Plants are all around us. Thanks to them, our life is painted with bright colors. Our eyes are pleased with the variety of structure, shape, shades of stems, leaves, inflorescences.
Feelings and emotions are affected by the spreading scents of these flowers. It can be a delicate or tart flavor.
Thinking about a new purchase, rarely does anyone study the information about which flowers cannot be kept at home.
Some species are insidious because they pose a threat to the body with their juice, or even release dangerous toxins into the air. When health troubles arise, no one associates it with a newly minted green friend.
Particular care must be taken in the presence of young children and pets. It is they who try to smell and taste everything, and this is fraught with big problems. The danger is not only flowers in pots. Bouquets and floral arrangements can also be harmful.
This means that it is necessary to carefully choose a corner for placing a green friend, so that, for example, putting it in the bedroom, you do not get up in the morning with pain in the head, nausea and general weakness.
To protect a novice plant lover from possible health problems, consider the most popular and dangerous types of flowers (their names, a brief description of why they are dangerous).
There are also a large number of signs associated with plants. Therefore, for especially superstitious people, we have prepared information about the possible consequences of the neighborhood with some representatives of the plant world.

Beware the poison!

If there is a pet in the house, special care must be taken.
This group of indoor flowers belongs to the category of poisonous. Therefore, in the presence of small children and animals, the following flowers should absolutely not start. If you carelessly handle them, you can get poisoned and get damage to the skin and mucous membranes.
For those who have these favorite plants, do not forget that they should be cared for in a safe manner, i.e. gloves must be worn on hands, and working tools are washed well after work. And especially you can not use knives that are designed for cooking in the kitchen for trimming.

The attractiveness of the flower lies in the huge leaves (length up to 50 cm). They have an oval shape and a pattern on the surface. These are light yellow-green large and small spots, stripes. The trunk is thick and compacted.
Belongs to a perennial species. Homeland - South America.
Thanks to dieffenbachia in space well the air is cleared, but it is not desirable to keep it nearby. Its juice, released when the integrity is broken, can be poisoned. Dieffenbachia is preferable to place in production or on hard-to-reach surfaces.
In any action, protective measures for hands and respiratory tract must be observed.
Ingestion of even a small part of Dieffenbachia causes a severe violation of the functions of organs and body systems. Contact with the mucous membrane of the eye can cause problems with visual perception, with the skin - tissue damage.

The plant is especially popular due to its bright crimson flowers. Refers to especially poisonous representatives. In a flower, absolutely all parts (trunk, foliage, flowers, roots) are poisonous.
The aroma, fragrant during the flowering period, causes dizziness, general well-being worsens. Even from the collected nectar, insects can develop a painful condition that is provoked by poison. In humans, if accidentally consumed, it can cause vision problems.
It is dangerous to inhale the essential oil of the plant. It is used to produce poisonous substances that poison rats.
For any actions with the plant, it is recommended to protect your hands with gloves.
The birthplace of the flower is Madagascar. It can reach up to 1.5 m in height. There are a large number of species and a variety of forms, for this reason an unambiguous description is impossible.
There is a clear similarity with cacti because of the thorns. It may not be safe to prick on them. The juice in the trunk and foliage is white (hence the name). Getting on the outer covers, it causes damage to the eyes, it is dangerous for the eyes by loss of vision for a while.
Ingestion is fraught with poisoning. This can manifest itself in the form of involuntary muscle contractions, nervous tics, dizziness, loss of consciousness.
The following difficulties may also arise:
- with pressure
- cardiopalmus
- feeling short of breath, difficulty breathing
- nausea and vomiting
- swelling of the tongue, hands, feet

The appearance is a miniature tree. The leaves on it have a smooth and hard surface, with a shine, with thin stripes contrasting with a distinct outline. Their shape is oblong.
Color different: from lemon, orange to dark brown. Inflorescences have a nondescript appearance, but are rare in closed conditions.
The juice of this representative is very dangerous for the skin, because. lead to tissue damage. If accidentally swallowed, causes nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain. Sometimes it leads to difficulties in working with the heart.
The penetration of juice into the circulatory system leads to death if the skin is damaged.
A very popular flower with flower growers.
Azalea blooms richly and beautifully. Has a wide variety of shades: white, pink, red, yellow. The foliage is smooth and shiny.
Azalea Simsa (Indian Azalea) is a menacing representative. Its leaf plates and nectar contain dangerous toxins. They cause pain in the abdomen, cramps.
Mimosa bashful

Mimosa bashful
Causes interest for its bizarre unusual appearance. Mimosa foliage is small, fragile, trembling. If it comes into contact with something, it immediately twists into a tube. The flowers are also small and round. Their color is soft purple.
The flower outwardly seems to be a defenseless creature, but in reality it is dangerous. It releases harmful substances into the air. By poisoning the human body, they can lead to partial, and sometimes even complete hair loss.
ivy evergreen

ivy evergreen
Very common in residential areas. This is a climbing plant, with thin shoots in the form of vines falling from window sills or shelves. Foliage is glossy bright green. Sometimes it has veins.
The danger of ivy is represented by fruits and foliage. They are poisonous. When ingested, diarrhea and vomiting begin. With more severe poisoning, it causes hallucinations, loss of consciousness, and in critical situations - respiratory arrest.
Ivy is of particular interest to cats. They are attracted by bright leaves, they tend to taste them. Such food is fraught with severe poisoning and death of the pet.
It is a small beautiful tree, the trunk of which is thick and knotty. Leaves are rare. Her color is green. The number of inflorescences located on the crown is large. Their color is pink. Size is medium.
Adenium is easy to care for. Basically, it develops on its own. But you have to be careful with it, because the plant is toxic. Of particular danger is the juice of foliage and inflorescences. Upon contact with the body, poisoning is caused, in which the general condition worsens, nausea and dizziness begin. Redness may appear on the skin and a burning sensation will be felt.
This representative can grow to enormous sizes. The leaves are large, smooth, carved.
Monstera is a beautiful decoration of any interior. It is desirable that this be an office space, because in the size of a small apartment Montere is cramped.
The juice that is released from the leaves, on contact with the skin, causes burns and irritation. If it gets into the eyes, vision is temporarily impaired, and inside the body it provokes indigestion.

It is a bush, which consists of branches in the form of vines. The leaves are bright and smooth. Their shape resembles elongated hearts.
The poison is in the sap of the plant. Its contact with the skin and mucous membranes of the eyes leads to irritation and burns.
A favorite flower among growers. It has small size, velvety green leaves with embossed veins and beautiful flowering with a variety of shades. The plant is unpretentious, easy to care for.
When the primrose blooms, toxic substances are released, so inhaling its aroma is not recommended. Its smell can cause nausea and dizziness. The villi on the leaves, upon contact, provoke a burning sensation and an allergic reaction on the skin.
Steller's dwarf

Steller's dwarf
Treatment plant. Self-administration as directed is possible only under the strict supervision of a doctor.
Stellera has a tall trunk, with bright white inflorescences located on it. She has a strong scent. It can be felt from a distance. The leaves of the plant are small.
The use of pure flower juice leads to swelling of the vocal cords, numbness. The roots also pose a health hazard. They contain poisonous organic acids.

It is an evergreen small shrub that adorns many bright orange berries. They look very appetizing and attract a lot of attention. You can't eat them!
The fruits and leaves of nightshade contain poison. Using them will lead to unpleasant consequences. Therefore, if there are small children in the house, it is very dangerous to start it.
Tulip Gesner

Tulip Gesner
An incredibly beautiful and delicate flower with a variety of flowering colors: from yellow to red. It is a medicinal plant. It is used for the manufacture of medicines in traditional medicine.
If you stay in a closed space with a tulip for a long time, this can lead to partial or complete hair loss.

Often found on the windowsills of a cactus. It has an oval-shaped body with large and long needles located on it. The inflorescences are large and white. They have a pungent odor.
With the smell, hallucinogens and alkaloids are released, which can lead to paralysis and disruption of the nervous system.. In the natural environment, all this is necessary for the plant to protect itself from wild animals.

Poisonous decorative leafy representative. Poison (hydrocyanic acid, mercury, sublimate) is found in all parts of the plant, even the roots. On the advice of experienced flower growers, it is not recommended to transplant a flower without taking precautions.
If the root system is damaged, a strong smell of cyanide is felt. Breathing is dangerous. Juice, getting on the mucous membranes of the eyes, leads to impaired vision, and when ingested (even a small drop) - causes a long-term malaise.
Another favorite plant for flower growers. The shape of the flowers is unusual. It also has attractive leaves. They are toxic. But tubers pose a greater danger. They contain strong toxic substances (similar in strength to curare poison).
Poison, once in the body, leads to the following symptoms:
- deterioration in general condition
- vomit
- diarrhea
- convulsions
- loss of consciousness

Its other name is Brovallia Beautiful. Received it for its incredible attractiveness. It is a small bush with inflorescences of different shades: blue, lilac, white.
Brovallia is completely poisonous. Direct contact with the skin and mucous membranes is excluded. It causes a lot of attention in pets and therefore poses a great danger to them.
It strikes the eye with its beautiful large leaves. They are dense in structure, and on their surface there are various and incredible patterns. It is a poisonous plant, although it has a positive effect on indoor air (purification, disinfection).
Juice is the main threat.but the fruits also contain toxic substances. For any work and when caring for a flower, precautionary measures (protection of hands) are required.

The most toxic and luxurious plant among all exotics. All parts of it contain toxic substances. Attractive for its unusual flowering, which can change color.
It is a great danger to children and pets, so it is better not to keep it in the house. Penetrating into the body, causes severe poisoning, which can lead to kidney failure.
Also a common plant in residential areas. It is notable for its unusual colors, which are shaped like a sail.
Be careful with harmful juice. It can cause burns and chronic ulcers on the skin.
It has another name - the Star of Bethlehem. For its brightness and expressiveness is a favorite plant. It is also used to create a solemn decoration in the room.
Danger conceals for a person with its poisonous juice. When ingested, it causes severe burns of the esophagus. For people who have allergic reactions to latex, it is also dangerous.

Very beautiful decorative flower, but poisonous. Differs in bright orange inflorescences and is often used in design. Not recommended for keeping in homes with children and animals. Or at least it is necessary to place it where there is no free access to it. Ingestion causes digestive problems.
Pachypodium Lamera

Pachypodium Lamera
Popularly referred to as the Madagascar palm. It is a representative of the African flora. Pis a lush plant. It has a thick fleshy spiny stem, on top of which are green leaves in the form of a mohawk.
Insidiousness lurks in the juice of the stem. It contains poison. Particularly dangerous for allergy sufferers. Contained toxins and alkaloids can lead to vision problems when in contact with the mucous membrane of the eyes. When it enters the bloodstream, it causes cardiac arrest.
Ever-flowering varieties and their hybrids contain poison. Often they are chosen for growing indoors. These unsafe species are distinguished by a fleshy trunk. Its length is about 40 cm. Blooming begonia retains its splendor for a long time, which is what makes it attractive.Its inflorescences are medium-sized and collected in tassels.
If part of the plant is accidentally ingested, it can lead to nausea, vomiting, and poisoning. For this reason, the plant should be kept away from small children and animals.

Dangerous families

Children are so curious
Since there are a lot of names of flowers that contain poison and are dangerous to health in the plant world, when choosing a new green friend in the store, it is better to ask which family it belongs to. There are 4 most poisonous families:
- Euphorbia
Poison juice causes burns on the skin.
- Aroid
toxic agents. Their juice is especially dangerous.
- Kutrovykh
They represent the greatest danger. They are attractive for their brilliance. Hand protection is required for handling and care.
- nightshade
Not all representatives contain poison (for example, potatoes and tomatoes of the same family are not poisonous). As for house flowers specifically, they are often toxic, especially their berries. They can cause digestive problems, nausea, and vomiting.

Dealing with caution

Being careful never hurts
There are categories of colors that require a little care. Some of them will not pose a danger if properly placed. And others - can provoke a severe attack of allergies.
A beautiful flower, but not suitable for placement in the bedroom. At night, it releases large amounts of carbon dioxide, causing sleep problems. In the morning, this manifests itself in the form of a headache and a general broken state.
It has now become fashionable to keep this exquisite plant. The shape and color of flowers is varied. It is also best not to place the orchid in rooms where someone sleeps. The best place is the office. Orchid causes excitation of the nervous system, increases efficiency.
According to the effect of exposure, there is a similarity with a lily. It also releases carbon dioxide at night, which in the morning will result in a headache.
A favorite flower of flower growers. Its leaves are large and smooth. It is not dangerous, but causes allergic reactions in some people.
Attracts attention with beautiful inflorescences, consisting of small flowers. They are shaped into balls. It has a wide variety of colors and shades. Not suitable for people prone to allergies. They better stay away from him.

It is a long stem, at the top of which are white inflorescences. They have a strong smell. The aroma is sickeningly sweet. With the smell, the plant releases substances. They have the ability to enhance the sense of smell.
May have a negative effect on people who have problems with the cardiovascular system, suffer from high blood pressure. This manifests itself in the form of dizziness and depression.
Often referred to as a family doctor. Has antimicrobial properties. Helps to remove toxins, relieves stress, treats headaches and insomnia.
The flower is not poisonous, but exacerbates allergies or asthma. Therefore, if someone from the household suffers from these diseases, it is better for the owner to get rid of him, otherwise a severe attack caused by the essential oils of the plant can be fatal. Also, if there is a small child or a pet in the house, you need to think about the place to place the plant. It is not desirable that it be freely available. Accidental ingestion of flowers or leaves carries the risk of poisoning.
Otherwise, geranium acts on cockroaches and moths. If these insects decide to start up in the house, it will be a good helper in getting rid of them.
For flowers that have a pronounced smell, it is better to choose rooms where there is good ventilation. Then the well-being will not be negatively affected and the enjoyment of the green friend will be in full.
fat girl
It looks like a tree in appearance. It has other names - crassula, money tree, zhiryanka. It has thick fleshy leaves. It is a medicinal plant. It is used in the treatment of many diseases.
The plant is very useful for indoors, because has the ability to purify the air, absorb odors. It blooms extremely rarely, so it is not dangerous for allergy sufferers (only during the flowering period).
Crassula leaves contain a large amount of arsenic. Therefore, the threat is posed by misuse and overdose during treatment.
This will be accompanied by the following symptoms:
- disturbance of consciousness
- vomit
- diarrhea
- poisoning
Also called dragon tree and the Chinese call it “bamboo of happiness” (but it has nothing to do with bamboo). In appearance, the plant is similar to cordilina and yucca.
For allergy sufferers, the flower is safe. The only cause of an allergy can only be improper care for it - dust on the leaves, microorganisms, fungi in the soil that are harmful.
Dracaena belongs to low-toxic species, but still poses a danger, especially to children and pets. When it is used, vomiting occurs, diarrhea, weakness, and the digestive tract is disturbed.


Ivy outside protects all households from adverse circumstances
Some rules and attitudes in life have developed historically. Many people take them seriously because they believe that failure to follow them is bound to bring trouble. To believe or not to believe in superstition is up to everyone to decide. Below are a few beliefs associated with home flowers:
- Ivy creates an uncomfortable environment inside the house for men. Although if he wraps around the house from the outside, this will protect all household members from adverse circumstances.
- Cactus scares away grooms from single girls, and a man will be provoked to abuse alcohol, creating a negative atmosphere
- Fern considered an energy vampire, tk. feeds on the vital energy of all households
- Sansevieria (mother-in-law's tongue or pike tail) is able to scare suitors away from the girl, take away female power. The family will be divorced
- WITH palm tree sad, unpleasant atmosphere will reign in the house
- Zephyranthes (upstart) has a strong male energy. Do not grow in the house, because. he creates an atmosphere that badly affects relationships between family members, especially spouses (if he is in their bedroom). The sign also says that the plant attracts the energy of poverty, poverty into the house.
- violets sometimes called vampires, because. supposedly absorb the life force of a person. It is not recommended to place them in rooms where someone sleeps. Waking up in the morning feels discomfort, fatigue

Biologists explain that in the dark, oxygen is not produced by plants. During this time, carbon dioxide is released. Absorption of it in small parts threatens with malaise, in large parts - poisoning.
Signs can be observed and perhaps this will help to avoid troubles in family life, bring good luck. But you should not focus too much on them either, because most likely it can be true if you believe in it very strongly.
Flowers at home are wonderful. They create comfort. But your healthy condition, the well-being of your loved ones is much more important. This means that before bringing into the house a plant that can amaze with its incredible beauty, it is necessary to collect complete information about it, because it can be unsafe, bring with it a lot of health troubles.
We tried very hard to help in this matter and we hope that our work will be useful for everyone, so that the house is not just beautiful, but this beauty gives only a positive mood.
What flowers can not be kept at home and why? TOP 25 plants dangerous to health + Signs | ( 25+ Photos & Videos )