Any person who wants to plant a pine tree in his yard can very well realize his plan in real life. Experts say that planting this tree and caring for it is very simple.

Briefly about pine
Do you know how old the oldest pine tree in the world is? Almost 5000 years. Patriarch Methuselah grows in California, in the National Forest, it is the oldest living organism on the planet.
Can you imagine how long this amazing tree can live? Of course, this age is rare, but pines are really long-lived, live from 100 to 600 years and grow, as a rule, very quickly.

California centenarian
Now there are about 200 species of pines on the planet, both giants up to 75m and dwarf varieties, in adult form no higher than a meter. Linguists do not know exactly where the name Pinus came from. Some believe that the word means rock, mountain in Celtic (pin), others believe that this is the Latin word for resin (picis).
Pine trees can really decorate with themselves almost any piece of land. These slender conifers will delight the owner with the sight of their bright needles all year round. In warm weather, they fill the air with the wonderful smell of heated resin, and in winter they look picturesque in fluffy snow caps.
In order for a tree to grow safely and be beautiful, you need to know how to plant it, and in what conditions it will feel as good as possible. These trees are not capricious, do not require special care, but there are special rules for their attractiveness and beautiful needles.

For those who have a plot of land, and who decides to replace the garden with a gazebo and a glade for barbecue, it is pine that can become the optimal coniferous tree. Evaporation of coniferous resins and phytoncides improve the air, and a dense crown can protect buildings from dust, heat and wind.

Squirrel on a pine
In addition to decorative qualities, the tree is also very useful. Its bark, shoots, resin, needles heal the body, increase immunity and are a good prevention of lung diseases. A vitamin fortifying drink is prepared from buds and needles, it is useful for colds and other diseases, joint diseases and diabetes are treated with bark.
The resin is used for wound healing and disinfection by herbalists, it can even be chewed if the gums hurt, with periodontal disease and other mouth diseases. Many animals feed on seeds - squirrels, chipmunks and some birds, so different living creatures, nimble squirrels and birds can settle on the site.

Often people planning to plant a coniferous tree on their site are faced with a mass of signs and change their minds. According to ancient Slavic signs, it is not recommended to grow spruce and pine in or near the house, it is believed that these types of trees can “survive” the owner from the house. But other signs, on the contrary, say that pine, birch and oak are very good and energetically strong plants, while spruce and aspen are not.

freedom tree
After scrolling through many different sources, I still managed to find out - from the point of view of medicine, the coniferous smell greatly tones up, and can provoke an increase in pressure in hypertensive patients. Coniferous plants have great energy, perfectly heal various diseases of the human respiratory system, and positively affect the psychological state of people. But ... They bring such benefits only if they grow in free, unrestricted conditions.
If a coniferous tree is crowded, then it seems to begin to conflict with the residents of the house, literally “dominate” - then seemingly groundless conflicts and quarrels can really arise. Therefore, coniferous trees should definitely be planted not close to a residential building, but in an open area, or along paths. In this case, the house and its residents will really receive the necessary support from the plant protector. It is believed that the sharp needles of conifers are protected from the evil eye.
Caution, danger
Previously, houses were predominantly wooden, and such a wary attitude towards coniferous trees can be explained by the fact that, due to their resinous content, they burn very well. Lightning could strike a tall pine tree, and the fire would easily spread to housing. Even now, according to fire safety rules, they cannot be planted closer than ten meters from buildings. In addition, conifers have very powerful long roots, and an adult strong tree is quite capable of destroying the foundation of a house, being planted next to it.

mighty roots
The root system of spruces and pines is located close to the surface of the earth, so an adult tree can even destroy paths with its roots and turn whole layers of earth in the yard. These trees absorb a lot of moisture from the soil, in arid places they do not take root at all, and if they have already grown, then other plantations simply do not survive within a radius of 5-6 meters.
Superstitions and signs that came to us from antiquity are no longer relevant today, but many continue to believe in them. In this case, it is better for too suspicious owners not to plant coniferous trees on the site.

Plant in the yard - pros and cons
Coniferous plants - a wonderful decoration and a special flavor landscape anywhere at any time of the year. These evergreen trees can delight the eye all the time, planting can be planned singly or in groups, planted in the center of the site, or made from them a real green hedge around the perimeter, hiding possessions from prying eyes.

Strength and beauty
Pines are the best known and most popular members of the conifer family and grow from small seedlings to strong trees in a very short time. They don't need as much care as roses or fruit trees, but they also provide a pleasant smell, maximum oxygen and a great view from the window. There is an opinion that pines are difficult to care for, but this is mainly believed by amateurs whose attempts to transplant pines directly from the forest failed.
Most pines are tall large trees, they are not very suitable for growing in a small area, as they take up a lot of space. Having decided to plant a pine tree in your home, it is important to choose the right place for it, always taking into account its height in adult form, otherwise there is a risk of blocking daylight from the windows in the house with a tree planted too close or even breaking the power line if it passes close. Now there is a large selection of low-growing and decorative forms of various pines that can be planted anywhere on the site.
unpretentious beauty
Pine can thrive in such poor soils where no other large tree can survive. It grows well in free places exposed to sunlight, so you can plant it on the south side, where other plants can die from the heat.
The crown of a pine tree can be unusually shaped at will, when young shoots of a “candle” appear on it. In the place where such a shoot is broken off, the branch will stop growing in length for this year, but will give several new fluffy side shoots.

globular pine
If you really want to plant a pine, then you should remember that the grassy lawn under it will have to be watered and fertilized more often than usual, because the roots draw out all the water and nutrients. It is best to form under the pines not a lawn, but something like a forest floor, plant there blueberries, lilies of the valley, ferns. It is very convenient to lay out an area under a tree with stone tiles and put a table with an umbrella and chairs there, in spring the umbrella protects the table from pine pollen, and in summer from pine cones.
The main thing when deciding to plant a pine tree is not to rush. First, it’s good to find out in detail all the information about the species you like, to estimate what this tree will become when it fully grows, how it will be combined with other plantings on the site.

Best time to land
Spring is considered the best time to plant, around mid-April to May. At this time, the weather is already warm, but the soil is still wet, these are just the right conditions for the root system to develop well. Sometimes pines are transplanted in early autumn, from about the end of August until the onset of cold weather.

winter calm
If you plant a tree later, after frost, it may die. If it is really necessary to transplant into frozen ground, then pits for trees that need to be transplanted are dug in advance, when the ground is still soft, then the pits are covered with shields that can still be insulated from above.
The ground is also prepared separately in advance to fill in the pits. After transplanting, it is imperative to cover the pines with spruce branches or a special coating (for example, spandbond), transplanted pines are opened after the soil has completely thawed, not earlier than mid-April.

Where to get a seedling
Sometimes young conifers are sold by hand or in markets. Such a purchase can greatly disappoint the buyer, since it is difficult to determine from the condition of the seedling when it was dug up and how it was kept until the moment of sale. Pine roots must be in a moistened earthy coma, wrapped in a breathable cloth.

Pine seedlings
You should carefully examine the needles and branches, yellowing and fragility - this is a sign that the seedling has almost died and is unlikely to survive. Although such a precaution may not help, since even a practically dead seedling looks completely normal for a long time.
In specialized nurseries, pines and other conifers of suitable age for planting are sold in peat pots and with an intact root system. This is the easiest way to get a healthy seedling, especially if it was dug in front of the client, then you can already be sure that the tree is viable. There is an even simpler option - just dig up a tree that you like in the nearest forest.

Bring from the forest
Next to mature trees, there are usually many small seedlings that have sprouted themselves as a result of self-seeding. Almost all of them are doomed to be trampled down or die due to crowding and lack of sunlight, so the pine can be practically saved from death.

Young pine shoots in the forest
As a rule, nothing is needed to dig up such a tiny sapling, but to dig a larger tree, you will need the permission of the forester, otherwise such a transplant is considered illegal and fined for it.
How to choose
It is optimal to choose a pine tree on the sunny edge of a forest or in a clearing, such trees are stronger and will take root better. It is worth choosing a small plant, from 40 cm to one and a half meters, it is easier to dig and transport it.

edge of the forest
However, without special equipment and workers, it is still unlikely to dig and bring an adult tall plant without damaging the roots. The younger the tree to be transplanted, the more likely it is to successfully transplant.
How to dig
For the transplant procedure, the most necessary items are a bucket, a shovel, a cloth and a container like a large basin. The main thing is to properly dig a young tree.

Pine roots wrapped in fabric
It must be remembered that the pine has a long taproot. First you need to dig around the perimeter of the tree as deep as possible, then put your hand under the roots, feel for the root, and determine its length so as not to accidentally break or cut it with the edge of a shovel. Next, you need to try to lift the earthen lump together with the seedling with a shovel, like a lever.
When the clod rises freely, then under the shovel it is necessary to bring the prepared fabric, wrap it around the clod and so, holding the trunk, take out the pine tree along with the soil clod and matter. You can also immediately carefully place the pine roots in a breathable bag or wrap them with a cloth (always with the ground), and then place them in a box or basin for transportation.
Attention, tender roots
During transportation, it is necessary to protect the branches and roots from breakage, and if the earth is too dry and crumbles, then it is advisable to moisten it with water. It is very important to get the plant out quickly so that the roots remain in the air as little as possible. If the earth lump crumbles and the roots are exposed, they must be immediately isolated from the air, sprinkled with moist earth.

Roots of a young pine
Sometimes a tree, trying to survive, throws off its needles, lower branches and looks like a "telegraph pole".
There is no scientific evidence that this helps, but many believe that then the seedling takes root better. It is also good to pour the earth in which the pine grew into a bucket with you, this will help it take root, since such soil already contains a certain type of fungus that is useful for pines.

How to transplant
The landing site largely depends on the design of the site.
Hole spacing and sizes
If it is not a stand-alone tall tree, but several pines, then the distance between the pits must be at least 4 meters, otherwise the trees will compete with each other and suppress each other's growth. If these are undersized varieties, then it is enough to leave 1.5 m between them.

Planting hole for pine
By the time the seedling appears, it is already necessary to prepare a pit for planting. It is dug out of such a size that the earthen lump freely enters. You can roughly calculate the size in this way - for seedlings up to 70 cm high, the earth lump will be somewhere around 60x60 cm, and if the seedling is higher, then it is better to dig a hole no less than 80x80 cm.
Soil and fertilizer
In the wild, pines are adaptable and grow in almost all soils, except for those that are too wet and swampy. Light soil, sub-sandstones and sandstones are ideal for good growth. Too fertile soil and black soil they do not need.

Clay soil
If the land on the site is clayey or loamy (heavy), then the pit should be made even larger, and about 20 cm of drainage (stone, gravel, broken brick, expanded clay, etc.) is poured onto the bottom. Approximately the same amount of sand is added to the earth taken out of the pit, and the empty space is covered with this mixture when planting a tree. If the soil is light, then sand can not be added, but it is highly recommended to pour the soil brought from the forest onto the bottom of the hole, sprinkle the roots with the same forest soil on top, and then fill up with ordinary soil on top.
It is useful to add nitrophoska or complex fertilizer specifically for coniferous plants to the planting pit, sometimes a little manure is added. Some types of pines (Weymouth Pine and Black Pine) prefer neutral or slightly alkaline soil, so a handful of lime can be added when planting in the ground. Experienced gardeners advise adding a jar of ordinary oats to the hole before planting, it helps to take root.
Watering and shelter
Before planting, the hole must be well moistened by pouring about a bucket of water into it. After planting, trample the ground to eliminate air bubbles remaining in the soil and water the plant again. It is important to follow the depth of planting a tree, it must be planted in much the same way as it grew earlier - the root collar is at ground level, without deepening it.

Pebbles around the trunk
Large pebbles can be laid around the trunk, leaving gaps for water to penetrate. Also, the soil under the seedling can be mulched with bark, sawdust, needles or peat chips, this will prevent weeds from developing and prevent the land from drying out.
If direct sunlight falls on the seedling, then the first days after planting it must be shaded, covered with burlap, or spruce branches until a new growth appears.

Why did the pine not take root
Novice gardeners sometimes think that if a pine or spruce forest grows nearby, then any coniferous plant planted on the site will also easily take root. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Sometimes everything seems to be done correctly, but the tree does not want to grow, withers, throws off its needles, and instead of a sprawling beauty, a dull trunk with a pair of sluggish branches at the top is obtained.

The pine did not take root
A tree may grow poorly or die for any of the following reasons:
- root damage, especially tap root
- low-quality seedling
- planting a seedling with bare roots, and not with an earthy clod
- selection of capricious varieties that do not survive in this climate
- do not plant a large tree. It is difficult to transport and easily damaged during transplantation, and it takes root worse.
- planting a plant without drainage in heavy soil and watering too heavily. The roots will start to rot.
- if conifers are planted too closely together
- direct contact with fertilizer on the roots can lead to burns and severe damage.
- very bright sun harms young seedlings, they can literally “burn out” without shading in the first days after transplantation.
- sometimes there is a very high level of groundwater on the site, then the pine can also die. In this case, it is better to plant pine trees on artificially raised elevations.
- there are so-called geopathogenic zones that are located above underground rivers, and even if they are deep, trees and bushes grow poorly in such zones, especially conifers and fruit trees. But if you plant a plant literally a couple of meters away, and everything takes root well
More about the root system

The roots of coniferous trees have increased suction properties
Again, we mention that the thin roots of coniferous trees have increased suction properties, they dry out and die in just ten minutes after they come into contact with open air. It is simply not possible to restore the pine root system, evergreen needles require nutrition and water so intensively that the root system cannot simultaneously recover and supply the crown.In such situations, plants with leaves can simply drop their leaves and recover due to this, but conifers are not capable of this.
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Post transplant care
Caring for a pine tree after transplantation is simple, weeds are removed for the first couple of years, and when the pine grows, they will stop growing on their own. The earth is watered, mulched and dry branches are cut. We can say that an adult tree does not need to be looked after at all.

Care for an adult pine tree is practically not needed
Adult pine is watered only in very dry times. When the pine is already firmly rooted and grows, watering is carried out only in severe drought. Mature pines perfectly tolerate both heat and 40 degree frosts.
If the tree has enough sunlight and space, then the pine tree becomes sprawling and lush. If it grows in the shade and with a lack of light, then it reaches the sun as much as possible, then its lower branches die off.
grow yourself
Sometimes a cone or a branch of an interesting type of pine falls into the hands of a gardener. Is it possible to grow an adult plant in this way? It's not that easy, but it's possible.
From a cone
The seeds of all conifers are in cones formed by rows of scales, which are arranged like tiles, one on top of the other. The scales are tightly closed at first, and when ripe they open, and then the seeds themselves easily fall out. It is preferable to collect cones in winter, when they are tightly closed, because with the advent of heat, the seeds fly out of them.

Pine cone
In one cone, as a rule, up to several dozen seeds. For germination, seeds of approximately the same size and regular shape are selected. In some species, full ripening lasts up to two years, so you should not pull out the seeds from under the scales by force.
It is best to place the bump in a paper bag and leave it in a ventilated, dry place. The seeds will fall out of the cells themselves when the scales dry out. Some advise placing cones on a battery, they really open faster from heat, but such a procedure noticeably worsens their germination.
Planting seeds
For planting, seeds are pre-prepared to accelerate germination. They are first stored in the refrigerator for a couple of months, and then, by soaking in slightly warm water (up to 6-8 days), they simulate changes in weather conditions. On the eve of sowing, you can additionally place the seeds in a strong solution of potassium permanganate for disinfection.

pine seeds
Pine seeds are best planted in a shallow container or box, into which drainage is poured, and a mixture of sand, peat and earth is added on top, then lightly sprinkled again with loose soil and watered with soft water. The first shoots break through in about a month, while many shoots may die, as it should be, the strongest seedlings survive. Plants can be easily placed in a well-lit place, preferably not in heat (not on a window above the battery).
Seeds are optimally planted at a distance of two centimeters, and at the same depth. Subsequently, the seedlings can be easily taken out and transplanted individually into deeper containers, and then planted in the ground. The soil after sowing is compacted and mulched, and the bright sun accelerates the growth of seedlings.
From a branch
You can also try to grow a pine tree with your own hands from a pine branch. True, not every species takes root well in this way; it is best to take European pine for this. The branch must be cut in winter, until mid-February, when the tree is still in a state of winter sleep.

Planting a branch
With a sharp knife, a twig 15 to 25 cm in size is cut from a young branch. The lower part of the branch is cleared of needles and dipped in a growth stimulant. The soil is prepared in this way - a third of acidic soil, a third of perlite, a third of moss.
You need to make something like a greenhouse, covering the container with the seedling with a plastic bag so that it is humid inside.Rooting in coniferous plants lasts a long time, several months, all this time the container with the seedling should be kept in a cool place (for example, on the balcony) and watered, but moderately, otherwise the resulting roots may simply rot.
Moisture and coolness and peace, that's all that is needed for rooting. If new sprouts have appeared, then everything is in order, now the pine can be transplanted. Heat and bright sunlight are harmful to young trees.
After the pines have grown on the site, it remains only to admire how they grow and become prettier.
General view change
In order for the tree not to grow on its own, to be beautiful and well-groomed, the crowns of young trees can be formed. When new candles appear on the pine tree in spring, they are removed at the moment before they are covered with needles. They begin to cut or pinch from the top, small stumps are left on the main branches.

crown formation
It is advisable not to damage the needles, otherwise they will turn yellow and spoil the appearance. You can make a frame to form a crown, and simply pinch or break off unnecessary shoots.
The most experienced gardeners can even grow bonsai in this way, but this is quite a complicated matter. An annual pine seedling is dug up in autumn and transplanted into a small pot, no more than 15 cm in diameter. For the soil you need to take humus, perlite and sand.

Until spring, the seedling should be at rest, you can start forming bonsai after spring comes and the trees “wake up”. In the spring, the seedling is cut with sharp scissors at an angle of about 45 degrees, leaving ten centimeters. After that, side shoots will grow, and the trunk will begin to become thicker.
A frame is made of 3 mm aluminum wire to give the barrel the desired bend and shape. When the trunk grows and starts to cut into the frame, the wire must be removed so as not to damage the tree. The new frame should be the same shape as the previous one.
pine tree bonsai
Pine in the yard: growth secrets, folk signs, outdoor planting tricks and caring for it (55+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews
What varieties of pines are best planted on the site?
Champion in unpretentiousness, but this breed is very expensive.
It looks beautiful, retains a rounded crown, but is very capricious, young growth burns out from the bright sun, and it should be shaded, and it is also afraid of frost over 20 degrees.
These are low-growing trees with a spreading crown and a spectacularly curved trunk. Favorite trees of landscape designers, especially recommended when creating a Japanese garden, ideal for compositions in a small area. It is best to choose varieties with shorter needles, in these varieties the bundles consist of two, not five needles, they are more unpretentious. Varieties Gnome, Pumilio, Pug do not suffer from pests, are decorative and lush, although very expensive.
There is a good version of Mugo Magnus, it grows from two to four meters, it is very easy to form not only a tree, but also a bush or soil cover. Mountain pines are compact, fluffy and branched, do not take up much space like other species, growing up to 20 meters, the only downside is that they take a very long time to grow.
Sold by seedlings, can also be grown from pine nuts. For cultivation, you will need ordinary pine nuts (not hardened), the cones are harvested in February or March, the nuts germinate well. Cedar pine also grows slowly, and gives cones only at the age of 60 years or more.
True, sometimes in nurseries they sell already grafted seedlings of two meters, which begin to bear fruit in ten years. The common cedar pine is beautiful, slender, and fast growing. Of the minuses, it is worth noting its susceptibility to pest attacks; in the spring, such a tree can be attacked by a beetle that climbs under the bark, causing the tree to die.
Such a plant is most often sold, but you can also grow it yourself from seeds or dig up a young pine tree. Pine reproduces by self-sowing, under large trees there are always many small pines.
One-year-old pines often get sick from the "black leg", in order to avoid this, they are recommended to be watered with a solution of the phytosporin preparation. He loves the sun very much, and in the shade it stretches out strongly and throws off the branches, so that the trunk remains bare, it grows very quickly.
common waterery
A beautiful plant, needles of a spectacular bluish color, grows up to three meters, very stable, but also expensive.
Pine is a wonderful and useful tree, with a wonderful smell, quite unpretentious and does not require care in its adult form. A very light-loving plant, it becomes tall in the shade, the trunk can become bare from below, and the branches are not fluffy, but planted in the right place for a long time remains a beautiful and spectacular decoration of the site.
Mountain pine planting and care
Pine in the yard: growth secrets, folk signs, outdoor planting tricks and caring for it (55+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews
I completely agree that you can no longer take care of an adult pine tree. About 10 years ago, with my father, I dug up three pine trees in the forest and planted them in my dacha, I can safely say that they have “grown up” and, to be honest, I haven’t looked at them at all for a couple of years, since they They are doing great and growing without any problems. Although at first the father, of course, looked after them, looked after them ... But, as for me, the pines are an excellent option for a private plot - and the view is beautiful, and they create some special comfort in the yard