Bull's heart tomato
Tomatoes Bull's heart is called by many a retro variety. Since it has been grown for several generations of summer residents. He comes from Italy, but firmly established himself in our country. It was entered into the State Register of the Russian Federation in 2003. Let's take a closer look at this popular Bull's Heart tomato, reviews of which leave no doubt about its reliability.

Variety characteristics
Tall bushes of determinant type grow to a height of about 1.4-1.8 m. A strong stem of plants allows you to withstand a mass of fruits of more than 500 g. The fruiting of the bushes begins 120-140 days after the appearance of the first shoots.
Most often, the variety is grown in summer cottages or private plots. On an industrial scale, the variety is not widely used.

Some varieties of fruits resemble a human heart
A feature of the Bull's Heart variety is the size and shape of the fruit. They are usually pointed at the tip of the fetus and are heart-shaped. Tomatoes can weigh from 100 to 600 g.
The maximum recorded weight is about 1 kg. The largest fruits are formed on the lower part of the bushes. At the top of the stem are smaller tomatoes - 100-150 g. In one brush there can be up to 5 fruits.
A spreading plant with few leaves is suitable for both indoor and outdoor cultivation.

The usual color of the peel of tomatoes is scarlet (King London, Bull's heart pink).
But there are other varieties of varieties with skin:
- yellow (Brown's Yellow Giant)
- red (Bull heart red)
- orange (Bull's heart orange F1)
- black (Brad's black heart)
- white (White Oxheart)
The most famous varieties bred by Russian breeders are: "Bull's Heart Pink", "Bull's Heart Orange F1", "Bull's Heart Red".

Yellow Giant by Claude Brown (Brown's Yellow Giant)
- large-fruitedness
- high yield
- good gastronomic qualities of fruits
- the presence of subspecies.
- harvested crop should be used almost immediately
- bushes need constant care
- plants have a late crop maturity of about 4 months.

Plants grown under cover produce more fruits. 8-12 kg of tomatoes are harvested from one greenhouse bush. On the open ground, the variety can please 3.5-5 kg of giant tomatoes. Their skin is thin.
Easily separated from the pulp.The largest tomatoes form subspecies with dark skin.

Variety "Bull's heart red"
They taste sweet, with a slight sourness. Inside fleshy, dense, not juicy. They can be eaten fresh, added to salads, or used for canning, cooking various dishes.

Features of agricultural technology
To obtain the maximum number of fruits in the central part of Russia, plants are recommended to be planted in greenhouse. In open ground, in most cases, they are planted only in the southern regions.

Bullish heart orange F1
Grow it seedling way. Variety Bull's heart is considered a demanding variety of tomatoes.
Preparing seeds for sowing
Seeds are sown in early spring. The seeds of the plant can be harvested from the fall on their own, so they retain varietal qualities. The exception is varieties - F1 hybrids.
The following activities should be carried out:
- Place the seed material for 12 hours in melt water. You can take clean snow and put it in a warm place, or get ice out of the freezer. Melt water should be at room temperature.
- Disinfect the seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate. Seeds are poured into a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate and kept for no more than 45 minutes. Then pour the liquid into a strainer. The remaining seeds are washed with clean water.

Brad's black heart tomato
Sowing for seedlings
The soil from the store is chosen with the mark "for seedlings." If the soil mixture is prepared independently, it should include:
- leaf ground
- peat
- river sand
- humus
As a container for planting, wooden boxes or plastic containers are traditionally chosen. The soil in the container is filled so that the earth does not reach the edges by 3 cm.
Sowing is carried out in pre-treated, moist, warm soil. Sowing depth - 1-2 cm. Distance between adjacent seeds - 2-3 cm.

Ripe tomato Bullish heart white (White Oxheart)
After planting, the boxes are covered with transparent glass, a bag and put in a warm place. After the appearance of the first sprouts, the shelter is removed. The box is placed in a bright place in the house.
A pick is made after the formation of 2-3 true leaves. At the same time, weak plants are removed and strong ones are transplanted into separate cups, or into a more spacious box.
Seedling hardening

seedling hardening process
Before transplanting to a permanent place, it is recommended to harden the grown seedlings. To do this, they are taken out on a balcony, loggia or garden on warm, sunny days. The time spent in the air is increased daily.
Seedling transplant
Seedlings in the greenhouse transplanted in late April, early May. Exact dates depend on climatic conditions, availability heating in a greenhouse. It is recommended to plant tomatoes in open ground only in the second half of May, early June, when the danger of night frosts has passed.

bull heart pink
Soil preparation
The soil in the area under the tomatoes should contain a sufficient amount of nutrients, be air and water permeable. Soil pH should be in the range of 6-6.5. You should choose a part of the garden with a lot of sunlight, but without drafts and close groundwater.

Soil preparation
It is recommended to prepare a place for seedlings in the fall by adding organic fertilizers to the ground during digging.. If the soil was not enriched with organic matter at the end of the season, in the spring 8-10 kg of compost or humus should be applied per m2.
It is also useful in early spring to sow green manure plants on a plot for tomatoes:
- radish
- alfalfa
- mustard
- phacelia, etc.
The best predecessors for tomatoes: onion, root crops, legumes culture, cabbage, annual herbs.
Rules for landing in a permanent place
When growing Oxheart tomatoes in a greenhouse, be prepared for the tomatoes to take up most of the cover. This is due to the fact that they are planted in a greenhouse, leaving a distance of 1 m between the beds. The distance between two bushes is at least 40 cm.
Planting depth - 12-15 cm. Planting to a greater depth is also possible, but about 4-5 cm should remain between the surface of the earth and the first true leaf. According to experienced vegetable growers, 1/3 of the stem can be deepened - to cotyledon leaves, but more.

Planting seedlings in open ground
If the seedlings are planted under cover, the air temperature in it should be 20-22 C during the day and 16-18 C at night. Until the seedlings take root, it is recommended to shade them during the sun.

Plant care is no different from other nightshade varieties and includes:
- watering
- top dressing
- loosening
- ventilation of greenhouses
- pinching
- mulching
- tying up
The variety is considered drought tolerant. After transplanting to a permanent place, during the rooting of newly planted young plants, they do not need to be watered. As soon as the bushes begin to actively grow, watering can be resumed.
On average, for 1 m2 of beds 1-2 times a week, you need 5-7 liters of liquid for young plants, 12 liters for adult bushes.

Watering tomatoes on a leaf can cause fungal diseases
On hot days, during the ripening of tomatoes, the maximum amount of water is required - up to 15 l / m2.
For irrigation, use warm (20-22 C) settled water.. The soil should be moistened early in the morning or in the evening. Tomatoes Bull's heart should be watered only under the root, avoiding water on the stem, leaves.
Ventilation of the greenhouse
On warm days, greenhouses, greenhouses need to be ventilated daily. In hot weather, shelter windows should be kept open. Overheating of the room can lead to difficulty in the pollination process.

When growing tomatoes in a greenhouse, the greenhouse must be regularly ventilated
Humidity under the shelter should be 65-70%.
Bush formation
The bull's heart bears fruit well when forming bushes into one stem. The top of the stem is removed when 7-8 clusters with fruits are formed on the plant.

Tomatoes Bull's heart needs pinching
Pinching is the removal of excess shoots on the leaf axils. Stepchildren are recommended to be removed when their length has not yet reached 5 cm. Until this moment, there is no risk of injury to the plants. The growth of such shoots should be monitored regularly. Usually the need to remove new stepchildren arises every week.
top dressing
During the growing season, tomatoes are fed 3-4 times. If signs of a lack of any elements are noticed, the number of procedures can be increased. But nutrient mixtures are applied no more than 1 time in 2 weeks, while alternating root, foliar top dressing.

It is recommended to use organic matter as a fertilizer. For example, chicken manure, diluted with water in a ratio of 1:15, cow manure - 1:10. Minerals can be used only 2 months before harvest.
Recipes for making natural fertilizers for tomatoes

Feeding tomatoes with natural fertilizers allows you to get an environmentally friendly product
Tying up
Plants with long stems can be tied up immediately after planting in a permanent place of growth. To do this, they usually take a peg about 2 m long and bury it in the ground next to the bush.
Then a stem is tied to this peg. So that the top of the plant does not hang down and break under the weight of the fruit, as it grows, the place of tying is changed.

The long stems of the plant do not allow it to be grown without tying.

The ground can be mulched with sawdust, peat, straw, etc.
To facilitate the process of caring for the bushes, the ground under them can be covered with a 5 cm layer of mulch.
It performs the following functions:
- keeps water in the soil
- eliminates the possibility of weed growth
- protects tomatoes in contact with the ground from rotting
Outdoor tomatoes can be easily pollinated by insects and wind. There is no free air circulation in the greenhouse, so it is recommended that such plants be helped in this process.

Greenhouse tomato sometimes needs help with pollination

Diseases and pests
The variety is considered not resistant to late blight.. If the weather is cool and the soil is waterlogged, the disease can hit the Bull's Heart.
Therefore, it is necessary to observe preventive measures:
- disinfect seeds, soil, containers, greenhouses before planting
- leave the required distance between the bushes
- do not plant seedlings in a permanent place where other nightshades used to grow (peppers, potatoes, etc.)
- ventilate the greenhouse
- monitor soil moisture
Some vegetable growers, for the purpose of prevention, treat the bushes twice a season with antifungal drugs. Bushes with obvious signs of disease are dug up by the roots and burned.
In addition to phytophthora "Bull's heart" can become infected with fusarium, cladosporiosis, verticillosis. But unlike phytophthora, the variety has an average resistance to these diseases.

Tomatoes are most often affected by late blight

Tomatoes are harvested as soon as they are ripe. Usually the first harvest can be enjoyed in July, August and until September.

Oxheart tomatoes do not always fully ripen on the plant
"Bull's heart" is a variety of nightshade, the fruits of which are not suitable for long-term storage. Ripe, picked tomatoes can be stored for about 2 weeks. Then the taste deteriorates, but they remain suitable for heat treatment. Fruit transportability is excellent.
You can choose a refrigerator or another dark, cool place in the house as a place to store the harvested crop. The temperature in the room should be 5-12 C. It is recommended to put the tomatoes with the stalk up.

The size of Oxheart tomatoes does not allow them to be preserved whole. Usually they are used to prepare borscht dressings, lecho, salads, ketchup. Low-juicy fruits should not be used to make tomato juice.

Tomatoes Bull's heart can be used for canning slices
Sweetish tomatoes are great for fresh consumption. They can also be added to various hot dishes, frozen.

Harvesting seeds for planting next season
Seeds from fruits that were grown in your own garden can be sown for no more than 4 years. In the future, they may lose varietal qualities.

Seed harvesting
Experienced summer residents recommend harvesting seeds as follows:
- select the largest tomato from the second brush from the bottom
- wait for it to fully mature
- pick the fruit and hold it in the house for several days
- cut the tomato, get the seeds
- dry them
- put seeds in paper bags
Experience in growing tomato Bull's Heart Black
Tomato "Bull's Heart" is a favorite of summer residents. Description and characteristics, cultivation and care, possible diseases (Photo & Video) + Reviews
My favorite type of tomato for taste.Also this species is ideal for my arid region. "Bullheart" is able to endure almost any drought, while the crop will not suffer. The main thing is to mulch the soil well and everything will be in order. The variety bears fruit until late autumn. I put completely green tomatoes in the cellar, where they ripen slowly. Even by the beginning of winter, I always have red fragrant tomatoes. The seeds of this tomato also have amazing germination, which cannot be said about other varieties.