Who doesn't know the tomato? - There are no such!
Is everyone ready to give a tomato characterization and description of varieties right off the bat? At least a couple?
Does everyone know what a tomato is? Are you really sure it's a vegetable? But no!

A bit of history
Tomato - This is the fruit of a perennial nightshade grass called "tomato" (tomate).
This word and the plant itself came to Russia from France, and to France - from Italy, presumably in the 16th century. In Italy, the plants were called pomo d'oro - "golden apple" and they were yellow-sunny, because that's how they were grown by May and the Aztecs, believing that "tomatli" were sent to them by the solar goddess of medicine, health and healing - Ishtilton (Ihtilton) .
The Spaniards, who introduced Europe to this golden berry after 1520, introduced it as "pomidel de Peru" - "apple from Peru".
The loving French gave the “apple” their name, which the Russians also used for a long time - “une pomme d’amour” - “love apple”.
Both the French and the Spaniards used tomatoes as a remedy for coughs and as a powerful remedy for increasing potency, but the frequent use of la mela d'oro ("golden apple" - Italian), according to scientists of that time, threatened with death.

Such a gift to anyone's heart!
In 1780, new fruits from Italy were served at the table of Catherine II, most of which were “golden apples”. The empress liked the new fruits so much that by the greatest decree it was ordered to breed this vegetable for the imperial table and the process of Russification of the Italian "love" berry took on unprecedented proportions.
Eh, the queen did not know that tomatoes had long settled on the outskirts of the Russian Empire as a medicinal vegetable, and Crimeans, Astrakhans, Georgians and other southerners had long mastered the methods of growing French-Italian berries!
By the middle of the 19th century, the sown areas for tomatoes developed in Russia were several times larger than the modest beds of all those countries through which the tomato passed to become "their own on the board" for the Russians.
So who is he - senor Tomato? By definition, a fruit. In everyday consciousness - a vegetable. According to the biological classification - a berry. And this vegetable-fruit has long been the king of our greenhouses and vegetable gardens!
What varieties of tomatoes does the 21st century offer us?

Let's start with the yellow-orange pomo d'oro, the color "pomidel de Peru"!
Honey Spas, Persimmon and bull heart Orange and Gold. Golden heart
Honey Spas

Full of honey...
Orange-colored tomatoes are generally considered to be more acidic than those with a "skin" of a different color. But these three have an excellent sweet taste! Especially Honey saved!
Bred by such a breeding luminary as V.N.Derenko, Honey Spas, registered in 2004, as a "variety for greenhouses and open ground", quickly won a place in each of the regions of Russia.
Freely growing in a greenhouse up to 2 m in height (in open ground - up to 170 cm.) this nightshade forms on one brush up to 6 large, round orange or deep yellow, saturated berries covered with large green leaves. Berry weight up to 250 g.
Until the “child of the bush” has reached full maturity, a dark green spot remains at the top, at the very stalk, which disappears as soon as the pomo d’oro is fully ripe.
Ripe pomo d'oro lies well until winter in the refrigerator.
Here is a flattering review of Medovoe:
“I sowed the seeds in mid-March, since I don’t use backlighting. Seedlings grew good and strong (spring pleased with a sufficient number of sunny days). I planted my tomatoes in mid-May. I grow a lot and different ones in order to select the best ones for myself.
But the weather in the summer of 2014 was not on the side of gardeners, heavy torrential and prolonged rains gave way to heat. Many died, but Medovy Spas pleased, the first babies on it had already matured by July 20, although it was declared as average, while, like the well-known Riddle, it did not give anything at all.
My Honey saved fruit for the longest time and held on to the last and survived in the fight against late blight. The last tomatoes were picked clean and healthy, though not very ripe. Honey spas showed its best side even in not very favorable conditions. Sow this variety and you won't regret it!"

It even looks sweet!
Tomato Persimmon is not so high - only 70-90 cm in the open field and 120-140 cm in the greenhouse. Needs a garter. This nightshade has a good yield, but is prone to frequent diseases.
Persimmon berry shape persimmon and remind, weighing 350-400 g. A ripe persimmon is very sweet and fleshy, but an overripe one begins to sour. Great for both salads and preserves.
Persimmon is the leader in beta-carotene content among yellow and orange varieties!
There is no exact definition of ripeness. Judging by the reviews, someone believes that maturity is in a bright, orange-yellow color, others argue that such a color is a sign that Persimmon is already overripe.
As an introduction to the orange-sunny Persimmon, we suggest watching a short video:
Salad variety of tomato
bull heart orange

And the truth is the heart of a bull, only vegetable ...
Ox heart Orange is another of the high-yielding and disease-resistant representatives of the “golden Peruvian apples”. For open ground, 5 kg is quite normal. from a plant, and for a greenhouse and 12 kg. no limit!
Oval "hearts" of amazing balanced sweet-sour taste, large, from 150 to 400 g. bull heart red and burgundy.
It is worth noting that it has serious drawbacks:
- Completely unsuitable for storage canning!
- Weak resistance to late blight.
bull heart golden

Heart "cast" in gold!
Bullish heart Golden up to one and a half meters high with large fleshy oval "hearts" weighing up to 600 g. The content of sugars and carotene in these giants just rolls over, however, as in the orange "tomato". This "love apple" is just as good for salads, but can also be processed.
All four yellow-orange vegetables do well in unheated greenhouses and under film cover. Planting pattern - 50x70 cm. For the middle lane and the Moscow region, it is ideal to leave 1 stem, in greenhouse you can leave 2-3.
Golden heart

Here is a golden brush
Oxheart is often confused with Golden Heart. And this is not surprising: their shape, color and even taste are almost the same. But there is still a difference!
The leaves of the Golden Heart are small and dark, in contrast to the large, richly colored leaves of the Ox Hearts. Yes, and the sprout bush of the Golden Heart is inferior to the "Bull's apples" - only up to 70-80 cm.
However, it is these tomatoes that are recommended by the State.Register of Russia for cultivation on garden and summer cottages.
Golden heart, according to health workers, are ideal tomatoes for baby food.
"Golden heart"
Determinate variety of tomato

Let's meet pink tomatoes!
Pink pink, De Barao, Pink honey, Giant, Sanka and Mazarin. This magnificent six has gained extraordinary popularity in Russia due to its taste, excellent keeping quality and ease of care.
Not only is the acid content in pink tomatoes lower than in red ones, they also delight gardeners with a high content of lycopene (a carotenoid that breaks down fats). More recently, it was believed that the champions in the content of this pigment, which gives the leaves and fruits a blood-red color, are tomatoes rich red color, best of all - overripe.
However, Pink, Honey, Giant, De Barao, Mazarini, and along with them Sanka, Flamingo and Wonder of the Earth - surpass the usual dark tomatoes in terms of the content of this antioxidant. This means that the use of pink “tomatoes” significantly reduces the risk of developing cataracts, gingivitis, coronary disease and atherosclerosis.
Let's get acquainted!
pink pink

Small, strong, like a cucumber!
There is some “butter oil” here, because “pink” (pink) in translation from English is translated as “pink”. This rosy-cheeked youngster (150-190 g) has a dense, fragrant and fleshy appearance. In addition, this is one of the earliest salad vegetables in terms of ripening, the berry picking time is 65-75 days after planting the "undersized".
But strong kicks are also good in pickles and marinades., and the paste from them turns out to be a pleasant light shade.
A very important point for the gardener! All types of Pinks are resistant to cracking!
The already well-known Paradise and Unique have recently been joined by a new hybrid (F-1) - Pink Heart.
The novelty can be found here:
"Pink Tomato Pink Heart F1"
Early hybrid tall tomato
pink honey

Such a handsome man! You won't stop loving!
This rosy Honey is characterized not only by sweet and delicate “apples” in texture, but by the almost complete absence of seeds in them.. From one plant, twisted from 2 stems, in a good year, you can remove up to 6 kg. strong rosy-cheeked "doctors". Height - up to a meter, and ripening time - 100-110 days after planting in a greenhouse or open ground.
Honey is a common determinant, that is, new stepchildren appear gradually and they must be removed, otherwise the period of “giving away” the crop will drag on for an indefinite time, and in open ground conditions this is not always justified, because. the return should be friendly - took off, rolled up and forgot!
Before planting, it is worth treating the area with antifungal compounds: late blight - the main scourge for Pink honey!
Little secret. Sometimes a green spot does not disappear for a long time on an outwardly ripe “medica”. There is no trouble in this! Slightly unripe "une pomme d'amour" should be removed and left to ripen along with any other red tomatoes.
De Barao

Small but remote
This baby, although it weighs only 50-70 g, is resistant to phytophthora, unlike the tender seedless Honey. Being formed in the same way as Honey in 2 stems, it grows up to 50-60 cm, and the fruits can be harvested after 120 days. The harvest will be 4 kg. from a plant.
De Barao belongs to super-determinate varieties, such as Sanka.
Neither De Barao nor Sanka demand the removal of stepchildren, because they stop growing after throwing out 4 or 6 brushes.
De Barao requires rare, but very plentiful watering, per 1 sq.m. there should be no more than 3 two-stem sprouts - a powerful root system will interfere with the development of a neighboring plant with no less powerful roots.
Landing in open ground not earlier than the first days of May. V hothouse Maybe a couple of weeks earlier.
According to reviews, De Barao, grown by gardeners for more than a year,

Good! Oh, and our Sanka is good!
This is another super-determinant, only 50 cm high. and a mass of berries up to 80 g. It stops reaching up early and rushes to form and pour its friendly fruitlets, which are distinguished by an amazing “one-dimensionality”.
Sanka has something else to brag about:
- These juicy balls with dense skin can be not only pink, but also red and black (it all depends on the type of Sanka)
- Sanka prefers the open ground of the Central region, zoned for the Kursk and nearby regions, feels great in the Moscow region
- All 3 types of Sanka ripen in 75-80 days
- The planting scheme is compacted 35x45, but they do not tolerate the presence of weeds next to them.
- drought resistant
In rainy weather can become a victim phytophthora in just a few hours!
More details about cute Sanka here:
Undersized tomato variety

Very "bearded" sprout!
The name signora tomato is directly related to the cardinal and first minister of France, an Italian by birth - Giulio Mazarin. The Italian goatee beard exactly repeats the shape of a pink tomato. Or vice versa? Or do you mean hot southern blood? The "hot blood" of this nightshade is only "hot" in the South!
Mazarin tomato can be grown outdoors only in the southern regions of the Caucasus and Crimea. In the middle regions and the Leningrad region. The Peruvian berry feels good only in heated greenhouses.
This is an F-1 hybrid with a powerful, slightly leafy stem up to 1.5 m high, with 4-5 brushes, on which large (180-200 g) red-pink "beards" flaunt, which darken as they mature. Productivity - 4-20 kg. from 4 bushes into one stem, which grow without interfering with each other on an area of 1 sq.m.
This vegetable is unusually good fresh, as well as for juices and sauces.
Let's take into account the amazing resistance of the Mazarin tomato to blossom-end rot, fusarium and cladosporiosis.
It is worth emphasizing that the main care for the red-pink "love apple" will consist in timely stepsoning (an indeterminate variety), top dressing with mineral complex fertilizers and abundant watering during the formation of "beards"

Heavy, big and beautiful!
This pink "love apple" really "suffers from gigantism"! If the stem is not cut in time, then "une pomme d'amour" can grow into a real tree 5-5.5 m tall!
Fruits are not uniform: on the brush there can be berries both in 300 g and in 2 kg. It will take 115-120 days to ripen, and new ones will constantly be tied, so extra flowers should be eliminated in time before the ovary appears.
On 1 square it will be good for 2 single-stem plants with a mandatory garter. Fruits are consumed fresh, they are not suitable for storage or conservation.
It is not easy to get the seed of the Giant - the number of seeds in this fruit is scanty, and it is almost impossible to keep them at home. It's a shame, however!
Whichever of the pink “tomatoes” finds its land on your site, these pink-cheeked berries will definitely not be able to disappoint you!
You can learn about the collection tomato Miracle of the Earth from this video:
"Wonder of the Earth"
Collection variety of tomatoes

Now consider the red-cheeked representatives of la mela d'oro.
Red-red F-1, Siberian precocious, King of kings, Babushkino
Let's skip forward the classic hybrid.
Red-red F-1

Like a bright light in the garden
It's not just a red tomato, it's a pure scarlet tomato! And despite the fact that this "light" still does not feel very comfortable among the established types of tomatoes, it is stable enough to recommend it for private greenhouses and plots - it is reproduced from the seeds that its berry contains unchanged.
The size of the berry is average (not less than 150 g, but not more than 500).
The number of scarlet balls is up to 7 pieces, early ripening. The pulp is very juicy, has a classic tomato flavor with a slight sourness, on the break it is sugary, friable, crystalline. The height of the stem does not exceed one and a half meters.

Everything for your beloved grandchildren!
But this is not a hybrid at all and, contrary to popular rumors, it does not have any F-1 hybrids! Grandma's basket, Grandma's happiness, Grandma's kiss or Grandma's secret are separate varieties of "grandmothers".
And Grandma's secret generally refers to pink tomatoes! True, this does not prevent the Secret from growing a sunny fruit weighing up to 700 g, but to be honest, the normal fruit weight is 350-400 g.
But back to the blush-red Babushkino. Their weight is 300-800 g., externally, the skin of flat-round, smooth, dense "granddaughters" may have a faint pinkish tint, but on the break you can see how bright red their flesh is. "Apple" can be stored for a long time, but the puree from it tastes just excellent! Salads and marinades are also good. On the brush of such red-cheeked "granddaughters" usually 12 pcs.
Grandma's mid-early plant, you can plant not only seedlings, but also seeds open ground, because these sprouts tolerate low temperatures well and are resistant to common tomato diseases. So Babushkino tomatoes can be grown in any region of Russia!
Siberian precocious

Blushing right before your eyes...
This Peruvian fruit especially pleases the inhabitants of the Urals and Siberia. It can be sold under different names: Siberian tiger, Siberian giant, Siberian trump card, Siberian malachite, Siberian bear and even Siberian pirouette or Cossack. These are all varieties of an early, high-yielding, low-growing variety of the Siberian early ripe grape tomato.
The name speaks for itself - a pleasant red color with yellow-green "slits" or an orange-yellow tint, weighing 100-120 g., with a yield of up to 7 kg. from an open bush and up to 9 kg. in a greenhouse.
The bush is not high, but it is necessary to tie it up - because of the abundance of heavy clusters, it can simply break.
Great pure tomato flavor, ideal for juicing and cooking salads. Minus - it is completely devoid of keeping quality, and when you try to fill it with marinade, it bursts.
But it is absolutely resistant to brown spot and tobacco spot virus (TMV). To other nightshade diseases it is resistant to a solid "4".
You can look at this striped-motley "Ural" here:
"Siberian precocious"
Early ripe variety of tomato
King of Kings

Royal product - definitely!
This is another giant among tomate, the favorite "tomatl" of Ukraine and Moldova.
Bushes of medium foliage reach 1.80-2 m in height, so it is worth forming them into 2 stems and be sure to tie them up, otherwise round, dense, heavy tomatoes weighing 1 kg (and more!) Will easily break the fragile support, and the entire crop will be 5-6 kg. from the bush will be on the ground.
One can sing laudatory songs about the taste qualities of the mid-late King, they are so good both fresh, and in salad delights, and in tomato paste-juices. This is when the berry has already turned deep red, and while it is still yellow-green, it is readily used as an ingredient for interesting winter salads and as separate spins.
Nobleman or Budyonovka?
How to distinguish and is there a difference?
So - nobleman.

noble berries
Powerful stem grows up to 80 cm in height. It is formed from 2 initial ones.
In order for the plant to become as fruitful as possible, only 1 stepson is left below under the very first flower brush, the rest are pinched.
It is somewhat similar to the Bull's heart - elongated, heart-shaped (sometimes adjacent to rounded strong men), weighing up to 500 g., fleshy, sugary on a break, excellent sweet, slightly sour taste of freshly squeezed fresh juice. A whitish spot remains on the cut near the stalk.
Ideal for table consumption. Unfortunately, it is not subject to long-term storage.
Now - Budyonovka.

The nobleman, having changed color, becomes ... Budyonovka!
A powerful bush grows up to 80 cm in height ... Etc.
Description one to one with the Noble. So why are they still divided by name? There is a difference - the color of the berry.
The nobleman has red-burgundy fruits, and Budyonovka has a bright pink-scarlet color.
Both tomatoes have common related roots, hence their identity.. The only difference is the color!
From reviews of Velmozh and Budyonovka:
Here's the opposite comment:

These varieties will also be of interest:
Rosa, Lyubasha, Katya, Gina and Ogorodnik
Sounds like "Three sisters and Uncle Vanya." There are four sisters, to be exact. And Uncle Vanya is a gardener. Let's go!
the Rose

Ripe Rosette
It turns out that there are a lot of tomatoes with the name Rosa. Starting with the female names Rose, Rosalina and Rosanna, we also find Wild Rose, Tea Room and even Wind Rose. And all these are the names of varieties that, as one, are resistant to heat or drought, generally calmly endure temperature fluctuations, agree to put up with poor soil and lack of awareness of novice tomato growers.
At the same time, they will delight with consistently high yields of pink and rose-red fruits with excellent taste in almost any region of our vast Motherland.
For each district, there is sure to be its own Rose, tall or small, moreover, not subject to tomato diseases. It is very convenient that the "apples" can be collected unripe in the amount of 6 kg. from the bush and wait for them to ripen at home.
Or you can take them to relatives - they are perfectly transported, both fresh and in jars with marinade. A very strong rose!

Our good Lyubasha!
It is also an extremely unpretentious F-1 hybrid, moreover, it is also ultra-early (70-75 days) and productive.. Perfect for open ground, if the bush is formed into 3 stems and allowed to grow to 1 m.
Fruits of 100-130 g in a friendly family of 7-8 berries ripen on a simple inflorescence. When ripe, they acquire a rich sweet and iridescent red color.
They are not prone to whims - they do not crack and are perfectly transported due to the dense skin. We add here the resistance to diseases and drought, we put the rating "excellent".

Katya in a red sundress
Another F-1, and since no more than 80 days pass from germination to maturity, it also applies to ultra-early.
The formation of fruits is also similar - small red tomatoes are kept by a family of 8-9 things, ripen together, each weighs 110-130 g, and the yield of the crop is up to 10 kg. outdoors and up to 15 kg. under the film.
Excellent taste, aroma and transportability. Good, both for the table and in a recycled form. Of course - "excellent"!

This "sister" is a real pleasure for the owner of the site: it is not susceptible to diseases, does not need molding, it is not necessary to pinch and thin out, they grow and bear fruit equally well, both in a greenhouse and under a film or in open ground. Height - 60-65 cm.
Gina's fresh red tomato weighs up to 260-280 g, in total there are from 3 to 6 on a brush.
The balanced combination of acid and sugar makes pomo d'oro taste excellent.
The peculiarity is the late cultivation of seedlings (March-April) and its immersion in the ground not earlier than the soil warms up to 18 *. Seedlings must be at least 45 days old!

Two "caps" of Petrusha-gardener
Apparently, out of respect for the hard work of a rural or country resident, they brought out a beautiful, grateful in productivity for care, kind of red, like a dying flame, tomatoes for open ground - Gardener Petrusha. These are lettuce "apples" with an affectionate name, early ripening (90-100 days), capable of producing up to 10 kg. juicy fruit from a square. And that's without cover!
Under film cover and even in unheated polycarbonate greenhouse The gardener will rise to 120-150 cm, and the harvest from 1 sq.m. (3-4 bushes) will be 11-14 kg. Harvest - from July until frost.
From the pros: there is no thickening of the leaf, it responds gratefully to any little top dressing, is indifferent to drought, resistant to diseases, good both fresh and in pickles-marinades. A worthy neighbor for the "sisters" on the site!
On our beds there are also "French" with "Prussians"! No, not French tomatoes and German cockroaches! These are Truffle and Koenigsberg tomatoes.

Here it is, either a “pumpkin”, or a “mushroom-potato”!
This non-French mushroom-potato tomato could be:
- Red
- pink
- black
- yellow
- Orange
It can also be Sweet or Japanese.
The truffle is neither French nor Japanese, it was bred by Russian breeders, it is Russian! And very quickly fell in love with gardeners for its excellent taste, excellent keeping quality, amazing resistance to tomato diseases, minimal response to weather changes, the possibility of growing under a film and without. And, of course, unusual elongated fruits, weighing 100-130 g each.
Such a shape and a fairly dense skin make it possible to use truffle tomatoes in salads and winter preparations, all the more so since 7-8 kg can be harvested from one bush in 105-110 days. The bush is quite tall - 1.5 m., strongly leafy, therefore, per 1 sq.m. no more than 2 bushes!
It really needs additional feeding of potassium and phosphorus! The garter is simply necessary, because. all types of truffle have very brittle twigs.
Of the minuses - cracking of ripe tomatoes. But this is easily eliminated by not frequent, but plentiful watering. The second way to preserve the fruits stretched into a “pumpkin” is to pick them unripe and let them “leave” with others, for example, with Pink honey. And absolutely, absolutely not suitable for making juices and pasta!
According to entrepreneurs:
And here is the video:
"Japanese truffle"
Indeterminate variety of tomato

It's not a lemon at all! This is Koenigsberg!
Although the culture bears the name of one of the Eastern provinces of German Prussia (until 1945), this is one of the best works of breeders already known to us, Vladimir Nikolaevich Dederko, Olga Postnikova and Alexander Yabrov.
From the description we can conclude that this plant is a tall hybrid. Stems 2 m high, thin, branched, require pinching, garters, top dressing ...
But the harvest is beyond praise! On one brush - 7-10 cylindrical berries, weighing 150-300 g each. The taste is delicious, pure tomato, excellent, both fresh and canned. Harvest - up to 20 kilos per square!
Varietal tomatoes do not have such unrealistic indicators.
However, Koenigsberg is not F-1, it is a real variety of the newest tomatoes!
Planting density - no more than 3 two stem bushes per 1 sq.m. Giant bushes need a lot of space and sun!
Do not pay attention to a certain lethargy and "liquidity" of seedlings, do not rush to feed, feed, and feed again! Such is her normal “constitution”. Seedlings are quite enough general recommendations for growing.
The Koenigsberg variety has several subspecies, each of which has its own purely personal qualities and characteristics.But all species and subspecies are united by such a quality as a high yield of large and tastiest berries-fruits!
Indeterminate variety of tomato

Tomatoes with funny names and completely serious "intentions" are also present:
Eagle's beak, Batyanya and Fat boatswain
Let's consider them in turn.
eagle beak

Such a cute "beak"!
This Peruvian apple is mid-ripening, fruitful and not a small sprout: he does not have such a restriction, so he will have to pinch at the level of 1.8-2 m. He will also need a garter. The best bushes are obtained from 2 stems grown in a greenhouse. Care after landing in a permanent place is the most common - watering, pinching, fertilizing.
What do we end up with? – Heart-shaped fruits of pink or red color, weighing up to 500 g on the lower brushes and slightly smaller on the subsequent ones. Little things do not happen at all! Each berry is fleshy, sugary, very tasty and juicy. With proper care, you can harvest 10 and even 15 kg.
Proper care will include both nutritional value and timely moisture to the soil, despite the fact that this vegetable does not tolerate stagnant water in the roots.. However, as well as the presence of a number of weeds.
Overall rating - 4 points out of 5.
The tomato got its funny name because of the shape of its fruits: slightly elongated towards the bottom, they may have a curved nose at the tip, resembling the beak of a bird of prey.
"Eagle's Beak"
Large-fruited, mid-season tomato variety
Reviews are generally positive, such as this one:

With such a Father, winter is not terrible!
It's also "new". Only Batyanya, like a real Siberian peasant (and he comes from Siberia), not susceptible to attacks by pests and infections. Outwardly, it resembles a cut of 2 vegetable plants - Eagle's beak tomato and Sevruga (another funny name for a tomato).
Batyanya can be grown everywhere, but the largest yields are still expected in warm areas. However, this vegetable in any region gives a stable harvest after 90-95 days of wonderful large "apples" up to 250-350 g. The berry is burgundy, raspberry, pink, red, yellow or orange - a complete rainbow! And how sweet, how juicy!
In addition, Batyanya is of universal use, which only increases its value.
Watch the video below: What is the difference between Batyanya and Sevruga - a tomato with such a marine (funny) name:
Large-fruited, high-yielding tomato variety
fat boatswain

Well, that's right - Boatswain! And indeed - Fat!
Another medium-sized "sailor" F-1, settled down in the beds. It is good both under a covering film, and under the roof of an unheated greenhouse, and in open ground, because. resistant to TMV and other misfortunes. These selective boatswains have only one misfortune - short-term storage.
For all other indicators, there are no questions for Tolstoy: excellent taste qualities of both ripe and green fruits, weighing 150-180 g. Yes, yes! These four-celled, round and dense berries on a 2-stem bush can be eaten both at full maturity (red, orange-red, yellow and pink) and green-striped "immature".
Given the increased fruit formation, it is not only tasty, but also unusual when you can eat both green and burgundy tomatoes of the same type from one bush. The fat boatswain is a versatile hybrid! No wonder they say about him: “There is one bush, the reserve is a bucket!”
Look at the Fat Bosun and the Empire variety, maybe the Empire will suit your heart:
Determinate variety of tomato
I can say for myself that I just love tomatoes and I have this product for breakfast, lunch and dinner is a must. And it's not even that I love because this product is very tasty, both fresh and canned. and also in the fact that this vegetable really helps me to be more enduring and stronger. I just serve in the special forces myself, and, of course, excellent physical fitness is simply necessary for me. so I can say that when I just started eating tomatoes regularly, my strength indicators really began to grow, and tomatoes also have an excellent effect on mental activity, I checked it myself. Therefore, every summer I always stock up on tomatoes in the village with my grandmother. Plus, my uncle plants more than 10 acres every year with tomatoes. If we talk about fresh tomatoes, I like the Ogorodnik variety more, but for conservation, as my grandmother and my wife say, the Sanka variety and the Babushkino variety are better suited.
I was looking for something to diversify the tomato beds this year. Perhaps I'll plant Sanka. It seems to me that this variety should be ideal for blanks, judging by both the photo and the description.
In general, I am a fan of the classic red tomatoes. Preferably non-hybrid. I don't understand yellow. Not only the color, but also the taste is completely different. I don't know if they have fans. I'm also wary of pinks. But, for example, I planted Rose honey several times (it is mentioned in the article) and I can’t say anything bad. Stepchildren only tortured. And the taste is pleasant. Yes, not as bright as the classics, but gentle, sweet. And it looks spectacular on the table - beautiful. Big tomatoes.
I was very happy to see here from old acquaintances - "grandmothers". Here are the working tomatoes! There are always a lot of tomatoes, ripen well, tasty. And just this variety has a real tomato taste. Still, it's not a hybrid of some kind! They go well in the sun too. True, I did not know that there is also a pink grandmother. Will have to try.
It is strange that in the review there is a Yellow Bullish Heart, but not the usual one. I’m ready to recommend this variety to everyone, I plant it every year, I haven’t found anything better among the giants.
Yes, I agree that Sanka is ideal for various types of conservation. I have been canning them for the third year already and my husband and son say that these are the most delicious tomatoes)) But when I was visiting my girlfriend, she treated me to tomatoes of the Koenigsberg variety, then I also remained under very pleasant impressions and plan to do so experiment with this variety in the summer.In general, I want to speak positively about tomatoes also because I am a woman, and for a woman, appearance is one of the first, if not the first place)) and so my fitness trainer “hooked” me on tomatoes. According to her, tomatoes not only help maintain excellent physical fitness, as written in the first review of the article, but also slow down the aging process, and by the way, I noticed that as soon as I started eating tomatoes regularly, I forgot about skin problems )) In general, last year I planted quite a few tomatoes in the country, but this year I’m already thinking about giving at least a fifth of the beds into the possession of tomatoes))
Every year I buy seeds for seedlings, I prefer to grow tomatoes on my own. Now there is a very large variety of tomato varieties and it is very difficult to decide which one is better to choose. Last year I planted persimmon tomatoes, I especially remember her for their taste, because the tomato is medium in size, very fleshy and tasty, such a tomato is more suitable for salads, because the fruit is too large for preservation, I only ate it. For conservation, I prefer to take a small cream. Also, when buying seeds, I try to pay attention to the height of the plant, I take low-growing varieties, about 50-60 cm, so as not to fool around and tie them up. Although I understand that on such bushes there will be less harvest than on high ones. A very interesting article, I just found out the appropriate names for a tomato for myself and it’s just the season for planting seeds, I’ll definitely take the seeds of Sanka, persimmon and bull’s heart! I think they will please me with an excellent harvest, I would also like to know the rules for caring for seedlings and what kind of top dressing is needed for tomatoes.
Fell in love with tall tomatoes. I have never grown such tasty and fleshy fruits in my entire career as an amateur gardener. I will say more - the variety "De Barao Giant" is able to amaze with the yield of experienced gardeners. Personally, I managed to collect 30 kg of tomatoes from a bush. Although I am sure that you can increase the result. The main thing is to properly form a bush so that it can grow up without hindrance. For this, I used a wooden frame and a nylon rope, along which the branches curled. To start the growth of the plant, it is necessary to remove all stepchildren. Moisturizing the soil was organized using drip irrigation, after mulching the soil with straw. I also slightly darkened the bed with a special net so that the sun would not burn the leaves. For the whole season he carried out top dressing three times. Once with nitrogen fertilizer, twice with wood ash diluted in water. The plant responded to my care, generously rewarding me for the work done. He sold the surplus of tomatoes on the market, slightly improving his financial situation. All good harvests.
I just bought a garden plot and really want to plant tomatoes. I really want to grow homemade tomatoes. Looking for varieties to choose. I liked the selection, but I would like more information on individual agricultural technology. Although, perhaps it's just me, a beginner, lacking such data.
I was going to plant the usual tomatoes, but now I'm thinking about both yellow and pink ones. I wonder if they are difficult? Maybe someone will tell you who knows? And are they worth spending time and space on them?
Loved the big ones here. The tomatoes look very appetizing. As I understand it, these are greenhouse options, are they not suitable for beds?
Wow, there are so many varieties. I didn’t even suspect that there were so many of them)) Of course, I knew that there were at least a dozen varieties that I tried, but of course I didn’t know that there were dozens of varieties. As for tomatoes, and in general everything that is made with tomatoes (ketchup, tomato sauce, tomato paste), I really just adore)) But from fresh ones, I love “green” tomatoes most of all, they are great for salads))
We always grow tomatoes, but varieties with large fruits.Somehow it so happened that we don’t use a small tomato at all. Never had a problem with maintenance. Seedlings were planted and watered on time. The harvest is always good. Without tomatoes, it is impossible to cook delicious dishes and preparations for the winter.
Well, I don’t know, for me there is only one tomato, ordinary and round. I haven't looked at others, and I only buy these. The parent is also grown in the country every year, the yield is normal. I have never been interested in a variety, but now I need to find out what kind of variety it is. Interestingly, but there are similar in shape and color, how are they distinguished?
There are so many varieties that you can get lost in them. In our latitudes, it is red fruits that are ubiquitous, they are most planted in gardens, and they are ideal for canning (especially green fruits). I don't like some varieties of red tomatoes, especially giant ones, because they often have too rough skin and inner flesh. I'm more used to Lyubasha - she sings great, and very quickly, and ideal for canning. Pink fruits are good for salads, there is no question at all, the sweet taste gives its piquancy to the salad.
Friends, there is such a variety of tomatoes - Sensei. Maybe a hybrid, I can't say for sure. Bought by chance on the market on the recommendation of the seller. It is a tall plant with pink fruits. If you want really big yields, feel free to plant this variety. The yield will shock you. Up to 15 kg can be harvested from a bush with minimal care and watering, if you follow the plant, mulch the soil, water and loosen it in a timely manner, then the result can be doubled. The variety is not afraid of the sun and drought, it is also resistant to late blight, which is important for any gardener. The fruits are very large and tasty. This variety is not suitable for conservation due to the huge size of the fruit, but I have not tried a tastier tomato for food. The variety is quite scarce, but you can buy if you want. I purchased seeds once, then I grow tomatoes from my seeds. The most interesting thing is that the variety does not degenerate, as is usually the case with other tomatoes. I have been planting for the seventh year from one seed, and the yield does not fall. Try it, you will be pleasantly surprised.
I tried a lot to grow varieties of tomatoes, but the tomatoes did not please with crops. I experienced various manipulations with fertilizers, grew tomatoes in greenhouses, mulched the ground, used irrigation - all to no avail. As a result, I decided to try the drip irrigation system, which radically changed the situation for the better. Now from one bush of tall tomatoes I collect an average of up to 20 kg of tomatoes. The secret to maximum yields is simple - the tomato is a very moisture-loving plant, and the drip irrigation system guarantees constant soil moisture in the area of \u200b\u200bthe root system of the plant. The system itself costs a penny, as it consists of thin plastic tubes, but every gardener will appreciate the benefits that this technology provides. Water saving is 40%, no need to spend time on watering, everything is watered automatically. Water drips strictly under the root, so the weeds grow slowly, and, of course, a high yield, for which everything was started.
Well, the storytellers here leave comments about 20 and 30 kg from one tomato bush and that you can also increase the yield by 2 times. Don't tell me! Or custom commentators or people write complete nonsense. and it’s funny to me to read such things. I think it’s funny not only to me.