Spirea is a picturesque shrub with unpretentious growing conditions. The plant easily withstands temperature changes, is not afraid of drying out, calmly coexists with other greens. Even an inexperienced gardener can easily cope with planting and caring for spirea.

Appearance and botanical description
Nature has created about a hundred varieties of this plant. There are dwarf shrubs that do not grow above 20 cm. There are also tall specimens that can exceed the 2-meter mark.
All are united by a fibrous root system, which is located close to the exit to the surface. A luxurious view of the culture is given by small flowers collected in voluminous inflorescences. They are densely and densely placed on each branch, which creates a chic natural ensemble.

Flowering plant
The color of the bushes depends on the period of their flowering. Summer varieties shimmer with shades from pale pink to rich red. In spring, the branches are covered with a snow-white living cover. And autumn types of spirea delight the eyes with noble purple colors.
If you plant several varieties of spirea with different flowering times, you can admire their exquisite beauty for most of the year.
The season also affects the appearance of the inflorescences. These can be umbrellas, shields, brushes or complex panicles. The leaves grow in the next order, the color varies from yellowish to rich green. There are usually 5 petals in a flower.
Most of all, the types of spirea differ from each other in branches. They are straight, recumbent, spread out to the sides or tending upward. The brown shade changes from light to dark, the bark exfoliates.

Geographic summary
Spiraea got its name due to the elasticity and flexibility of the branches. From Latin, this word "spiraea" is translated as "spiral". And from the Greek "speira" - "bend". Indeed, the shrub is able to bizarrely bend, grow in the right direction. In landscape design, it is often used as a basis for hedge.

Lush and abundant flowering bush
The popular name of the culture is meadowsweet. The name "White Bride" is also found. According to data from the dictionary of V.I. Dahl, in the old days its thin shoots were used for the production of ramrods and whips.
A plant planted by a large group looks luxurious. A bush with single flowers looks no less impressive. An artistic approach to garden design will help create a skillful composition from different specimens.

Spirea hedge
Spiraea feels most comfortable in the forest-steppe, semi-desert and steppe zones. It is found predominantly in the Northern Hemisphere. The Asian southern border is the Himalayan mountains, the North American border is the territory of Mexico.
The plant is resistant to drought and severe frosts. Its soil-strengthening properties are distinguished. Some varieties are used as a source of medicinal raw materials, due to the presence of ascorbic acid, carotene, saponins and other medicinal substances in the composition.


The shrub belongs to the rose family, the spireaceae subfamily
The genus includes about 100 species, but not all of them are specially bred.
The most common representatives of the genus "Spirea":
One of the most common examples. Blooms with lush white flowers in early summer. There are so many of them that the greenery is almost invisible. She owes her name to the coloring of the leaves on the bush.
The branches are drooping, pressed down by the weight of the inflorescences. The maximum length is 185 cm. The decorative variety was bred by crossing the whitish-gray and St. John's spirea.
The habitat is the forests of Eastern Siberia and the Far Eastern regions. It grows in length above 2.2 m. It blooms in late spring with white flowers.
High resistance to drought and prolonged frosts is noted.
birch leaf
The average height of the bush is 150 cm. It blooms with white inflorescences throughout the month of June. Found in Siberian forests.
It was bred by crossing Cantonese and three-lobed spirea. It is a giant shrub with a diameter of 2 m and a height of 2.2 m.
It has a long flowering period: almost all summer from June to mid-August.
It grows on the island of Honshu, reaches a height of 180 cm. The branches grow in a horizontal plane, forming a floor for a voluminous crown.
Purple overflows bloom in June, but disappear by the end of the month.
A convenient option for landscaping settlements. Low, up to 100 cm, the shrub sits firmly in the ground. It is used to support floating soil.
Another representative who has earned recognition from gardeners. Perfectly survives a haircut, allows you to create interesting compositions, natural installations.
Whitish-pink petals appear in early summer for about 3 weeks.
Likes a warm, humid climate, but survives well in winter. Possibly due to the small size. Branches not exceeding 1 m are covered with a snow coat and do not freeze.
Unusualness gives an intense triple coloring: pinkish, white and raspberry.
A distinctive feature - the variety blooms twice a year in June and August. Moreover, the first stage is carried out on adult shoots, and the second on young ones.
The most popular type in Russia. It is known that it was grown in the 18th century. The shoots are brown, the leaves are pointed, the flowers are snow-white.
The maximum length up is 170 cm.
Crossed view of Japanese and white-flowered spirea. The height of the bush is up to 80 cm. The color is from pinkish to rich red.
Long flowering period.
This variety grows in North America. It is an upright tree with sharp, elongated leaves up to 10 cm.
Blooms for a month and a half, starting from July, dark red inflorescences.

Features of flowering

Late flowering variety Bumalda
All varieties of meadowsweet are conditionally divided into two large subgroups: spring-flowering and late-flowering:
- spirea gray
- tunberga - grows in the Far East climate of China, Korea, Japan
- arguta - a short but very violent period of prosperity
The ovaries are formed on fresh shoots, so the bushes are carefully freed from branches that have already faded. Pruning is done in late autumn or early spring.
- white spirea - blooms in July
- Japanese spirea
- billard - blooms in pink from mid-summer to late autumn

Planting in open ground
Growing a beautifully flowering and healthy bush is not at all difficult. The main thing is to follow simple rules and follow useful recommendations. You should carefully consider the choice of seedlings, make sure that the root system looks healthy and strong.

Japanese spirea seedling, ready for planting in open ground
It is important to control the distance between the bushes so that they feel comfortable and do not take away food from each other. On average, it is enough to maintain a distance of 0.7 m - 1 m between individuals. For breeding hedges, a gap of 0.3 m is allowed.
Selection and preparation of shoots
It is recommended to choose seedlings for one site from one seller. Determined in advance with the type of plant. The choice depends on the place and purpose in the composition of the garden.
For example, for a green fence, it is better to plant bushes of the same variety in large quantities. For a tapeworm, or a stand-alone island, a copy with a lush curly crown is selected, with a maximum flowering period. For a decorative alpine slide, undersized individuals are used.

Spirea seedlings
When buying, pay attention to the condition of the rhizome: healthy specimens have 3 strong rods, a lush lobe and a fresh clay mash. If you plan to plant in the spring, make sure that the kidneys have not yet begun to gain strength. Leaves should fall completely from autumn shoots.
By the way, planting plants that grew in a container is possible throughout the entire growing season.
Too overgrown roots are shortened. If there is damage, the parts are cut off. If the tuber seems overdried, it is soaked for several hours in water.
Soil preparation
The well-being of culture depends on a successful landing site. The site must have a constant supply of sunlight. In the shade, the spirea produces few inflorescences.

broken brick for drainage
But there are no special requirements for the soil, the main thing is that it be fertile. Sod composition with non-acidic or neutral soil oxide is suitable for it. Sand or peat is poured into clay soil, and vice versa, sand is mixed with clay.
It is allowed to lightly fertilize each hole with a means of long-term exposure. Pits are dug in advance 2-3 days in advance, slightly larger than the diameter of the root ball. Optimum depth: 70 - 80 cm.
Broken brick is well suited for drainage. It is allowed to use pebbles or gravel.
Features of planting in spring and autumn
Gardeners consider September to be a good time for early-flowering plants, when most varieties have already faded, and frost has not yet come. Calculate the period so that before the onset of cold weather bushes settled down and rooted. Leaf fall should stop completely.

The best time for planting is autumn
Late-flowering individuals are planted in the spring, when the buds have not yet begun to swell. The state of dormancy is of great importance for the proper life of the plant. The preferred weather for landing is cloudy, not hot.
Landing algorithm

The landing algorithm is quite simple
There is a simple procedure that applies to most shrubs:
Drainage is poured into a pit, a third larger than the size of the plant's root system. This is important, as pink flowers do not tolerate stagnant moisture.
Install the bush vertically.
Gently and evenly straighten the roots.
Fill the soil up to the root end. It must match the level of the soil.
Lightly compact the ground.
Water the freshly planted spirea with 2 buckets of water. If the earth has settled after watering, it can be topped up.
A protective layer of peat at least 5 cm thick is laid on the soil surface.

The basics of proper care
Despite unpretentiousness, timely watering, feeding, pruning, availability control pests and disease prevention are of great importance. These activities are not difficult, do not take time. Their joint result will be a rich and refined bush with an openwork, heavy shock of inflorescences.
Watering Tips
Spirea is considered a drought tolerant plant. But this does not mean that it does not need additional watering. During a period of prolonged heat and lack of rain, the plant must be supplied with liquid.
Please note that young seedlings are moistened regularly. The rehabilitation period and the rate of appearance of the first inflorescences depend on this.

In hot summers, spirea needs regular watering.
The root structure of the tree is located shallow in the ground, from here the moisture quickly goes deep, so regular watering is required. An adult shrub needs 15-20 liters of water 2 times a month. The norm for a short individual is 10-15 liters.
Hardening of the earth should not be allowed so as not to block the access of fresh oxygen. Responsible gardeners do not forget to constantly loosen it and weed it from weeds. The process is carried out carefully so as not to damage the roots and young shoots.
Feed selection
Nutrient compositions can significantly stimulate the growth of young shoots, improve the condition of a recently planted bush.

Nitrogen stimulates branch growth
For the entire annual life cycle, three stages of feeding are enough:
In spring, immediately after pruning old branches, the plant is fed with nitrogen fertilizers. They accelerate the growth of new shoots. But specimens planted in the fall are fed with the usual balanced complex of minerals.
At the beginning of the warm summer months, spirea should be fed with a composition based on potassium and phosphorus. This is especially necessary for late-flowering varieties that are just about to bloom.
Before preparing for wintering, in early autumn, the plant is fertilized with mineral complexes with a phosphorus-potassium additive. Carefully read the content, there should be no nitrogen in the vitamin structure.
Nitrogen actively stimulates the growth of fresh branches, delays the onset of dormancy. It is not suitable for feeding spirea before the onset of winter.
Top dressing is introduced into the soil in a dry or diluted form with water, simultaneously with watering. The next day after the procedure, it is necessary to carefully loosen the soil.
First wintering
In order for a young plant to endure the first frosts well, it should be prepared. In addition to feeding, the area around the trunk is mulched with humus. You can build a shelter.

The area around the trunk is mulched with humus
The branches are tied into a tight bundle and bent to the ground. Fixed in a special frame. From above they fall asleep with dry foliage, and then with snow.
Pest control
Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely protect the garden from harmful insects without the use of chemicals. Timely detection of infection is important, since a blossoming bush can be very difficult to carefully process.
Immediately after finding the first pests, shrubs are sprayed with special insecticides.

Insecticide "Aktellik"
Most often, pests such as aphids, blue meadowsweet sawfly, whiteflies and spider mites are found on shrubs of the genus Spirea. From the first three, Pirimor, Aktellik, Fitoverm are effective. The drug "Karbofos" or "Metaphos" successfully helps to get rid of the second.
Specificity of action "Pyrimora" consists in the absence of a destructive effect on beneficial insects inhabiting the shrub. Not phytotoxic, protects more than 3-4 weeks. Dissolves quickly in water and covers greens well.
Works quickly and reliably relieves pests. Highly poisonous medicine, has a sharp, unpleasant odor.
Safe and non-toxic compound, not addictive to parasites. Spraying is allowed during the flowering period, since the product does not affect the plant itself.
It has a wide spectrum of influence, with an average degree of toxicity. However, it has a detrimental effect on any living creature, even useful. It is not used during the flowering period. But it instantly eliminates malicious predators.
Highly toxic drug, but very effective. Be careful when processing. Able to adversely affect warm-blooded animals and humans.
Possible diseases
The reduced perception of many diseases is a significant advantage of breeding spirea. But this does not mean that the plant does not get sick at all. If you do not follow the instructions for optimal care, it can be affected by root rot or fungus.

withering spirea
They occur under the following conditions:
- excessive moisture and fluid retention
- insufficient or no drainage
- heavy loose soil
Regular loosening, increasing the intervals between waterings, and pre-laying the soil will help eliminate rotting. Fungicide treatment saves the plant from diseases. They destroy infections of fungal, infectious and viral origin.
The following drugs deserve good reviews:
- Fundazol - with a wide spectrum of action
- Fitosporin-M - treats decay, bacteriosis, rust
- Bordeaux mixture - deserving respect, the most common composition for the treatment of fungi
- Abiga Peak - cures rosporiosis, scab, coccomycosis, etc.
- Iron vitriol - effectively eliminates destructive growths on the trunks
Instructions for correct pruning

Spirea pruning
Pruning helps set the direction of growth of spirea, is the prevention of excessive growth of shoots. Depending on the task, it is carried out at different times:
Spring procedure. It is carried out for the purpose of cleaning, "general cleaning" of the bush. Pruned branches are frozen, with damage, without buds. It is allowed to eliminate only frozen ends. The average size of the shortening is the upper third of the branch.
Formation of a beautiful crown. Late-flowering varieties are pruned in the spring, immediately after the snow has melted. You can combine sanitary pruning and shaping. And early-flowering ones are shortened immediately after flowering is completed, before the appearance of fresh growths.
During the procedure, they get rid of thin branches that make the bush unnecessarily thick. Monitor the symmetry of the crown. If you remove the seed blocks, you can stimulate the reappearance of inflorescences.
The branch should be shortened to the largest buds. After the spirea reaches the age of 4 years, it can be cut to a height of 30 cm from ground level. Miniature individuals with a height of up to 0.5 m do not shorten more than a distance of 2 kidneys.
For the purpose of rejuvenation. A complete pruning of all branches is implied, with the exception of 5 - 7 fundamental ones that define symmetry. It is carried out on shrubs older than 7-10 years. It is not advisable to perform the procedure at once, it is better to break the process into two or three stages.

Reproduction methods
It is possible to independently propagate a shrub in several ways: layering, cuttings, seeds. These techniques are applicable to many garden shrubs. For beginners, it is advisable to choose simple methods.
Stem withdrawal method

Reproduction scheme by layering
Following the step-by-step instructions, in the fall you can easily get fresh shoots of spirea. The mechanism of action is the simplest and gives excellent results.
On a young bush, 2-3 years old, a young shoot with blossoming leaves is chosen. It is most convenient to use the extreme branches.
With a sharp knife, lightly scratch the stick in the place where it comes into contact with the ground, if it is strongly tilted.
The shoot is bent to the ground and placed in a prepared chute.
They dig a trench shallowly - by 20 - 30 cm. The soil is slightly loosened and watered well.
Fix the branch with a wire bracket and sprinkle with earth.
During spring and summer, do not forget to water and fertilize the gutter.
Already in autumn, a strong seedling will grow in this place, which is separated from the mother tree and transplanted. The longer the branch was, the more young bushes are obtained from it. In order not to injure the young root system, shoots are sometimes left until spring.
cutting method
This method is more difficult than the previous one.. The complexity lies in the long-term control and continuous care of the cuttings. When cuttings, an ideal copy of the parent shrub is obtained.

Spirea cuttings
In early-flowering varieties of spirea, cuttings are cut in the first days of summer. In late flowering - at the end of June. A branch is chosen among young annual shoots, half lignified.
Half a green branch is cut into sticks with 5 leaves.
The lower end is freed from the leaves, the rest are simply cut to half.
Prepare a container with a biological growth stimulator - epin.
Bars are placed in epin, with the lower cut to the bottom of the container - for 10-12 hours.
The lower cut is treated with a root formation stimulator or a phytohormone of a powdered structure.
Prepare a box or container with fertile soil mixed with sand.
Planted cuttings, watered.
Each branch is covered with a glass vessel or the entire container is placed under the film.
Install it in an openwork shade in the fresh air. The area under the crown of a tall tree is well suited.
Throughout the summer, constantly monitor the soil in the box, it should be wet. Drying out is not allowed. Each cutting is sprayed with water 2-3 times a day.
With the onset of autumn, before the cold weather, the box is dug into the ground. Mulch with dry leaves, cover with a wooden box.
In the spring, after the snow melts, the box is removed.
As soon as young shoots grow, each plant is ready to be transplanted to a permanent place of residence.
seed method
The most rarely used method. The main disadvantages are the laboriousness of collecting seeds, low germination, as well as a long waiting period for flowers to ripen: at least 3 years.

Spirea seeds
Choose non-hybrid varieties of spirea. In these specimens, the germination rate for seed sowing is 75% -80%.
Waiting for the formation of seed pods.
Their readiness is indicated by a brown color.
Before opening, the seeds are collected and taken out. They ripen in a warm room for about 2 more weeks.
Sow in early spring, like ordinary seedlings, under a film.
Standard care: watering, mineral fertilizers, loosening the soil.
Toward the end of summer, when 2 true leaves grow on the shoots, the seedlings dive into the ground.
For the period of the cold months of winter, the shoots are wrapped with spruce branches, leaves, then snow.
Next spring they are seated in the right places.

Recommendations for breeding in different climatic zones
Each Russian region has its own climatic conditions. Spirea is unpretentious and does not require affection from the weather. However, a hundred varieties suggest that some of them are more capricious or vice versa.

Most varieties of spirea do not require affection from the weather
In central Russia most varieties feel comfortable.In winter, it is better to cover sensitive shrubs. Especially the Japanese and Nippon varieties.
In the Ural regions the climate is more variable. It is characterized by hot summers and harsh winters. In the northern regions, it is better to plant frost-resistant species. Almost all varieties will take root in the southern ones.
In Siberia winters are abnormally cold. Low-growing plants winter well under a snow blanket. But tall individuals suffer in the cold, the branches freeze, it is difficult to achieve abundant flowering.
In the Siberian climate, it is better to breed low varieties of spirea, which are easy to securely insulate before winter frosts. Tall shrubs often freeze.

Application in landscape design
Crop production appreciates the shrub for its decorative qualities and ease of care. Unpretentiousness to environmental conditions is also an advantage. The main reason is picturesqueness and grace.

Alpine slide in the garden
In forestry, spirea is planted to create hedges, green labyrinths, and to improve urban recreation areas. landscape design loves the plant for a variety of colors, types, shapes and sizes. Spirea is included in group compositions, or used as an independent unit of the ensemble.
Spirea is a beautiful shrub that can beautifully decorate any garden or park. One of the easiest to care for, propagate and plant. Many varieties allow you to create exquisite compositions, hedges, mounds, hills.
Its bright branches adorn home gardens and city parks. Culture feels great in a temperate continental climate, for which it has earned the love of Russian landscape designers and plant growers.
The most unpretentious shrub - spirea
Spirea: description of 12 popular species, planting in the open field, care, features for different climatic zones including Siberia (80+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews
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