Lilac: description, types and varieties, planting in the open field and caring for ornamental shrubs (85 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

lilac planting and care

Lilac has been cultivated since ancient times as a valuable ornamental plant. In early spring, a sea of ​​fragrant lilacs fills home gardens, parks and gardens. Asia Minor is considered the homeland. Translated from Greek means "pipe, pipe". If you extract the core from a branch or trunk of a lilac, you get a good musical instrument - a flute or pipe.

Thanks to the selection work, it is especially worth noting L.A. Kolesnikov, numerous varieties of ornamental plants appeared with double and simple flowers of pink, carmine, blue, red, purple, and yellow. Since planting and caring for lilacs does not cause difficulties, the beauty can easily be grown on a personal plot.

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Charming lilac - decoration of any site

Charming lilac - decoration of any site

The cultural diversity of lilac is represented by many species of hybrid and natural origin. Every year the number of species is rapidly increasing.


Common lilac - a welcome guest on the plot

Common lilac

In gardens, you can often find ordinary lilac, the species diversity of which includes 500 varieties with fragrant, fragrant purple, white, red, purple, lilac flowers. Common lilac blooms 4 years after planting. The only negative is that it gives a lot of shoots every year. In order not to start the site, it is required from time to time to cut out extra shoots.


Terry lilac

Terry lilac

Some varieties of lilacs have large, double flowers. The view is remarkable in that the flowers are “double”, that is, another one grows from the lower tube, similar to the first. Lilac can also be semi-double if there are fewer petals in the upper tube.


Lilac Hungarian

Lilac Hungarian

The species is characterized by resistance to adverse weather conditions. It's just a find. Hungarian lilac can easily endure severe frosts, even without shelter, it will not die from drought and waterlogging of the soil.

Flowering begins a couple of weeks later than ordinary lilacs. The flowers have long tubular legs, the petals are noticeably pointed at the ends. Inflorescences in several tiers, can reach 30 cm in length.


Amur lilac

Amur lilac

Bushes of a tall species reach a height of 10 m, a real giant. The leaves of the Amur lilac are similar to ordinary leaf plates. Blooms with small flowers. The color range is quite wide: from delicate shades of light tones to darker, creamy ones.

During the flowering of lilacs, you can’t just pass by, so the flowers thin out a strong, pleasant aroma. The species is resistant to temperature drops, but will never grow on poor soil, no matter how hard you try.


Persian lilac

Persian lilac

Persian lilac shrub reaches 3 m in height. In dense and dense inflorescences, fragrant flowers are collected, slightly smaller in size than those of the common lilac.

The species is a little capricious, as it is highly sensitive to low temperatures.

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Breeding work has given the world many varieties of lilacs. Some gardeners like standard lilacs, others are delighted with curly lilacs, others are ready to watch the flowering of dwarf lilacs for hours. Consider the most common varieties of lilacs.


Lilac aigul


Simply a marvelous variety that has gained popularity for the beauty of double, marbled pink top flowers and purplish pink flowers at the bottom of the brush. The variety belongs to Nadezhda Sakharova.

Aigul is a Bashkir female name, which means "moon flower" in translation.

This variety is very rare and can be found in collectors and botanical gardens. Blooms for 3 weeks. Differs in densely double, original, fragrant inflorescences. They have a pyramidal shape, very strong and dense. Inflorescences reach a height of 19 cm, and a width of 10 cm.


Lilac buffon


The variety belongs to Lemoine, was released in 1921. Spreading, low shrub rarely reaches 2 m in height.

The inflorescences are conical, wide, ovate, reach a length of 30 cm. The flowers are very large, simple. In bud, the flowers are pinkish-purple, then when dissolved, it changes to lilac with a barely noticeable pink tint, and when the petals fade, they become almost white.

Prefers an open sunny position. It grows and develops best on sandy, breathable soil. For better growth, you need to provide enough calcium, so you will have to make mineral and organic fertilizers.

It is resistant to drought, but you should not abuse this feature, you need to water the plants as needed, especially abundantly during flowering.

In early spring, while the buds are in a dormant state, it is necessary to carry out shaping and rejuvenating pruning, remove all old, damaged and excess shoots.

The Buffon variety is considered frost tolerant, but requires shelter during harsh winters.


lilac josie


It belongs to low-growing varieties, does not exceed 1.5 m in height with a bush width of 1 m. Heart-shaped leaves are pointed at the end, not large in size, 4 cm long. It blooms with small tubular flowers, painted in pink-lavender color. Interspecific hybrids may have carmine flowers.

Paniculate inflorescences, up to 10 cm high. Flowering begins in the last decade of May. The variety is remontant, so re-blooming is possible at the end of summer. But it will be weak.

Variety characteristic:

  • good winter hardiness
  • can grow in partial shade
  • prefers well-drained, light soil
  • needs to form a crown
  • disease resistant
  • responds well to fertilization

If the weather is hot, in order to avoid overheating of the root system, you need to mulch the surface of the soil and water it abundantly.

It is desirable to fertilize 2 times per season: in spring and at the end of summer. Nitrogen-containing fertilizers are applied only in the spring, in the fall they will cause harm.

Josie lilac can be used in solitary plantings, in combination with other varieties. Suitable for cutting.

Banner of Lenin

Lilac banner of Lenin

Banner of Lenin

The variety belongs to L.A. Kolesnikov. The banner of Lenin is an ordinary lilac with purple-red, simple flowers, reaching 2.5 cm in diameter. The flowers thin out a persistent, pleasant aroma.

The shrub reaches 2.5 m in height, wide, rounded. Belongs to the late-flowering variety.

Prefers sunny areas, so the lilac is able to open in all its glory. In good light, good inflorescences are formed with dense, ribbed, wide-pyramidal panicles.

Katerina Havemeyer

Lilac katherine havemeyer

Katerina Havemeyer

Emile Lemoine in 1922, in honor of Theodor Havemeyer's wife Katerina, brought out a beautiful variety.

Variety characteristic:

  • shrub large, tall, with spreading and straight branches, up to 5 m in height
  • heart-shaped wide leaves are painted in dark green color, do not change their color during the growing season
  • lilac buds with a purple tint, the flowers are painted in a pink tone, they give off a little purple, on the outside the color is brighter and more saturated
  • the diameter of double flowers is 3 cm
  • there are up to 2-3 wide-pyramidal panicles in the inflorescence

The height of the inflorescence is 24 cm, the width is 16 cm. The buds are rounded, 3 rows of pointed petals, mysteriously bent inward, make up the corolla. Abundant flowering is observed in May, the flowers thin out a pleasant, rather intense aroma.

The variety is resistant to low temperatures, easily tolerates drought, but does not tolerate waterlogging of the soil. Therefore, good drainage is essential before planting.

During top dressing, it is recommended to feed with fertilizers containing calcium. It is not demanding on the composition of the soil, but does not accept a strongly alkaline reaction. Does not tolerate drafts well.

Needs annual spring pruning. The variety cannot be called capricious. In the spring, it is desirable to remove root offspring, which are formed in large numbers.

Beauty of Moscow

Lilac beauty of Moscow

Beauty of Moscow

Worthy selection variety L.A. Kolesnikov, with large terry inflorescences. Pearly pink flowers exude a pleasant fragrance. Ornamental shrub refers to a perennial plant, has a sprawling crown shape. Shoots densely leafy, numerous. The leaves are heart-shaped, the surface is glossy, shiny, arranged oppositely. Flowering is abundant and long.

Prefers sunny areas with any soil. However, it grows best on loams with a good humus content.

Madame Lemoine

Lilac Madame Lemoine

Madame Lemoine

Tall variety with upright shoots up to 3-4 m in height. Flowering is long and abundant. In May, the lilac is densely covered with snow-white double flowers.
First saw the light in 1890. Opposite, wide-heart-shaped leaves of bright green color are located on powerful shoots.

Snow-white flowers up to 3 cm in diameter include 2 parted corollas. The flowers are collected in large, compact, broad-pyramidal inflorescences 30 cm high and 27 cm wide. The variety is giant!

Blooms annually in June. The variety prefers a brightly lit area, but can tolerate partial shade. It is recommended to grow on loamy soils with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction.

Meyer Palibin

meyer's lilac palibin

Meyer Palibin

The height of the dwarf ornamental shrub does not exceed 150 cm, it is the shortest variety known. Every year a new shoot appears on the shrub, but no more than 10 cm.

The shape of the crown is compact, rounded, also 150 cm in diameter. Young growing shoots are colored dark brown, with time they become brown. In addition, peculiar lentils become clearly visible on the cracked bark.

Broad leaf plates are elliptical in shape, dark green above, lighter below.

The dwarf variety is characterized by abundant flowering, which, under good weather conditions, occurs at the end of May. Inflorescences in height do not exceed 10 cm, blooms with lilac-pink flowers with a pale lilac tint.

The variety tolerates winter well, remontant, that is, it can re-bloom in one year. Repeated flowering will not be as lush as the first.


Lilac hope


Beautiful variety with rich purple flowers. The plant is tall, compact. The width of the shrub is 2 m, the height is 3 m. Upright, strong shoots form a spreading crown. Pyramidal inflorescences with noticeable ribbing. The buds are painted in purple, double flowers in dissolution have a shade of blue.

Variety benefits:

  • winter-hardy
  • fragrant flowers
  • late, long flowering

Lilac is recommended to be grown in an open area, the soil should have a slightly alkaline reaction.

The only drawback of the variety is susceptibility to diseases.

To avoid the formation of excess shoots, the root neck should not be buried in the soil, it is better if the grafting site is located flush with the soil surface or rises above it. Before planting, compost must be added to the prepared hole. Watering is plentiful, as the earthen coma dries out.

If the "Hope" lilac is grown on a bole, it requires more careful pruning.

Olympiad Kolesnikov

Olympiad Kolesnikov

Olympiad Kolesnikov

The variety combines the beauty of light pink buds with purple-red flowers.

A tall plant with a crown width of 2 m. Long shoots grow vertically upwards, dark. Leaf blades are dark green. The panicles included in the inflorescences are arranged vertically, have an acute pyramidal shape.

However, the variety is not resistant to viral diseases, but with good care, it is highly likely to avoid plant infection.

Grown in open areas, prefers fertile soil. Needs frequent watering.

Memory of Kolesnikov

Lilac Memory of Kolesnikov

Memory of Kolesnikov

The variety is named after the breeder L.A. Kolesnikov and was bred as a result of crossing his own varieties.

The inflorescences are huge, the flowers are double, sugar-white. By right, the variety is compared with a bride, because the beauty of flowers is comparable to a snow-white outfit. Lilac blossoms in mid-May, like a bride in a lace dress.

A feature of the variety is a change in color: even before dissolution, the buds are painted in a yellow-cream tone, and in the very dissolution they are white.


lilac sensation


Srednerosly, upright shrub up to 3 m in height. The growth is pretty fast. In one year, the growth of young shoots is from 20 to 30 cm. The leaf plates are painted in dark green, from 6 to 10 cm in length.

For landing, you need to choose a well-lit place, in extreme cases - partial shade. It grows well and blooms profusely in fertile, moist soil. When planting, it is necessary to make drainage, since the Sensation variety lilac does not tolerate stagnant water.

Differs in high winter hardiness. The variety is characterized by rapid growth, therefore, to maintain the decorative form, pruning is necessary. Removing faded inflorescences can thus prolong flowering.

Esther Staley

Lilac Esther Staley

Esther Staley

The wide-oval petals of Esther Staley's lilac have raised edges, after flowering they are bent in the opposite direction.

Large inflorescences usually include 2-3 panicles, less often - 5 pairs. Panicles are characterized by strength, density, have a sharp top. They reach 16 cm in height.
The elongated leaf plates are pointed, in autumn they turn carmine in color.

The shoots are erect, the bush is tall. The variety belongs to early flowering.

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Landing and care

By winter, it is necessary to mulch the soil

By winter, it is necessary to mulch the soil

The growth and flowering of the shrub will depend on the correct planting of lilacs. Lilac care should include regular loosening of the soil in the near-stem circle in order to provide air access to the root system, fertilization, annual formative and sanitary pruning, and mulching the soil for the winter.

How to prepare seedlings for planting?

2 weeks before planting lilac seedlings, it is necessary to dig planting holes. If seedlings are purchased at the age of 2-4 years, it is recommended to dig holes 35-40 cm deep and 40-45 cm in diameter. However, the final figure must be chosen depending on the root system already formed on the seedlings.

Drainage in the landing pit

Drainage in the landing pit

Drainage must be poured at the bottom of the pit, as many varieties do not tolerate stagnant water.. It is recommended to fill the entire hole with fertile soil, mix it with rotted manure, add humus, weathered peat. If the soils have high acidity, it is necessary to lime by adding 2 kg of tuff.

Sandy soils are poor in magnesium, therefore, before planting lilacs, it is recommended to add dolomite flour, it contains a high percentage of magnesium.

You can not do without mineral fertilizers:

  • granulated superphosphate - 700 g
  • bone or phosphate rock - 300 g


  • wood ash - 700 g
  • potassium sulfate - 150 g

When mixing mineral and organic fertilizers with the soil, you need to make sure that almost all of the prepared soil gets into the bottom of the hole. If the mixture is not enough, you need to fill with fertile soil.

landing technique

Before planting a lilac seedling, it is necessary to inspect the root system. If there are damaged areas, it is necessary to cut them off with a sharpened knife or secateurs.

When planting lilacs in the dry season, it is recommended to straighten the root system and dip it in the prepared manure-clay mixture.

Prepared pits should be half filled with fertile soil with organic and mineral fertilizers, evenly compacted.

young lilac

young lilac

Then, you need to pour a mound of earth in the center of the pit, almost to the very top. Place a lilac at the top of the mound, spreading the root system so that it looks in different directions.

In order to avoid deepening the neck after the soil settles, you should try to ensure that the height from the soil surface to the graft itself is at least 4 cm.

After the root system is sprinkled, you need to fill the entire hole to the top and compact the soil with your feet, starting from the very edge of the hole. During tamping, efforts should not be made, as the root system of the lilac can be damaged.

In order to subsequently make it easier to water, around the trunk you need to pour a roller of earth 20 cm high. This procedure is necessary to retain water during irrigation. Under one bush you need to pour up to 20 liters of water. When water is absorbed into the ground, it is necessary to sprinkle the soil in the trunk circle with dry soil and mulch with peat to a height of 3 cm.


Planting seedlings ends with abundant watering. The next moistening of the soil is recommended as the earthen coma dries up.

During flowering, lilacs require a lot of water.

During flowering, lilacs require a lot of water.

Abundant or moderate watering is necessary for the plant, depending on the variety. Some lilac seedlings are moisture-loving, others do not tolerate waterlogging. Therefore, before buying a variety, it is important to ask what features the purchased seedling has.

During flowering, it is recommended to water abundantly: in late May - early June. If the weather is rainy, the issue of watering disappears by itself.

Starting from mid-July, lilacs can not be watered, otherwise you can provoke a re-awakening of the kidneys.


It is important to plan the planting of seedlings correctly and at this time prepare the soil, that is, add all the necessary fertilizers to it. If the planting was carried out in accordance with all the rules, the lilac in the first 3 years will not need any additional feeding.

Fertilizing with mineral fertilizers in August

Fertilizing with mineral fertilizers in August

After 3 years, organic fertilizers are applied to the soil while digging the soil in the trunk circle. The shrub responds well to compost slurry, bird droppings, manure. But you need to be careful with bird droppings, as excessive application of this fertilizer can burn the root system.

In August, shrubs need to be fertilized with mineral fertilizers: once every 2-3 years, potash and phosphorus fertilizers are applied to the soil, after snow falls - ammonium nitrate.

During active growth, foliar top dressing of lilacs with mineral fertilizers can be carried out.


Lilac pruning

Lilac pruning

Many varieties of lilac grow strongly, so they need pruning. Consider the nuances of trimming an ornamental shrub.

  1. After flowering, faded brushes should be cut off. It is impossible to time with this, since flower buds are formed on summer shoots for subsequent flowering. If pruned in the fall, there will be no flowering in the spring, as the flower buds will be removed along with them.
  2. The best time for sanitary pruning is spring, however, if branches need to be pruned to prevent disease, pruning can be done at any time.
  3. An old adult bush can be rejuvenated. To do this, annually you need to cut under the root of one old branch. Thus, in a couple of years there will be a complete rejuvenation of the shrub. It is better to carry out rejuvenation in the spring.

Some gardeners carry out cultural pruning in order to preserve decorativeness. To do this, 6 main shoots are left in the main bush, located at some distance from each other. This formation gives the shrub a sprawling appearance. All unnecessary shoots are recommended to be removed. Cultural pruning should be carried out in the spring as needed, even before the buds swell.

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Reproduction methods

For propagation of garden varietal lilacs, several methods are used:

  • winter-hardy
  • fragrant flowers
  • late, long flowering

Due to the fact that lilac gives a lot of shoots, young seedlings can be separated and transplanted to a new place.

Rooting cuttings

Lilac cuttings

Lilac cuttings

To increase the lilac population, you can use the cutting method. As planting material, it is necessary to cut semi-lignified cuttings. Reproduction should be carried out during June and early July. For cuttings, the middle part of the shoots is cut off.

Propagation by seeds followed by grafting

In order to propagate lilac and be sure that it will repeat all the signs of the mother plant, it is necessary to use a vaccination. Rootstocks can be grown from seeds and grafted on them with the varieties you like.

You need to collect seeds in the fall, in October. After removing the seeds from the boxes, they must be dried and immediately sown before winter. During the cold season, the seeds will undergo natural stratification and sprout in the spring.

lilac seeds

lilac seeds

Seeds should be sown on prepared garden bed. It is necessary to wait until the surface of the soil is slightly frozen, covered with snow and, only then, sow the seeds, deepening them into the ground by 1.5 cm. With the advent of spring, the seedlings need to be picked up and sent for growing.

You can sow in the spring, but seeds that have not undergone stratification are unlikely to germinate. Therefore, the collected seeds must be put in a bag and sent to the refrigerator for stratification.

Mid-March is a good time to sow seeds. You need to sow in disinfected soil. Seeds of different species have different germination times. Common lilac seeds hatch after 2 weeks, Amur seeds are more capricious, the first seedlings can be seen only after 2 or even 3 months. When 4 leaves are formed on the plants, the seedlings are dived into separate pots, if the picking is carried out in boxes, then the distance between the specimens should not be less than 4 cm.

In May, after the threat of return frosts has passed, the seedlings are planted in the garden. Seedlings should not be planted in the fall, as they can freeze out during the winter.

As a rootstock, you can take a stock of Hungarian lilac, privet or common lilac. On the prepared rootstock, you need to make an oblique cut with a sharp knife, make sure that it is not “torn”, otherwise the grafting will fail. The same cut must be made on the handle. The graft is tightly combined with the stock so that they fit well, wrapped with a film or electrical tape.

Reproduction by layering

This method allows you to get a full-fledged, well-developed seedling by autumn, which can be safely transplanted to a new place.

To root the layering, it is necessary to make a horizontal shallow groove near the lilac, bend the shoots to the ground, and fix it well. On top of the laid shoots, you need to pour a layer of earth so that the layering takes root faster.

Reproduction scheme by layering

Reproduction scheme by layering

Very soon layering will develop from the lateral buds. With this method of reproduction, the seedling completely repeats the maternal qualities.This method is considered less labor-intensive, since the entire rooting process takes place without separation from the mother plant, that is, during the formation of roots, the cuttings are fed from an adult plant.

Before purchasing seedlings for planting, it is important to pay attention to their condition. The planting material should have a well-formed system, the scales should fit snugly against the buds, and matte or slightly glossy foliage should have a healthy green tint.

Lilac: description, types and varieties, planting in the open field and caring for ornamental shrubs (85 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

How to prune lilac

Lilac: description, types and varieties, planting in the open field and caring for ornamental shrubs (85 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

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