Mouse Remedy
Rodents have been companions of man since the discovery of agriculture. As soon as a person began to cultivate the land and receive the first crops, he had a need to store a large amount of grain. With the advent of the first granaries in human settlements, various rodents - rats and mice - firmly settled. The latter, due to their small size, can penetrate into any corner of human homes, find food in them and equip dwellings.
And everything would be fine if not for one “but”: mice are the source of a large number of infectious diseases and various parasites.. Despite the small size of rodents, the fight against them is quite difficult due to their numbers. A female mouse is capable of producing up to 14 offspring in a year; at the same time, in each litter there will be from 3 to 10 mice. If all the offspring survived, in a year the offspring of one mouse would exceed 2 billion individuals. Consider the best mouse control products currently on the market, as well as an effective folk remedy.

Funds classification

Mice control products
Conventionally, means for combating mice can be divided into three large groups:
- physical means (mousetraps, traps, traps, repellers, etc., the natural enemies of mice - cats) can also be included here;
- chemicals (poisonous substances in various designs - from powders and aerosols to poisoned baits in the form of treats);
- folk remedies; are physical or chemical means, or combinations thereof, made in a handicraft way
Depending on various conditions and circumstances, one has to use a certain type of remedy or a combination of several. For example, if there are pets in the house, it is better not to use poisonous baits, etc. Let's describe the different types of mouse remedies in more detail:

Physical means

Rat Killer Electric Trap
Conditionally divided into exterminators and repellents. The former are needed for the destruction of rodents, the latter for scaring away. Conventionally, exterminators are divided into traps and traps. In the first case, the destruction of the rodent occurs at the moment it touches the bait, in the second - after the capture. Sometimes traps aim only to catch a rodent, and what to do with it next, the owner will decide on his own.

Classic mousetrap

Plastic mousetrap
A standard mousetrap can be made in a variety of ways. The basis of the mechanism is a spring contained in a cocked state. When the rodent takes the bait, the spring is straightened and the percussion mechanism is activated.
The percussion mechanism is not necessarily made of metal. A small amount of force is enough to kill a mouse, which is why plastic traps have recently become common. After extracting the corpse of a rodent, the trap can be cocked again and repeated many times.
This is a simple, convenient and very effective tool. The intelligence of mice does not allow them to understand the danger of such structures, so the use of such mousetraps is very effective.
The disadvantage of such designs is that you have to deal with numerous corpses of mice., some of which (with a successful hit of the staple in the rodent's head) will have a very unattractive appearance.

Velcro traps

Victor electronic mousetrap

Universal trap Rat Zapper made by Victor
Traps come in a variety of types, from homemade plastic bottle designs to small electronic cameras or burrows that electrocute rodents. This group also includes Velcro traps coated with especially sticky compounds, both containing poison and not containing it.
Recently, devices from Victor have gained great popularity, which are boxes with a high voltage source powered by conventional batteries. The mouse is attracted by the smell of the bait, crawls inside and gets electrocuted.
At the same time, unlike traps, there is no mechanical damage to the body of the mouse and it is not necessary to wipe the floor stained with the insides: the corpses of mice are removed from the trap without physical contact with them. The power of traps can be very different, and they exist in various modifications: not only for mice, but also for rats.

Ultrasonic Repellents

Rodent repeller
Ultrasonic repellers are available in two main types: with ultrasonic frequencies up to 50 kHz and up to 75 kHz. It is believed that the latter are more preferable, since mice are able to hear ultrasound up to 75 kHz.
Repellers of the Electrokot series

Repellent "Electrocat Turbo"
A series of repellers with a frequency of up to 50 kHz. They are used to protect buildings up to 200 sq. m. The device is installed on the wall and operates in two modes: day and night. The device has a radiation angle of 110°.
A modified version of the repeller (Turbo) operates in the same frequency range, however, the frequency is constantly changing during operation, which creates additional discomfort for rodents. In addition, in addition to ultrasound, this device is equipped with a more powerful transmitter and a bright LED that affects the eyesight of mice. The area of the room, which covers the operating device, is 400 square meters.
Tornado Repellers

Repeller Tornado-400

Repeller Tornado-1200
Currently, the series is represented by several models: Tornado-200, Tornado-400 and Tornado 1200. The digital index indicates the area of operation of the device. All repellents operate at frequencies above 70 kHz.
The latest model (Tornado-1200) is a semi-professional device. In addition to having the highest power, it also has a circular orientation of the emitter. Additional options include 7 operating modes and light indication. For convenience of work with the device the remote control is delivered.


Mice control chemicals
These are perhaps the most common means, since they have the maximum efficiency, reaching almost 100%. They are based on the so-called. Rodenticides are special chemicals used to control rodents. Rodenticides can be of natural or synthetic origin.
Forms of release of chemicals are different:
- powders
- aerosols
- briquettes
- sugar mixtures (lozenges, sweets, etc.)
- seeds treated with poison (sunflower, wheat, etc.)
- pasta
- etc.
Consider the most popular tools of this type:

Krysin remedy
A broad spectrum drug that works against all types of mice, as well as gray and black rats. Standard release form - briquettes; also sold as a gel. The active substance of the drug is the second-generation rodenticide brodifacoum at a concentration of 0.005%. The composition of the briquette also includes food filler and flavoring. Krysin is available in packs of 100 g, 5 kg and 10 kg.
The active substance of the drug - brodifacoum is an intestinal pesticide and blood coagulant. The death of rodents from suffocation occurs within 3-15 days from the moment the agent enters the stomach.
But the drug practically does not react with atmospheric moisture, therefore it can be used in dry and damp rooms. Shelf life is 1 year.
In places where rodents are active, all sources of liquid should be removed, because if the mouse drinks a few minutes after taking the drug, its effectiveness will be significantly reduced.

Brodifan Liquid Concentrate
It is a liquid agent that is used for self-production of baits. The main active ingredient is brodifacoum in high concentration (0.25%). To create 1 kg of poison, only 20 g of Brodifan is required.
The bait should be placed in places where rodents are active in the amount of 10 g per 1 sq. m. As rodents eat the bait, new portions must be added within a week.
A high concentration of a poisonous substance leads to the fact that mice on the 4th day begin to show anxiety and crawl out of their holes into fresh air, as they experience breathing problems. The movements of rodents become sluggish and within a few days they die from suffocation.

Means Testoks
Universal remedy against rats and mice. The mortality rate of the latter is 100%. The active substance is bromadialone at a concentration of 0.005%.
Poison is a red briquettes weighing 10 g. Flavoring with peanut, cheese, vanilla or sunflower flavor is added to the briquettes.
Testox is laid out in places where rodents are active, 2-5 briquettes at one point. The distance between bookmarks varies from 2 to 15 m. Bookmarks are updated every 1-2 days during the week.
The action of the drug is similar to those discussed earlier. On the 3rd-4th day, the rodents begin to show concern and come out of their hiding places. A few days later they die from paralysis of the respiratory muscles.
Bait Warat

Bait Warat
Granular bait with a fine fraction of a pale pink color. It is used primarily against mice. It can be used both indoors and for processing garden plots.
The active substance is brodifacoum (concentration 0.005%). The product should be laid out in small containers of 10-15 g at one point. Bookmarks in the premises are made with a consumption of 10-20 g per 1 sq. M., bookmarks in gardens or garden plots - up to 2 kg per hundred square meters or 8 g per mouse hole. The interval between bookmark updates is 1-2 weeks. The death of rodents occurs within 2-3 weeks.

Packing Lanirat
Chemical agent based on bromadialone (concentration 0.0055%). It is a grain bait treated with an active substance. Wheat or sunflower is used as grains.
The tool can be used both indoors and outdoors. Application rates indoors are from 10 to 50 g per bookmark, in a garden or vegetable garden - up to 10-15 g per burrow, or about 0.2-0.3 kg per hundred square meters.
Mortality of rodents occurs within 10 days. Lures are updated daily.
Preparation Storm

Appearance of solid briquettes Storm
German product from BASF. One of the best tools out there right now. The active substance is flocumafen at a concentration of 0.005%. It is produced in the form of blue briquettes with light patches.
An extremely effective remedy. For one residential area up to 100 sq. m. only 1 or 2 briquettes are required. They should be located in places where rodents come from.The bait has a strong attracting effect, so there should be no problems attracting rodents. Moreover, the manufacturer is not recommended to lay out too many baits in order to avoid the arrival of rodents from other places.
Baits are updated every 1-2 days. Untouched baits are transferred to new places. The manufacturer guarantees the destruction of rodents in a week.

Folk remedy
We present to the undergrowth a thematic video about an effective folk remedy for fighting mice
How to Get Rid of Mice The most enjoyable way!
TOP 10 Best remedies for mice and rats in a private house: we fight rodents effectively! +Reviews

Anti-mouse products offered for sale can be very diverse. The use of each of them can be implemented depending on certain circumstances. Repellents are mainly used to prevent rodent infestations. If a large number of rodents are found in the room, when the moment of their penetration is missed, it is necessary to use traps or chemical means of control. The use of the latter should be carried out with caution, since all rodenticides are toxic to humans.
As for chemicals, I would like to supplement this article and recommend the poison with the mummifying effect “Best Rat Killer”. This mummifying effect prevents the decomposition of dead rodents poisoned by this poison. All this was done so that after processing an unpleasant cadaverous smell did not appear. I remember about three years ago I managed to bring out rodents in my private house in a matter of time.
Comrade Voronin, can you tell me where you can buy this rodent poison you praised? I couldn't find it anywhere on the internet.
Comrade Gaydamak, poison “Best Rat Killer” is sold on the website otpugivately.com.ua
Very useful article! The Tornado brand repellers discussed in this article help to disperse rats and mice very well! For example, in my dacha I have been effectively protecting myself from rats and mice for more than a year with the help of the Tornado 300 ultrasonic repeller.
Yuriy, do you ever know where ultrasonic repellers of the Tornado brand are sold?
Of course I know! You can order Tornado repellers as an option on the website otpugivately.com.ua