Homemade device for soldering twists ⚡

soldering twisted wires

If you often encounter installation electrical wiring, then the device for soldering twists of wires will be very useful for you.

This will not only significantly save time on soldering, but, no less important, eliminates the dependence on the presence of electricity at the facility.

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Soldering device

Source: https://youtu.be/gJYMyRDwxoM

Convenient and easy fitting

soldering is the best wire connection method. More efficient methods have not yet been invented. However, there are several disadvantages - the difficulty of using soldering due to limited space and the lack of electricity for soldering iron. This is all easily solved if we use our tool.

What is needed to make

Source: https://youtu.be/gJYMyRDwxoM

Device for soldering twists

For the manufacture of many components will not be needed:

  • gas-burner
  • large paper clip
  • threaded stud
  • copper lug for cable
  • nuts for stud - 4 pcs

Also, for work, you need to purchase POS-61 low-melting solder and any liquid flux for non-ferrous metals.

Assembling the soldering tool

Source: https://youtu.be/gJYMyRDwxoM

Paper clip needs to be drilled

  • The basis for the product will be a bolt stud about 15-20 cm long
  • A copper sleeve for the cable is attached to one end of the stud using two nuts.
  • On the second, a clerical clothespin is installed in a similar way. The clip at the base is drilled to match the diameter of the stud
  • The hairpin is bent at 90 ° so that the top edge of the clothespin is flush with the top edge of the copper sleeve.

All dimensions are approximate since the elements used for the design may differ.

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The procedure for soldering twists

Source: https://youtu.be/gJYMyRDwxoM

The use of soldering in electrical wiring repair

For soldering twists, you need low-melting solder. POS-61 is suitable for this purpose - it is a solder containing 61% tin, and melting at a temperature of 180-190 ° C. It has increased fluidity.

You will also need a flux. For example, LTI-120.

Stage number 1 - tool preparation

Source: https://youtu.be/gJYMyRDwxoM

Filling the container with solder


First of all, you need to fill the copper sleeve with solder - fill it to the top.

Source: https://youtu.be/gJYMyRDwxoM

We fix the fixture on the gas burner


Open the clerical clothespin and place the nozzle of the gas burner in it.

Stage number 2 - soldering twists

Source: https://youtu.be/gJYMyRDwxoM

We dip the scraps into a container with flux


We apply to the twisting of wires liquid flux.

Source: https://youtu.be/gJYMyRDwxoM

We melt solder POS-61


We light the gas burner. We are waiting for the solder to melt. This will take no more than 1 minute.

Source: https://youtu.be/gJYMyRDwxoM

Attention! Heat!


We dip the flux-treated twist into a container with solder. Hold for 3-5 seconds.

Source: https://youtu.be/gJYMyRDwxoM

soldering process completed


Carefully remove the twisted wires from the sleeve with molten solder. We turn off the burner.

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Source: https://youtu.be/gJYMyRDwxoM

Solder spread evenly over all surfaces of twisted wires

As you can see for yourself, there is nothing complicated. Soldering is very fast the whole procedure took no more than 2 minutes, and the result of the work turned out to be no worse than when using an electric soldering iron.

VIDEO: Fast wire soldering

Homemade device for soldering twists ⚡

Fast wire soldering

Homemade device for soldering twists ⚡

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Device for soldering twisted wires

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  1. Answer
    OLEG PROKHNITSKY 05/17/2020 at 17:09

    I adapted a soldering iron for polypropylene pipes, the temperature is constant

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