Skumpia (lat. Cotinus) is one of the representatives of the genus of deciduous shrubs or trees of the Sumac family. Under natural conditions, it can be found in the temperate Eurasian climate and in the east of North America.
The plant is popularly called wild olive, yellowberry, smoky tree, Venetian sumac, wig bush, leather tree. To date, the care, planting and cultivation of skumpii is carried out both on an industrial scale to obtain fizegin dye, and in a summer cottage in the Moscow region, as an ornamental leafy garden plant.

Botanical description
Skumpia is bush or a tree with a spreading crown. The height of the plant is from 1.5 m to 5 m, the crown in diameter can be 1.5 m.

Fisegin is obtained from skumpia - an orange or yellow dye for silk, wool, leather
Skumpii are long-lived. Branching of the shoots begins near the ground, the young bark becomes gray or reddish-green over time. Gradually, the bark peels off. If you accidentally damage the shoot of the plant, milky juice will be released.
The rounded or oval leaves of the plant form a dense, wide-oval crown. Alternately growing leaves, 5-7 cm long, are attached to the shoots with long petioles. The leaves have a glossy sheen, entire or slightly serrated along the edge.

Different types of skumpii in natural growing conditions
Depending on the type, the foliage can be red or dark green, becoming orange, yellow, purple or crimson by autumn.
At the end of May or in the first decade of June, last year's shoots are covered with long numerous inflorescences in the form of a panicle. They are formed by yellow flowers with a green tint. The corolla includes short, underdeveloped petals with a bunch of long stamens.
The decorativeness of the bush is given by long fleecy pedicels, which cover the entire bush with a cloud after flowering.
The fruits ripen at the end July, at the beginning of August. Oblong drupes-fruits of black color and practically without pulp.

In nature, there are only 2 types of skumpii: ordinary and American, and several varieties of this beautiful ornamental leafy plant. The shrub cannot be attributed to whimsical plants, but it is advisable to follow the rules for planting and caring for it.
Skumpia leather or common
- Sometimes common skumpia is called juniper, due to their close proximity in nature. But it's not. This is a tall tree, reaching a height of 5 m. The crown is round, green or red foliage also has a round shape, the next arrangement.
- On the plots can be grown as a shrub. Varieties with green foliage are resistant to low temperatures, therefore they are recommended for growing in the middle lane.
- Red-leaved skumpii require shelter for the winter, otherwise they may die. In appearance, they are more attractive than their green relatives.
Mackerel American
- A tall plant with huge foliage in height can reach 5 m, but the inflorescences, compared with common skumpia, are much smaller. The species is not considered frost-resistant, therefore it has not gained distribution. The bushes are very beautiful, the view is unpretentious. By autumn, the foliage turns red.
- Some types of skumpii live more than 70 years, and some centenarians step over the bar in 100 years.

Planting and plant care
Its further growth and development will largely depend on the correct planting of skumpii.
Landing time selection
You need to purchase seedlings with a closed root system. It can be planted in a permanent place in spring and autumn, however, it should be noted that skumpia has a long growing season, so late autumn planting may affect its survival.

A spacious place was chosen for skumpia. When the plant reaches its maximum height, it will not interfere with other representatives of the flora to grow and develop.
You can't be late with boarding and spring. The scorching rays of the sun can adversely affect the adaptation of the plant to a new place.
It happens that a seedling can be bought in the summer. At this time, you can also land the skumpia, however, abundant watering is required until it takes root.
Skumpiya prefers open sunny areas, protected from the wind. It is required to remember that the plant has large dimensions, so planting should be carried out in a spacious area. In partial shade, it also grows well and blooms.
Site and soil selection
For planting an ornamental tree, you need to choose a light, breathable soil. Soil reaction can be alkaline or neutral. This is the ideal option.

Skumpia is planted in breathable soil
Stony or heavy soils are not a barrier to planting. It will grow in such conditions, but development will be slightly slowed down.
Low-lying areas with high groundwater are not suitable for cultivation, as the root system may rot. When planting, you need to arrange good drainage.
Seedling selection

Sumpia sapling
Certain growing rules will help you get a beautiful and lush plant.
- When examining seedlings, you need to pay attention to large specimens.. Such plants adapt faster and require less care.
- The horse system must be closed. This feature will allow you to plant a shrub at any time.
When examining the seedling, there should be no visible damage to the shoots and spots on the leaves. Otherwise, it may indicate the presence of a disease.
Planting seedlings
After planting, the root system of the seedling is completely immersed in water. After extraction, it is necessary to inspect the roots, remove dried ones, cut off diseased roots. To avoid rotting or infection, it is recommended to sprinkle the cuts with charcoal.

Seedling selected for planting
The size of the hole should exceed the diameter of the root system of the seedling, but not by much. Too poor soil will not work, you need to choose fertile soil. At the bottom of the hole, it is necessary to perform drainage, then pour a little soil to cover the expanded clay, pour 2 buckets of water and wait until it is absorbed.
When planting, you need to straighten the root system so that it looks in different directions. After the hole is covered with fertile soil, it is necessary to compact the soil and make sure that the root collar rises 5-7 cm above the soil surface.
Until the plant takes root, watering is needed, which is carried out as the soil dries.

Skumpia is not very demanding on watering.
Moderate watering is the best solution. It is better to dry the ground a little than to keep it in constant moisture.. This feature depends on the structure of the root system: the main root is taproot. The shrub is able to extract water from the depths of the earth. If it rains for a long time, it is not worth watering at all.
Weeding and mulching
The trunk circle needs to be weeded from time to time, weeds need to be removed. Regular weeding will enrich the soil with oxygen, making it airy and light.

It is necessary to periodically weed the near-trunk circle
It is clear that each loosening leads to a rapid drying of the earthen coma. To keep moisture longer, you will need to mulch the near-stem circle around the plant. As mulch, you can use the bark of trees, dry peat. Sawdust is not recommended for the reason that they make the soil acidic.
If the plant is planted in nutritious soil, it does not need to be fed. Excessive application of mineral and organic fertilizers can affect the aggravation of plant development.

If the shrub grows in depleted soil, then in the spring it is necessary to apply a nitrogen-containing fertilizer.
To ensure normal development of skumpii, it is enough to apply complex fertilizer in early spring.
When growing shrubs on depleted soils, 2-time fertilization will be required: in early spring - nitrogen-containing, in summer - potassium-phosphorus.
shrub pruning
Timely pruning helps to restrain rapid growth and maintain decorative effect.. In addition, pruning stimulates the formation of side shoots, which turn the bush into a lush ball.

Frequent pruning of skumpiya does not allow the shrub to grow high, but stimulates the formation of additional side shoots.
The frequency of pruning is 1 time in 2-3 years. The procedure is carried out in early spring, even before the foliage blooms.
During rejuvenation, all dried shoots, non-developing and damaged, are removed. It is important to form the shape of the bush in time so that the crown is lush and beautiful.
The older the plant, the less you need to spare it when pruning. Cutting off most of the shoots stimulates the growth of new ones.
Preparing for winter
Skumpia is considered a plant of a mild climate, so shelter for the winter is a prerequisite for its cultivation. If adult specimens can still somehow overwinter, then for young ones low temperatures are death.

Mulching with fallen leaves
You can mulch with peat, fallen leaves. In the trunk circle, you need to pour a layer of mulch a few centimeters, cover it with non-woven material or spruce branches on top.

Reproduction methods

Scumpius can be propagated in several ways.
Sumpia can be propagated in several ways.
- seed propagation
- cuttings
- propagation by layering
- jigging overgrowth
Let's try to consider in detail each of the methods of reproduction in order to understand which method is less expensive, but effective.

seed boxes
Due to the complexity, this method is used only by breeders to breed new varieties, since it will never be possible to get an identical plant to the mother plant, because when propagated in shifts, new specimens do not repeat the signs of the mother plant.
Rules for sowing seeds
If you managed to collect the seeds, and this is not so easy, since the plant produces seed only once every few years, you will need to soak them in a sulfuric acid solution. This slightly dissolves the hard shell and ensures rapid germination. Sow in autumn directly into the ground, deepening into the soil by 2 cm.During the winter, the seeds will undergo natural stratification and germinate in the spring.
Stratification should precede spring sowing. To do this, you need to sow the seeds in boxes and send them to the refrigerator for 2-3 months. You can also bury them in the snow so that they cool well.
The method is not considered simple. It is necessary to observe the time for harvesting cuttings, which is carried out at the end of June or at the beginning of July. One cutting must contain several buds and be at least 15-20 cm. Harvesting is carried out only from a healthy, well-developing mother plant.
After harvesting the cuttings, all the lower leaves are cut off on them. In order to form the root system faster, it is recommended to put the cuttings in the root formation solution for 12 hours.

Skumpia cuttings
After the preparatory procedures, the planting material is planted in the finished soil, which can be compiled independently. You will need to take sand, soddy soil and peat in a ratio of 1: 3: 2. Now the containers with cuttings need to be placed in greenhouse.
Daily care of planting material consists in timely airing, spraying or watering.

You need to choose an escape that is located as low as possible to the ground
The easiest, fastest and most efficient way to get new specimens of sumpia.
Step-by-step instruction
For rooting, you need to choose a shoot that would be located as close to the ground as possible.
At about 40 cm from the edge, a longitudinal incision should be made on the shoot to stimulate further root formation.
Then this branch must be pressed to the ground and secured.
In the place of contact of the shoot with the soil, you need to pour the earth and water it abundantly.
Now you only need to water the plant.
When the scumpia shoot takes root, it is disconnected from the mother plant and transplanted to a permanent place.
Overgrown jigging

A plant grown by jigging
The root system of an adult plant sometimes gives a new "young growth" or shoots. During the summer, these young bushes can be dug up and transplanted permanently. When performing the separation procedure, you should be careful not to damage the root system of the mother plant.

Pests and diseases
In order for skumpia to get sick, you need to “try”. The main diseases appear due to excessive soil moisture and stagnant water. Improper shelter for the winter leads to freezing of the plant, which negatively affects its condition and it recovers for a very long time. In some cases, the skumpia simply disappears.

Sumpia leaves affected by the disease
Of the pests on the bush, you can find aphids and spider mites. Processing can be carried out with folk remedies, for example, a solution of ammonia or laundry soap.
Leaf beetles must be fought with insecticides purchased in specialized stores.

Application in landscape design

Skumpia in landscape design
With the help of skumpia, you can plant trees and shrubs in any garden plot, park, square.
landscape designers use ornamental shrub to create original compositions:
- various gardens adorn it, but you will need to monitor the compactness of the crown
- skumpia is planted in the background of the mixborder to create a backdrop for other plants
- hedge - excellent solution for large areas; thanks to the dense foliage and abundant flowering, the plant will make a dense wall
- many gardeners use it for planting in rockeries
Due to its vigorous growth, the tree is a good air purifier. Therefore, it is recommended for planting in parks and roadside green belts.

What difficulties can you face when growing skumpia?

Skumpia capricious plant
Let's try to consider the most common causes of drooping skumpii.
Wrong landing site. Skumpia belongs to the capricious representatives of the flora, so the best place is an open area with constant sun. Planting a plant between outbuildings, in a cold place, in constant drafts can lead to drooping shrubs.
Unsuitable soil. Among gardeners there are different opinions about the choice of soil for planting. Some are of the opinion that the composition of the soil does not affect the development of the plant, while others, on the contrary, argue that poor soil and too alkaline can destroy the shrub.
The proximity of groundwater leads to wetting of the root system. To be sure that the root system of the plant will not always be in moist soil, you need to select an elevated area for planting. Plant only in a well-drained area. From time to time it is necessary to loosen the soil in the trunk circle. This procedure provides oxygen access to the roots, which has a positive effect on the state of skumpia.
Damage to the root system. When loosening the soil in the trunk circle and removing weeds, you need to work carefully, because you can damage the roots close to the surface of the earth. The shrub will lag behind in development, look drooping and oppressed.
Over or under watering. Both of these negatively affect the plant. The shrub can survive for some time without watering, but it should not be brought to a state of wilting either. Excessive soil moisture leads to rotting of the roots and, as a result, to the death of the plant.
Improper fertilization. Experts advise feeding the plant only once per season - in the spring. Before planting, soil preparation should not be the same as before planting vegetables. Skumpia does not need too fertile soil, saturated with mineral and organic fertilizers.
Rodents damage the root system. There is such a version, but it has not been officially confirmed. But it shouldn't be ruled out. Rodents in the areas in the summer are practically absent, but appear in the fall. It is likely that voles can gnaw on the roots of the plant.
Fight against moles. Pests do not gnaw the roots of the shrub, but they make such moves that the plant bends over and changes its habitual way of life.
To understand why the skumpia shoots wilt, you need to carefully observe the plant and identify the cause. Having compared the facts obtained during the observation with the arguments given in our article, it is recommended to immediately begin to solve the problem. We hope that our advice will help you.
Growing a shrub on a personal plot does not cause problems. There is only one point that gardeners should pay attention to - the skumpia needs to be prepared for wintering! If proper care is taken, the plant will fragrant and delight the eye with beautiful inflorescences and colorful foliage for many years.
VIDEO: Skumpia. Skump care. Planting skumpii
Skumpia. Skump care. Planting skumpii
Skumpiya: description, types, planting in the open field, reproduction and care of ornamental shrubs (60 Photos & Videos) + Reviews