Succulents are easy to care for at home. People from hot countries have an exotic and decorative look. They are not afraid to leave without water, leaving on a long vacation or business trip. Succulents have many varieties, which allows everyone to choose a flower to their liking.

Succulents are plants with succulent leaves and stems, they belong to different families:
- Euphorbia
- cactus
- lily
- Crassula
- Lastovnevye
- Aisoonic
- Kutrovye
- Agave

They share the same growth conditions.
They prefer dry areas such as the desert. Succulents are also found in roadside dust. They do not like excessive moisture and rainy weather. She destroys them.
For many, it is enough to receive watering 2 times during the year. They make a reserve, which is enough for full development. The leaves of the plant are covered with bloom. It performs a protective function from the scorching sun, protecting the leaves from burns.
The homeland of the plant is the deserts of Africa, as well as the American continent. On the territory of Europe, they are also found in nature, for example, sedum sedum.

- A genus of succulents belonging to the Crassulaceae family. It includes 40 types. The name in ancient Greek means "eternal". It grows naturally in the Canary Islands, Madeira, Morocco and East Africa.
- A feature of this plant are succulent leaves without petioles. They grow in a spiral at the end of a thin stem. They lay down tightly in rows, form a rosette, similar to a rose flower or scales of a spruce cone. Over time, the leaves die off and at the bottom of the outlet you can see the scars from them.
- This variety has white, yellow or pink flowers. They are small in size, their diameter does not exceed 1 cm. The duration of flowering is 1 month.
- If the aeonium has a single rosette, and there are no branches on its trunk, then it dies after it has faded. There are varieties in the family that live for 2 years, there are also centenarians.
- Refers to Crassula succulents. There are only 40 varieties of the flower in the genus. Native places are Ethiopia, the Arabian Peninsula, South Africa.
- This flower is characterized by low growth, even in the usual environment, rarely reaches 1.5 meters in height. Its stems are thick and brittle. They become woody with age. The leaves have short petioles, in some species they are absent. On the branches are located opposite each other. Each next pair in relation to the previous one grows at an angle of 90 degrees.
- Flowers bloom in summer. They are like bells. The structure of the inflorescences is loose. Flowering continues for a long time. Cotyledons usually bloom a large number of flowers.
- When they fade, pods with round seeds are formed.
- To prevent the plant from stretching upwards, you need to regularly pinch the tops.
- Comes from the milkweed family.There are 20 known varieties of the plant. Homeland are the tropics and subtropics. At home, only one species is bred - Grant.
- This plant is a tall shrub, its growth can be more than 3.5 meters. The bark on the branches is light grey. Fleshy leaves grow on them. They are located on the shoots in order. The shape is like an inverted egg. Their color is pale green with dark branched veins.
- There are few flowers on a succulent bush. Inflorescences are umbrellas and small red flowers. Their shape resembles an inverted hat, from which a tassel of stamens sticks out.
- The variety is not picky in care, but at home it does not bloom.
- Synadenium is highly toxic! Juice, once in the digestive tract, causes poisoning, sometimes fatal. Causes irritation and allergic reactions upon contact with the skin.
- A genus from the Crassulaceae family. Contains 10 types. The homeland is Mexico.
- The leaves are like flattened grapes. They are covered with a thick coating of wax.
- A very compact plant, even at home it does not grow above 30 cm. The leaves grow tightly in a spiral.
- Peduncles grow from the upper sinuses. They are very long and smooth.
- The inflorescences of the plant look like spikelets with flowers in the form of bells. Their color is pink or red.
- After flowering, seed pods are formed.
- Belongs to the Aizaceae family. She hails from South Africa.
- The name is translated from Latin as "mouth". And indeed, her appearance is predatory: the leaves grow in pairs, resemble the mouth of an animal.
- The rhizome of the plant is short, fleshy. A small stem with rosettes of leaves grows from it, 3-6 pairs in each.
- Their color is green, but can be either light or dark, in some species they have white specks or stripes. Their edges are framed with sharp outgrowths.
- This succulent blooms in large, single flowers. The diameter reaches 7 cm. They are painted in all shades of yellow. Open during the day, close at night. The lifespan of each is about a week.
- Belongs to the Portulacaraceae family. The plant is native to South Africa. She has a second name "elephant bush". The genus of this succulent is represented by only one species, which includes 5 varieties.
- The plant is a shrub with a large number of lignified branches. His shoots are fleshy, grow in a chaotic manner. At an early age, they are painted in a lilac-red color, with age they become covered with a brown crust.
- The leaves are small. They have an oval shape, the end is pointed. Leaves are opposite. They don't have petioles. Their color is light green, but may have white spots or a pinkish edge.
- A type of succulent that blooms profusely. The flowers are pink and have 5 petals. Inflorescences, elongated, in the form of an ear. Reach a length of 7 cm.
- It comes from the Aizaceae family. This succulent looks like rocks. In the people, the plant is called "living stones". His homeland is the rocky deserts in the south of the African continent.
- The ground part consists of two juicy, fused together, leaves.
The form may be different:
- bumpy ball
- heart
- frustum
- The plant has a stem, but it is short and does not come out of the ground. Leaves can be green, blue or even brown. Spots are often found on their surface. Due to its appearance, the conophytum merges with the stones surrounding it. It blooms with beautiful, bright flowers, resembling daisies or funnels.
- A feature of the genus is the peculiar growth of young leaves. They grow inside old leaves. At the same time, the old leaves become thinner and gradually die off, giving way to young ones.
- The plant has a clear life cycle, coinciding with the natural conditions at home. From spring to autumn, they are at rest, and the growing season comes in winter.
- Belongs to the hyacinth family. She has a second name "sea cucumber". Grows in savannahs, deserts and river banks.The plant is native to South Africa.
- At home, only curly bovia grows. Her appearance is very exotic. It has a large bulb, from which long shoots grow. Leaves and greenish flowers are small. They grow at the same time in late spring, fall off in autumn.
- It is grown as an ampelous plant, or they put supports for climbing shoots. Propagated by seeds or bulbs.
- Bowie juice is poisonous. Once in the body, it has a negative effect on the cardiovascular system. Causes irritation on the skin.
- Belongs to the milkweed family. He hails from America. It is a branching shrub.
- Since the habitats differ in climate, the appearance of plants is not the same. Some grow as shrubs, others look like small trees. But the large-fruited variety of the plant does not have leaves, instead of them there are water-storing tissues.
- He is loved by flower growers for his spectacular flowers.
- Pedilanthus juice is caustic. Causes skin irritation. It is necessary to work with it strictly in gloves.
- The plant does not like wind, drafts and rain. But the light should be bright all year round. In winter, you need to organize additional artificial lighting. Otherwise, it will wither.
- Representative of the Crassidae family. Its homeland is Southwest and South Africa.
- This succulent grows as a small shrub, or as a herbaceous plant with a recumbent stem, on the surface of which red aerial roots grow. Succulent leaves are found round and triangular.
- Flowers bloom on a long peduncle. The inflorescence is presented in the form of an ear. Flowers are shaped like a narrow tube. They consist of 5 petals. Painted either white or pink.
- Belongs to the euphorbia family. The plant is represented by shrubs and herbaceous plants containing milky juice. Homeland are the tropics of Africa and America.
- The stem of the plant is like a bottle. This feature makes it look unusual. In winter, he stands naked. With the onset of spring, umbrella inflorescences appear. They consist of small flowers dyed red. Only after them do leaves appear on long petioles.
- Jatropha is a rare guest in our homes. You can meet her with collectors or in botanical gardens.
- Succulent from the Aizaceae family. Distributed in Africa, South Africa and Peru. Likes sandy and rocky soils. From the heat hides in the sand.
- The plant is dwarf, similar to pebbles. Greenish-gray leaves make up a rosette of 2 - 4 pieces. They are half merged with each other. They are separated by a deep groove. The size of the leaves is small, they are no more than 3 cm in diameter. New leaves are formed between the old ones, which in turn die off.
- The peduncle emerges from the groove. The flowers of the plant are solitary, consist of many narrow petals. Flowers are pink and yellow, outwardly similar to daisies. Flowers bisexual, pollinated by insects. At home, you need to pollinate with a brush.
- After the argyroderma blooms, fruit-capsules with seeds are formed. They ripen for a long time until the spring of next year.
- They open when exposed to liquid, such as rain. The houseplant can be dipped in water or the capsules can be crushed by hand.
- Propagated by seeds or by division of a group of plants.
- Belongs to the dove family. Homeland are African deserts.
- Differs in creeping shoots. Consist of four or five-sided segments. Their color is brownish-green or green. Each edge has pointed teeth.
- Flowers bloom at the top of the stems. They have five petals. Color can be any, usually with many spots. The shape of the petal is triangular.
- Belongs to the asparagus family. This is a herbaceous bulbous plant. Motherland South Africa.
- A flattened white bulb reaches a diameter of 5 cm. Up to 20 pieces grow from it. leaves. The height of each is about 15 cm. They grow in a spiral.If you align the fleshy leaf, then its length will be approximately 35 cm.
- They spiral in very hot weather. This allows them to retain moisture.
- Albuka shoots a peduncle 60 cm long. It has racemose inflorescences. It consists of drooping flowers. In one inflorescence there are from 10 to 20 pcs.
- Flowers pale, green or yellow. Consist of 6 petals growing in two circles. The fruit is formed in the form of a box with seeds.
- Belongs to the cactus family. This succulent is native to Brazil. The genus includes only 4 species.
- This is a lithophyte flower, it feels great growing among stones and rocks. It has a branched crown. At home, it can reach a height of 3 meters.
- This plant resembles a skeleton. There are no leaves on its branches. At the tops, yellow or pink flowers bloom. They are shaped like bells. During the period of active flowering, the hatiora needs to be watered frequently and plentifully.
- This is a perennial from the Crassulaceae family. Distributed in the Canary Islands.
- Represented by shrubs and herbaceous plants. Depending on the variety, short shoots creep or grow erect. The tops are crowned with leaf rosettes.
- The fleshy leaves are arranged alternately, sometimes oppositely. The shape is ovoid.
- Inflorescences - umbrellas consist of flowers with 6 - 8 petals. The color may be light green, brown-green or light pink. They grow on long stalks.
- An evergreen succulent from the Aizaceae family. It is distributed in South America and Africa.
- A distinctive feature is the disclosure of flowers strictly at noon.
- The leaves are shaped like a heart. They are arranged oppositely on fleshy stems. Flowers grow in leaf axils on side branches. They are colored red.
- The fruit is a capsule with chambers. Each contains one seed. The surface of the seeds is rough.
- Belongs to the bell family. Homeland are the Hawaiian Islands. Due to this and its palm-like appearance, it is also called the "Hawaiian palm".
- The plant was on the verge of extinction a few years ago. Thanks to scientists from the Hawaiian Tropical National Park, it has been saved. They hand-pollinated. The procedure had to be done in its habitat, and this is a height of 1 thousand meters above sea level.
- Brigamia has been sectioned since the nineties of the twentieth century in Holland.
- It has a fleshy bottle-shaped stem. At the top of it are sheet sockets. The sheets are covered with a layer of wax. Their color is light green. They are very similar to cabbage leaves.
- The flowers are pale yellow, grouped in inflorescences of 3 - 8 pcs. They have 5 petals. Flowering takes place in September - October. They exude a pleasant vanilla aroma.
- The milky juice of brigami is absolutely harmless.
- Genus of the milkweed family. Includes more than 2 thousand varieties that have strong differences. Grows in subtropical, tropical and temperate climates. Most of them are succulents, that is, plants capable of accumulating moisture.
- These plants in the juice contain poison - euphorbin. It burns the skin, upsets the intestines and causes inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose and eyes. Euphorbia should be kept out of the reach of small children and animals.
- The plant is unpretentious. Easy to home breeding.
- There are flowering species, there are similar to cacti. All varieties have thick stems: fleshy and juicy.
- Euphorbias have special inflorescences: the new grows out of the old. Flowers do not have petals, the appearance resembles an alloy. It has stamens and bracts that remain from an extinct inflorescence. The fruit is a capsule containing 3 seeds - nuts.
- From the Aizov family, it is a representative of "living stones". Roses combines 37 species. Homeland is Africa.
- Lithops adapt to the environment and take on the color of the stones surrounding them. This plant tolerates the harshest and hottest conditions.Able to grow where nothing else grows.
- They consist of a pair of leaves of a flat or convex shape.
- They bloom in large single flowers. It will wither in 10 days. Their color can be white, yellow or pink.


Each type of succulent has its own rules for care.
However, there are general rules that must be followed when growing them at home.

A lot of light is the most important condition for these plants.
They easily tolerate the scorching sun, feel great on the southern windows. If it is impossible to comply with these conditions, it is not necessary to breed them at home. Or provide artificial lighting.
There are varieties that can tolerate shade.
The most common of them:
- Schlumbergera
- sansenvieria
- fat girl
For these succulents, the lack of light slows development. Because of the shade, their health weakens, they are more often attacked by pests and various diseases.
Tolerance to poor lighting is determined by color. These plants have dark green leaves and stems.
Succulents need minimal watering. They will suffer from excess moisture, up to death. Under natural conditions, a powerful root system feeds on moisture extracted from the ground, in small pots this is not possible.

Plants do not need to be sprayed. Dry air is better for them, moist
Watering is stopped on rainy days and in winter. During the winter, they can be watered no more than 2 times. Water should be at room temperature. Best suited soft and defended.

Fertilize once a month
Fertilizers high in potassium and phosphorus are preferred. But nitrogen in them should be small, its excess can only harm. When fertilizing the soil, you need to follow the rule: Better to underfeed than overfeed.
Nitrogen makes the plant loose and watery. There are many children, but they do not develop. The skin of the flower bursts, the wounds begin to rot. All this leads to the death of the succulent.

In summer, flowers must be kept at a high temperature.
Heat stimulates plant growth, and lack of light causes them to stretch. The result will be their corrupt form. If there is no way to lower the temperature, then you need to provide them with artificial light. In extreme cases, put on the window, while closing the radiator with a screen.
Soil selection
Succulents need poor, infertile soil. Suitable mixed in equal proportions sand, turf and leaf earth. Purchased substrates are unsuitable for them, because peat is present in their composition. If there is no choice, then be sure to mix sand into it.
Small pots, flat bowls are suitable for succulents. Better if they are clay. Young plants are transplanted every spring, adults once every 2 years.

Decorative mini flowerbed of succulents
Drainage is laid at the bottom, a little earth is poured. Then a flower is planted, the remaining earth is added. It is not necessary to fill the container to the brim. Pebbles can be laid on top. It will provide additional drainage and protect the root system from decay.
When transplanting prickly varieties, they are wrapped in paper. This will protect your hands from injury.


young plants
Succulents can be propagated in 4 ways:
Mandatory conditions:
- Planting material must be fresh.They need to be washed before planting.
- The substrate is sandy-peaty. Before planting, it must be disinfected by calcining in the oven
- Be sure to have drainage holes in the pot
A layer of drainage is laid at the bottom of the pot, soil is poured on top. Before planting, it must be moistened by placing it in a pan with water. Next, you can sow the seeds.
Maintain the temperature around 22 degrees. Before the emergence of seedlings, its sharp jumps should not be allowed. Seedlings of the plant begin to appear after 20 days. You may have to wait longer, depending on the quality of the seeds.
It is necessary to seat the plant no earlier than after 6 months. After diving, young succulents need to be shaded. This will help them quickly get used to the new conditions.
To plant a new plant, the cutting must be healthy and not damaged. After the cut, it must be put on the window so that the cut is winded, for 2 to 3 days. Then it is planted in a pot.
Do not put succulent cuttings in water. They will start to rot in it and will not take root.
Stems and leaves take root in about 14 days. You need to water regularly, as the substrate dries.
In some succulents, babies grow on the leaves, already with roots, for example, Kalanchoe. It remains to collect them and plant them in the soil.
Other types of plants give babies, such as haworthia and aloe. They are carefully separated from the mother plant and seated.
Creeping varieties of succulents, such as delosperma, can be propagated by layering. The stem of the plant is dug in, after the appearance of the roots it is separated, transplanted into a separate pot.

Diseases and pests

Dying succulent
Succulents can be attacked by pests such as:
- thrips
- Chervets
- Ticks
Insecticides rid plants of them. They can be purchased at a flower shop. Spraying the plant should be carried out following the instructions on the package.
Rot is very dangerous for these plants. It occurs due to a number of reasons:
- Poor drainage, or lack of it
- Over watering
- Cold or hot, sudden temperature changes are more dangerous
A plant infected with rot is almost impossible to save. The only way to remove rotten roots and part of the stem. Plant in new soil. This method does not give any guarantees for the survival of the flower.
Another problem is mold. It appears on the leaves of a succulent. When it is found, you need to remove all moldy areas of the succulent. This will stop the spread of the disease. It is recommended that the plant be transplanted and fed.
It is easier to prevent a disease of a plant than to treat it later.
To do this, you can take a number of preventive measures:
- Do not water often, the soil must be allowed to dry.
- Add coal to the soil when transplanting a flower.
- Provide sufficient bright light.
- Use drainage.
- During the dormant period of the succulent, follow the rules of care.
- Plant transplantation should be carried out strictly in the spring.

Medicinal properties

Succulents have health benefits
Some succulents have medicinal properties:
- The most famous is aloe vera, it can cure viral and fungal diseases. It is believed that he fights against malignant tumors.
- And its closest relative, aloe vera, is actively used in cosmetics.
- Kalanchoe - relieves pain after burns, treats diseases of the skin, relieves itching.
- Agave - applied to bruised places and bruises, relieves toothache.You need to be careful with it, the plant can cause poisoning, and its juice can burn the skin.
- Cactus prickly pear has a diuretic effect.
- Crassula helps with colds.
- Sansiviera relieves headaches, helps with otitis media. She is being treated for scabies. This succulent is a natural energy booster.
- Stonecrop heals wounds and hematomas. With its help, warts are removed. It removes small external tumors. Stops blood.

The magic of succulents

Succulents have positive magic
In addition to beauty and medicinal properties, people endow some succulents with magical abilities:
- Crassula attracts wealth to the house, if you put it on your desktop. When standing on a window, it is believed that it attracts good luck for its owner.
- Zamioculcas responsible for the money in the house.
- The Italians believe that these plants scare away lightning. In order to secure the house, they grow them on the roofs.

Decorative compositions

From succulents, you can create various mixes. They are very beautiful and will become an exotic addition to the interior.
Composition types:
For compositions, different types of succulents and various decor items are used. In creation, you can give free rein to your imagination. To learn in detail how plants are arranged in mini-gardens, we suggest watching the video:
Compositions - gardens in pots and florariums
Succulents: Description, Types, Growing, Planting, Reproduction and Home Care, useful properties (70+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews