USEFUL LIFE HACK: How to make dry fuel ?With your own hands?

do-it-yourself dry fuel

Fire is the first sign of civilization. In field conditions, this is especially acutely understood. It happens that there are matches, but it still doesn’t work to make a fire - the firewood is damp, and there is nowhere to take others. And then dry fuel comes to the rescue. The topic of our article is how to make dry fuel at home.


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What is needed for this

We will produce not dry alcohol, but its analogue. In addition to 15-20 minutes of our time, we will need:

  • cotton pads
  • Paraffin candle
  • Medical tweezers
  • metal container


Paraffin, cotton wool, tweezers and a tin can

Instead of discs, you can use ordinary cotton wool, any other cotton base for our fuel is also suitable.

Step 1 melt the paraffin


We crumble a paraffin candle into a metal container. You can do this with a knife or pliers.


We put a tin can with paraffin on the fire. We used a gas stove. You need to melt on a slow fire.


We melt paraffin

Be careful not to knock over the molten paraffin can. He is very hot.

Step number 2 - soak cotton pads

Armed with medical tweezers, we proceed to soak the cotton pads.


We cling to one disk with tweezers and dip it into the melted paraffin several times so that the cotton wool picks up the melted paraffin solution.


Then carefully remove it from the jar and place the impregnated disk on the prepared substrate. You can use regular newspaper or a plastic bag.


We repeat the operation until the paraffin or cotton pads run out.


We try not to drip paraffin


Paraffin needs to be heated periodically.

Step number 3 - solidification of dry fuel

Paraffin hardens very quickly - no more than 1-2 minutes. The “dry fuel” product is ready for use.

When frozen, they are hard disks that are not afraid of high humidity. However, they crumble easily, so it is better to store and transport in solid packages: boxes, metal jars, etc.


Paraffin cotton pads are ready

The shelf life of dry fuel is not limited.

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Test - terms of use

It would seem, what could be the rules? It's simple - set it on fire and that's it. However, some do not succeed in setting fire with one match. And all because paraffin itself does not burn, this requires a base.


Quick ignition

Therefore, for instant ignition, it is recommended to break the impregnated disk in half - there will be clean cotton wool inside (the disk is not completely saturated, but only on top).

After they set it on fire in this place, then there will be almost instant ignition. You can verify this by looking at the photo.

VIDEO: How to make dry fuel (fuel) with your own hands

USEFUL LIFE HACK: How to make dry fuel ?With your own hands?

How to make dry fuel (fuel) with your own hands

USEFUL LIFE HACK: How to make dry fuel ?With your own hands?

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