Thuja western: description of 14 frost-resistant varieties, propagation methods, cultivation and care (50+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Thuja western

Thuja occidentalis is a coniferous plant native to the shores of the Great Lakes of the North American continent. In their natural habitat, adult thujas reach gigantic sizes - up to 40 meters in height, and their crowns are more than 30 meters in diameter.

However, most of us know this plant as an ornamental tree or bushused to decorate our household plots. The plant is very popular with the owners of private houses, so many ways to use thuja western in landscape design.

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When Europeans first arrived in the area where thuja grows, they did not like the aesthetic properties of the plant at all. They were much more attracted by the quality of western thuja wood, so already at the beginning of the 16th century the first samples of the plant were sent to Europe.

Thuja western. wild form

Thuja western. wild form

But, the European was not lucky with the industrial production of wood. In Europe, it turned out to be a completely different climate; in addition, no one even paid attention to the fact that thuja is by nature a calcephil. Europeans stubbornly tried to grow a plant created for alkaline soils on acidic ones.

Naturally, there was no question of any 30 meters in height in this case - plants grew by a maximum of 3-4 meters in 10 years.

However, having looked at what is obtained in Europe from a North American guest, no one thought to refuse her. The fact is that undersized plants were very beautiful, but, most importantly, they resembled cypresses, which are their closest relatives.

And, what was the key point, unlike heat-loving cypresses, arborvitae felt great in the frosty climate of northern Europe.

Cypress alley

Cypress Alley

Further work with thujas included almost 400 years of breeding work, which can be called very successful. Several hundred varieties of western thuja were bred, intended for landscape design in almost all its manifestations and forms.

It is difficult to find such an object in a garden or park, in which (or next to which) it would be impossible to fit a thuja into any of its forms.

Tui trimmed to small architectural forms

Tui trimmed to small architectural forms

There was even a separate genre of art - topiary. The main "material" from which topiary masters create their masterpieces are thuja crowns.

Tui perfectly tolerate pruning and feel only better from this procedure - light and air from the outside can more freely penetrate into the crown.

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Biological description

Thuja is an evergreen plant covered with needles of a special shape.. The tree has a dense crown and a relatively small root system, rarely exceeding 1/5 of the trunk length. The needles of the plant are small, no more than 3-4 mm in length; it covers the branches with a slight overlap, which creates the illusion of scales.

The lifetime of the needles is 2-3 seasons, after which it falls off, but at the same time, not one scale falls off, but a whole section of the branch at once, and its color may not change.

Tui have the ability to change their color for the winter, usually becoming more faded.

However, sometimes the rule is broken, and there are varieties that look more colorful and elegant in winter than in summer.

Thuja varieties Elvangeriana in winter. In summer it is light green.

Thuja varieties Elvangeriana in winter. In summer it is light green.

Western thuja flowers are typical small cones of coniferous plants containing two seeds each. They are not very decorative and, in general, gardeners do not like them.

It is believed that many cones appear when the plant is not satisfied with the conditions of maintenance.

Cones of thuja western

Cones of thuja western

In gardening, thuja is divided according to the type of crown:

  • Columnar (high cones or columns - maximum proximity to cypresses)
  • hemispherical
  • spherical
  • weeping

One of the main features of the western thuja is its frost resistance. All its varieties tolerate frosts down to -25-30°C, and some varieties winter even at -40°C without any shelter.

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Commercial cultivation of thuja

Commercial cultivation of thuja

Thuja western is an extremely unpretentious plant in care. OThe main growing conditions can be listed in one sentence - desirable, but not required: light, watering and alkaline soil.

In principle, temperate climate conditions will be quite enough for the plant to feel relatively good and even bear fruit. But, to ensure a good appearance, you should still take care of creating conditions for the thuja.

Site Requirements

Tui can grow in sunny areas or in partial shade. Normally, only a few varieties of thuja tolerate the shadow. Plants need moderately nutritious soil with good loosening and low groundwater levels.

If the groundwater level is high, it is desirable not only to use drainage, but also the use high beds, and even container growing.

Thuja covered on both sides by the walls of the house

Thuja covered on both sides by the walls of the house

The plant, despite its frost resistance, does not like winds very much in its youth, therefore it is advisable to plant the thuja in places protected from them. This will not affect the health of the plant in any way, however, constant winds can lead to improper formation of the crown of the plant.

Watering and fertilizing conditions

Western thuja is watered a little, but relatively often. Typically, the time between waterings is several days, and the watering volume is from 10 to 20 liters, depending on the height of the tree. Some trees require spraying the needles once a week to keep the moisture in.

The plant is able to tolerate drought, however, this negatively affects its decorative effect.. It may stop growing horizontal branches, the growth cone will begin to stretch, and the phase of active fruiting will begin.

Tui are very popular in landscape design.

Tui are very popular in landscape design

Once a year, usually in spring, the plant is fed with fertilizers.. Preference is given to organic, for example, it is recommended to remove a layer of soil 8-10 cm thick within a radius of 1 m from the trunk and completely replace it with humus. You can also use mineral fertilizers, phosphorus-potassium is best suited for this purpose.

Their use increases the acidity of the soil, so it is recommended to give the plant the right dose not immediately, but gradually, over a period of 1 month. And at the end of the course of top dressing, lime the topsoil with ash.

Soil Requirements

Dry loams are most suitable for thujas.. They should be moderately nutritious, loose and not acidic. Acidic soils require mandatory liming. The normal pH level for western arborvitae is 6 to 8.

If the soil does not suit you according to some criteria, you can dig a hole under the thuja, into which a suitable substrate and fertilizers are poured. The size of this hole is determined by the growth of an adult thuja.

A plant 3-5 m tall will need a pit in the form of a cube with an edge of 1 m, while a plant about 2 m high will require a pit of the same cubic shape, but with an edge of 60 cm.

soil for plants

Ready soil mix

If clay soil prevails on the site, then the soil mixture is obtained from half of the excavated earth and the same amount of peat. If the soil is sandy, a third of the excavated land remains, the same amount of peat and sod land is added to it. Peat soil is similarly supplemented with loam and sandstone.

However, do not rush and mix the entire volume. Firstly, the root system of the plant will be in the pit, secondly, drainage, which occupies from 1/8 to 1/6 of the volume, and, thirdly, half of the soil mixture will be organic fertilizer - humus, compost or rotted manure.

Therefore, for the preparation of the soil mixture, it will be necessary to use approximately ¼ of the excavated land and take all other components based on this amount.

Tui planting

Tui planting

Be sure to put drainage in the form of rubble or broken bricks at the bottom of the pit; the thickness of the drainage should be approximately 1/6 of the depth of the pit. The finished soil mixture is mixed with organic fertilizer and a tree is planted in a hole, ending with watering.

It is not necessary to compact the soil. This amount of thuja fertilizer is enough for about 2-3 years, after which it can be fed.

A little about reproduction

Tui can reproduce both vegetatively and with the help of seeds. However, due to objective circumstances (poor quality of the material, self-pollination, low germination), the seed method of reproduction is used only for selection in nurseries where there are means for its normal implementation.

Therefore, the preferred method of propagation of thuja using cuttings. The cuttings are cut in November and begin to germinate them in plastic bags with a zipper. Thus, “greenhouse” conditions are created for the cutting.

The cutting is placed in a bag where the soil is prepared for it (1 part of leafy soil and 1 part of sand); it is once watered with boiled water and left for a month in a dark place in a closed bag.

Harvesting a thuja cutting before rooting

Harvesting a thuja cutting before rooting

A month later, roots appear at the cutting and it is transplanted into a pot with soil, like an adult plant. The pot is placed in a sunny area and they begin to follow it: water it every two days, protect it from drafts and loosen the soil.

As soon as the young plant is strong enough, it is planted in open ground.

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The number of thuja varieties exceeds several hundred. Usually they are classified by the amount of growth during the year. In total there are five groups of tui: from full-grown with a growth rate of over 30 cm per year, to microscopic, growing by 1-2 cm per year.

Depending on the appearance of the crown, thuja can be used as single or group plants. Varieties with a dense and uniform crown are often used to create hedges.

Consider the most popular thuja varieties that can be grown in temperate climates. They have good frost resistance and are relatively undemanding to care for.


Variety Brabant

Variety "Brabant"

A tree with a columnar crown up to 5 m high and about 1.5 m in diameter. In summer, the needles are green, in winter - brownish. The variety has a high growth rate - up to 35 cm in height and 15 cm in width in one season. Tolerates frost down to -40°C.

Plants are undemanding to care and growing conditions, but prefers the sun and lack of wind. The optimal soil for the plant is a mixture of leafy soil, sand and peat in a ratio of 2: 1: 1.

On wet soils, drainage is required at a level of 20-25 cm. In poor soils, thinning of branches, lightening of needles and a large number of small cones is possible. The plant blooms in late spring, and the fruits are formed by September.

Watering is done every 3-4 days, 10-15 liters per tree. Needs loosening up to 10 cm deep and mulching (layer thickness 5-7 cm). Removal of dry and diseased shoots is best tolerated in the spring. When used as a hedge, planting in 50-70 cm increments is allowed. It tolerates crown pruning well.


Variety Smaragd

Variety "Smaragd"

It has a very dense conical crown. The color of the needles does not change during the season, remaining constantly dark green. It grows very slowly, due to which it practically does not require a haircut when forming a crown.

It likes rich and moist soils, it does not tolerate drought very well. Watering a must during hot weather. The plant is photophilous, but can grow in partial shade. In the shade, growth slows down significantly, and growth may “stop”.

It tolerates frosts down to -35 ° C, however, in windy areas for the winter it is better to wrap the plant. Moreover, it is advisable to remove the shelter from young plants (up to 3 years old) in April, in order to avoid sunburn in early spring.

Can be used as a single plant or in groups. Well suited for the formation of alleys. It is used relatively infrequently as a hedge, as the tops of the trees do not close; but if you decide to use

Smaragd thus, the distance between the trees should not be less than 60 cm.


Variety Columna

Sort "Columna"

The crown is columnar, the height reaches 7 m, the diameter is about 1 m. The crown is formed from short shoots extending from the trunk almost at a right angle. Due to which its high density is achieved.

The needles have a pronounced scaly structure; its color does not change during the year, remaining dark green.

It has a high growth rate - up to 20 cm per season. It is not demanding on soils, but grows best on soils of medium fertility and moderate moisture.

Does not tolerate drought well. Prefers penumbra. Frost resistance up to -35°С.

Thuja tolerates a haircut of the crown normally. However, it is almost not required, since the dimensions of the horizontal branches are almost the same. Young plants must be covered from March to April to avoid burns.

Great for hedges, even very high (4-5 m); the landing step is selected from 0.5 to 1 m.


 Variety Holmstrup

Variety "Holmstrup"

The variety was bred relatively recently in Europe. The height of the trees reaches 3.5 m, the diameter of the crown is 1 m. The crown is predominantly columnar, but has a slight taper. The color of the needles does not change during the season.

This thuja is suitable for gardeners who do not like a lot of work. Its growth rate is very slow, no more than 10 cm per year. The crown practically does not change shape, so the plant does not need haircuts.

A maximum of once every two years, you can adjust its shape if the plant is used as a hedge.

It grows on moderately moist soils, the main requirement for the soil is that it must be loose. It tolerates both drought and excessive moisture well. Prefers sunny areas. It is advisable to mulch the soil near the plant.

Often used in rockeries and rock gardens. In addition, it is used both in single plantings and in hedges. In this case, the distance between the trees should be at least 70 cm.


Variety Fastigiata

Variety "Fastigiata"

The shape of the crown and needles more than all other varieties resembles cypress. The shape of the crown is columnar, the shoots are located very close to the trunk. Plant height reaches 6 m. It has a high growth rate - up to 30 cm per year.

The needles are dark green, slightly lighter in winter. It has a pronounced pleasant smell. Winter hardiness up to -30°С. It tolerates haircuts well, giving abundant branching of shoots the next year.

Likes loamy soils and sunny areas. Poorly tolerates excessive soil moisture; drainage is required. Saplings and young trees, on the contrary, prefer partial shade, so the plant needs shading for the first 3 years. This is especially important in early spring, in order to avoid burns.

The plant requires mulching: mowed grass in summer, spruce branches in winter. The latter will help in scaring away mice from him. It is used mainly for hedges with planting 40-50 cm between trees.


Variety Sunkist

Variety "Sunkist"

A plant about 3-4 m high with a conical krone. Branches profusely branched, slightly "ruffled".The plant is very decorative: the color of the needles in young plants is golden, in adults it is lemon. In winter, the needles become darker, almost bronze.

It has slow growth rates, no more than 10 cm per year, however, in the first 3-5 years, the growth rate is slightly higher, so at 10 years old Sunkist's height reaches 2 m.

Grows on any soil, but shows the best results on wet and fertile. It does not tolerate drought well and requires regular watering.

If you miss this moment, it begins to produce seeds abundantly, which leads to a noticeable deterioration in decorativeness, after which the plant recovers for 2-3 years, while having a very “thinned out” appearance.

Despite the love of moisture, photophilous; even in partial shade, the needles turn green. Dislikes windy areas. It is used as part of group compositions, since its appearance always attracts attention.

It is rarely used for hedges, because it cannot create "monolithic" structures from branches.


Variety Wagneri

Variety "Wagneri"

Thuja, which has a characteristic ovoid shape. The height rarely exceeds 3.5 meters, but the width can reach up to 1.5 m. The crown is dense, consisting of vertical shoots, slightly bent down closer to the tips.

It has an average growth rate (10-15 cm per season). The needles are gray-green, becoming reddish in winter.

Soil demanding: loves alkaline, nutrient-rich soils. It does not grow well in dry soils, preferring wet ones. The plant needs sunny areas.

The crown retains its shape with little to no pruning. Frost resistance down to -35 ° C, however, for the winter, the plants are tightly tied so that the vertical shoots do not break under the weight of snow.

Usually used for single landings, but sometimes used to form alleys. Due to the structural features of the crown, in particular, its different thickness for each plant, it is not used in hedges.

Clos of gold

Variety Klos of gold

Variety "Clos of Gold"

This variety is more like a shrub than a tree. The wide branching crown has a height of 2 m and a diameter of 1.2 m. A distinctive feature of the variety is the presence of two types of needles: in the form of needles and in the form of scales. Its color is also different: orange or yellow in summer, reddish in winter.

Growth rates are slow, 5-7 cm per year. Prefers alkaline soils with good drainage and well loosened. Excessive soil moisture is best avoided.

It is a photophilous plant, in partial shade the needles become less bright and thin.

The plant needs haircuts, however, given its excessive branching, it is not recommended to shorten the branches by more than a third of their length in one go.

It is a frost-resistant plant. Young animals do not need shelter from sunburn.

Given the magnificent decorative qualities of the plant, it is used in a single planting or in groups, as an element of focusing attention.


Grade Globoza

Grade "Globoza"

Bush, having the shape of a ball, the diameter of which can reach 2 m. It has scaly needles that change color from green in summer to light brown in winter. The shoots grow in such a way that they fill the entire space inside the "ball", that is, the crown itself is very dense.

Globoza has very slow growth, and depending on individual characteristics, it can vary significantly. On average, a plant grows by the age of 10 into a ball, 1 meter in diameter; accordingly, a ball with a diameter of 1.5 meters is obtained in 15 years.

At the same time, growth can generally stop at some diameter, and no top dressing and other methods can increase it. To form a beautiful spherical crown, it is recommended to cut the plant every two years.

The plant requires moist and fertile soils; tolerates drought normally, but can slow down already low growth rates. Its growth does not depend on the light - Globoza can be grown both in the sun and in the shade; the growth rate does not change.

Winter hardiness is high; the plant tolerates temperatures down to -35°C. watering should be moderate, but frequent - once every 2-3 days.The first 5 years of life, the crown needs to be tied up for the winter so that the weight of the snow cover does not break off the young shoots.

It can be used in individual planting as a separate object or part of a rock garden. Sometimes used to create low hedges. Grows well in containers and is often used for decoration. balconies, doors or roofs.


Variety Woodwardy

Variety "Woodwardy"

The shape of the crown resembles a flattened drop. Plant height up to 1.5 m, diameter about 2 m. In adulthood, flattening of the crown manifests itself to a greater extent. Growth is slow: by the age of 10, the height and diameter of the plant rarely exceed 50 cm.

The needles are light green, its color does not change during the season. Frost resistance down to -30°C, however, the tips of young shoots of the current year may freeze slightly and die off; in this regard, in the first 5 years it is recommended to wrap the plant for the winter.

Grows well in full sun and partial shade. Requires fertile soil. In their absence, for a good, non-faded color of the needles, fertilizing with nitrogenous fertilizers is recommended. It is desirable to mulch the soil using grass or peat.

It is used as single plants, or as part of compositions in flowerbeds-mixborders. It has proven itself well as a border plant - it often decorates paths or alleys.


Stolwijk thuya

Thuya Stolwijk

The variety was bred about 30 years ago in Holland. The crown consists of two parts: a spherical lower and a rare, almost shapeless upper. The height of the thuja reaches 1.5 m. The needles are green, the shoots aged 1-2 years are yellow, with a whitish tinge. Growth is slow, by the age of 10 the plant grows no more than 1 m.

The plant requires fertile, moist soils and a sunny location. In the shade or on poor soils, the crown thins considerably. It does not tolerate drought well, dry air too.

Therefore, it needs watering at intervals of 2 days, and in the evening - spraying or watering the crown from the sprayer.

Requires soil mulching; any material can be used: from cut grass to peat or sawdust. For the winter, it is advisable to mulch with pine or spruce needles to repel mice.

For Stolvik, rodents pose a serious danger. Frost resistance up to -30°С.

This variety is well propagated by cuttings, which can be immediately planted in open ground. Responds well to shearing, but only at the bottom of the crown. Shearing is often used as a way to stimulate the branching of shoots and, as a result, increase the density of the crown.

Looks good in any compositions. Used in single landing, rock gardens, rockeries and flowerbeds. It is not used in hedges due to the thinned top, in addition, the upper part of the plants can vary greatly, and its haircuts are impractical.


Variety Danica

Sort "Danica"

Small-sized spherical bushes with dense needles. The diameter of the plant rarely exceeds 1 m. The shoots are short, but very dense and dense. The needles change color: in summer it is light green with a metallic sheen, in winter it is a little yellowish. The plant is native to Denmark.

The crown, even without pruning, retains a spherical shape throughout the life of the plant. The plant does not form cones, it reproduces exclusively vegetatively.

It can grow in the shade, but at the same time it stretches, therefore, if you want to get "balls", it is better to plant Danica in sunny areas. Tolerates drought well. Prefers clay soils.

The plant is cold-resistant, tolerates frosts down to -35 ° C, but does not like excessive heat in summer, therefore it is not recommended for cultivation in southern regions.

The plant requires good drainage and wind protection.

When planting and every year in the spring requires the introduction of mineral nitrogenous fertilizers.

It is used to create landscape groups, in flower beds, as a border plant. Danica is often combined with columnar thujas. Also used for landscaping balconies and longline flowerbeds.

Can be grown in containers, preferably using the following soil composition:

  1. leaf ground - 2 parts
  2. peat - 1 part
  3. sand - 1 part

golden glob

Grade Golden Globe

Variety "Golden Globe"

A spherical bush up to 1 m in diameter, with a golden crown on the outside, but inside the color of the needles is bright green. In winter, the crown becomes yellow-red. It grows slowly, reaches a diameter of 1 m in 15-20 years.

The plant does not require shearing, since the spherical shape is maintained throughout its life. After 10 years, a little pruning of the outer branches may be required to encourage additional growth.

Grows best in loamy soils.

Requires mulching: in summer - grass or peat, in winter - needles of spruces or pines, since the plant is vulnerable to rodent attacks.

Drought and dry air does not tolerate well. Requires frequent watering and sprinkling. The golden color of the needles acquires only in sunny areas, so it is not planted in the shade.

It is used both as a single plant and as part of flower beds or rock gardens. Due to the well-developed root system, it is not grown in containers.


Variety Hoseri

Variety "Khoseri"

Low, up to 60 cm in diameter, spherical variety. The needles are dense, dark green in summer, gray-green in winter, sometimes bronze. Growth is very slow, 3-4 cm per year. After 10 years, the spherical crown flattens slightly.

It is not particularly demanding on soils, it can grow even on poor soils. It is drought-resistant, but looks most impressive with frequent watering. Frost resistance of the plant down to -35°C.

A plant haircut, even a stimulating one, is not needed. Suitable as a border plant or as a component of flower beds and rock gardens. Rarely planted alone. Container growing can be used.

Thuja western: description of 14 frost-resistant varieties, propagation methods, cultivation and care (50+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Which is better: juniper or thuja?

Thuja western: description of 14 frost-resistant varieties, propagation methods, cultivation and care (50+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

7.4 Total Score

Coniferous plants have always enjoyed special love among designers and owners of garden plots. Thuja, devoid of the disadvantages of spruce and pine, turned out to be an ideal option for the implementation of many landscape solutions. Neat and slender trees perfectly serve as hedges. They are unpretentious in care and do not require special expenses to keep themselves in good shape. And the beautiful color of their crown and the accompanying coniferous aroma will not leave anyone indifferent. Feedback from our readers is very important to us. If you do not agree with these ratings, leave your rating in the comments with the reasoning for your choice. Thank you for your participation. Your opinion will be useful to other users.

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Buyer ratings: 3 (2 votes)

1 comment
  1. Partially agree with the author of the article. We have 3 thuja growing on the site near the house, we bought only one at the age of 5 months, we got all the rest at a more mature age, and each of them perceives cold and heat in its own way. In the spring, we do top dressing, removing the soil only not up to a meter, as recommended in the article, but 70 cm, and we change the land that we buy in Dacha markets, where they grow thuja and juniper trees to order. One thuja does not tolerate heat well, and the more we water it in the heat, the worse it is.

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