In nature, there are many plants, the benefits of which can be replaced by just one. Most often, a person passes by a wild rose, and does not know all its useful properties.

Composition and characteristics of wild rose

The plant has been known for several centuries, and using it to heal and support the body is a proven practice.
Perennial plant of the Rosaceae family. It is a shrub up to 2 meters in height, growing rapidly, thanks to the roots and berries, which generously scatter seeds.
For the preparation of fortified drinks, leaves, flowers, berries and roots of the plant are used. It blooms in May, the buds look like a rosebud, open into a pink flower with a bright yellow center.
The plant is a champion in the content of vitamins A and C. This combination is very important for supporting the body after an illness. It is ideal for the prevention of beriberi in both children and adults.
Vitamins B1 and B2 in rose hips are involved in the breakdown of carbohydrates and have a positive effect on vision. Due to the presence of vitamins B1 and B2 in the composition, iron, also found in rose hips, is easily absorbed.

It is believed that not all of its properties have yet been discovered, and its benefits to the body, in fact, are much greater than we know.
Low calorie content - 110 kcal per 100 g of dry berries, allows you to use decoctions even with a strict diet.
Trace elements, such as potassium, calcium, magnesium and iron, are necessary, first of all, for a growing organism. The use of decoctions in baby food for the prevention of colds, vitamin deficiency, is justified not only theoretically.

Rose hip properties
Rose hips are widely distributed throughout the world, and are absent only in regions with permafrost. It is quite frost-resistant, which allows it to grow and multiply in the northernmost regions.
Known properties of this plant, such as:
- tonic
- restorative
- multivitamin
- anti-inflammatory
- astringent
- reducing pressure
- diuretic
- wound healing
Rosehip roots, due to the tannin in the composition, have an astringent effect, they are used both in the form of tea and for gargling, washing wounds, burns. Long-term healing, festering wounds, postoperative scars, when treated with a decoction of the roots, heal faster.
Berries contain the largest amount of vitamins, and during massive colds, spring beriberi, doctors recommend the use of decoctions for prevention. The high iron content helps fight anemia and improves and speeds up the production of red blood cells in the body.

In most cultures, rose hips are preferred for the treatment of many diseases.
Leaves and flowers, tone up and have a restorative effect. When added to the composition of fees, infusions, tea, the drink acquires a light pink aroma.
The plant is a powerful antioxidant, and the quality of skin, hair, youthfulness of the body, as you know, depends on these substances.

Application in traditional medicine
This plant has been used qualitatively in folk medicine around the world, and recipes have been passed down from generation to generation for many years. Most often, these are infusions and decoctions. It is advised to use infusions, the preparation of which does not require boiling, which reduces the content of vitamins and nutrients in the composition.
The most famous recipes of traditional medicine, most often, contain one or another part of the dog rose. Sometimes it acts as the main means, or in the form of a concomitant, tonic.

The presence of a plant in the collection indicates that it contains a high content of vitamins.
For the preparation of decoctions, infusions, a handful is the measure for dry raw materials. This allows you to calculate the correct amount, directly for one person. How many will enter a closed fist, and there is one handful.
Infusion against avitaminosis
- a handful of a mixture of dried berries and rose hips
- root the size of an index finger
- lime blossom tablespoon
- a tablespoon of honey
Pour dry mixture and root with one liter of boiling water in a thermos. After cooling, add honey to the broth.
Take in the morning and in the evening half a glass, topping up the glass to full with warm boiled water.

You can brew the ingredients separately, and combine before use
Infusion for diseases of the genitourinary system
- dry rosehip root, the size of 2 index fingers
- a handful of dry raw materials from leaves and berries
- calendula flowers - pinch
- a tablespoon of bearberry
- a handful of dry Ivan - tea
Pour raw materials with one liter of boiling water in a thermos. Leave overnight. Before going to bed, drink half a glass, diluted with half a glass of warm water.

After taking the infusion, do not eat anymore
Infusion for colds and fever
- a handful of dry raw materials from berries and flowers
- a handful of dry raw materials from St. John's wort
- teaspoon dried raspberries
Pour all the ingredients with one liter of boiling water. Leave overnight. Drink in the morning and in the evening 100 g each, diluting the cold infusion with 200 grams of boiling water.

At high temperatures, you can add a teaspoon of juice lemon
Decoction for treating wounds and gargling
- bunch of dried berries
- root, the size of 2 index fingers
- 2 tablespoons dry chamomile
Ingredients pour half a liter of cold water, and cook for 40 minutes in a water bath. With sore throat and inflammation of the throat, with caries or tooth sensitivity, gargle and mouth 2 times a day. After that, be sure to rinse with clean water.
To treat wounds - cool in a sterile container and treat wounds with sterile swabs.

Brewing in a thermos is the best option for preparing an infusion
Collection for the preparation of a drink from fresh raw materials
The preparation of medicinal drinks for a course of treatment or prevention is relevant at the time of maturation of one or another part of the plant:
- in May, when the flowers are picking buds, it is necessary to use them fresh for tea and infusions, as well as for preparing water for washing
- in September - October, when the berries begin to shrivel, it is time to brew tea, prepare infusions and decoctions to protect the immune system

Freshly picked berries have a lot of advantages - they can be made into jam, frozen, or ground with sugar for storage. Use fresh in season

collection for storage
In order for the wild rose to retain its beneficial properties and become an excellent help during the winter, it is necessary to follow the rules for collection and storage.
Flower picking should begin in May, when the buds have not yet fully opened. It is better to do this before 9 o'clock in the morning, when the dew has already dried up, but the flower is a little juicy. Spread the buds in a dry, dark place on clean white paper, and dry until the flower completely crumbles when pressed. Store in glass jars, in dark and dry rooms.

It is better not to refreeze, and store no more than two years

Dried buds are very decorative and have a distinct pink smell.
Berry picking begins in late September - early October. The berries should start to shrivel. You can dry them in the oven, or special dryers, at a temperature not exceeding 60 degrees, with a constant outflow of air - for this, every 20 minutes you need to open the oven door for 2 minutes. Store in jars in a dark dry place.

Dry berries after brewing look like freshly picked, and contain all the vitamins
Roots for decoctions and infusions are dug up at the end of October, when the plant begins to shed its seeds, and the active growth of the root part begins. It is necessary to take the roots no thicker than the index finger - they are not young, but not dry either. Rinse the dug out roots with running water, dry in a dry room, laying in a canvas bag.
You can put it in the oven for 2 hours to dry completely, setting the temperature to 80 degrees, and opening the door every 20 minutes. Store in a rag bag up to 3 years.

Dry roots have a very pleasant aroma, and even children will like tea with them.

Often, on bushes with already ripe berries, you can see fresh buds
This makes it possible to collect them throughout the summer and enjoy freshly brewed tea.

Application for the manufacture of medicines
The plant is actively used for the manufacture of medicines and dietary supplements. Due to its characteristics, most manufacturers add extract and juice to dosage forms for diseases such as:
- blood diseases
- hyperthyroidism
- atherosclerosis
- nephrosis
- obesity
- kidney and liver diseases
- infectious diseases
There are drugs for weight loss, which include rosehip juice from its different parts.

The well-known drug Holosas is made only from wild rose
Medicines containing this plant should be stored in a dry and dark place, as sunlight destroys vitamins.

Rosehip for weight loss
The properties of the plant, due to the presence of vitamins and microelements in it, as well as the fact that rosehip is not an allergen, make it possible to use it for the treatment of obesity, in diets for weight loss and balance.
Adherents of mono diets know that when following a diet based on protein intake, vitamin deficiency is inevitable. Teas and infusions from this plant allow you to maintain a balance in the body of vitamin C and trace elements.
Antioxidants and tannins help the skin regenerate quickly after weight changes. This means that the skin after losing weight will quickly tighten, stretch marks can be avoided altogether.

Extra centimeters will begin to disappear from the waist if teas with this healing berry are introduced into the diet.
Thanks to potassium, the system of cleansing the body starts. Its deficiency, as a rule, with heavy drinking, playing sports, slows down metabolic functions, and can cause swelling. Cellulite and weak skin structure are also a sign of a lack of potassium in the body.
Infusion for use with diets of a different nature
- a handful of dried berries and flowers
- root the size of an index finger
- a handful of dry oregano
- a handful of Ivan - tea
- a tablespoon of honey

Pour dry ingredients with two liters of boiling water in a thermos, or in a bowl covered with a blanket
Infuse for at least 6 hours, and add honey. When used, dilute ½ cup of infusion with boiling water. It is recommended to consume no more than 3 cups of the finished drink per day.
Rosehip for men
For the prevention of male diseases, the infusion is used as a strong anti-inflammatory agent. Tannins, antioxidants, vitamins and microelements have a beneficial effect on the prostate gland, not only as a prophylactic agent, but also in the course of treatment.
The infusion relieves inflammation, reduces pain, relieves swelling, this is very important at the time of treatment, and during acute attacks of the disease.
Constant intake of infusion can get rid of the cause of the disease. Prevention of prostatitis with rose hips is carried out systematically, and a course of treatment in spring and autumn will reduce the risk of inflammation of the prostate gland.
The use of infusion 2-3 times a week reduces the risk of prostate disease to zero.
Infusion for the prevention and treatment of prostatitis.
- root, the size of 2 index fingers
- two handfuls of dry raw materials from berries and flowers
- a handful of dry raw materials from the leaves and flowers of Ivan - tea
- tablespoon of peeled pumpkin seeds
Mix the ingredients, in the presence of large parts, grind in a mortar. Pour hot water over and keep in a water bath for 40 minutes. Do not let the infusion boil. Pour the finished infusion together with the cake into a thermos, leave overnight.
During the week, in autumn and spring, drink twice a day. You can drink up to 3 cups of warm, diluted ½ infusion per day.

During summer and winter, drink infusion in the form of tea at least once a week.

With all the benefits of this wonderful plant, do not forget that it also has contraindications. We must not forget that everything is useful in moderation, as well as avoid the recommendations of a doctor.
If you have a suspicion of any disease, or one of the listed diseases, be sure to discuss the possibility of drinking a drink with your doctor:
- gastritis, and other diseases of the digestive system. the high content of ascorbic acid makes the plant unsafe with high acidity
- thrombophlebitis, and other blood diseases. Rosehip has the ability to thicken the blood
- heart diseases
- liver disease
- dermatological diseases without specialist advice
This plant has a lot of advantages not only for treatment. Tea drinking with the family, with a teapot of infusion of rose hips and flowers, will not only protect your body, but also add charm and warmth to dinner.
What is useful rosehip
Rosehip - 10 cult recipes and its beneficial properties and contraindications (Photo & Video) + Reviews
An amazing plant - wild rose, in which literally every part of it is useful! Previously, I didn’t know that infusions of rosehip flowers can also be used, usually we are talking about berries and their beneficial properties, but few people mention the roots of the plant and the flowers themselves! Now I know, the article is very informative. Now it’s just May, the beginning of flowering, it’s time to stock up on vitamins, what am I going to do the other day and get these miraculous flowers, since rose hips can be found even in the city, the plant is not whimsical! As for its use, everything is very simple - pour boiling water and cover with a lid, you can combine it with other herbs or roots, or you can use a pure decoction. The main thing in everything is to know the measure. As for the taste, for me personally it is not saturated and has a characteristic aroma of wild rose, not everyone likes it. Tip - a spoonful of honey in a warm (not hot!) decoction and a little mint - the drink will take on a completely different flavor and become more refreshing.
Children also know about the beneficial properties of rose hips. However, I am reading about flowers and roots for the first time. I like infusion from fruits, we collect it with our own hands. Even the aroma is different from pharmacy berries. The idea is wonderful with flowers, I will follow, it's still early, May is getting colder. But as soon as they appear, I will certainly, at least a little, but I will type. A dried petal looks very picturesque and non-trivial, no worse than store-bought imported ones, with additives. Undoubtedly joyfully inspiring and beautiful photos with this wonderful plant.
A giant rosehip bush grows in the yard. Every autumn I collect the fruits of this medicinal plant and dry them. We drink rosehip infusions with the whole family. You can also add fruits to tea. After drinking the drink, the mood rises, the general tone of the body improves, the blues and apathy go away, which is especially important for the autumn-winter period. This drink is considered a safe natural stimulant. It is ideal for people who are engaged in heavy physical labor. Himself, when he worked in the mine, survived only at the expense of wild rose. Since after the shift I don’t want to live, such unbearable fatigue. Rosehip infusion prevents this fatigue. It is not written in the article, but rosehip syrup is the best cough remedy that does not respond to traditional treatment. For a couple of days of taking the syrup, the most severe dry cough disappears. True, I don’t know how to make rosehip syrup, so I recommend purchasing ready-made syrup at a pharmacy. It is expensive, but I have not seen a better cough remedy. I recommend to everyone.
The benefits of wild rose are invaluable, such a versatile plant, which is firstly used in traditional medicine almost completely: the leaves of flowers during flowering, and fruits, and even twigs.
Personally, I love rosehip tea, but not only when I'm sick, but just flower tea. We tear the whole family, dry it and add it to tea. This year they drank from the middle of summer and Thank God they managed to avoid the cold season, but as soon as I stopped brewing, it began.
Although I try to drink herbal teas with the addition of rose hips to cleanse the blood and nourish the body with useful vitamins.
The only thing I discovered in the article is that rose hips are a great way to lose weight! If only he would have pumped the press - he would not have had a price)))
I don’t drink a lot of tea from it, because the pressure sets, and of course - the first lifesaver.