What to do if there is no drinking water on your site, and you are used to the benefits of civilization? In order to provide water supply, wells are made. At first it may seem that it is impossible to do such a difficult job on your own, but if you follow the recommendations outlined in the article, you will succeed and you will put your own well into operation.
- Providing water to the country house and the adjacent area
- Ways to search for water, drilling sites
- How to find water, determine the depth and location of drilling?
- Types of wells
- Drilling technologies
- Filter types
- Types of pumps. Installation
- Well inside the house
- 7 blitz tips for those who do the well themselves

People and animals need good quality water

Providing water to the country house and the adjacent area

The well will provide water to the country house and the adjacent area
Do you know how much water is needed to run a household in a country house or in the country? If the house has running water, a shower, then the consumption per person per day is about 140 liters. It is necessary to take into account the water consumption for watering garden plants.
If you water the garden in the morning and in the evening for three hours, the water consumption per day per 1 m2 will be 4 m3. People and domestic animals need good quality water. The ecological situation leaves much to be desired, surface waters are polluted.
The search for high-quality drinking water from deep aquifers and interstratal layers is of particular relevance.

Ways to search for water, drilling sites
As a rule, summer cottages are located in places where there is no centralized water supply.
- Water is so necessary in a summer cottage, firstly for domestic needs, cooking
- When keeping pets, a regular supply of water is a must
- A well is the best option for providing your summer cottage with life-giving moisture.

How to find water, determine the depth and location of drilling?

The people have signs by which they find water
This is what our ancestors did - they observed what plants grow in a particular area. If willows and hazel grow on the site, then the aquifer lies close to the surface; in such areas, groundwater is at a depth of 3-5 meters from the surface. If viburnum, lilac, mountain ash feel good on the site, then the aquifer is located approximately at a depth of 6 - 10 meters.
- If a test drilling was carried out, as a result of which it turned out that the aquifer is located at a depth of 25 - 30 m, then it is possible to make a shaft well or a water well
- With powerful drilling equipment, you can make a well anywhere, the depth of wells can reach 140 meters
- Before you start drilling, calculate your capabilities and strengths, this is a laborious job
In some cases, it is better to entrust the work to people who know a lot about drilling, who will hand over a functioning facility in a short time on a turnkey basis. But if you still set your sights on independent work, arm yourself with the necessary knowledge.
With powerful drilling equipment, you can make a well anywhere, the depth of wells can reach 140 meters.

Types of wells
Fine tubular well or (Abyssinian)

The simplest well
Such a well has a depth of 8 to 13 m. Its main difference from a well is that the upper layers of groundwater and foreign contaminants do not enter the water.
Well on the sand

Schematic representation
- This well has a design in the form of a pipe, deepened by a screw method 20 - 30 meters into the soil.
- The end of the pipe has many holes, wrapped in a stainless steel mesh. The end section of the pipe with holes (filtration zone) is immersed in sand, consisting of a coarse fraction and pebble impurities.
- The flow rate of such a well easily covers the water consumption in a summer cottage or a small estate with two or three water intake points.
- Such structures can serve up to 5 years if used periodically, with regular use up to 10 - 15 years.
- The silted well is washed, a new mine is drilled nearby.

Schematic representation
If there are wells of this type in neighboring plots, then in your area the aquifer may be located in a limestone layer. In order to detect the depth of water, an experimental well is ordered. Often they do this together, since drilling artesian wells requires significant financial costs.
With the help of such a well, it is possible to extract water that lies at a depth of up to 200 m. It is able to provide more than one country or country house. An artesian well will last at least 50 years.

Drilling technologies
On site you can use
- Screw type drilling
- Rotary
- Contact
These three types of drilling differ in the way the soil is destroyed during the process of driving the hole, as well as in the way loose soil material is unloaded to the surface. Each of the methods involves the use of certain equipment, which determines the quality of the future water well.
Auger drilling
This is the most economical and easiest option. Drilling rigs of this type are very simple and compact. The principle of operation is to lift the soil with the help of an Archimedes screw (such drilling is similar to drilling a hole in ice during winter fishing).
It is suitable for punching the soil to a depth of 10 meters. With this method, there is no need to use drilling fluid or water to flush the equipment.
If you hire contractors to work, then pay attention not only to how they directly drill the soil, but also to whether the workers make sure that the top groundwater and sewage that easily seeps from the surface does not get into the aquifer.
Rotary drilling
To drill the earth to a greater depth, you need a drill pipe, which houses a rotating shaft with a chisel as a tip. The hydraulic installation creates a load on the bit. This drilling method is the most popular, with its help you can drill a well of any depth.
With this type of drilling, a special solution is used in order to remove rock from the drilling channel to the surface.
There are several ways to supply drilling fluid to the working pipe:
- The drilling fluid is pumped into the middle of the pipe by a pump, and, capturing the rock, by gravity comes to the surface through the space between the pipe and the soil - this is a direct type of flushing
- The drilling fluid enters the space between the working pipe and the soil by gravity, and is pumped out together with the trapped rock by a specially installed pump - this is a reverse type of flushing
The reverse type of flushing increases the flow rate of the well due to a more complete opening of the aquifer. This type of drilling is very time-consuming, requires special equipment, competent performers, which increases the funds for this work.
Contact percussion method of drilling
The method is old, it is very laborious, takes a lot of time, however, it gives an excellent result - a reliable well that can be operated for up to 50 years.
The technology is very simple;
- The earth is crushed under the blows of a heavy projectile, which rises up and falls down with great force.
- The loosened soil is lifted out of the shaft from the well shaft by means of a bucket with a hinged bottom.
- In rural areas, this type of drilling is still the most common.
- With such drilling, there is no need for drilling fluid, water
- The aquifer is opened quite accurately, the well flow rate and operating life are satisfactory
- The high labor intensity of this method is the biggest drawback.
- Such drilling, when reaching the second, third and subsequent aquifers, involves isolating the higher horizons with casing pipes
The customer is forced to buy additional large-diameter pipes, which leads to an increase in the amount of work. Having learned everything about the main types of well drilling, you can easily choose the option that is acceptable to you and ensure uninterrupted water supply to your country house.
- If the aquifer lies at a level of 10 meters and below, you can independently punch a vertical well
- The diameter of such a well is vertical from 50 to 500 mm, the walls are fixed with casing pipes made of steel or asbestos cement
- In order to make such a well with one's own hand, a special rod (lowering pipe) 1.5 - 2 m long is used.
- It is necessary to lower the bar vertically with shock-rotational movements
- On stable soil types (clay, stony soils) it is possible to drill a well without using a fixing casing
- When carrying out work on loose types of soils, first a well is hit by 3 m, then it is immersed in fixing the casing pipe with an extension at the bottom
- The casing pipe with an expander is driven in with turning
- Gradually penetrating deeper, increase the size of the well to the desired level
- Loose soil entering the inside of the pipe when turning is removed using a bucket with a folding bottom
If you are drilling a well on dry soil types or on clay, then after removing the loosened earth, several buckets of water should be poured to moisten and soften the soil. A working pipe with a perforated mesh or filter is immersed in a punched well. Coarse-grained sand, gravel or crushed stone is poured into the gap between the filter and the end of the pipe so that the top layer is half a meter higher than the filter.
Often, summer residents have to buy a pump, pipe, filter on their own.

Filter types
Slit filters

These filters are the easiest to install. They may be of small diameter.

They have the same advantages as slotted ones, but they have a small minus - this is a high input resistance, which affects the operation of the pump, its service life.
gravel packs
The simplest, in filters of this type, water is filtered through gravel or coarse sand located between the soil and the end of the pipe. This type is very reliable and economical. The gravel filter has its advantages - it is low resistance, efficiency, long service life, low degree of corrosion.

Gravel filters are usually used on loose soils, as well as on sandy soils.
So, the well is drilled, the pipe is lowered, you can proceed with the installation of the pump.

Types of pumps. Installation
There are many varieties pumps, consider the most commonly used pumps in wells for water:
- There are two varieties - manual and electric. By the way, it would be nice to have both types (for backup, in case of a power outage)
- An electric pump is installed at the very beginning of the well
- If the pump is installed on the surface, then groundwater can be pumped out from a depth of only up to 9 m

Surface pump piping diagram
- In case of water occurrence at a depth of 10 - 12 meters, a pit is made and the pump is immersed in the pit.
- This approach will make it possible to draw water from a depth of 11-12 meters.
- To pump water from deeper layers, you need a submersible pump.
Such pump immersed in a well, it squeezes water out under pressure

Before putting the well into operation, take water samples for analysis

Well inside the house

Indoor drilling
Of considerable interest is the well, which is located directly in the house:
- The indoor water supply system consists of a water lifting unit with a pressurized tank and a batch type pump, it will satisfy the most ambitious requests. In addition, the installation, located in the center of the house (in the basement), is economical, does not require large expenditures of materials.
- A water tank can be installed in the attic
- Installation in the basement or a pressure tank in the attic (in an insulated outbuilding) will ensure complete automation of the water supply of your country house
- The well in the basement of the house is drilled during the laying of the foundation, at the construction stage, when there is no overlap yet
- It is possible to make a well in the basement even if the first floor is covered, and a temporary opening is left above the well
- Nowadays, manual piston pumps are sometimes still used. In this case, a tank should be located in the attic, from which water will flow under pressure into a washbasin or shower

7 blitz tips for those who do the well themselves
- Before starting work, collect information from neighbors about how deep the water is in your area
- If the water is 5m above the surface, you're in luck. In this case, you can make a well with a garden drill
- It is not necessary to buy a device for drilling. You can rent a small-sized manual drilling rig
- When immersing a pipe in a well shaft, do not lower it to the very bottom, but leave it half a meter higher from the deepest point
- Ventilation holes must be provided in the pipe, otherwise the water will go bad. Attach a hinged cover to the pipe to allow air to enter the well
- Using a solid plastic pipe will facilitate and reduce the cost of work
- Take water samples for analysis. The transparency of drinking water must be at least 30 cm. The maximum allowable concentration of nitrates must not exceed 10 mg/dm3
well for water