Cyclamen (lat. Cyclamen) is known to many under the name Alpine violet, dryakva, etc., although in fact this plant is of Middle Eastern origin. It is found almost everywhere on the coasts of the Mediterranean and Black Seas, distributed in the Caucasus. The plant is credited with magical properties, many signs and superstitions are associated with it, but all this does not reflect the characteristics of growing a crop. A very peculiar temperature regime of a perennial plant does not allow it to significantly expand its range in the wild, limiting most of the population growth in the Mediterranean, however, cyclamen can be grown at home without much effort. Along with begonia and kalanchoe, it is one of the most popular and showy indoor plants.

Features of the metabolism of this plant significantly limit the periods of its activity. Cyclamen is a relatively capricious plant. Low and excessively high temperatures stop the development of the plant and its growth, and cyclamen can even hibernate. At high temperatures, it is always associated with the loss of leaves and flowers. Therefore, cyclamen is more common in regions with colder climates.

Cyclamen at the age of about two years
The variety of the plant, as well as its unpretentiousness, have made cyclamen one of the most popular house flowers.

Cyclamen with many flowers
It blooms during cold weather, when other plants are dormant or dormant. The duration of flowering of cyclamen will please any indoor gardener, while one plant can have 30-50 flowers.

Brief botanical description
Cyclamen is a deciduous herbaceous perennial that belongs to the Primrose family, subfamily Myrsinaceae. In total, there are about 20 of its species, differing in range. The size of the plant is small - growth is from 15 to 30 cm. Bushes rarely grow above 35 cm. The main sign of cyclamen is large flat tuberous bulbs. Their diameter depends on the variety, it can be from 11 to 15 cm.

plant bulb
Important! The bulb has only one point of growth, located in the center. This is an important part of the plant, since any serious injury to it leads to the death of the flower.
Daughter shoots may be present inside the bulb. It is easy to confuse them with a growth point, since they look almost the same. The difference lies in their location (the maternal one is always in the center) and the timing of awakening - they are earlier than the maternal point of growth.

Bulb of a plant with several daughter shoots (kids)
There are no stems as such. The leaves are located on the petioles, up to 25 cm long, the length of the peduncles is up to 30 cm. Cyclamen has heart-shaped leaves with a leathery texture. The leaves of cyclamen are dark green in color, however, there are varieties that differ in the most diverse colors. For example, speckled or light green in color with burgundy streaks.Cyclamen leaves are decorative and are no less attractive decoration than its flowers.

Cyclamen leaf is painted in various shades of green. Some varieties have a silvery pattern or light spots.
The flowers of the plant are very original and unique. They resemble bright and colorful tropical butterflies and exude a delicate aroma. Looking at cyclamen, one gets the impression that a whole flock of these beautiful insects has flocked to the flower stalks of the plant.

Alpine cyclamen flowers have a pink hue
The petals of the flowers are bent and have a pointed shape. Sometimes they have a semblance of fringe. Alpine violets have a wide choice of colors. The flower color is represented by a set of colors from “whiter than snow” to rich lilac and even dark purple. There are also almost blackish specimens.

Persian Cyclamen (cyclamen persicum) Rococo Rose
The flowering time of the plant is in the winter. It starts in late October-early December. Flowering lasts from 3 to 4.5 months.
The active period of cyclamen's life falls on autumn, winter and spring. And at the beginning of summer, the bulb falls into a state of hibernation, out of which for about 1-2 months. In this state, the flower stalks and leaves of the plant completely fall off, and all processes are suspended.

Plant before dormancy
The onset of the dormant period and its duration are related to the ambient temperature. Rest lasts a month under normal conditions that preceded it. If the temperature before the onset of dormancy was high, then the plant is able to hibernate at any time of the year, and it will only be possible to get out of it without special stimulation the next year.
At low temperatures, a different picture is observed.. The plant usually "holds out" to its dormant period, but leaves it not after a month, but somewhat later, while its condition at the end of this period is much better than after dormancy caused by elevated temperature. Such bushes bloom next season without problems.
The life cycle of a cyclamen corm is 6 to 10 years.. 80% of the bulbs die already at the age of 7 years. In order to preserve the daughter shoots that have formed by the age of 5-6, it is advisable to completely divide the bulb into 3-4 parts in the sixth year of life, which must be planted.
Modern hybrid varieties of cyclamen do not have a pronounced rest period - they not only retain most of the foliagebut some even continue to bloom. Breeders have bred hybrids that have a long flowering time (it is almost year-round with interruptions of about 1 month).

plant care
Temperature and lighting
Cyclamen plant is unique: he needs cold fresh air and plenty of light.
The pot with the plant must be placed in a well-lit area. South facing windows are ideal. The plant normally tolerates both diffused light and direct sunlight.. You should not be afraid of sunburn or wilting of the plant.
Cyclamen needs a constant supply of fresh air, which means daily ventilation of the room.
Despite this, the plant must be protected from drafts. If the pot is close to a source of cold air, measures are taken to protect both the leaves and the root system of the plant. Usually, simple measures are enough for this: you can put the pot on a heat-insulating elevation or wrap it with some kind of insulation. The leaves can be protected from the cold wind with the help of any fence - any obstacle, from a screen to a curtain, will do.

Colchis cyclamen on the windowsill will delight in any weather
The temperature conditions of the plant are quite specific. Cyclamen feels most comfortable at temperatures from +14°С to +16°С. Deviations from comfortable temperatures within 2-4°C are allowed. With large deviations, cyclamen does not bloom.

Cyclamen ivy or Neapolitan - a beautiful plant with pink petals
When deviating from the indicated temperatures by more than 7-8 ° C, the plant passes into a state of hibernation during the day (loses all leaves and flowers and “falls asleep”).
It is especially difficult to maintain the required temperature value in winter. The difficulties are related to the fact that it is during this period that the plant blooms and it needs a stable temperature regime, without large temperature drops during the day. At the same time, it is difficult to control the temperature in the house in winter due to the high inertia of the heating system. Not everyone has systems for automatically maintaining the temperature in the room.

Cyclamen Persian
It is necessary to install a thermometer next to the plants, and control their temperature 2-3 times a day. Ventilation allows you to lower the air temperature to the required values. Using the "micro-ventilation" mode in modern window systems will also reduce the temperature by 1-2 degrees.
To increase the temperature of the flower content, it is enough to transfer the flower to a warmer room. Cyclamen normally transfers movement from place to place.
Important! The plant does not need to be placed too close to heat sources, as they significantly dry the air around them.
Air humidity
In the places of its origin, cyclamen grows on the banks of streams of a few oases, so it is used to humid air. In dry air, the bush quickly fades. At high humidity, the growth of cyclamen accelerates by about 10-15%. For cyclamen, the optimum humidity will be in the range of 50-70%.

European cyclamen has pink, purple or purple flowers.
In summer, it is enough to use a sprayer in a room where flowers grow several times during the day. But in winter, due to the presence of heating elements in the rooms, such a practice will not work.
In this case, humidify the air differently, namely, take the following measures:
- Using an automatic humidifier that maintains a constant set humidity level.
- Installing an open container of water (plates or shallow pots) next to the cyclamen pot. The constant evaporation of the water will help maintain the humidity level.
- Place the pot with the plant in a pan of water, but in such a way that the water level does not reach more than half the level of the drainage. This is done to prevent rotting of the roots of the plant.
Soil and containers

The soil for the plant should be light and loose.
Do not use heavy soils, or soils that form too hard a crust on the surface. The plant prefers slightly acidic soils (pH 5.0 to 6.3). You can use the purchased soil for the flower, or you can make it yourself.
The soil recipe in which cyclamen is cultivated is as follows:
- leaf ground
- sod land
- manure or compost
- sand or vermiculite
The components of the soil mixture are taken in a ratio of 1: 1: 1: 2
Such a composition may not be slightly acidic. To ensure that you do not get alkaline soil, use the following composition:
- leaf ground
- coconut fiber
- peat
- sand
Component ratio 1:1:2:2
Like all soils for plants in a warm climate, it must be disinfected from fungal and viral diseases. It can be washed in a 0.2% potassium permanganate solution, or it can be heat treated in an oven. The soil should be processed in the oven for 30 minutes at a temperature of 100-120°C.
After disinfecting the soil with potassium permanganate, it is necessary to lay the soil on a clean surface, covering it with gauze. This will help restore the population of soil microflora in it.The duration of this procedure is 2-4 weeks.
A pot or flowerpot for cyclamen needs a small one. Its diameter should not exceed the diameter of the bulb by more than 3 cm. Very small nodules are planted in plastic cups. The height should be such that drainage is placed in it, 2/3 of the height of the bulb and another 3-4 cm of soil.

Bulb in the right size pot
Important! The root system of cyclamen must completely occupy the entire free space of the pot before the plant begins active vegetation and lush flowering.

Cyclamen roots
The bulb itself sits in the ground in such a way that its growth point and with it about a third of the height of the tuber remain not buried in the ground.
Important! Fully buried bulbs may die because they do not receive the required amount of oxygen. In addition, a moist layer of soil will contribute to the appearance of rot at the growing point.
I make 3-4 drainage holes in the pot. It is recommended to pour drainage at the bottom of the pot at a third of the height. Usually, expanded clay balls are used for this, pebbles can also be used. Then, on expanded clay, you need to lay 3-4 cm of soil on top, on which you “install” a new bulb. In the case of transplanting a plant, it is necessary to choose a new pot and transplant the entire bulb with soil and root system into it using the transshipment method.
The given instructions for transplanting a plant are applicable to any variety or hybrid of it.
Watering the plant

Cyclamen is a characteristic moisture-loving plant
Watering should be plentiful and carried out in the morning, while it is still not hot. The criterion that the plant is normally watered is a well-moistened layer of the top soil crust. Excessive accumulation of moisture in the pan or in the pot itself is fraught with the death of the root system of the plant, so water should not stagnate in pots. When watering in the morning, it is advisable to avoid getting moisture on the leaves of the plant.
Water for irrigation should be at room temperature..
It is necessary to defend the water for irrigation in open containers for 2-3 days so that chlorine and other harmful substances completely come out of it. Artesian water can be used not settled. You can take ordinary tap water, boil it, cool it, then use it for irrigation.
Watering can also be done through a pallet, or by immersing a pot with a flower in a basin of water, where the water level is 2-3 cm higher than the drainage level in the pot.This method is the main one if heat-loving varieties are grown, for example, Kos cyclamen.

Humidification of cyclamen by adding liquid to the pan
For flowering plants in the heat, additional moisture may be needed in the form of spraying.. It is necessary to repeat this procedure 2-3 times a day.
In summer, such procedures are also acceptable, but only on cloudy days, or in the early morning, to avoid sunburn.
plant fertilizer
Unlike many indoor and garden flowers, cyclamen itself does not need fertilizer. Cyclamen does not like too acidic soils, so if you fertilize it, especially with mineral top dressing, you must be extremely careful. Feeding cyclamen makes sense when calculating the timing of the ripening of flowers, or if it is necessary to maintain a flowering plant as much as possible.

For cyclamen, it is not recommended to use any conventional fertilizer urea or potassium nitrate. It is better to use complex universal fertilizers for flowers, which are a mixture based on nitrophoska or superphosphate. Root top dressings are applied under cyclamen. It makes no sense to use organic top dressing, such as humus or rotted manure, the plant has enough nitrogen obtained by its own means.
At the same time, it is recommended to leave the application doses that are recommended by the manufacturers, but the frequency of applying top dressing for cyclamen should be twice as much as recommended. Usually, it is once a month.
Correct Mode
With improper care, the plant can suddenly go dormant. At the same time, the leaves dry up and curl, flowers fall and the growth of the shrub stops. Under normal conditions, this occurs in early May. The rest period usually lasts 1-2 months. At the same time, its green part turns yellow, and then fades, completely losing foliage. The plant sheds leaves within a week. Any specific care at this time is not required, except that they reduce watering, gradually reducing them to nothing.

The gradual withering of foliage and flower stalks says that cyclamen is preparing to rest.
All processes in the plant slow down. Do not water it, feed it, dig it up, replant it, cut off wilted leaves, faded flowers, and so on. You just need to take it and move it to a cool, dry place, preferably in the shade.

plant at rest
The best option for a dormant cyclamen is to keep it at a temperature that is comfortable for an ordinary plant, that is, + 14-16 ° C. Do not transfer plants to obviously uncomfortable conditions, both too cold and too warm.

Plant transplantation and propagation
This process is done in early autumn or late summer to reduce the stress the flower is subjected to. At this time, the plant has already completely moved away from its dormant state, it is full of vitality and therefore the transplant process will endure without problems.
There are two objective reasons for plant transplantation:
- The bulb has grown so wide that it does not fit in a pot.
- It has been 2 years since the last substrate change.
The plant is carefully cleaned of soil clod (wash with warm water) and planted in a new container. Sometimes the bulb is slightly dried before planting. It is advisable to change the soil at any transplant, however, if the period of two years has not passed, you can not perform this procedure by transplanting plants together with an earthen clod using the transshipment method. The transplanted bush does not require any specific care.
Vegetative way

The plant can be propagated both by seed and vegetatively.
Vegetatively, cyclamen can be propagated by dividing the bush. It is produced towards the end of the dormant period, but it can be done as soon as the last leaves fall off the cyclamen. In fact, this is a common tuberous propagation.
On the bulb there are the largest daughter shoots and it is cut into 2-3 parts, each of which has 1-2 daughter growth buds. The maternal rosette must remain with at least one daughter bud, in no case should it be cut off. In the process of separation, it is undesirable to somehow touch the maternal growth bud.

Splitting a plant bulb
The cut of the bulb is smeared with brilliant green or sprinkled with crushed charcoal (or activated) and left to dry in the open air. In this case, the root system of the delenka can either be preserved or completely removed. It is recommended to keep it in cuttings, because when a new plant grows from a daughter bulb, it will not need additional nutrients due to the preserved root system. Cyclamen tuber contains a number of poisonous substances for pets, so precautions should be taken.
At the end of the dormant period, the separated tubers of the plants are planted in a special soil for seedlings, in which they will spend at least six months in order to restore the root system and heal damage to the tubers. After that, they are transplanted into ordinary soil and stationary pots in which they will grow.
Soil for seedlings may have the following composition:
- sand
- humus
- leaf ground
Proportions 4:3:3
Similar to the soil for adult plants, it must be disinfected. Heat treatment is not used, the soil is disinfected with potassium permanganate and dried.
seed propagation
To avoid this, cyclamen seed cultivation is used.. This process is quite complicated and painstaking, but it allows avoiding the death of plants from unsuccessful vegetative reproductions.

Cyclamen seeds
As soon as flowering ends, do not immediately remove the ovaries - the fruits are not yet ripe. They need to dry naturally. Before the box of seeds is almost ready to open, you need to remove the seeds from there and soak them in warm water, this will increase the germination of the seeds up to 80%. The seeds are soaked for 24 hours, the floating specimens are discarded.
After that, the seeds are planted in special boxes for seedlings. Pots with a diameter of 20-25 centimeters are also suitable. Seeds are sown at a distance of 5 to 10 cm from each other. After that, they are covered with a 5 mm layer of sand or vermiculite. Seeds are not buried in the ground.

African cyclamen in a pot
Containers with seedlings are placed in "warm" conditions for cyclamen - the temperature is not lower than + 17-20 ° C and the absence of bright light sources. It can be a slightly shaded room, but you can also use some kind of closet in the cellar or on the balcony. From above, the pot is covered with a film to create conditions similar to greenhouses and prevent the soil from drying out. The soil is constantly kept moist. In order not to wash out the seeds, it is sprayed with a spray bottle.
Seeds begin to sprout about a month after sowing, but this does not happen at once. The last sprouting sprouts can be observed approximately 2 months after planting the seeds. If the seeds are treated with a 5% solution of Zircon, Epin or another biostimulant, they germinate 10 days earlier, in addition, this will contribute to better survival of the culture.

Seedlings of cyclamen before planting in individual pots
As soon as the first sprouts appear, boxes or pots of seedlings are taken out into open sunlight.. Watering young cyclamens at this stage should be moderate, because with abundant watering, their roots rot. When the seedlings have 2-3 true leaves, they are transplanted into individual pots, transferred to a bright place in a cool place, and they begin to take care of them like adult plants. The first flowering of cyclamens grown in this way occurs in the second year after planting the seeds. In this case, the moment of its start will be shifted by 1-2 months.

Plant problems and how to solve them
Cyclamen has low resistance to diseases and pests. Its serious enemy, capable of destroying even an adult plant, is the cyclamen mite.

Cyclamen leaves begin to turn yellow, wither and curl from the wrong conditions.
The main problem with this insect is that it is extremely difficult to spot. An indirect sign of the activity of such a mite is a change in the shape of the leaf plates and excessive bending or deformation of the pedicel and buds.
Insecticides do a good job with it, if you notice the danger in time. If time is lost, and the lesion covers more than a third of the plant surface, its chances of survival are minimal.
Also dangerous for the plant are weevil, thrips and aphids, sucking the juice and damaging the foliage, but their activity will be easily noticeable. To combat thrips, any insecticide for indoor plants is used.It will take 3-4 treatments. Plants are treated with a pause of 5-7 days.
If the plant began to look lethargic, its leaves turn yellow, however, while flowering proceeds as it went, the flower stalks are not bent and the fragrant flowers have not faded, then it is necessary to check the temperature regime of the plant.
The main problem in this case, as a rule, is the temperature above +18-20°C. It needs to be lowered. If everything is fine with the temperature, it is within acceptable limits, but similar symptoms are observed, you should check if the top layer of soil has taken on a crust. Perhaps the plant needs watering. Untimely watering often causes yellowing of the foliage.

Typical view of the "gun" of gray rot
Often the fungus provokes excessive waterlogging of the soil. If gray rot appears on the plant, or it is affected by other fungi (anthracnose, fusarium, powdery mildew, etc.), in addition to treatment with a fungicide or various bio-preparations, the room should be ventilated more often. A solution of Fundazol or even ordinary copper sulphate has proven itself well.
The subtleties of growing
Cyclamen - bulb violet: description, growing from seeds at home, plant care, reproduction and transplantation (75+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews