Plum - description of the 22 most popular varieties: yellow, renklod, Hungarian and others (Photo & Video) + Reviews



In this article, we will get acquainted with the description of the most popular plum varieties in our country. Plum is one of the most common crops in the gardens of Russians. It has about 250 species, and its varieties obtained by crossing simply cannot be counted. Asia is considered her homeland, but she is firmly entrenched in our areas.

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Plum Yellow

People are usually accustomed to seeing plums of purple, blue hues on tables and store shelves. But there are varieties that have completely different colors. The yellow plum is one of them. It was obtained by crossing cherry plum, wild plum. This hybrid, due to its sweetish taste, is suitable for preparing various sweets, as well as for fresh consumption. Consider some varieties of yellow plum.


plum variety honey

  • It is not for nothing that she has such a name. It is associated with its extraordinary honey taste, which experts rate 4.5 points out of a possible 5.
  • It can be grown even in the cold regions of our country. Rounded fruits reach 50 g. Under optimal growth conditions, one tree, 5 m high, produces up to 30 kg of berries with yellow, juicy flesh and easily separated seeds.
  • The plant has an early ripening period, the first harvest can be enjoyed already in early August. She is self-fertile. As a pollinator, it is recommended to plant Hungarian, Renklod Karbysheva next to her.
  • Trees can easily tolerate short-term drought and frost. They can be grown in any climate. Unfavorable weather does not affect the quality of the crop. Fruit can be transported without damaging it.
  • "Honey" is not distinguished by the complexity of agricultural technology. Fruits are suitable for preservation, any other types of processing. Of the shortcomings, gardeners note the impressive size of the plant, which requires a large area.


plum variety Morning

  • Obtained by the work of Russian scientists, by crossing Renklod Ullens and Early Red. Tree of medium height.
  • The berries are yellowish-green in color, with a small pink area on the sunny side. The taste is pleasant, weighing about 26 g. The fruits are very fragrant. But the first harvest can be harvested only after 3-4 years, after planting a tree. A huge advantage of the variety is that it is self-fertile.
  • The first fruits are harvested in early, mid-August. From one small tree, up to 15 kg of fruits are obtained, which have an excellent presentation.
  • Plants are undemanding to care for themselves. Among the shortcomings can be noted, instability to spring frosts, average resistance to pests, diseases. For the winter, to protect against severe frosts, it must be additionally covered.


plum variety Firefly

  • This is another type of plum, with a yellow skin. "Firefly" is a cultivar of the Domashnaya plum.
  • Trees, with an average fruit ripening period, reach a height of up to 5 m. The fruits are spherical in shape, weigh 30-40 g. The peel, yellow flesh. The stone is easily separated from the inside of the berries. The taste of the fruit is sweet, with a slight sourness. Suitable for both harvesting and fresh consumption.
  • Fruiting begins 2 years after planting.
  • Considered frost resistant.It tolerates drought well. The plant bears fruit every year. But only with the right pollinators. The names of varieties that can pollinate it have not yet been definitely identified.

Some sources refer to "firefly" pollinators:

  • Renklod collective farm
  • Lighthouse
  • Record
  • Greenclod fruitful

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Plum Renklod

Under this name, different varieties of the same species are combined - domestic plum. Western Europe is considered to be the birthplace of Renklod plums. These are trees with a height of 5 to 7 m. Berries are egg-shaped. Their color, depending on the variety, can be from yellow-green to purple. The skin is matte.

This group received special value for its taste qualities. The fruits inside are soft, juicy, sweet. Yield is directly dependent on weather conditions. They can bear fruit even once every few years.

The most famous varieties from the Renklod group:

  • Green
  • Enikeeva
  • Soviet
  • Blue
  • presidential
  • Michurinsky
  • Karbysheva
  • Kuibyshevsky
  • Leah
  • Tatar
  • Ulena

Let's consider some of them in more detail.


plum variety Soviet

  • Low trees, no higher than 3 m. It belongs to cold-resistant, high-yielding varieties. Can tolerate 25-30oC frosts. Trees do not affect most of the diseases characteristic of this crop.
  • Fruiting begins at 4-5 years of plant growth, in the central part of the country at the end of summer. One tree annually produces 10-15 kg of fruits with a dark purple skin, weighing 40 g.
  • Inside the juicy, yellow pulp is a seed, which is easily separated from the main part of the fruit.
  • The taste of the Soviet plum is not very sweet, but without a sour taste. It is mainly eaten fresh, as it is not suitable for heat treatment.


plum variety Kharitonovskaya

  • It is not resistant to strong drops in air temperature, so it cannot be planted in cold regions of the country. Low-growing plants bear fruit every year, 4-5 years after planting.
  • Large juicy fruits of a rounded shape, weighing an average of 45 g, can be used for any purpose. Their skin is purple. The inside is red-yellow. The seed is deepened into it, which departs well from the pulp.
  • From one plant, 18-22 kg of crop is harvested, which can be easily transported. Fruits can be used both immediately after harvesting and can be used to make jams, compotes, etc.
  • Considered a drought tolerant variety. Resistance to clasterosporiosis was noted.


plum variety White

  • The name is associated with the color of the fruit. It was obtained by Ukrainian breeders by crossing varieties Peach, Jefferson.
  • On a tree, about 4 m high, berries are formed, weighing 35-40 g for the 3rd year of planting. They taste pleasant, sweet, fragrant. The pulp is white, juicy.
  • The seed is easily separated from the main part of the fruit. Fruiting occurs at the end of July, beginning of August. The harvested crop can be easily transported.
  • White Reclod can be consumed fresh or used for preparations. But after canning, heat treatment, products obtained from this variety do not have a very good presentation.
  • Trees tolerate cold well - up to -30 ° C, drought. The variety is self-infertile.

As a pollinator should be planted:

  • Renklod Green
  • Donetsk early
  • Renklod Altana
  • Hungarian Donetsk

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Plum Hungarian

Plums Hungarian is a group of varieties that can grow in different climatic conditions. Their agricultural technology is not difficult, so this group is suitable for growing gardeners for beginners.

Trees up to 6 m high. Their fruits are ellipsoid in shape, different shades of blue, purple. Inside the berries are dense, yellow. They bear fruit every year. Most Hungarian fruits do not require pollinator varieties to be planted with them.

The berries of this group of plants are used to make prunes.Hungarians bear fruit well, are resistant to drought, suitable for storage, transportation, but the first crop can be harvested no earlier than 6 years after planting.


plum cultivar Stanley

  • Variety Plum Home, related to the "Hungarian". These trees are native to the USA. In Russia, it is recommended to plant it in the southern regions, the North Caucasus.
  • Plants of medium height, form purple berries weighing about 45 g.
  • Inside they are dense, medium juiciness. The flesh is yellow-green, granular. The taste of the fruit is delicious, with a slight sourness.

To obtain prunes, most often, this variety is used.
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Plum Columnar

This type of plum appeared in our country several decades ago. But it was "to the taste" of many gardeners. Its main difference can be considered an extremely narrow crown - 80 cm. Columnar plum varieties are convenient to plant in small areas, as they do not have spreading branches. But such plants have a significant drawback - they do not tolerate low temperatures.

Columnar plum does not differ in a large number of varieties.

The most famous:

  • Imperial (pink fruits)
  • Mirabelle (yellow berries)
  • Blue Sweet (purple fruits)

These are small trees, about 2 m high, produce up to 16 kg of fruits. They can be used both fresh and for jam, jam, etc. Fruiting begins at 3 years of age. The yield is growing every year.


plum variety Imperial

  • Bred by Russian breeders. It has not yet received wide distribution in our country. Low-growing trees do not grow above 2.5 m. They do not tolerate drought, but are frost-resistant.
  • The low height of the plants makes them easy to care for. They practically do not need to be cut, the harvesting process does not require the use of a ladder.
  • In areas with cold winters, young seedlings require additional cover.
  • Its fruits are round in shape, weigh 45-60 g. They are formed a year after planting in a permanent place. The thick peel is painted in different shades of pink, purple. But there are instances of a darker color. Inside they are yellow, juicy, pleasant to the taste.
  • Fruiting occurs in mid-August. One plant pleases 10-12 kg of berries. They do not immediately crumble from the tree, so you can collect them gradually.
  • "Imperial" can be transported, stored unprocessed for up to 1.5 weeks. The quality of the fruits makes it possible to prepare compotes, preserves, jams from them.

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Chinese plum

China is considered the birthplace of this plum. Its varieties are most often distributed in our country in the Far East, Siberia.

The main features of the Chinese plum are their early fruiting, rapid growth. The first crop from the trees is harvested 1-2 years after planting. As the plant ages, the number of fruits per plant increases.

In large-fruited varieties, berries reach 120 g. Depending on the variety, their peel can be yellow, red, purple, orange. They are well stored, suitable for long-distance transportation.

The pulp is sweet, with a strong aroma and a fused bone that is not easy to separate. But in terms of taste, they are much inferior to homemade plums. Consider some varieties in more detail.


plum variety Alyonushka

  • This is a variety of Chinese plum, which was bred specifically for cultivation in the middle part of our country. Obtained by breeding two varieties of Chinese plum.
  • This variety has not yet become widespread in Russia.Due to its cold resistance, it is suitable for cultivation on the territory of Ukraine, Belarus. It is considered resistant to moniliosis, clasterosporiasis. But she is susceptible to aphids.
  • Alyonushka is a small tree, with an average height of 2.2 m. The fruits are large, weighing up to 50 g. Spherical in shape. They taste like peach.
  • The skin is colored in different shades of red, pink. The berries inside are juicy, sweet, sour, orange. Fruits with a medium size stone, which is difficult to separate from the pulp.
  • Alyonushka plums ripen early. They can be transported over long distances. But they are not suitable for storage. It is best to use them raw.
  • Next to this tree, it is necessary to plant other varieties - pollinators, since it is self-fertile. The best "neighbors" for Alyonushka are early ripe varieties of Chinese plums, cherry plums.


plum variety Skoroplodnaya

  • Suitable for growing in the coldest regions of the Moscow region. Can withstand temperatures as low as -40 C.
  • A small tree, no higher than 2.5 m. The color of the fruit can be from yellow to red. One berry weighs about 30 g. Inside it is juicy, with moderately dense orange-colored pulp and an inseparable bone. Tastes sweet, sour. The smell is reminiscent of melon.
  • Fruiting begins a year later, after planting in late July, early August. Up to 30 kg of crop can be harvested from one tree. But to get berries, next to it it is necessary to plant other varieties - pollinators. "Skoroplodnaya" is demanding on the process of pollination. For a neighborhood with her, it is better to choose cherry plum hybrids, the Red Ball variety.
  • The plant is resistant to clasterosporiosis.

For storage for a long time, the early-fruited plum is harvested unripe.

Souvenir of the East

plum variety Souvenir of the East

  • The variety was obtained by hybridization of the Giant plum, Veniaminova Zarya. Fruits have a good trade dress. The taste is similar to peach. Mostly used for fresh consumption.
  • Dark red berries, weighing about 40 g. On the cut, you can see the orange, juicy pulp, which contains a small seed.
  • On a tree 2.5 m high, the first fruits begin to ripen in mid-August. But for this, it is recommended to plant a Giant plum next to it. Subject to the presence of a pollinator, 1 plant can produce up to 45 kg of yield.
  • Cases of damage to plants by clasterosporiosis have been noted. Winter hardiness is average.

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Plum Red meat

One of the late varieties of Chinese plum, which combines many varieties. Fruiting begins in mid-August. These are trees of medium height, not higher than 2.5 m, with a crown in the form of a ball.

Plums are painted in dark crimson color, weigh about 25 g. It tastes sweet and sour, with a strong aroma. Inside the raspberry pulp is a small bone, easily separated from the main part.

All varieties are self-fertile. As a pollinator, it is recommended to plant other varieties next to Krasnomyasa:

  • fast-growing
  • Russian plum

The most famous:

  • Red-meat big
  • Red Meat Resistant
  • Red meat mountain
  • Red-meat mid-mountain
  • Red-meat piedmont
  • Red-fleshed drooping
  • Red meat heart-shaped
  • Red meat lilac

Let's consider some of them.

Red-meat big

  • Frost-resistant variety with dark red juicy, fragrant fruits, weighing 20-25 g. Under the bitter skin of the berries there is red pulp with a semi-deciduous seed.
  • This is a tall tree with a miniature crown.
  • The first harvest begins to be harvested in the second half of August. It is considered an abundantly fruiting variety.
  • But high performance can be achieved only when planting hybrid cherry plums with it.
  • High resistance to clasterosporiosis is noted.

Red-fleshed drooping

plum variety Krasnomyasaya drooping

  • Another winter-hardy variety with high fruiting rates.
  • A medium-sized tree forms red fruits of a rounded shape, weighing up to 22 g.
  • Inside them is a juicy, tasty pulp, with a bone.

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Early varieties

Early varieties of plums allow you to enjoy your favorite fruits until mid-August. They are very juicy but not overly sweet. Let us describe some representatives of this group.


plum variety Eurasia

  • This is a hybrid obtained by Russian breeders. "Eurasia" - one of the varieties of Plum Domashnaya. A plant with early ripening berries.
  • Harvest begins to be harvested in early August for the 5th year of the plant's life. Under good weather conditions, care for 1 tree can please 50 kg of berries.
  • The crop must be harvested immediately after ripening, as the plums quickly begin to fall off the tree. The variety is not suitable for transportation.
  • A tall tree can reach a height of up to 6 m. The fruits become maroon in color after ripening. They taste sweetish, with sourness. The mass of one of them is on average 30 g. The pulp of the berries is granular. On the cut, the plum is orange.
  • Can tolerate cold down to -20 oC. The tree takes root easily after planting.

"Eurasia" is not able to independently pollinate.

It is recommended to plant the following next to it:

  • Volga beauties
  • Memory of Timiryazev
  • Renklod Kolkhozny
  • Lighthouse
  • The Golden Fleece


plum variety

  • Obtained by crossing Eurasia plum and Volga beauty. It is considered a very early variety.
  • The tree begins to bear fruit 2-3 years after planting. Purple berries, weighing up to 60 g.
  • Spherical shape. The fruits on the cut are red, juicy. The seed is easily separated from the pulp.
  • The taste of "Starting" is sweet, there is a sour taste. They can be used in any form. They tolerate transportation well.
  • The variety is zoned in the central part of the country. It is considered a cold hardy plant. But it grows and bears fruit best in areas with slight drops in air temperature in winter.
  • The plant is self-fertile. It shows high yields only when there are pollinators nearby.

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Plum Giant

This variety combines many varieties of large-fruited plums. Their name is associated with a large mass of fruits, which, when ripe, can be up to 110 g.

The trees are strong. The first crop is harvested 3 years after planting, in mid-September. Suitable for transportation over long distances.

The fruits can be consumed in any form. The color of the peel, depending on the subspecies, can be either light shades of red or purple. The berries are yellow inside. The seed is separated from the pulp with difficulty.

"Giant" is not distinguished by the sweetness of berries. When planting in the middle part of Russia, the plant must be covered for the winter. Low temperatures can affect the size and taste of fruits.

To obtain high yields, the tree requires regular care.

The most popular varieties of "Giant":

  • Top Giant Plus
  • Giant Burbank

Giant Burbank

plum variety Giant Burbank

  • The variety is named after the breeder who worked on breeding the plant. The fruits of the variety are large, like all giants. On average, 100 g. But according to some sources, their mass can be up to 250 g. It bears fruit abundantly.
  • Inside the berry is bright red, with a small seed. This variety is used for the manufacture of prunes.
  • Plums are able to hang on a tree for a long time even after ripening. Suitable for transportation over long distances.
  • The trees are resistant to moniliosis. The variety is considered cold-resistant, early-growing.

Top Giant Plus

plum variety Top Giant Plus

  • Plant of medium height. The variety was obtained by crossing the President plum with the largest Chachak.
  • Fruits weighing 55-100 g, rounded. The taste is sweet, tender, slightly sour. There is a slight freshness. Covered with dark blue skin. On the cut, the berries are yellow-green, with an easily separated seed, juicy, dense pulp.
  • The first harvest begins at the end of August.Proven resistance to sharka.
  • Giant Plus is a transportable grade, which is suitable for the manufacture of blanks, use in raw form.

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candy skin

plum variety Candy skin

  • This is a short, beautiful tree, not higher than 2.5 m. The variety is considered to be very early, since the first plums, weighing 40-50 g, appear already at the end of July.
  • The fruiting of the plant begins 3 years after planting. The yield per tree is up to 25 kg. But high fruiting rates depend on the presence of pollinators.
  • Fruits have good gastronomic properties - tender, tasty. According to taste, it scores all 5 points out of 5. The elongated fruit is covered with a thin burgundy peel.
  • On the cut, you can find yellow pulp, with a small seed, which is removed without much difficulty.
  • "Candy peel" is intended for fresh use. It cannot be transported or stored for a long time.
  • The tree can withstand temperatures as low as -20°C. Suitable for growing in warm regions, temperate climates. It is planted not only to obtain a high-quality crop, but also for landscaping areas.

It is recommended to plant next to it such varieties of plums as:

  • Renklod collective farm
  • columnar
  • Zarechnaya early

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Plum Peach

plum variety Peach

It was bred by French scientists. The variety is not very common in the world, it has several more names - Royal Rouge, Red Nectarine. In Russia, it is found in warm regions.

A medium-sized tree grows up to 4.5 m. It is self-fertile. Neighborhood with other varieties of plum is required.

For example with:

  • Mirabello Nancy
  • Hungarians
  • Anna Shpet
  • Renklodom

  • The crop ripens early, but only for 5-7 years of tree life. Fruiting begins in mid-July, early August, but young plants do not delight with "nectarines" every year. After ripening, the fruits do not crumble.
  • An adult plant can please 50 kg with tender, fragrant sweet-sour berries. The mass of which can be up to 70 g. Taste qualities directly depend on weather conditions.
  • Elongated fruits are yellow-orange in color, golden yellow on the cut. Inside the juicy, dense pulp is a seed, which is easily separated from the main part. Berries are transportable, suitable for use in any form.

Peach is a thermophilic culture. It cannot withstand the harsh Russian winters.


plum variety Yakhontovaya

  • The variety was bred for cultivation in the central part of Russia. Worked on it by domestic scientists S. N. Satarov and H. V. Enikeev. It was obtained by crossing varieties Smolinka, Eurasia 2.
  • The tree, 5.5 m high, grows quickly. The first fruits are harvested 2-3 years after planting, at the end of summer. Further fruiting occurs regularly.
  • The plant is considered resistant to drought, cold, the most common diseases - clusterosporiosis, moniliosis, plum pests. But young seedlings in the first years of growth must be covered.
  • One adult tree can annually form 45-50 kg of golden fruit, weighing 25-35 g.
  • Rounded fruits with a thin peel, have a wonderful dessert taste with sourness.
  • On the cut, juicy golden flesh is visible. They can be collected within a few weeks. If transport is expected, fruits should be harvested before they are fully ripe.

High yields are obtained by planting next to Yakhontova such varieties as:

  • Memory of Timiryazev
  • Hungarian Moscow
  • Early maturing red

The fruits of Yakhontova can be used for harvesting, or consumed in their raw natural form.


plum variety blue

  • Blue plum is the most famous, popular in our country.
  • It has a huge number of varieties.
  • They are united only by the fact that the fruits of all of them are covered with skins of different shades of blue, purple. Berries can have both rounded, elongated, and any other shape.
  • Weight, taste, seed size also vary greatly among representatives of different varieties, subspecies.

Plum Prunes

Many people know that plums are used to obtain the well-known dried fruit - prunes. But not all varieties of this crop are suitable for drying.

The most suitable for the manufacture of prunes is considered to be:

  • Hungarian Italian
  • Renklod Rososhansky
  • blue bird
  • Hungarian Korneevskaya
  • Prunes Adyghe

Dried fruits are obtained only from plums with a blue, purple peel.

Prunes Adyghe

plum variety Prunes Adyghe

  • The tall tree is a hybrid obtained by crossing cherry plum and blackthorn. Differs in high productivity, resistance to lowering of air temperature. Tolerates short-term drought. The average resistance to the most common crop diseases was noted.
  • The plant is self-fertile.
  • Blue-violet fruits, weighing about 50 g, have a rounded or elongated shape. The pulp is granular, tasty, yellow-green in color. The seed is large, but separates from the inside without difficulty.
  • Prunes Adyghe - a tree with a late ripening fruit.
  • Does not bear fruit regularly. The harvested crop can be used for canning, dried, used fresh.
  • Choosing a plum variety can be difficult for a novice gardener. After all, there are both early and late varieties. With yellow or purple skin.
  • But the main criterion for choosing a crop should be the ability of plants to grow in the selected climatic zone.
  • Also need to pay attention to pollinators, disease resistance.

Plum - description of the 22 most popular varieties: yellow, renklod, Hungarian and others (Photo & Video) + Reviews

tree pruning

Plum - description of the 22 most popular varieties: yellow, renklod, Hungarian and others (Photo & Video) + Reviews

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Description of plum varieties

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