  • Helps fight insomnia and strengthens the immune system

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Preparation for cooking

To simplify your task, you need to prepare everything in advance. Initially, you need to choose the right pumpkin. To make the juice as tasty and sweet as possible, we choose the most mature fruits with a bright orange middle. Before starting work, you need to select all the seeds and peel the fruits from the skin. In addition, to fully reveal the taste of the juice, try adding additional ingredients there: Orange, Apple, carrot and much more.

To keep the juice as long as possible, it is very important to sterilize the jars well.

To keep the juice as long as possible, it is very important to sterilize the jars well.

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Preparing juice for the winter

Everyone can prepare pumpkin juice for their family. It's a great way to get your vitamins in the winter, and a good way to treat your loved ones to a cool sweet gourd drink in the hot summer. Of the huge variety of ways to prepare pumpkin juice, you need to choose the one that will appeal to all family members.

The drink will help fill the body with vitamins in the cold season

The drink will help fill the body with vitamins in the cold season

To sterilize jars, just 10 minutes is enough, if you know a little trick, how you can do it quickly. First of all, turn on the oven at 150 degrees and put the jars in it. After 10 minutes, the jars are ready for use.

Consider the most interesting recipes for preparing this drink for winter storage:

Juice with orange

This is a storehouse of vitamins to strengthen the body in the winter. Someone drinks it diluted with water, others like thick juice more. Due to the large amount of sugar that is used for cooking, it is not recommended for diabetics or patients with gastritis.

What will be required:

  • Pumpkin - 2 kg
  • Orange - 3 pcs
  • Sugar - 500g
  • Citric acid - on the tip of a knife
  • Water - 4 liters.

How to cook:

  • First you need to make syrup. We dilute the water with sugar, and put it all on the stove. Cook until sugar is completely dissolved
  • Three whole cooked pumpkin pulp on a coarse grater and mix with syrup. Boil it all for about 15 more minutes.
  • The resulting mass must be poured into a blender, preferably while it is still hot. Add juice from squeezed oranges there, rub the remaining zest on a grater with a fine section and pour into a blender, in addition, add citric acid there. We grind everything with a blender and put it on fire again
  • After boiling the juice, cook it for another 10 minutes
  • Pour into pre-prepared jars and close

Juice with apples

This recipe is very easy, but also rich in vitamins. If desired, lemon can be replaced with other ingredients, based on your own preferences: Orange, cranberry, carrot.

We need:

  • Pumpkin pulp - 2 kg
  • Apples (preferably green) - 2 kg
  • Sugar - 300 g (+/- 150 g)
  • lemon zest

Cooking method:

  • Remove the skin from all fruits and vegetables and clean out the seeds. Using a juicer to make juice from them
  • In this juice we put the rest of the ingredients: zest, sugar. Cook all this for another 5 minutes from the moment of boiling
  • Pour the resulting juice into jars and roll up

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Freshly squeezed pumpkin juice

Freshly squeezed pumpkin juice, like a drink for the winter, is made quite simply and quickly. The main thing is to observe all the proportions that are indicated in the recipe, and the drink will turn out tasty and healthy.

Cooking method:

  • We remove all the bones from the pumpkin, peel it and cut it into identical pieces of the same size
  • We put it all in the juicer
  • After that, you need to pour sugar and lemon into the finished juice (if desired, a little honey)
  • Mix everything thoroughly and you can drink

Ice cubes and a dash of lemon make pumpkin juice a great refreshing drink.

Ice cubes and a dash of lemon make pumpkin juice a great refreshing drink.

If you want to reveal the taste of pumpkin juice, you can clean it from the pulp. To do this, strain the juice through gauze, first download it in several layers. In addition, before drinking it, you need to put a couple of pieces of ice in the juice, or dilute it with carrot or apple juice.

Making juice at home

The ingredients in this recipe are:

  • Skinned and seeded pumpkin
  • Sugar
  • Water

pumpkin juice in a glass

The beauty of this recipe is that it is perfect for all yellow pumpkin lovers.

There are no clear parameters, all ingredients are added to taste. Cooking method:

  • We choose a mature pumpkin, without green and dark areas on its surface. The fruit should be bright orange in color. We clean the pumpkin from the peel and seeds, mode into the same cubes of medium size
  • Place the pumpkin slices in a saucepan and cover with water. Put on moderate heat and cook
  • Cook the pumpkin until the pieces are soft.
  • After the pulp is cooked, it is taken out and crushed with a blender.
  • At this point, you need to add the right amount of sugar
  • It is necessary to sterilize the jars and pour the resulting liquid over them. After that, the jars are rolled up with lids and placed for several days in a cool place.
  • After 3-4 days, the juice will infuse and you can safely drink it.

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Recipe for multicooker

The slow cooker itself greatly simplifies the cooking process for housewives. Preservation for the winter can also be prepared in this miracle technique.Although the process will remain long, closing the juice will still turn out many times faster.

What we need:

  • Ripe pumpkin pulp - 6 kg
  • Dried apricots - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 2400 kg
  • Water - 6 l
  • Citric acid - a teaspoon

How to prepare juice in a slow cooker:

  • Wash the pumpkin, remove the peel and seeds and cut into medium-sized cubes
  • Peel the carrots and cut into pieces equal in size to the pumpkin
  • Put the vegetables in a slow cooker and add water
  • Now you need to choose the appropriate mode. As a rule, most housewives choose the extinguishing mode. You can choose another function, but keep in mind that the vegetables should simmer, not boil. Set cooking time to 2 hours
  • When the vegetables are cooked, they need to be taken out and ground with a blender. If it is not there, you can simply grind them through gauze or a strainer.
  • Dried apricots must be soaked in boiling water in advance and hold for a couple of minutes. After that, add them to the blender and beat again
  • Now add sugar and lemon juice to the mixture.
  • Again, pour all the juice into the slow cooker and keep in the quenching mode. The drink is ready when the sugar has completely melted.
  • Juice is poured into pre-prepared jars and rolled up with lids

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Cranberry pumpkin juice

An amazing combination of incredibly sweet honey, with equally sour cranberries, and the addition of an unusual taste of pumpkin, this is a great way to please yourself and your loved ones with a tasty and healthy drink in winter.

What we need:

  • Pumpkin - 1 part
  • Cranberries - 1 part
  • Honey to taste

beak and pumpkin

Ready Ingredients

Cooking method:

  • First you need to prepare the pumpkin: peel it from the peel and seeds, then cut the flesh into pieces
  • Passing the pumpkin through a juicer
  • Do the same with cranberries.
  • Now you need to combine both juices and add the necessary amount of honey to them (we make the drink sweet enough). We put the saucepan with juice on the fire and simmer over medium heat for up to 20 minutes
  • Banks need to be sterilized. After the juice is ready, pour it into jars and roll up the lids.

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Unusual gooseberry juice

This version of the winter drink turns out to be very concentrated, so it is recommended to dilute it with a little water before drinking.

What we need:

  • Pumpkin pulp - 1 part
  • Gooseberries - 1 part
  • Honey - 250 g, for each liter of juice

Cooking method:

  • Squeeze gooseberries and pumpkins with a juicer
  • They need to be put on medium heat and warmed up a little, then add honey
  • You need to hold the drink a little more on the fire, without bringing it to a boil.
  • The resulting juice is poured into jars and rolled up with lids.

Before serving, the glass can be garnished with a mint leaf or cinnamon. This will add some more interesting notes to the taste.

Before serving, the glass can be garnished with a mint leaf or cinnamon. This will add some more interesting notes to the taste.

A couple of helpful cooking tips

In order for the juice of this drink to become as tasty as possible, and as much vitamin as possible remains in it, several tricks have appeared over the centuries that can be used in the manufacturing process.

These include:

It is recommended to prepare pumpkin juice from the freshest fruits possible. The best time to prepare it is a couple of days after harvest. Of course, you can also make this drink from an old pumpkin, but the taste will not be so rich and sweet, and it will be much less in quantity.

If you have a basement where preservation for the winter can be stored at a cool temperature, it is better to choose recipes that do not provide for boiling. Then the juice will remain as useful as possible. Such a drink is more useful, but can only be stored at low temperatures. If there is no cellar, then you should choose a different recipe; after boiling, the juice can be stored at room temperature.

To reveal the taste of pumpkin and improve the juice a little, you need to supplement it with various fruits, sugar and citric acid.

Juice with pulp has its advantages. Sometimes its taste is much brighter.

Juice with pulp has its advantages. Sometimes its taste is much brighter

Pumpkin juice helps even with the common cold. It strengthens the immune system, restores the body after an illness, and cleanses it of diseases. In addition, many note the regenerating and anti-inflammatory properties of this vegetable. Prepare this drink, and your body will always be strong and healthy.

Delicious pumpkin juice: What are its benefits and how to cook at home? (Photo & Video) +Reviews

Quick Juice Recipe

Delicious pumpkin juice: What are its benefits and how to cook at home? (Photo & Video) +Reviews

7.3 Total Score

So that you and your family can enjoy sweet pumpkin juice all year round and get the maximum vitamin from it, you need to know how to properly prepare pumpkin juice for the winter. In this article, we tried to talk about the best recipes for this drink. We hope that each of you can find something interesting here.

Ease of preparation
Buyer ratings: 3.33 (3 votes)

  1. I love pumpkin juice and drink it constantly and for quite a long time, since my childhood. And my grandmother taught me when I went to her village, she always said that it is generally good for the body, and helps with worms. I don’t know how it’s from worms, but it definitely saturates the body with the necessary vitamins and useful minerals, I drink every morning and love pumpkin juice right after a workout, too. He really energizes. And it’s not difficult to cook it, the main thing is not to be lazy. By the way, I think that for sports, in general, pumpkin is generally very useful. So I drink it myself and I will also teach my children to this drink.

  2. I'm making some pumpkin dishes. And even pumpkin jam, but pumpkin juice was overlooked. Although the bright orange color is quite an optimistic drink. I read about a lot of usefulness from him. By the way, no doubt about adding all sorts of goodies like an orange, the idea is wonderful, I'm sure that I will do it. I’ll wait until the harvest, and then I’ll have a blender in my hands and try to taste it. And suddenly I like it (I hope), then I will introduce it into the diet.

  3. Mom has been making pumpkin juice for many years. He says very helpful. Often combines it with carrot or beetroot, drinks as a medicine for prevention, a glass a day in the morning.I can't do that - I don't like pumpkin flavor. I know that it is useful, but even if I put a little in the soup, I can’t eat it, similarly with other dishes, for me the taste of pumpkin interrupts everything.
    But I prepare juices, and I force the children to drink by order (they also do not like pumpkin). Usually we wait for the pumpkin to become “huge as a carriage” (as my daughter says), We cut off only the skin, and send the pulp along with the seeds to the juicer. Those who love pumpkin seeds can take them out (it's not difficult at all), and squeeze out only the pulp.
    By the way, it will be necessary to try the recipe from the article - with cranberries - intrigued. I can't even imagine this flavor combination. Perhaps the cranberry will reconcile me with the pumpkin.

  4. Yes, I love pumpkin juice. In my family, jams and thick juices on lemon are often prepared according to such recipes, but you spied that you need to add more acid lemons, and we don’t do this, but it tastes fine. But on apples, you should definitely try the recipe, I would advise you to take homemade green varieties, they are not so watery and there are much more benefits in them than in store ones. Pumpkins must be taken ripe, and after boiling, immediately reduce to a minimum, they should languish, as it were, and not boil.

  5. This is the first time I hear about pumpkin juice, I have never tried it. But I have heard a lot about the benefits of pumpkin, I often cook pumpkin porridge and even made mashed soup, my child really likes pumpkin. Therefore, I will definitely take note of myself regarding the preparation of pumpkin juice, I really liked the recipe with orange. I think it’s a great option to prepare juice for the winter, the benefits and getting the necessary vitamins that are just needed in the cold season. I think the use of such juice will help strengthen the immunity of my whole family, and most importantly, it is tasty and healthy. The pumpkin product itself is not expensive, so pumpkin juice can be made. I am very glad that I found such an article in which there are so many simple recipes for making pumpkin juice. By combining pumpkin with other fruits, you can make a real vitamin cocktail. This year I planted a pumpkin and I think there will be a good harvest, I will definitely try to make pumpkin juice with orange, bake pumpkin in a slow cooker, because everything is very simple, I think mine will like it.

  6. I love anything to do with pumpkin. I cook various dishes and cereals with this vegetable. But the most favorite delicacy is dried pumpkin. To prepare it, you need to cut the ripe pulp of the pumpkin into small pieces and dry it in the sun for a couple of days. Then dry in the shade for a couple more weeks. The output is yummy, which will not be made in any confectionery factory. As for the juice, I see no reason to prepare it for the winter, since heat treatment neutralizes most of the vitamins. Plus, the huge amount of sugar that needs to be added in the described recipes will definitely not benefit health. I prefer to use freshly squeezed juice on a regular juicer. Pumpkin is perfectly stored all winter in the cellar until spring, so I don’t feel a shortage with this vegetable. Not to mention pumpkin seeds. If they are fried correctly, then yummy is obtained, from which it is impossible to break away, although, of course, it is more useful to use raw seeds.

  7. Aren't vitamins destroyed when pumpkin drink is boiled? I agree that it is tasty, but how much does it remain useful?

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