Food cooked in a real oven always tastes better. This statement is also true for national treats from the tandoor, which is popular today. Is it possible to build an Uzbek tandoor on the site with your own hands, how to do it correctly, we will tell in the article.

What is a tandoor?
Do-it-yourself brick brazier: Step-by-step instructions, drawings (25+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews
Tandoor is a universal brazier oven, which the peoples of Central Asia use to cook dishes from meat, fish, vegetables and national cakes.
In different countries, such a stove is called differently: “tonur”, “tandur”, “tonir”, but technologically this design is the same everywhere and consists of:
- grounds
- foundation
- clay lining
- braziers with grate
- blew
- thermal filler
- external masonry (made of brick or stone)
Due to its simplicity and versatility, the brazier has gained great popularity in the European part of the mainland.
Outwardly, the tandoor looks like a large earthenware jug or an inverted pot, the neck of which is located on top or on the side. This oven has been known since ancient times and was built from clay, sheep's wool and sand.
During the construction of modern tandoors, more functional building materials are used: brick, cement, ready-made refractory mixtures.

Principle of operation
The essence of the work of the tandoor is simple: natural, environmentally friendly fuel is laid inside: wood or coal. The heat from its combustion spreads through the clay insert, the walls of which retain the desired temperature for a long time.
The clay cauldron is lined with bricks on the outside, and the space between the two shells is filled with thermal filler (salt, sand) to retain heat. From the bottom side, it has a blower to form an air draft and support combustion.
Shish kebabs and other dishes on skewers for cooking are placed over the smoke of an open tandoor fire, and cakes are cooked right on the clay walls of the oven.

Types of brazier
Although the principle of operation of the tandoor has remained unchanged for centuries, several types of this versatile oven are known today. So, depending on the nature of the installation, the design is horizontal (for bread) and vertical (for any other dishes).
Tandoors are also:
- Ground. Installed on a pre-prepared foundation
- Earthen (pit). They go deep into the pit and still serve in some nations as a method of heating housing
- Portable (mobile). Compact devices that can be transported from place to place. Functionally replace the brazier
The classic tandoor corresponds to the following parameters:
- Height – 100–150 cm
- Diameter of the widest part – 100 cm
- Inlet diameter – neck – 50 cm
- Wall thickness – up to 15 cm
- Inner kaolin clay inlay, outer - fireclay bricks

Required materials and preparation
Having decided to build an authentic tandoor oven on a garden or house plot, you must first purchase building materials. For construction you will need:
- 1 centner of gravel with the addition of sifted river sand
- 7–10 kg of cement
- from 60 pieces of refractory bricks
- 1.5–2 m2 of reinforcing mesh
- 10 kg oven dry mix for masonry
- clay and sheep wool (for the inner tab)
- fireproof exterior paint
In addition, it will be enough to have:
- long rule for plaster
- containers for mixing clay and cement
- putty knife
- paint brush
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Construction instructions
The construction of a tandoor, which will last a long time and with high quality, takes place according to the following steps:
- The device of a reliable foundation
- Installation of the furnace base
- Creating a clay tab
- Brickwork
- thermal insulation
- decorative trim
Depending on the nature of the soil, a stationary tandoor is built either on concrete supports (heavy, clayey soil) or on a cement foundation (sandy, sandy loam soil).
In the second case, at the site of the proposed construction of the furnace, the top layer (10–15 cm) of fertile soil is removed, the remains and roots of plants are selected from the soil.
Further, in a small container, a cement mortar is prepared in proportions of 3: 1: 1 gravel, sand and cement, respectively. The consistency of the resulting mixture resembles thick sour cream.
Then follow these steps:
- The soil is checked with a building level, if necessary, pits are filled up and embankments are leveled.
- Build formwork from wooden blocks with props
- At the bottom of the pit, drainage from fine river sand is poured, covered with a film or a piece of roofing material for waterproofing
- Lay the reinforcing mesh
- A cement screed is poured over the beacons, bayoneted, leveled, allowed to dry
The concrete will finally dry out after 5-7 days, during which the surface of the site is watered to avoid cracking.
Base mounting
The base of the tandoor is the bottom of an impromptu cauldron, where the brazier is located directly. Therefore, for the installation of the base, only refractory building materials are taken.
A piece of roofing material, cut in the shape of a circle, is placed on the concrete, a brick is placed on top in 1 row on the refractory mixture for masonry. Then the grinder cuts off the extra elements
Further erection of the walls of the tandoor is carried out using a plaster rule. Its length should be equal to the height of the furnace, and the difference between the base and the top should be equal to the ratio of 3 to 1.
Experts advise to make such a specific rule out of wood on your own. To do this, take a bar 100 cm high, nailing wooden bars of 30, 20 and 10 cm perpendicularly to it in increments of 25 cm.
On the reverse side of the horizontal strips, a pattern is attached - a strip of plywood, which determines the bend of the future inner surface of the furnace.
Clay work
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Then there are 2 possible options:
- Lay out the walls of brick, coat them from the inside with a thick layer of clay
- Erect the inner lining of clay separately, and then overlay with bricks
In the first case, using a homemade rule, the body of the tandoor itself is erected from bricks. To do this, on the basis of refractory bricks, brickwork is made in a circle in 10 rows.
Then a dome is formed from another 10 rows, narrowing each of them towards the center by 0.5 cm. The elements are placed on the solution, trying to connect them tightly to each other. The seams are reinforced with mortar.
From above, the structure is reinforced with a reinforced mesh, wrapped in 1 layer, coated with a solution. The stoves are allowed to dry, and then, if desired, they are leveled on the outside and plastered, painted with refractory paint.
At the same time, the inner surface is coated with a thick layer of clay mixed with strips of wool 10–15 mm long.. A mixture of clay, salt, sand and wool is prepared 7-10 days before the start of construction work: during this time, excess moisture comes out of the coating.
If the technology for the separate manufacture of a clay insert is chosen for the construction, then further work is carried out as follows:
- Round “sausages” are prepared from clay with a diameter of no more than 8 cm and a length of up to 90–100 cm
- Moving in a circle, guided by the rule, they build an earthenware cauldron. When finished, it will have a wall thickness of up to 10 cm. It is important to remember that laying out the clay goes in the direction of narrowing towards the neck
Then the inner surface of the resulting container is coated with an additional layer of clay, achieving smooth walls. The structures are allowed to dry.
The outer layer of brick
Brickwork is the final stage of arranging a homemade tandoor and a mandatory step to keep the heat in the oven.
If the fire is kindled directly in the clay insert, then the boiler is immediately lined with bricks. In the case when the tab is placed on the grate above the source of fire, some features are taken into account when laying.
So, after installing a clay oven on a brazier, external borders are marked around it, at a distance of 12–15 cm from the internal ones. The first row of masonry is made along the lines, leaving the door for blowing.
Then they continue to lay out bricks up to the neck of the clay cauldron, and the space between the two spheres is filled with heat-insulating materials.
To protect the neck of the tandoor from external influences, a cover of a suitable size is made of wood.
thermal insulation
In order for the stove to retain heat for a long time, the space between the clay and the brick is insulated, where the neck of the tandoor narrows. For these purposes, use:
- sand
- salt
- expanded clay
- small pebbles
- stones
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Simplified way
An easy way to build a brazier on your own is to lay out a 75 cm high tandoor from refractory bricks. Bread cannot be baked in such an oven, because clay is not used, but barbecue is easy to fry.
The tandoor is built on a base of 3 rows of silicate brick laid according to the scheme along, across and again along the dug pit. Then lay the refractory bricks on edge, forming a circle.
The first row and 2 subsequent ones are fixed with steel wire. The finished structure is coated with a fire-resistant mixture for laying stoves and fireplaces, and after drying it is plastered.
Next, the outer walls are coated twice with clay with a layer of 2 cm, wrapped with a reinforcing grid, covered with cement mortar (a mixture of 3 parts of sand and 1 part of cement).
Optionally, a metal ring 5 cm high is installed on the outlet to install a protective cover. For hanging skewers, a metal crossbar is often welded to the sides in addition to the sides.
The outer walls of the tandoor for decoration are trimmed with stone or painted with refractory paint.

Tandoor from a barrel
A simplified method of building a tandoor for those who are not good at laying bricks and working with the rule is work on the blank. An ordinary wooden barrel with a volume of 200 liters acts as a sample and basis.
Meanwhile, the hoops are loosened in the barrel, filled with water so that the wood swells.
The walls of a dried-out barrel are smeared with butter from the inside so that the clay does not stick tightly. Then the assembly begins: the finished sheets are laid along the walls, connecting the elements together with plastic clay.
The tab from the inside is carefully once again smeared with clay, leveling the surface. The structures are allowed to dry, then the hoops are removed and the barrel is dismantled, freeing the resulting cauldron.
The stove is placed on the base and lined with bricks, thermally insulated, as in the traditional way.

How to use
The finished home-made tandoor is warmed up idle for 5-6 hours before the first use. At the same time, the clay walls are smeared with vegetable oil so that later the cakes do not stick.
Dishes of meat, poultry, vegetables and fish are cooked on a grill or on skewers directly over the fire. To make cakes, the oven is first heated, then the coal is removed, the walls are wiped from ash and soot. Only after that they begin to sculpt the dough for clay.
To build a universal oven-brazier - the Uzbek tandoor - even a person without building skills can do it at his summer cottage. It is important to use quality materials and strictly follow the above recommendations.
If the work is done correctly, then a personal tandoor in the country or near the house will please the whole family for a long time.
An inexpensive way to build a tandoor from improvised means for 1 thousand rubles is described in the video -
Tandoor from improvised means for 1 thousand rubles
Tandoor: a device, step-by-step instructions on how to build the famous Uzbek brick oven, barrels with your own hands | Photo & Video
A blogger shares his personal experience in building a tandoor oven in a summer cottage in the video -
Personal experience of building a tandoor oven in a summer cottage
Tandoor: a device, step-by-step instructions on how to build the famous Uzbek brick oven, barrels with your own hands | Photo & Video