Terrace attached to the house: 150+ Best photo ideas | Do-it-yourself step-by-step arrangement

Terrace attached to the house

A terrace is a platform attached to the house, located on the surface of the earth or slightly raised above it, equipped for relaxation, the collected photos will give you an idea about it.

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Veranda, terrace, gazebo - what's the difference?

Some people confuse veranda, terrace and gazebo. They are of course similar, but there is a difference between them:

house with glazed veranda


  • A closed, unheated porch of a large size, it is attached to the basement or first floor of the building. They erect it on their own columnar or strip foundation.
  • Sometimes a part of the foundation of a nearby building is used for its construction. Most often, a floor is made near the veranda, at the same height as the floor of the house.
  • Panoramic glazing is made in its upper part, and the bottom of the walls is completely closed. For the veranda they make a capital roof, it is part of the roof of a residential building.
  • In most cases, 2 doors are made on the veranda - one of them serves to enter from the street, and the second is necessary to move into the living room;

If you build a completely enclosed veranda, then you can arrange a full-fledged dining room, living room or kitchen on it.

On a hill


  • An open and completely flat area, which is used for relaxation in warm weather
  • It has its own characteristics - there are different in location, attached directly to the bathhouse or house, there are built separately, at a distance from other buildings
  • To prevent it from being flooded with water during rain, the floor covering is raised 15-50 cm above the soil level
  • A low decorative fence is placed along its perimeter, and a light one is attached above it. canopyprotecting from sunlight, rain
  • The recreation area is equipped with a set of necessary furniture, installed barbecue or grill
  • If the layout and dimensions of the site make it possible, then you can equip a small outdoor pool

gazebo in the garden


  • Separate metal, brick or wooden structure
  • Usually it is arranged in the garden, in the yard, if possible, then they do it on the shore of the reservoir.
  • Sometimes they build gazebos, at a great distance from the residential building. They are installed on a separate strip or column foundation.
  • They make their own roof, side railing, support pillars and floor in the gazebo
  • Enclosing walls are glazed, lattice, semi-open and even completely open.
  • Furniture is placed inside the building, if possible, install barbecue or grill
  • Often attached to a separately located gazebo, an open terrace

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Technical features

Attached to the house

A popular option for garden buildings is an open terrace built close to the house. There are a number of reasons for this:

  • Ease of construction. Any person can build, even without resorting to outside help
  • Low cost. The construction does not require the rental of equipment and expensive materials
  • small mass. Lightweight rest area, can be easily installed on almost any type of soil, with different terrain
  • Autonomous design. The building is made of wood, after a certain period they dry out and sit down.Own foundation allows the structure to move relative to each other
  • open design. Does not block sunlight and allows you to view the site from the windows of the house

Between the bearing elements of the building and the base, it is necessary to provide a technological gap of 5-7 cm wide.

Terraces are attached at the height of the floor of the first floor, they have no walls, the structure has only a low fence or balustrade, they mainly play the role of a decorative element. An open terrace may not have a canopy at all, or it may protect only part of its area. Buildings are possible in which the roof is made over the entire site, connecting it to the roof of the house.

open variant

open variant

At its core, a veranda is a completely enclosed terrace. This is the same building, only with high walls that completely protect the internal volume. The veranda becomes an unheated room in the house. But it serves the same purpose as the terrace - here you can relax and receive guests.

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Location selection

If this building will serve as a porch and as a veranda, then it must be erected in the part of the house where the front door is located. In this case, it can be used to enter a residential building and as a recreation area (this depends on the size of the building).

house with terrace and veranda

There are houses that have both a terrace and a veranda.

In this case, the veranda is placed in place of the porch, and the terrace is made along the wall, dining room or kitchen. In this case, it is desirable to provide for ease of movement, a direct passage leading to an open area.

Possibility of building around several walls of the building

Possibility of building around several walls of the building

It gradually transforms from a porch into a place where a barbecue or lounge furniture is installed. In some projects, a terrace is built around the entire perimeter of the house.

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Dimensions and materials for its construction

  • If the terrace is built as a platform replacing the porch, then its dimensions should allow 2 people to pass each other, it should not be narrower than 1.2 meters
  • For an area where you can set a table for 6 people, you need to allocate at least 4 m2, in addition to the table, you need a place to install chairs and other furniture
  • If there is a desire to leave a place for free movement near the table and install a sofa, then it is necessary to make a terrace with an area of ​​at least 7m2

It is important to correctly calculate how much space is required for various projects. If the area is about 15-20 m2, then this place is enough for a comfortable stay for a company of 6 people. It will be possible to place simple furniture here. Pictures of animals and beautiful plants look good on the walls.

The shape of the terrace near the house, from the roof, and in most projects it has straight lines. For this reason, the floor will be rectangular or square. But if the extension is not completely covered from above, then any arbitrary shape can be used.

There are designs of a rounded or broken shape, they change taking into account the landscape of the backyard plot and the architecture of the house

There are designs of a rounded or broken shape, they change taking into account the landscape of the backyard plot and the architecture of the house

The style of the building dictates the materials used in the construction, they must be used in the design of the extension. For example, near a brick building, a wooden terrace will look harmonious, in which the roof rests on stone or brick columns. Near a wooden house, you need to build only a variant of wood.

Two-level recreation area

Two-level recreation area

And the extension closed with glass is universal, it will fit into the design of houses made of stone, brick and houses made of wood. For stone buildings, a design with forged details is well suited.

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Do I need to connect the terrace and the residential building?

After the construction of a residential building, natural processes begin in it, as a result of which the building sags. The degree of shrinkage gradually decreases and stops after a certain period. The terrace and the large building have different masses, their speed and shrinkage will be different.

If they are securely connected, this will cause the destruction of a less durable building. It is better to build a terrace and a residential building on your own foundations.
This allows you to achieve the possibility of displacement relative to the adjacent house.

This allows you to achieve the possibility of displacement relative to the adjacent house.

For each open area, the following components are required:

Most projects involve building on a light columnar foundation. Sometimes the structure is placed directly on the soil surface with preliminary preparation of a sand and gravel drainage layer.

There are 4 types of flooring:

  • Wooden - made of grooved board, it is laid on load-bearing logs laid on a columnar foundation
  • From a polymer board - hollow polymer panels that mimic the color and texture of natural wood. They are fixed in the same way as ordinary wooden boards, but this material is much stronger, resistant to mechanical stress and lasts longer.
  • paving slabs - placed on a sand and gravel cushion, poured directly onto the surface of the soil
  • Ceramic tiles – has an anti-slip coating, as well as a huge color palette

Plastic boards for the floor, outwardly reminiscent of natural material, but serve for a very long time, and do not require personal care at all

Plastic boards for the floor, outwardly reminiscent of natural material, but serve for a very long time, and do not require personal care at all

The side railing serves as a protective structure and performs decorative functions:

  • Most often they are made of metal or wood in the form of an openwork or lattice fence with small railings.
  • Climbing plants or hedges are planted along the perimeter of the building to create shade.
  • To protect the sides of the terrace from gusts of wind, tempered glass or cast polycarbonate 8-10 mm thick is inserted
  • In the northern regions, it is best to build a closed project that can be used at any time of the year. For her, they make an entrance door and build a capital roof, and opening plastic windows are inserted into the side walls

Fencing is especially important when the recreation area is located on a hill

Fencing is especially important when the recreation area is located on a hill

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The ideal option would be a glass canopy with an additional curtain that can slide in to shelter you from the sultry rays of the sun.

The ideal option would be a glass canopy with an additional curtain that can slide in to shelter you from the hot flying rays of the sun.

As well as canopy can be made with a coating of smoky polycarbonate, it has a small mass, this material is inexpensive, creates a shadow and at the same time transmits part of the sun's rays.

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Foundation manufacturing

The foundation must be laid to a depth that exceeds the level of soil freezing. This will prevent the building from moving during spring warming. Due to the fact that the bulk of this building is the weight of the flooring, supports and roofing, a simple columnar foundation can withstand this load.

It is made of concrete:

  • Prepare a pit need depth
  • A pillow is made in it, alternately pouring layers - large rubble, sand, fine gravel
  • Create a wooden formwork of the required section
  • After preparation, the formwork is poured with concrete mortar.

If you need the manufactured supports of the columnar foundation, you can make them higher by building them up with brickwork.

Do not forget to make a reinforcing cage for any foundation.

When creating a foundation, do not forget that the entire building rests on it, and it prevents it from sinking into the ground or shifting to the side. Often, a columnar foundation is made of concrete blocks with dimensions of 30x30x40 cm.

Easy foundation device options

Light foundation options

Each block must be dug into the ground by 15 cm, and a sand cushion must be created under it so that the frame beams do not begin to rot from the moisture contained in the soil. You can replace the finished blocks with home-made ones by pouring the mortar into the formwork from the boards. The most important thing is that the created foundation ensures the stability of the structure.

It is necessary to take into account how the base of the residential building is made so that a possible displacement between them does not cause deformation of both structures.

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Beams and racks

Racks - these are pillars that evenly transfer the mass of the entire structure to the foundation. They are made from a bar with a section of 100x100 mm, sometimes large material is used, depending on the size of the future terrace. Attach them to the foundation with brackets.

Example of a device on high racks

Example of a device on high racks

beams - fastened to the racks with bolts or screws. If you want to make a continuous pavement, and not just a boardwalk, you need to create a slight slope away from the house. It will be enough to make a slope of 1 cm per meter of linear flooring.

The thicker you use the beams, the wider you can make the spans between the racks - this makes it possible to save blocks.

If your project uses beams with a section of 100 × 150 mm, then it is easy to make them from 2 boards 50x150 mm by bolting them together.

lags, connecting the support beam and the beam, are made of boards 50 × 150 mm. They are placed perpendicular to the beams, with a board thickness of 50 mm, a distance of no more than 80 cm is allowed between the lags, if you use boards 25 mm thick, then the logs can be placed no further than 40 cm.

Ready logs

Ready logs

Plank flooring - the upper part of the future terrace, while they close the logs. It is necessary to fasten the logs parallel to each other and with the same step. So you will greatly facilitate the installation of the railing, in addition, it determines the beauty of the flooring, the screws located evenly will look much better.

Laying polymer boards on a concrete base

Laying polymer boards on a concrete base

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Installation lag

In the frame of any terrace, logs can be attached in several ways. It is best to use metal hangers.

They allow you to fix the elements quite rigidly, which affects the reliability of the structure.

They allow you to fix the elements quite rigidly, which affects the reliability of the structure.

Logs for the manufacture of flooring are simply laid on a support beam, which will serve as a rigid and reliable support for the floor.

Support beam for log

Support beam for log

The lowest abrasion class allowed for floor coverings is IV. It is imperative to make temperature or expansion joints, which is especially important for buildings that are located on the south side of a residential building. If you are building a small extension, then you can make an expansion joint where the terrace is adjacent to the wall, this will prevent the formation of cracks.

Floor installation procedure:

  • The beam, cut to the required size, is laid strictly horizontally on the foundation columns, close the columns in advance with roofing material
  • The bars must be laid evenly, checking their location with a level, and secure them with metal brackets or special anchors
  • Perpendicular to the bars, lay the logs on the edge after 50-60 cm and secure them securely with long self-tapping screws or anchors
  • Close the logs with boards or decking, they need to be laid tightly and fastened to the logs with screws, the heads must be screwed flush, after which they are masked with caps or covered with putty

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Construction of enclosing structures

Any frame must have 2 vertical posts, top and bottom trim. They are made from a wooden bar, but you can use a metal profile for this.To make a metal frame, you will need a welding machine, but this design will last a long time.

You need to pay attention to the processing of the wooden parts of the frame

You need to pay attention to the processing of the wooden parts of the frame

Everything needs to be well treated with anti-burning compounds and antiseptics. Metal parts are primed and then well painted with oil paints. For the construction of a vertical frame, it is desirable to use oak or larch beams with a section of 100x100 mm.

Before starting work, they are cleaned of enthusiasm with sandpaper, impregnated with a fungicide.

The sequence of building a vertical frame:

  • Lay the bars of the lower harness on the floor, connect them at the corners and fix the finished harness to the base beams
  • On the wall of the main building from the junction of the edges of the flooring and the house, make 2 vertical lines
  • According to this marking, fasten 2 support posts to the wall
  • Fasten the second 2 posts in the outer corners
  • Next, on the bottom trim, mark the attachment points for the remaining vertical racks
  • In the marked places, cut out the grooves in the beams, install the support beam and fix them to the base with metal corners
  • Having prepared the frame, connect the ends of the beam with the upper trim and after that you can start building the roof

If you have made a solid foundation, then the columns and enclosing elements can be laid out of brick

If you have made a solid foundation, then the columns and enclosing elements can be laid out of brick

Inside, the frame is sheathed with plastic or wooden clapboard, this is the easiest way to finish, but other materials are also used if desired. The outer surface of the frame is trimmed with relief tiles imitating natural stone, timber or siding.

Roof device

The roof is made flat and shed with a slight slope. For its construction, it is desirable to use the same material as in the construction of the main building, so the whole ensemble will look better. When choosing a roofing material, consider whether the coating can withstand the mass of snow that falls in the winter.

Such a roof will reliably protect you from bad weather and at the same time allow you to enjoy the sun's rays.

Such a roof will reliably protect you from bad weather and at the same time allow you to enjoy the sun's rays.

Under the roof, it is necessary to provide free space sufficient for the placement of thermal insulation material, and a place for air circulation to prevent condensation from accumulating and overheating of the roof in the summer heat.

The procedure for manufacturing a pitched roof:

  • At the junction of the roof of a residential building and a terrace, a run (horizontal beam) is attached to the wall of the house with anchors
  • Lay the rafters in parallel rows, attach one of their edges to the run, and the second to the front beam of the upper trim
  • Cover the rafters with a rare or solid (depending on the roofing used) crate, made of thin boards
  • Cover the crate with roofing material and fasten it securely

Roof terrace

A limited area and a small personal plot can force you to use any available place. This extra space is a wonderful place to relax.

When creating such a terrace, you need to solve many problems:

  • Roof Strength Assessment
  • Suitable flooring
  • Creating a convenient exit to the roof
  • Building a secure fence
  • Creating an attractive design

First of all, it is necessary to evaluate the available place where you can make a terrace. For this, they are used - the roof of a residential building, sometimes the roof of a veranda or a nearby garage. Of course, it is advisable to calculate the possibility of building this building, preferably during the design of the house.

You can determine what materials will be required if you evaluate the strength of the building where you want to build a terrace. If a residential building has a powerful foundation, then it is able to withstand an increased load, and a light extension is not capable of this. In this case, it will be necessary to strengthen the residential building with additional support posts.

After calculating the maximum possible load, you can begin planning the building. Roofing over the roof terrace is made of lightweight materials in order to reduce the load on the building as much as possible.

Be sure to make a parapet, it is necessary for the safety of people vacationing here. There are many options here - you can make from forged structures, brick, wooden fence or as a glass fence. Bright flowers can be planted on a brick parapet, which, during flowering, will make the interior space very beautiful.

Since the terrace is intended for relaxation, it should be made as close to nature as possible. Walls covered with girlish grapes, flower boxes and flowerpots with trees, a small murmuring fountain will allow you to relax, unite with nature. It is important to choose the right furniture for this place. We need only products resistant to moisture. Light portable furniture will be in place here - light metal and plastic objects, wicker sun loungers and chairs.

Terrace attached to the house: 150+ Best photo ideas

VIDEO INSTRUCTION: How to build a terrace

Terrace attached to the house: 150+ Best photo ideas | Do-it-yourself step-by-step arrangement


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  1. Lots of cool ideas! My husband and I have been dreaming of building a terrace for a long time. We have a great place for her with a view of the backyard)) I liked the idea of ​​​​a combined roof with a glass continuation of the roof slope. We plan to place a barbecue and recreation area on it 🙂

  2. Great stuff, thanks!

  3. Sufficiently up-to-date information on installation, very easy to understand and ready for use in practice.

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